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Posts posted by SharBear617

  1. I never had a pet before, it is normal to be so upset over a dog??

    hw - 444 ~ surgery date 11/23 ~ sw - 363 ~ cw 351

    Well, if it's not normal then I'm crazy as a loon because every dog I've lost has left a hole in my heart and hurt like I lost my best friend. Bernie, Samson, Luke, and Mesa....my fur babies I've lost, ever loyal in my best and worst times. I am so sorry for your loss, but also so glad for you that you took a painful thing, recognized it for what it was and haven't just headed straight for food. As surely so many on this forum do, I totally understand your desire to turn to something to eat for comfort.

    Hang in there, cry it out if you need to, exercise it out, do something kind for yourself, or ask someone else to do something kind for you. Just remember to keep food in the category where it belongs, just fuel for the body, and work through what you're feeling in a healthier way. Like the saying goes, that which doesn't kill us, can only make us stronger.

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  2. I got up, had some herbal tea, grabbed a Protein shake then got on the treadmill for 40 min. Felt great knowing I wouldn't eat enough to undue the benefits of my exercise. Cooked a large meal for my family, focused on eating turkey, then a bite of the side dishes, was totally satisfied. Best reward was stepping on the scale the morning after Thanksgiving and seeing I dropped a pound. Nice!

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  3. Very similar here on was sick of feeling like crap, pain all the time, etc. Congrats on your first steps towards making your health and life a priority. When you decided that's what will work best for you, no need to defend it, just embrace it and stay focused on finding whatever way works to get you to the life you want to be living.

    Best of luck!

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  4. Hey Debi! You'll probably get some varied responses on that, because different people follow different dietary regimes, i.e. no-fat/low-fat/full fat (for those on ketogenic diets), meat/vegetarian, and on and on. Personally, I'm all about getting in that Protein any way possible, so adding a little extra Protein to your eggs...all good as far as I'm concerned. As long as you still watch how much, and don't advance too quickly, should be fine. And if your body decides, nope, that's not happening, just listen to it.

    Turkey sausage is leaner, but be careful because it also tends to be more dry...and I found dry meat will not go down for me, so I did/do 1 regular sausage link...not every day, but when I feel I need to get some more dense calories in to let my body know I'm not starving it.

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  5. @AngelNov2016...first, you are gorgeous both before and after, gosh darn I wish I could wear hats as well as you do! Only advice I can offer on the willpower and changing habits, etc., is....One. Day. At. A. Time. Sometimes, not even 1 day at a time....it's one moment at a time....one CHOICE at a time. There is always choice...do I eat this? Or that? Am I physically hungry, or just mentally hungry/bored/stressed, etc. Should I workout, or sit on the couch watching TV? Has to be about choice, and priority. Prepare things in advance, choose movement over sitting whenever possible. Unfortunately there's no magic bullet for a healthy lifestyle, other than just doing it.

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  6. @@Deuel30 I don't think there's a surgeon out there that wants you taking Advil for pain....it's an NSAID, and will put you at great risk for an ulcer. If you don't want to take the stronger prescribed pain meds, but still feel you need something for pain, just go with Tylenol/acetaminophen. I've heard of peopl developing ulcers who've had surgery, and it can be much more dangerous then in people who have not had surgery.

    Great that you're getting in activity, very important in healing.

    @doxaholic....yes, you will see good and bad, but I agree with @@Deuel30..it will be what you make it, either positive or negative. We may not have total control over all aspects of what our bodies will go through post op, but we absolutely have control over what we think and are perceptions of situations. And no, not every single minute post op will be all rainbows and butterflies, but, for the most part, I've seen/heard very few who, once things really settle, regret what they did. Stay positive, and it's a journey that has to be your journey, no one else's! Best of luck!

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  7. Excellent job adriant! I was pretty amazed myself yesterday, the day after Thanksgiving, when I stepped on the scale, and for the first time in probably my entire life, actually weighed 1 lb less than I did on Thanksgiving day! And even better, still felt like I enjoyed the day and my meal (just much, much less of it than in the past).

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  8. Two things...1) must break the association of holidays/celebrations with food; focus on your blessings, and the quality of how and with whom you spend that time. 2) Others are free to eat as they wish, that's their perogative, and something you will have to reconcile with if you want to be successful long term. Back when we could still "choose" to stuff ourselves, I don't recall feeling I shouldn't because someone around me may be trying to lose weight.

    Lastly, after going through a surgery we should never, ever stuff outselves again, but, by the holidays next year, it will be so much less of a big deal than when you are so fresh post op. So focus on your health, on giving thanks for all that you are gaining in giving the huge feast up, and we can't control what others do, nor should we try, only worry about how we are treating OUR bodies.

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  9. Great pics, you look fantastic, and thanks for sharing! I've noticed lately that when I see before/after pics on here, I'm totally getting why people I know are not only commenting about my weight loss, but several are telling me I look younger (which at 46 is very nice to hear ????), because I too see that in the pics posted on here. Heck, who needs a fountain of youth, when you can get healthier, look better and younger, and feel great. Lovin' in!

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  10. Yes I've been using it once a week since surgery. Literature shows it has a better absorption rate and allows you to maintain more consistent levels than a monthly shot can. I've had no problems with it, and it's been super convenient having it delivered to my door in monthly shipments.

    I go for my 6 month post op labs in December, so I'll try to update here on where my B12 levels are.

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  11. The heightened sense of smell was what I experienced as well (and it was like being pregnant again, except thankfully, not!). Like to the point I felt like I had some new cool super hero ability. I'm now 4.5 months out, and that's subsided, but I still have it to some degree.

    My "vomiting" experience was what I've seen on here described by others as "the foamies"....if I ate too fast, I'd get a very uncomfortable feeling, mouth would start watering like crazy, to the point I didn't want to swallow it and had to spit it out, then I'd just go for it and let the offending culprit out of my stomach and instantly felt better. That stopped for me around week 12. I guess I just learned by then how to go more slowly and listen very carefully to my pouch, and, as always, Respect The Tool! That's what I got it for.

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  12. Not sure if this will help anyone, but when I experience a craving of any kind, I fully induldge ONLY IN MY IMAGINATION. I imagine whatever it is in my mouth, and mentally work through the craving....exactly how it tastes, the sweetness, the savoriness, sour, salty, whatever. I imagine the texture of it in my mouth.

    I used to try to avoid thinking about whatever it was that I was craving. But honestly, for me if I just fully immerse myself in thinking about it, it's almost as if I trick my brain into believing that I ate it, without ever eating it. Then poof! Craving gone.

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  13. Thank you for your replies. I was also wondering how common it is for people in my/our position to have diagnosed anxiety issues. Over the years the heavier I got the worse my social and general anxiety got. I saw a doctor about it and he wanted me on medication but I refused because I didn't want to become dependent on it or dampen myself as I've heard those medications can do. So what ended up happening is I became a shut in. I damn near have a panic attack doing regular things like going to the grocery store, meeting anyone new, or even making necessary calls for work to people. Is this common in obese/overweight people? I just wanna gauge how much of this anxiety may go away once I get to a healthier weight and lifestyle. Also, can someone reiterate to me how awesome it is to fit in a booth at a restaurant, in a seat on a plan without a seatbelt extension, and on a rollercoaster without feeling super embarrassed? Etc. For those who have already gone through the process, what little things like that have meant the most to you?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    @@henryXyorkshire I read your beginning post and this one, and I LOVE your positivity and attitude and where you are mentally. You are thinking ahead, and I think that will keep you strong and steady on the course.

    Probably hard for anyone to answer for all obese people if anxiety is tied to their obesity or not, but I will tell you my weight has been up and down my whole life, and yes, I typically had more confidence when at a closer to normal weight, and therefore for me, less anxiety. But starting in my late 30's and into my early 40s, anxiety for me was less about where my confidence level was, and more of a physiological response to a stressor that I could no longer control for whatever reason. For example, get cut off by some jerk in traffic....I'd have an initial "aarrgghh ggrrrhhh!!!!" reaction, and while mentally I'd be over it in a few seconds, my body however was responding for MUCH longer (increased heart rate, chest tight, tension, etc). It was like there was a disconnect between my brain and my body. For me at that time, a med was a good choice, because I was already dealing with hypertension and didn't feel like I could afford that intense of a physiological response to stress.

    Now after surgery and feeling more in control of various aspects of my life, I've found I'm much less likely to have those anxious responses to stress, and I would say much of that is because I am able to get in much more exercise, so I believe my body knows it has an outlet, and no longer feels the need to keep that heightened reaction in the form of anxiety.

    To answer your question about sharing little personal victories post-op, what I described above is a big one for me. And....being able to cross my legs again when I sit feels amazing!

    Best of luck, you're going to do awesome!

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

  14. Choose not to focus on what you're giving up, and instead focus on what you're gaining. The "sacrifices" that seem so big and daunting now, will seem very small in comparison once you start living your new life. By providing your body with good, clean food/fuel and allowing it to move with exercise, you'll see how it thanks you by how much better you feel and how the lbs are shed. Yes, holidays will be tough, but so many successful people on here will tell you one key is to make those times that previously focused so much on the food, to ones which focus on being with people you love and just soaking up "the moment."

    And if it gets rough, focus on how you'll feel and how different your life will be with next year's holidays!

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

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