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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Candygyrl

  1. @@sgc sorry to hear that keep hanging in there. I know that feeling pre op. How's your activity level? Are you at 30 min daily? I'm still on liquids advance into purees on Fri.

    I have tried other foods and tolerated it well but I really want to stick to the plan.

    It's easy to fall back into old habits although we can't eat as much so I'm hoping that's not an issue for you. Nothing is stopping us from making poor choices but us.

    I hope things turn around for you. Increase your fluids, Protein and activity and talk to your team they will help you get over this hump.

  2. I Have PCOS. Sleeved 7/1. My only real issues weight gain and irregular periods. Still no period but I'm not looking forward to it either. I didn't take Metformin consistently therefore i didn't take it. I've lost about 13lbs most of which happened 5-6 days post op. I've stalled since then.

    I fear that PCOS makes my body recognize weight loss sooner and then my body panics and holds on.

    Other than that I'm just continuing to do what I'm supposed to and I'm certain things will keep moving right along.

  3. I feel great as well and hitting my 2 week mark this Friday. My surgeon said i could start working out immediately slowly building up to a recommended 30 min brisk walking daily.

    @4 weeks, resistance training may begin.

    These are my instructions yours may be different doesn't hurt to wait at least 4 weeks and slowly ease your way into it. .

    I feel great as well and hitting my 2 week mark this Friday. My surgeon said i could start working out immediately slowly building up to a recommended 30 min brisk walking daily.

    @4 weeks, resistance training may begin.

    These are my instructions yours may be different doesn't hurt to wait at least 4 weeks and slowly ease your way into it. .

  4. Not really. I'm 10 days post op and still on liquids. I cook for my family just the same. This morning I made them french toast and turkey sausage and ill be making spaghetti and garlic bread tonight. I have no issue with it. I don't cook that often so when I have had to cook for them it's been fine. I wonder if that will change as i transition to solids.

    I imagine i may have to eat differently from them sometimes like if it's a pizza night, I'll have to have something different and I'm ok with that.

  5. I am 10 days post op. I buy both the 8 oz abd 16.9 oz bottled waters. So I drink one (8oz) within 30 min of waking and it takes me less than 10 min to get it down.

    I eat about 30-60 min later

    about 1/4 cup of cream of wheat (just because I really have loved it since childhood)

    When I go back to work, I will have premier Protein shakes instead. I can drink one in about 30 min. I drank them like that before surgery sometimes over an hr!

    8oz Water 30 min later

    30 mim later a Triple Zero greek yogurt w/15g Protein. I can get it in easily over 10 min. I don't try and rush it. I use a baby spoon and just enjoy it.

    I eat lunch and dinner. I will typically have a yogurt in between meals whether its mid afternoon or late evening.

    My kids always have something going on so either during transporting them to and from their activities or during a game I'll sip on a Protein shake. I even have a plastic Starbucks coffee cup that I sip it out of.

    I take a 16.9oz bottled Water with me anytime I leave my house. It's what i do while driving. I make sure to drink most of it all by the time I get to my destination and if there's any left i just take it with me.

    We went to the movies the other day, i stuck a Protein Shake in my purse to sip on. Same thing when I went to the hair salon.

    So basically yes i am able to do it. I have to make a conscious effort to do so. I'm still on liquids but to ensure that I get my protein in for now, I make a habit of grabbing a shake or yogurt especially if there is a long event, game, or car trip.

    Same with water.

  6. I admit i just read her initial post and it just struck a nerve. Regardless I'm sure she can care less what I think but from what I see she's been rather defensive towards anyone who has less than supportive things to say.

    Everyone's journey is different. I can't dream of eating bacon or anything that is not considered healthy for my body and to hear of someone doing it (although I'm sure there has been worse stories) was just astonishing to me.

    I was preparing sliders and french fries for my family last night and although they looked and smelled delicious that was the end of it other than thinking of healthier versions for future references aka turkey burger slider w/swiss cheese and Tomato wrapped in Boston lettuce.

    I'm so thankful for my sleeve and I never want to have to have a revision and the only way that will happen is if I make a firm decision to remain compliant with lifestyle changes. No one's perfect or none of us would be here. But I have to question ones commitment level or rediness for change when they are willing to eat bacon not even a week post op. So quick to fall back into old habits.

    I understand this is a forum meant to encourage and support others and although i make no apologies for my premature comments, I will refrain from making comments that come off as less than supportive in the future.

    Good luck on your journey.

  7. Whaaaaaaaaaat! I haven't read the whole thread so please forgive me if I'm missing something. You mean to tell me, that YOU after having sleeve conversion which i assume is the same as having the sleeve... had the audacity to eat BACON so soon after the surgery?

    I don't plan to eat BACON ever again let alone post op. I get that same pain you speak of but i don't think it's hunger. Im not sure what it is because I get mines whether I've eaten or not.

    Your Dr should be flabbergasted! You make it hard for those of us who have not only had the surgery but have accepted this as a lifestyle change. Far more healthier options are available to you in the early post op phase. Protein shakes, yogurt, Soup, Jello, applesauce, hot Cereal. Hell even if you had to make a fruit smoothie with Protein that is better than BACON!

    And then you say you only lost 20 lbs? Girl BYE!!!

    Oh dear... let us pray. I know I sound judgemental but honey you need serious psychological help ASAP! Bless you.

  8. No they take you into a room and it's optional but you may take off your shoes or jewelry or other things that may add weight.

    They take your BP and review your medications.

    They measure you fully clothed. Neck, waist/stomach, hips.

    I was only measured once but each month they weigh you check your bp and review medications.

  9. I get a pain to . I'm 6 days post op. I don't know how to describe it. It comes and goes it sits right behind my sternum at the top of my stomach. It feels like the beginnings of a burp that never comes, or like something is going in and gets stuck even though I'm not eating anything.

    When it happens it's only for a few seconds like between 5-10. I can't take a deep breath and sometimes it triggers a hiccup. Its really annoying and uncomfortable when its happening.

    I'm not sure if that's what you're feeling but hope you feel better soon.

  10. Updates. Day 6 post op. I feel good. I'm not sore, gas pain has not been an issue for the last couple days. I created a eating and drinking schedule. Starting with liquids Within the first 30 min of waking. I can take all my chewable Vitamins in the am. But i take my Calcium at night.

    I can tolerate about 1/4 cup of something so I have 1/4 cup cream of wheat and a 1/3 portion of Oikkos dannon greek yogurt.

    After 30 min i start on my premiere Protein shake. I give myself about an hour to an 1 1/2 to get it down. Then I give myself a break for the next 3 hours only sipping on ice Water.

    By lunch I'll have the remaining of my yogurt and if i can a little cream of chicken Soup. 30 min later resume sips of ice Water, popsicle, Jello over the next 3 hr break

    dinner I'll have 1/4 cream of mushroom, Gerber peaches or bananas.

    Sip fluids until bedtime.

    Once my diet advances and i get 1 month post op I'll make adjustments by adding another premier Protein Shake to my day for a total of 60 g and the other 20-30g will come from meals and Snacks.

    I will try riding my bike today with the hubby.

  11. If I had no time to work with, based on my current post op progress with surgery being fri 7/1 the soonest i would feel ready to go back to work would be mon 7/11. I would want a full week, plus the weekend hence a Monday rtw date. I have a desk job. However my health is the most important thing so if taking some time to just take care of me is what I need I'm going to give that to myself. Some people not by choice do not have that option.

    I did not have to take any personal time. This is all short term disability and it is paid @ 80% until I return. Everyone doesn't have quite the same options. When i was a nurse in the hospital, they made you use 5 of your pto days before your short term disability kicked in which would've have been a bummer but i wouldve done it.

    I'm thankful for my time off and i will use it heal and get into the swing of life with the sleeve.

  12. Day 4 post op. 7/4 was rough. Because for everyone else life goes on. My hubby decided to have folks over and I resented him for that. How dare you, knowing I just had surgery decide to invite people over impromptu for food and fireworks it wasn't fair to me.

    Anyways my mom picked my kids up for the parade and later picked me up to get me out the house. I stayed with my family until 9. It was rough sore, fatigue, gas but i was scared to eat or drink anything.

    All the food smelled great. But I couldn't dream of putting anything in my mouth. I had no regret there have been plenty of holidays and there will be plenty more. Right now my healing is the focus and getting to know my sleeve.

    Last night i started putting ice on the abdomen it was soothing and i imagine there is still lots of swelling so, I've been doing that all day today as well.

    Today I got through 3 8 oz cups of fluids. 3 popsicles. 1/4 cup of cream of wheat. I'm at my son's baseball game so Im sipping on a bottle of ice cold Water and apparently my sleeve still likes ice cold so im happy about that.

    I'm easing into the swing of things slow and steady, I'm doing what I can. Tomorrow I will do a little more and then a little more the day after.

  13. Sooooo... I went for a late walk around 10pm and around 10:40pm, i passed gas and it was such a relief. Everybody in the house was soooooo happy :)

    I rested well. So much pressure relieved from my abdomen! Man that was the worst. I am only going to do Clear liquids for now just to increase my Fluid intake. Oh and the milk of mag i took yesterday evening did it's thing this morning so I'm in a much better space today.

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