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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Angelyco

  1. I think I might just do the 2 shakes and dinner--it's what you do for Slim-Fast so it can't be too dangerous. I just feel like I'll be cheating if I don't have some sort of diet beforehand when most people have to go through it!
  2. Angelyco

    Sex Life

    Have you asked your doctor about Wellbutrin? It's supposed to have less sexual side effects.
  3. Angelyco

    Does Size Matter?

    Wow...when I saw the title of the thread, I had two other subjects running through my head, and was confused by the poll options until I realized you meant BAND sizes...lol. We all know what the first subject was, but I also thought it might be clothing size vs. weight loss in pounds. Thanks for the chuckles :thumbup:
  4. I talked to my PCP about it very briefly last year and she said it's a very good option to explore (this was before I had decided for sure about it, I was just pondering the band). My OBGYN also agreed when I talked to her in January and I was more certain about going for it.
  5. Angelyco

    Demand Your Fills

    When I get my band, I intend to be very pushy with my fills. The way I understand it is that my insurance covers all fills for 3 months post-op, then doesn't pay anything for fills. I want to make sure I have good restriction before my 3 months is up, I shouldn't be stuck holding the bag and paying out-of-pocket for it.
  6. Angelyco

    Sex Life

    Lord help me if mine goes up afterwards...my fiance's has kind of died in the last year or so and it's like pulling teeth to get him to more than once a week! I would have it 2-3 times a day if I could...I feel your pain, Lanie.
  7. Angelyco

    New/Improved Band

    Thanks all for this information. I have my first visit in a week and I was going to ask about the AP band--I hope it is standard now, but just in case they still use the older ones, I'll make sure to mention that the company does exchanges! Surgery is a big step for me and I want to get the most out of it, which means getting the AP band.
  8. Wow, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm actually surprised, though, because they do LB surgeries on people much larger than 330 lbs. Maybe it was an equipment failure rather than your body; that seems like a really unlikely situation.
  9. Since she's not your friend, just ignore her. She won't be around forever, and she won't be there supporting you anyway. We all know she's uninformed about LB, and the fact that she was watching what sites you visit and then had the balls to lecture you about it just shows how rude she is. You don't need her approval. You have all of ours :tongue:
  10. A friend of mine in college used to be as big as me, and lately on Facebook I saw her new pictures, she's lost a ton of weight just by diet and exercise. After seeing that, I felt guilty for going the Lap-Band route instead of hard work. I also know that it will be harder for her to keep it off, whereas I will have the help of the band. It was hard for me, but I told her my intentions to get the Lap-Band since she was one of my few overweight friends, and thankfully, she told me that she supported me as long as I promised to take it out if anything goes wrong! She admitted that it's hard to lose weight and commended me that I'm trying anything at all.
  11. Haha...the pinto bean thing made me laugh loud enough for my coworkers to look at my funny :tongue:
  12. The reason I'll be happy with my body no matter what is that I can always fix that with surgery, and I'll be happier just to be able to fit in regular clothing. I guess I just have no concept of what I'll look like without puffy cheeks. When I was a little lighter (around 300), I like how my pictures looked so I don't know what will happen when I'm below that. My double chin has gone up and down over the years so I can pretty much imagine without that at least. I agree though, all the B&A pics I've seen on this site have all been for the better, but in magazines and such I've seen people that look worse in the face afterwards, and not always because they were older and the wrinkles come up, etc. Some people get sunken-in cheeks or around the eyes and end up looking like druggies or anorexic, I don't want to look like that.
  13. I have personally experienced discrimination due to my weight. I have also had the same experiences with sales people not acknowledging me. In high school, I was in marching band and I had to wear my own black pants because they refused to order bigger uniform ones to fit me, even though they special ordered a full uniform for a really skinny guy. I auditioned for the flag team and was rejected, despite being better than most of the girls who were accepted (I guess they'd rather have me in the unflattering marching band top with my own pants than put me in a leotard and dance pants). I tried out for the dance team with 4 years of dance lessons and got rejected--I was even told by one of the captains that I was the best dancer that tried out but the other members wouldn't vote for me because of my weight. I had a street vendor in Manhattan, who had never seen me before in my entire life, ask me why I'm not trying to lose weight. How the heck would he even know if I was or not?! This was also in the middle of him accepting my money, you'd think he would be a little nicer to someone who's buying from him. The worst thing, though, is when my own mother told me that the reason I couldn't get a job right out of college was because of my weight, and she said it to be hurtful instead of trying to comfort me when I didn't get job offers. Her idea of motivation is to make me feel like shit. She forgot that I only had about 3 interviews out of 20 resumes sent out, and my picture wasn't included in the resume! So duh, it couldn't be my weight if they don't even see me before rejecting me. I think one problem with having weight be a non-discrimination criteria is that I don't think people always realize that the reason they don't like someone right away (like in job interviews) is because of weight. For some people, I think it's a subconscious discrimination and harder to prove later on.
  14. Angelyco

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    I used to ride my bike around 340 or so, it didn't hurt the bike at all, but it hurt my butt something fierce with so much weight on that little seat! That was the only reason I stopped using it.
  15. Angelyco

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I don't discount genetics as a factor, it's just that I hold myself accountable for my bad eating habits, which I think will help when I finally get my band.
  16. Angelyco

    Why are YOU Fat?

    This question is so easy for me to answer, yet I remember when I was a kid I'd always tell people that "it's genetic" since my grandpa was a very large man. I just love food. Growing up, I felt like I was never full. I could put away a whole package of hotdogs or a pound of turkey cold cuts on two sandwiches. It didn't help that my mom is disabled with a low fixed income so I never understood why she always got mad when I would raid the food when she was sleeping. Of course, I feel awful about it now. Surprisingly, my eating capacity hit a wall a few years ago, I can't eat nearly what I used to be able to (I'm not even banded yet), but my eyes are still bigger than my stomach and then I just love the taste of food and want to finish whatever I am eating instead of stopping.
  17. I'm really surprised by the answers here--I had no idea so many people didn't tell their husbands! I assumed that everyone was open about it, since the DH is usually the biggest support you have when you go through this (and sharing in the losses). My fiance always knew I weighed more than him (it's hard to hide when you meet someone at 300+ lbs) but I've only told him my weight a few times. I was completely open with him about it when I was losing weight about 5 years ago, but I didn't tell him how much weight I put back on afterwards. About 6 months ago, he asked how much I weighed, because he had no idea, and he promised he'd block it out afterwards. It was pretty funny, because a few days ago I showed him my blog that I just started, and he honestly had no idea that's how much I weighed (407 last time I was weighed 1.5 years ago). I think he was so surprised because one of our friends is bigger than I am and he always says he only weighs 300, so my fiance always assumed I was less than that, even after I told him time and again that our friend CAN'T weigh 300. Now that he knows (and remembers) how much I weigh, I plan to keep him in the loop as I go through this, because he's completely supportive and I know he would never use my weight as ammunition against me. That's why I'm marrying him :thumbup:
  18. Angelyco

    A Great Way to See Your Progress-BMI

    So...what if your BMI is over 60? :tongue:
  19. Angelyco

    Waiting for sex...

    If you don't mind me asking, what positions did you guys use until the port wasn't so sore? I haven't had my surgery yet, but I'm anxiously awaiting dropping the pounds...my fiancee lost a lot of interest in sex and swears it's not because of my weight (he wanted it all the time when I was about 300, but now I'm over 400), but I'm hoping losing it will kick-start him again. Trust me though, I'll be back in the sack as soon as I can after the band! :biggrin:
  20. Angelyco

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hey all! I'm just starting my journey and have my first appointment March 18th. According to the last time I was weighed about a year and a half ago, my BMI would be 66, but I'm fairly sure I've gained weight since then, so it's higher than that. My ultimate goal is to get down to 150--a BMI of 24.5 or so, but at this point, I'm hoping to get down under 200 with the band. I'm glad I found this thread, it's so disheartening to see people starting at 230 lbs and saying how much weight they have to lose! That would be vanity pounds for us!
  21. Angelyco

    Where is everyone from????

    Hey all! I just moved to Yonkers, NY about a year ago from Dubuque, Iowa.
  22. Angelyco

    When did you start gaining weight

    Thank you Mom, for constantly reminding me when I first started gaining wait, and haven't let me forget since! I started gaining weight in 1st or 2nd grade, enough that I quickly became the fat kid. I know I was very overweight by then because by 3rd grade I had to start seeing a dietician (that didn't last long, logging food never worked for me. I could tell you exactly what I ate but it had no effect on me). I was up to 340 lbs. by the time I started college, lost 55 lbs. my second semester there, then gained over 120 lbs. I have no idea how much I actually weigh right now because I haven't been to a doctor's office with a scale that goes over 350 in a year and a half (I was 407 back then).
  23. Angelyco

    being fat destroyed my body

    Thankfully, my stretch marks have all faded to white by now (maybe I shouldn't be thankful, because that means they've been there long enough to disappear). I'm constantly worried that since my skin has been stretched so much that it won't tighten back up, but to me, I'd rather be a saggy twig than a smooth-skinned lump. I'll worry about PS when the time comes, who knows, maybe we'll all be part of the 30-50% whose skin naturally tightens up! :biggrin:
  24. Angelyco

    Anyone from NYC/Westchester?

    Thank you for the link! I spoke with someone who used Dr. Weber and was very disappointed with his office and couldn't in good conscience recommend him for me. I haven't sent the appointment deposit money yet so I'm going to contact Dr. Fielding's office and see what I can do. Thank you!
  25. Hello all, I am hoping to get the Lap-Band in April and I read here and there different people had to stop taking their birth control pills before the surgery. I am on Depo-Provera (the 3 month shot) and I don't know if this could prevent me from having surgery when I want to? I am due for my next shot in April so it wouldn't be a big deal to get it after the surgery, but would they make me wait an extra month for all the hormones to get out of my body? Any insight would be helpful! Thank you!

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