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Posts posted by bini120

  1. Fabulous idea, thank you!

    One from me: I made my own cottage cheese/paneer this weekend:

    Bring 8 cups 2% milk to a boil (I flavored the milk with salt and cumin seeds), add 1/4 cup of lemon juice and simmer as curds separate; pour into cheesecloth lined colander and hang to drain liquid, squeeze cheese between two plates and refrigerate. Make sure to keep a pot under the colander to save the liquid whey. The whey can then be used as Protein in homemade soup!

  2. At approx 5 weeks post op I began to experience daily bouts of extreme nausea in the mornings which would last all day. I thought it was something I was eating (I knew I wasn't pregnant as I'd recently had my period). After weeks of experimenting and feeling miserable, I learnt that my birth control pill (Apri) was the culprit! It must've been throwing my hormones out of whack. I've stopped taking it and am instantly cured. I'll have to find another method of contraception but did want to share the insight with others in case anyone is mysteriously unwell after surgery.

  3. I'm 6 weeks out and my cycle has gone bonkers. Had a period last month which lasted 2 weeks and all of a sudden this week got major spotting out of nowhere. I am taking my pill consecutively as I always have, in effort to skip my period for a few months at a time, but after surgery it seems my uterus has a mind of its own.

  4. @@GinaCampbell I've read all the posts on here and am impressed with how masterfully and swiftly you managed to dilute the goodwill that has always been extended to you on these boards. Bravo.

    People showed up to support you yet again on this thread and one by one you slapped them away, picking on words that were never meant to attack, harm or 'bully' you. Perhaps you should have prefaced in your original note that you were not looking for compassion or support and that might've effectively kept any love coming to you, at bay.

    What's been phenomenal to see however, is the continued decency and patience showed by most of the responders on here, even in the face of serious vitriol spat out by the person you were doing your best to support. I thank these people for showing that nastiness can be responded to with grace - that's what I'll taking away from this mess of a thread.

    Thank you!

    I am here to continue to help the people who feel as I do.

    For everyone who stops by to be insulting, it highlights my objective.


    Please feel free to unsubscribe and ignore if you have no fear of or experience with post op regrets or issues.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    It is not your desire to 'educate' others that offends me; it's your frankly baffling treatment of well-meaning people that were sincerely trying to lift your spirits and give you another perspective.

    I have a niggling feeling that self-awareness might not be a forte of yours, so I'm not going to waste my time trying to put up a mirror for you see what you're doing (like others have tried to do, in a much more articulate and decent way than I can muster).

    I wish you well.

  5. @@GinaCampbell I've read all the posts on here and am impressed with how masterfully and swiftly you managed to dilute the goodwill that has always been extended to you on these boards. Bravo.

    People showed up to support you yet again on this thread and one by one you slapped them away, picking on words that were never meant to attack, harm or 'bully' you. Perhaps you should have prefaced in your original note that you were not looking for compassion or support and that might've effectively kept any love coming to you, at bay.

    What's been phenomenal to see however, is the continued decency and patience showed by most of the responders on here, even in the face of serious vitriol spat out by the person you were doing your best to support. I thank these people for showing that nastiness can be responded to with grace - that's what I'll taking away from this mess of a thread.

  6. I'm 6 weeks post-op and as of the last 3 days have had daily nausea after having Breakfast (which is usually Greek yogurt or cottage cheese (vegetarian, no-eggs). I'm drinking Water as I've done last few weeks. I've had an extremely smooth recovery so far but now this has popped up out of nowhere.

    I contacted the practice nurse yesterday and she said it could be a thiamine (B1) deficiency (I take Multivitamins every day so that didn't sound right). She said to get bloodwork if it continues.

    Has anyone had this happen suddenly a few weeks out? I feel like I'm constantly trying not to throw up (and haven't since surgery).

  7. The truth is that motivation is fleeting and you'll never have it consistent control of it - you need to find another way to get yourself to work out. I get it 'out of the way' in the mornings before work and try to see working out as brushing my teeth: it's something I have to do even if I don't really enjoy doing it. I also line up my favorite podcasts to listen to while I'm working out so I have something to look forward to.

  8. I'm almost 6 weeks out from surgery and have lost 23 lbs since surgery (weight at surgery was 238 lbs). This seems to be a lot less than others have lost.

    I consume approx 800 calories a day and most days stay under 50g of carbs. I'm a vegetarian who doesn't eat eggs so getting in enough Protein has always been a challenge - I max out at 60g of protein most days. I can't stand the taste of Protein shakes so those are no longer in my repertoire.

    I've only just begun working out in effort to speed up the weight loss.

    I've had an extra-long period for the last 10 days which might be contributing to the holding on of weight.

    Any ideas on why I might not be losing as much?

  9. I've always been predisposed to nausea for some reason and coming up to 4 weeks post-op, I've probably had 4-5 bad bouts of nausea if I've eaten too quickly or if I haven't eaten enough. I was also on antibiotics for a UTI last week which didn't help my constitution. I haven't thrown up yet though - I've just become really good at sitting still or lying down until the icky feeling passes.

  10. Just over 3 weeks post-op, I'm still only able to eat 1/3 cup puréed or soft foods but am finding I'm getting hungrier quicker so have been spreading 4-6 very small 'meals' over the course of a day.

    I tend to get nauseous if I don't eat during the day and also very nauseous and I'll if I eat too quickly/too much so I only eat when I'm satisfied, like others have said, leaving room for error.

    Since I'm not supposed to have fluids until 30 minutes after a meal, it's a task to get all my Water in during the day.

  11. No but I'm three and a half weeks out and I have strep throat. It's thought to get through all my fluids with a really sore throat. The antibiotic seems like it is sitting in my stomach and slowly turning to acid. I hope I can kick this fast.

    That's rough, I'm sorry you're going through that. Have you tried those throat numbing lozenges?

  12. Anyone else suffered from UTIs soon after surgery? Strangely it was also mentioned in the book given by the practice. Is it because we aren't getting enough fluids at this stage?

    I've had them before but this one is particularly rough in terms of pain. I'm having to swallow pretty large antibiotics (which can't be broken in half) so it's a bit crap all round.

  13. Hey guys. I have a stupid question. Am I supposed to feel this good?

    I had surgery at around noon on Thursday 7/7. By 7:30 pm that night I was feeling great- I walked over a hundred laps around my unit and went home at 4 pm on Friday.

    Since then- no real issues. I've read about so many on this board. No Constipation, no major fatigue, liquids are going down very easy, I don't even really have to sip and I'm getting over 60 grams of Protein (shakes) and at least 80 oz of fluids (mostly water) everyday. My urine is running clear and I'm not constipated. I'm sleeping better than I did pre-op and stopped taking pain meds yesterday.

    Yesterday and today I was out and about, shopping and helping out an elderly relative. I've been going for long walks in my neighborhood. This morning I competently handled some international business matters before 9 am. Tomorrow I'm planning to swing by my office to handle some business, walk around the city, get a facial and babysit my nephew.

    So this post is not a humblebrag. I'm seriously wondering- is something going to come smack in the face in a few days? Did anyone else feel totally fine after surgery? Is my perspective skewed from reading too many posts about complications?

    Looks like they did the placebo surgery on you...

    JUST KIDDING! Enjoy the no complication recovery, mine was pretty easy too :)

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