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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Candygyrl

  1. Candygyrl

    When did you.....?

    So i received versed to relax me on the way to the OR. I remember being wheeled into the OR and then I woke up like awww man its done already? It doesn't take much to put me out. I think they put the o2 mask on and it was gooooood night for me.
  2. Candygyrl


    Thanks guys for the support. I went for a late walk around 10pm and around 10:40pm, i passed gas and it was such a relief. Everybody in the house was soooooo happy I rested well. So much pressure relieved from my abdomen! I am only going to do Clear Liquids for now just to increase my Fluid intake. Oh and the milk of mag i took yesterday evening did it's thing this morning so I'm in a much better space today. Thanks again.
  3. Candygyrl

    Michigan sleevers

    Day 2 post op. Gas pain. No bm. No farts. No belches. Very uncomfortable. I've walked. Gasx, prilosec, milk of mag. I stopped pain meds until i can get moving. Not eating or drinking much. That scares me because i don't want to get dehydrated which i feel I'm on the road to if i don't get to it soon. I feel like maybe I shouldve stayed in the hospital an extra day. Maybe I rushed it coming home.
  4. Candygyrl


    Sorry to respond so late. So i am now day 2 post op. Sleeve date 7/1. Very sleepy that day. Anesthesia took some time to wear off. Day 1 post op went well i think. Pain was controlled although quite sore when trying to get out of bed. I walked quite a bit i had to force myself to pee. I tolerated my liquids no nausea but tons of gurgling sounds. I couldn't tell if I was hungry or wtf? Day 2 post op. Today. I cried twice. Went to the grocery store with my hubby. Sat in the motorized cart. Cry #1 The gas makes me quite uncomfortable. I can't pass gas. I hardly burp. Sooooo i can't eat. If i feel full down there then how can I force it? No significant intake of fluids which scare me. Came home after the grocery store. Tried to fix cream of wheat greek yogurt and Protein shake. I ate 1 babyspoon of cream of wheat. My husband is inviting people over for the holidays I'm pretty upset about that. So he and the kids were cleaning up around me and I was so annoyed. Then he gets up to go to a firework party with his friend. I cried again. My daughter witnessed me this time. I couldn't help it. I just felt so helpless and uncomfortable. I've been walking. Gas x strips, prilosec, and it just doesn't help. I can't eat or drink. I'm not regretting I'm just uncomfortable. I hear maybe day 3,4, or 5 may be better. I just thought I'd have gas with all the farts, and belches that go along with it. So that's my story for now. Hopefully this is over soon.
  5. Candygyrl

    Nail polish/Acrylic nails

    Fresh Mani pedi the day before surgery. Was never asked to take Any of it off. Was completely fine. O2 levels were monitored without issue.
  6. 1 day post op. 5 sites about the size of a fingernail. No drain. I can barely see then at all.
  7. Candygyrl


    Hey guys i had surgery Fri. 7/1. I'll be going home today hopefully. I did cheat. Although I didn't go crazy, had frozen yogurt on a waffle cone on Wednesday. I also had 2 slices of pizza the night before surgery. Although I had nothing else to eat or drink the whole day Until just before my cutoff time 10pm. Had procedure around 1030 am. There was no issue. No questions about what I ate. My surgery went well. So i wouldn't worry about it too much. Just be very mindful.
  8. Candygyrl

    Michigan sleevers

    Had my procedure yesterday @ 10:30 am. My husband says they notified him by 11:20 I was done and in recovery. Pain was minimal. Gas bubble at middle of chest caused some pressure. I had my strips plus they gave me something. Mild nausea relieved with Zofran. I was very sleepy for a long time like until 730. I mean I was awake enough to answer questions but very tired. No drains. Incision sites glued. Barely visible. No catheter. Got up a few times to walk. Minimal pain. Pain pump provided. Still nothing by mouth today. Not hungry. Can have ice chips only. So far so good.
  9. Candygyrl

    Michigan sleevers

    @@diamondchic94 don't worry things happen I'm sure you can be rescheduled fairly soon. I know we can be anxious and a little impatient but your special day will be here soon. You're getting the process started @@sgc glad to hear that you're still doing well. Post op. I'm sure your weight loss is just around the corner. Just keep it up and don't get discouraged!
  10. Candygyrl

    Michigan sleevers

    @@sgc glad it went well. I know that cotton mouth is horrible!They have mouth swabs that you can use to wet your mouth but that's Water under the bridge. Keep us posted on your progress! @oscadagal great job so far. Keep it up!
  11. Candygyrl

    Liquid diet

    I use a nutribullet in the mornings but, other than that nothing special. Just those cups with the whisking ball inside. Shake and add a little ice and go.
  12. Candygyrl

    Liquid diet

    Well I'm doing great now. To confirm my pre op diet includes a 4 protein meal replacements + 1 meal. I have a 20 oz blender cup so i make two 8 oz protein shakes in one cup. I drink the 1.5L Evian water bottle so i alternate from water to shake throughout the day. I sip on the shake starting about the morning ride to work 8:15am until lunchtime about 1pm. I have a cup of fruit and a serving iof raw veggies on my desk like cucumber, carrots, watermelon, strawberries, cantoloupe, etc. So I eat the fruit and drink water after i finish the shakes. Whatever i don't eat I just throw in my purse for later. About 4, (I'm off at 5) i make another 16 oz serving and sip from 4 until dinner which is about 730 or 8. My kids play sports so im usually heading over to a field right after work and I set up my chair and plop my cup in the cupholder sip and nibble on my veggies. By the time i get home I'm finding I'm ok and didn't need the meal which would include 1 protein, 1 starch, and at least 1 low starch veggie. But it's soooo nice to know I can have it. I don't have to but I'll prob do clears 24 hours before surgery then obviously nothing by mouth after 7pm or midnight or whatever time they tell me.
  13. Candygyrl

    Liquid diet

    Sooooooo it was a better day. I called the clinic and they informed me that I should be on a 3+1 3 meal replacements +1 meal 100 cal snacks in between including 1 fruit serving and one other snack (protein bar, yogurt, jello) and a sensible balanced meal which include a protein, unlimited veggies and a whole grain. I concluded my evening with boston market kids meal with 2 veggie sides and i feel great. I can definitely do this. I couldve had a regular meal but knew I would be satisfied with that.
  14. Candygyrl

    Michigan sleevers

    @@sgc 6/22... are you ready? Keep us posted!
  15. Candygyrl

    Michigan sleevers

    Wow. That's awesome! Great job. You lost alot quickly! 140-145 is my goal too. It was never told to me that was too low, even by her and I'm bigger than you were pre surgery. 145 is a great goal, quite reasonable and achievable. I really want 145 to be my maintenence weight. If i could get to 135 which is low but gives me wiggle room. Sooo everybody is going with Krause huh? My friend referred me to Hawasli but I forgot his name and when they started naming Dr's I said yeah Krause I believe that's him. Lol. Anyways I told my friend later and she said that wasn't her Dr. Buuuut I already committed to Krause. Plus it rolled off the tongue so nicely. Then I did my research and read review after review after review that he was basically the man. Once I finally met him, I knew Id chosen the right surgeon. I'm glad you had a good experience. Do tell more about the mental difficulties.
  16. Candygyrl

    Liquid diet

    Soooo it's a little harder than I thought. I started day 1 yesterday. I was sooooo busy this weekend i didn't get to buy my fruit and veggies to make green smoothies with a scoop of Protein powder. So I'm stuck with the individual packets (HMR 700) I bought from my dr office months ago and ready made muscle milk for on the go. I did well all day until da da da... dinner time. I was at my daughters softball game. Double header. I went to get food for my family because I knew by the time it was all over it would be too late to try and scramble up a meal. So KFC it is. Once we got home which was about 930, the kids ate and I helped myself to 2 pieces of grilled chicken. 1 wing, 1 leg. Drank some Water and went to bed. Again, I'm back at it. At work, I have no worries. I don't really eat at work anyways. It's after. I find that I have this dull headache and I'm getting a little cranky. Hopefully today is a better day.
  17. Sex will likely be the same. Just a little more sporty. I'm a scorpio so my sex game has always been on point. My weight made me even more sensuous and uninhibited. I may convince him to attend some swinger parties... he's not as adventurous as I. But you never know.
  18. Well my hubby requests to watch me get dressed, and has asked me if we could have sex everyday the week before my surgery. He says he thinks I'm really beautiful the way I am and feels that he will miss me so he's trying to savor every moment that I'm still (what he calls) thick as hell! I was 120lbs when we married. I'm a very pear shaped 245lbs now. Just started my 2 week pre op liquids today.
  19. I see nothing wrong with that. As long as you're responsible i.e not taking from your household, paying bills on time do what makes you happy. I already know that I'm a shopper and not necessarily a bargain shopper so I have to plan for what's important to me. I take what I would spend on clothes/shoes monthly $75-$200. I have a special savings account that I put $50-$100 aside from every paycheck. After surgery (scheduled 7/1) I will save for that 4-6 month mark when all my clothes will likely no longer fit to buy a few items to tie me over and then have my way once I reach goal. It's money I've started setting aside so it won't hurt my pockets later. I won't spend it all at once because I have to account for the season changes but I'll have a nice cushion when the time comes. YOLO!
  20. Candygyrl

    Michigan sleevers

    Oh cool. Yes you won't have to wait. I have BCBS too. No copay, no deductible no coinsurance No out of pocket expenses. Definetely a plus!
  21. Candygyrl

    Michigan sleevers

    Oh @@sgc I SEE you are scheduled for 6/22. Duh... good luck and congrats on your progress so far.
  22. Candygyrl

    Michigan sleevers

    @@diamondchic94 I'll be honest. I was very frustrated with the 6 month medically supervised process. DO not and I MEAN DO NOT go to Krause's NP Rachel Blind. Straight up Beyotch. We just clashed period. End of story. I'm not sure what her problem was but i felt that she was more of a barrier in my process. Unfortunately i will have to see her again but if I didn't it would be too soon! Also, in terms of psychology, please go to Kevin. I wish I had. I had some other chic who is no longer there and really she was on some BS. first off... my evaluation was normal. I agreed to meet with her for a few more times after the eval just because I was previously in therapy a couple months prior for depression. I thought it would be nice to resume therapy under new pretenses. Wrong! She was not helpful at all. She just wasted my time and hers. My depression stemmed from marital issues and i was in the process of rebuilding. I wasn't engaging in any risky behavior or overeating. I was just hard pressed to find time for myself due to my family's hectic schedule. I knew how to create a calendar, prioritize, delegate, meal plan and prep why are you wasting 45 min of my time to reinforce old concepts. I'm top of that This woman would not clear me for surgery. My clearance was being held up by her! My 6 months turned into a nightmare 12 months!!! She left the organization and my case was transferred to Kevin. He cleared me after my 2nd visit. He shook his head trying to understand why she kept me so long. Good luck on your first visit. Just stay away from rachel. Everybody else is good. Dr Klenzar, Melissa NP those were the only others that I saw besides Rachel and they were great. Very supportive, helpful, informative, understanding. Rachel will blab about herself and how she just left this national conference and presented on her research and studies on bariatric surgery which show this and that and I think I'm a Dr but I'm not and I have a complex about it so I'll just act like a straight up BEYOTCH to people and sound authoritative to make people respect me. Girl BYE! Anyways The other staff dieticians, exercise physiologist etc were awesome. You're at the right place. Just get with the right people, do what is asked of you and don't miss any appointments. Within that 6-7 month time frame. It goes by quickly. I'm scheduled for surgery 7/1.
  23. Candygyrl

    Michigan sleevers

    @@sgc that's cool. Congrats on your success so far! My friend who inspired me to have the surgery just by seeing her was sleeved by Hawasli. I met her after her weight loss but one day I was sharing with her my struggles and how I'd considered WLS. She told me she did it and I swear I didn't believe her. Seeing how amazing she looked and how normal she appeared to me. She inspired me without saying a word to go for it. Have you had any issues? Regrets? Words of wisdom? How far out are you? Are you close to goal weight?
  24. Girl Bye! I couldn't get my pinky toe into an extra small. So if you are able to rock it then you better believe it! I've heard people having trouble shopping to their true size. Still buying larger. Congrats! Hoping to get there one day!
  25. Candygyrl

    Is your surgery a secret?

    Only told my mom, hubby and 2 children 11,15. I'm not even telling anyone I'm leaving for 2 weeks. I just contacted my Short Term Disability group to get that in order. If asked? I'm going on vacay for I'll be back in 10 days. Just taking time off to spend with my kids since their out of school now. I walk, try to eat healthy, when they see me lose weight... all my hard work is paying off.

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