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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Candygyrl

  1. 8 days post op ate 1/2 a hot dog without the bun fresh off the grill. I then proceeded to eat a snack size bag of Doritos. They both went down fine, no problems afterward.

    I was very disappointed in myself, got back on plan and week 3 I had popcorn and vernors (gingerale). I Also ate salad. Again no issues just guilt.

    Then I made a choice to follow my plan to the letter for the next 3 weeks until I was on reggies (regular). I did. I also spent that time planning out meals, Protein, exercise so that I could really enbrace this lifestyle.

    I have alcohol on occasion. I ate a slice of cake at a wedding. This time. No guilt. I have the power. I made an informed choice. I no longer consider it cheating. Maybe not the best choice but I maintain accountability for my choices.

  2. That's just the way it goes down in the BP and I'm sure many other support sites you will quickly learn. I guess when you're new you're feeling your way through and genuinely looking for support and meaningful advice. I guess some of us who are a little soft weren't prepared for the abrasiveness of some of the "vets" who probably have become numb to the naivety of the questions that are in obvious contradiction to their surgeons guidelines and are just about getting to the business of why you got here in the first place and how reintroducing those bad habits could cause you to complain about stalls or plain old not LOSING.

    Then there are the newbies who have the fear of god in them after surgery and come here for support only to find people enjoying Bacon 3 days post op, Alcohol 2 weeks post op, and whatever else they good and well please causing you to take a step back and say-- well they lived to tell about it maybe it's not that BAD-- poor choice? Hell's yeah but life or death not so much.

    So then you find that happy medium with all that you know. Your research+ your surgeons guidelines + your desire to be successful and recognize patterns that landed you to require surgery to lose weight in the first place then-- actively ignore those who get under your skin with their abrasiveness and sarcasm. Actively ignore posts or topics that you know will go left just based on the title "crackers" "Cheez its" or "Alcohol". Or drop your 2 cents but sashay past the comments where someone might be being a little harsh towards a perfect stranger and just filter past the BULL S H I T. We all have our journey. Some of us will be successful, some of us won't. Some of us will get there despite NOT following all guidelines to the letter, some of us will get there doing everything perfectly what matters is LONG term success.

    I may not like the overall tones and delivery of some members but I think at the end of the day they mean well. You should look at their successes and regard their opinion like it or not as principles to at least consider. With some of the foolishness I see as posted as topics the more I understand the vets by and bye.

  3. Wow @@Hiraeth you have gone through the wringer! Hoping your symptoms ease up after surgery. I went for a year without a period. 6 weeks post op It came back like it never left. It wasn't painful (never has been) just mild cramping streak of blood when I wipe. It usually would pick up overnight going into day 2 and 3 but again no pain. I used to pass heavy clots in the toilet years back but that didn't last for very long. Anyways day 4 it starts to ease up, day 5 and 6 light spotting then its done. Day 2 and 3 I wear 2 tampons an overnight pad and a pantyliner because I'm OCD like that and I can't have any accidents. I would imagine if they were really heavy like yours I don't know what I'd do!!! Maybe live in the tub? lol.

    Skin is clear, no excess hair. I have had some skin changes over the years. My face is duller, and dryer, as well as the rest of the skin on my body but I always attributed that to my lack of Water intake. I try to moisturize and exfoliate to compensate. I imagine now that my diet has changed and I'm more conscious about my Water intake my skin will get it's healthy glow back.

    Other than that I'm sure I've had some symptoms especially with having high testosterone levels-- I've been moody, more irritable but that's been going on for years now so it's hard to say but I started noticing it shortly after my diagnosis I'm just used to It now.

    So mainly my symptoms included

    absence of periods

    dry, dull skin

    infertility (I have 2 but have not used any form of birth control since my 2nd and no pregnancy's)

    Mood changes due to high testosterone

    I was diagnosed after discussing symptoms with my OBGYN Rapid weight gain within 2 years, highly irregular cycles, blood work showed high testosterone levels and insulin resistance (6.2 hemoglobin a1c) ultrasound negative for ovarian cysts.

  4. Kudos to you and your decision to go through with it... I do not and I repeat DO NOT plan on walking around with an unreasonable amount of loose skin. I don't imagine I'll have a lot but after losing 110 lbs much can be expected. I'm going to a seminar in Sept at my surgeons clinic about cosmetic surgery following bariatric surgery. I am looking to get it as soon as I can if I have to. I know for sure boobs. I had them before weight gain but they were on the droopy side so... yeah I'm doing that. I'm watching my tummy. Never really had one prior to weight gain... when I 've lost in the past it always snatched back. Its pulling in real nicely right now thanks to PLANK TWISTS but again 110 lbs later who knows.

    I hadn't thought about arms and thighs until the last year. So I'm trying to figure out which is more important to me right now and so far

    1. Boobs

    2. Arms and Tummy are in for a close 2nd

    3. Butt

    5. Thighs

    I would probably never do that much plastic surgery in my lifetime. So it's likely I may pick 2-3 body parts and make it count in one procedure.

    Keep us posted on your progress!!! Wishing you a peaceful and speeeeeeeeedy recovery.

  5. I hate to say that I knew everything but I did. My team-- well we spent a good 9 months together before my surgery and from day one they spoon fed me lots of information related to surgery and it was reinforced over and over and over again. So far there is nothing that I've experienced that I didn't "know" about already. PLUS I did my homework. I talked to others that had it, I watched the surgery I don't know how many times, I followed patients on social media through their journey, I watched numerous Things I wish I knew before Gastric Sleeve surgery videos... if yall don't know... I love CLUSIE she's on You Tube and she brings a very relatable, realistic, NON Holier than thou perspective to WLS.

  6. Dr. Krause is a very nice Dr. He's been doing this for quite some time and he is currently the Chief of Surgery I believe. I don't care for his NP at ALL!!!!! Quite the contrast. Anyways he has great bedside manners he sits down and thoroughly explains things so you are well prepared. He's so thorough-- you may not have any question that doesn't go unanswered before he's done. Meaning you will sit there like man I don't have any questions at all he answered them all without me having to ask!! LOL. He's awesome. My mother liked him so well (she went to my consultation and was there with me on the day of surgery). She started her program and is hoping to get sleeved in Jan.

    As far as my surgery date... Once I was cleared my Medical, and Psychology-- It was a wrap! His office staff is phenomenal and very organized. They submit all of your stuff to the insurance company and as soon as they get the approval letter from them they will contact you to schedule a date if you're ready. I wanted to get my surgery around Easter or my kids spring break but I wasn't cleared yet however his nurse went over his availability with me for the next couple months so I could get an idea of what I would be able to do.

  7. My son is an inhaler. I've taught him to eat slower since my surgery. He's 15 abd a very fit athlete but he has to slow it waaaaay down. For me it took some getting used to and a little frustration but after you're uncomfortable once or twice you learn quickly.

  8. You don't have to say you're going out for surgery. You can say you're going on vacay. I did. Out for 2 weeks and no one thought anything of it. My boss knew I was going for medical but she cannot disclose my personal health info. Plus when I submitted my claim, they don't disclose to your employer why you are out. They just email them your approval. I told my boss fibroid removal. She "assumed" I told my colleagues and asked whether they heard from me the following week. They were shocked and confused as I hadn't told them and I was pissed. I didn't tell my boss "not to say anything" so I couldn't get mad at her. Anyways i stayed off the whole six weeks instead of the 2 I'd planned since they "knew" anyways. When I went back I really just let them know I was fine and feeling well now. Those that got a little too personal I did say I had fibroids removed. My weight loss has been slow enough that they haven't really noticed yet but they will soon...

    Had my boss never said anything, they wouldn't have suspected a thing.

  9. My lunch bag consistently contains 2-3 turkey sausage links. 2 Colby jack cheese sticks grilled chicken cut into bite size cubes. If I could eat boiled eggs I would have 1 in there. I prepare either a Protein shake or a green smoothie with a scoop of whey Protein powder to drink every morning and of course my Water bottle!

    The items vary depending on what I've cooked but this week thats been my situation.

  10. Thank you so much for this article. I needed to read this. I have been enjoying my WLS portions of watermelon, strawberries, grapes, blueberries and kiwi. I've been making smoothies paired with greek yogurt, Kale or Baby spinach and although I've not had any stalls in my weight loss yet, I often wonder would I do better without it? Listening to so many others in the community with their take on what we should and should not eat I have to cipher through the nonsense and do what makes sense. I will continue to enjoy my faithful 3-4 servings of fruit daily. Thank you again!!!

  11. So I am now 7 weeks post op and as I approach month 2 I feel like it's time to step my game up. No stalls currently thank goodness. I know it's coming. I thought I stalled at week 2 or 3 but it was pretty short lived. I'm losing at a steady pace of 2-4lbs per week on average. Sometimes I'll get like a 6.5 lb loss here or there but then it goes back to 2-3 lbs. I'm noticing my clothes fitting looser. I'm slipping into jeans I haven't been able to fit for over a year and as my weight is coming down, I'm looking to get creative with my workouts. I don't like working out. I do but it takes me awhile to get into and so far I'm up to 3 days a week 1hr-1hr 15 min. By week 8 I'm supposed to step it up to 4 days a week (personal goal) and for my 4th day I want to take a class. It's called body pump.


    BODYPUMP is for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast.

    Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BODYPUMP gives you a total body workout. It will burn up to 540 calories*. Instructors will coach you through the scientifically proven moves and techniques pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music – helping you achieve much more than on your own! You’ll leave the class feeling challenged and motivated, ready to come back for more.

    BODYPUMP is available as a either a 55, 45 or 30-minute workout.

    I'm more interested in weights, and toning. I thought this would be a great way to Segway into getting more comfortable with weights, and understanding which exercises affect which muscle groups etc. So that when I go to the gym I can incorporate into my workouts.

    Anybody ever taken this class? Any experience with weights. I would like to box too but I'm kind of shy to walk into a boxing gym and just start hitting the bags. That would really get me excited about my workouts though. *Daydreaming*

  12. So I was small, then I got big, and I had an extremely difficult time accepting that I was no longer small. So although I am big, I constantly imagine myself small. I've obsessed about it for years now it's time to make it a reality! Even when my clothes get too big for me (not happened yet but they are fitting looser) and I have to buy smaller sizes it still won't be enough.

    Not until I walk into that cute little downtown boutique where everything is XS,S,M,L , see something I like try it on and have it fit perfectly!!!

    Or buy a dress out of Bebe.

  13. I seem to do well with salad just not well with lettuce. My greens must be spinach, kale, arugula, I can even do romaine. The darker the better. I often make salads in mason jars just as a quick go to. Then if I grill chicken or fish I can toss it in. Anyways no difficulty digesting. Just chew well and swallow. You'd be surprised how much salad you can eat too. Just make sure you try and pair it with a Protein.

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