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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by keto_jo

  1. I am 25 days out. I am on soft/pureed foods. I have had zero food aversions or issues since leaving the hospital. (At hospital all I had was severe migraines)

    My incisions are all closed and healed up quite well.

    I am averaging 67g of Protein and 64 oz of liquid (22oz is Protein shakes) I walk 1-2.5 miles per day.

    I stalled at 9 days post op and I have only lost 8lbs since surgery.

    Today I woke up, decided to meal prep egg salad and ricotta bake. While doing so I ate two slices of pepperoni. (Had this before, remember NO food aversions) Within 2 mins I felt nauseous as heck. I couldn't even think about eating the egg salad. I decided to drink a shake instead and wait for it to pass. It subsided a bit.

    Time to eat again, so I ate. No issues. HOWEVER, all day my entire stomach area - not just one area, but everywhere has felt SORE. Like a pulled muscle or I worked out too much. I have no other pains/issues. I spoke to the on-call dr, he isn't worried. ????

    An hour after speaking to him I began to feel nauseous again. It passed. I'm eating now with no issues. Except this very sore belly that is worrying me. I haven't worked out beyond walking. I'm not sure what's going on but I do not like it one bit.

    I am 2.5 hours away from the hospital that I had surgery at.

    Any ideas, advice, experience, help?

  2. @"dpressleymsn"

    I never did drink soda much to begin with, I'm pretty much a Water girl. I did start having one or two cans of diet pepsi per week for a month because I knew I'd miss it.

    A week before I started my liquid diet I stopped drinking them so I would not have headaches as much or at least AS BAD once I couldn't have food. It helped tremendously, the headaches are barely there and my body adjusted well.

    It's the head hunger and not chewing that's getting to me.

    Since you're already on your liquid diet though, you pretty much have to suck it up.

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  3. I had a moment of weakness as I miss chewing food. I'm on day 5 of 14 of my liquid diet. I have been eating a bite of something to chew every day (a BITE, not a meal) and today I went to Moes and had a burrito in a bowl with some chips.< /p>

    I still have 10 more days before surgery, if I stick to this diet 100% from here on out, should my liver be shrunk enough?

    My surgeon requires 2 weeks of liquids where as others require much less, I think as long as I don't screw up anymore I should be ok, right?

    I was told I'm not even allowed to chew gum because they worry I'll get used to it and do it after surgery too and stretch my sleeve (wtf?)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. Same thing happened to me. Just smelling it would make me sick. I lived on shakes and Greek yogurt before and after my surgery. I would buy my ready made chicken Soup from Tim Hortons and then put it through a strainer and then add lots and lots of Water to it. It would last me 2 days.

    2 months later, I make vegetable soup for myself at home and it tastes amazing. I get to choose which vegetables I want to put in it and I can control the fat or salt portions in it.

    I also bought some healthy canned Campbell Soups from Safeway but then added lots of Water in it before eating it so I could have something different but not too salty or fattening.

    I can and I will.

    That is a great idea. I didn't even think about making my own vegetable soups. I have a real problem eating foods from boxes and cans. Then my husband and kid can eat the veggies.

    I'm gonna get busy looking for recipes. Thanks for that idea!

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  5. I have never been able to stomach the smell of chicken broth or even beef. Which is weird because smells don't bother me but something about the stuff... If I smell it I am instantly gagging and almost puke.

    I know I have to be on liquids for 4 weeks. Pre & post op. I just did some shopping for my liquids to begin on the 26th. I tried the Swansons chicken broth once again, almost puked my guts out. I simply can't do it.

    I did buy a vegetable broth as well and I'm hoping I can handle that one but in the event that I cannot... WHAT DO I DO?! I need something other than just drinks additives/water/shakes/pudding/jello.

    Any advice on what might be a better choice to try - preferably something I can purchase in Target, Publix or even Walmart.< /p>

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  6. It should be safe in general but you'll need to pay extra attention to hydration and make sure to stop the car and get out to walk every couple of hours, due to the risk of blood clots so soon after surgery. This isn't optional, it is crucial.

    Many surgeons won't like you leaving the area so soon after surgery because you are still at risk for a leak, and they want you to stay near so that they can care for you if you develop a leak or other serious complication. I am sure if you explain the situation no surgeon would tell you not to go, though! Perhaps your surgeon can give you a referral to another bariatric surgeon near your brother in law just in case something goes wrong.

    I am so sorry about your brother in law's cancer -- that is just awful.

    I was going to say same as @@Bufflehead. Should be fine. Just be prepared with Protein shakes, fluids and getting out and moving

    Thank you @@Bufflehead and @@Daisee68

    I will be speaking to my surgeon first and making sure I have clearance for something like that before doing it. I am pretty worried about keeping my husband cooped up at home when he comes back anyway so I've already prepared and bought myself a cooler/bag for my liquids and Vitamins to take with me anywhere we go.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. I know ultimately I will need to discuss this with my Dr but I'm asking y'all for now since I won't see him til the 3rd.

    Is it safe to travel in a vehicle soon after surgery? If so, what's a safe distance? And how soon?

    If I travel, it'll be after my 2 week post op appt.

    Bad thing is, I would need to travel 1,100 miles. My brother in law had skin cancer that has now spread to his brain and every bone in his body. My husband works in Afghanistan. His leave falls exactly in line with my surgery so while he's home for 1 month we would like to go see his brother as he may not be alive on his next stint home in January. We just aren't sure if I'll be able to travel with him.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Wow. I never expected it to go SO QUICKLY. I was just approved yesterday.

    I start my 2 week pre-op liquid diet on July 26th.

    Pre-op appt with surgeon is on August 3rd.

    Still trying to find out if my husband will be home from Afghanistan in time for my surgery or if I'll be doing it alone.

    I'm nervous about the pre op diet just because I get headaches/migraines, so no real food may make it harder on me.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. What kind of care will I need once I leave the hospital? Do I absolutely need someone at home with me, can I drive myself around?

    (When I had my child, I didn't have any friends or family to help me so I had someone from work come pick me and my newborn up and drive us around the corner so I could drive myself home. So this wouldn't be anything new to me.)

    My husband is currently in Afghanistan and the nearest family I have is my Mom but she is 2.5 hours away and she will be taking care of my child til I am healed. We have a farm/animals so her staying with me is not an option. At best she could drive up, take me home and stay the night but she would have to leave the next day.

    Is this something I can do myself? Or do I need to be monitored in any way?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. Getting it approved so fast by them is great news! How long does it take for things to get started? Every dr is different. I had to wait for 4 weeks to get on his schedule after I had to see a PCP who monitored my weighted each month . Then during that time you have meetings to attend and medical procedures to go through. Oh and some ant you to lose anywhere from 20 to 10 pounds before so they can see your really going to do this.

    Good luck!

    According to the nurse who did the nutrition lecture, it'll be a matter of weeks. She said it moves rather quickly once I get the approval.

    I have to attend an education lecture on August 10th. And I'm sure I'll have to do pre-op lab work. Plus the 2 week pre-op liquid. Other than that, I'm done with everything.

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  11. I started the whole process on June 1, 2016. We submitted to insurance on July 13, 2016. Today is the 18th and I checked the website I use for my health care - it says approved.

    It's only been out of the "in process" status for a couple of hours so I have not yet received a call from the surgeons office saying they have an answer for me. Not sure how long they will wait either, the coordinator told me it would be a minimum of 2 full weeks to 3 weeks before I know anything. Maybe she said that so I didn't call them every day asking for an answer. Haha. Y'all know how impatient we can become waiting for that answer.

    My question is this: When does it become REAL? (I have a tendency to not feel things. For example, when I was pregnant it never registered that I was going to have a child. Even when I was admitted to the hospital for an emergency labor, it never clicked.)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. I have my psych evaluation scheduled for June 27th. The surgeons office referred me to someone who accepted my insurance.

    I decided to research the guy and he does NOT have favorable reviews at all. He rates 1 star. Appears to be very rude, laughs at patients, doesn't take them seriously, he doesn't connect, doesn't communicate. There are only 3 written reviews that span over 3 years and none of them mention anything being for bariatric surgery, just different reasons.

    This doesn't sit well with me. Can I ask for a different shrink? Or should I wait and see how he does?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. I looked into self pay in case my insurance [Tricare Prime] denies me for any reasons. Self pay in Savannah Georgia - $19,184.

    That covers:

    1. All pre-operative appointments and classes

    2. Hospitalization for up to 6 days

    3. Surgeons fee for sleeve gastrectomy surgery

    4. Anesthesia fee for initial procedure

    5. Nurse anesthetists fee for procedure

    6. Performance of upper GI series after surgery

    7. Routine postoperative care for up to 90 days

    8. Hernia repair, if a hernia is found at time of surgery.

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  14. I think I'm making great progress on everything.


    Initial consult: 6.1

    sleep Study: 6.2

    Apnea results: 6.9

    Received CPAP: 6.14

    Initial blood work: 6.14


    Success workshop: 6.25

    Exercise Lecture: 6.29

    Pulmonologist: 6.30

    Nutrition Consult: 7.7

    Pending referrals/appointments:

    Psych Evaluation

    Upper Gastrointestinal Series

    Anyone know what happens after these things are done? Do I go back to the surgeon to discuss things and/or do they submit to insurance?

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  15. Ok I am on my phone and obviously CANNOT figure out how to reply to a quote. Help! Haha. I'm sorry for all the dud posts I just made that I can't delete now.


    No, my husband never did have the surgery. We met just a few months later actually. I'm glad he did not. He has spoken here and there of wanting to go through the process again but I'm hoping he doesn't.

  16. The psych is the one that I worry about the most. Other than hoping insurance will approve the surgery. My DH, who is retired military tried for the surgery a few months before we met and a shrink labeled him with PTSD. It was the only step he had left. He was livid.

    He told me to just speak when spoken to. They will try to trip you up. Hopefully his advice works well. Haha.

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  17. I'm still new to this forum but thought I'd introduce myself.

    I've tried and failed many different diets my whole life. Low carb and 2-3 hours of exercise a day works for me. I have PCOS, which makes it hard to KEEP the weight off.

    In November 2013 I was 227lbs at 5'8", I had a 3 month old baby that I was EBF. I joined Instagram and began my journey. Again.

    I followed many dieting accounts and many of those who had weight loss surgery. I never even thought of the surgery being a possibility for me as I hadn't had health insurance in over 10 years. I just enjoyed watching other journeys.

    After many ups and downs and losing/gaining the same 20lbs I got down to 195 in January 2015. In February I started a new relationship, got down to 185lbs for a whole minute.

    But then I wasn't working out for 2-3 hours a day anymore or following a strict low carb diet. I started gaining all the weight back. We got married in November and I was back at 225lbs.

    Once we were married and I was put on his insurance (tricare prime) we decided maybe the surgery is an option for me. I am tired of yo-yo dieting. I don't want to spend the rest of my life counting carbs/calories/macros and working out daily for 2 hours just to MAINTAIN.

    The hard part is qualifying for surgery. I am barely over 35bmi. I had no co-morbidities. My lab work came back great. The only thing I could hope for was having sleep apnea.

    On May 16th I went to my primary and got a referral. June 1st I had my consult with the surgeon. June 2nd I did my sleep study. June 7th it was confirmed I HAVE SLEEP APNEA. Thank goodness. Plus it was so relieving to finally know why even after sleeping 8-10 hours a night and healthy eating I was always so tired.

    I am waiting for my referrals to come back for the psych eval. I have appts for the success habits workshop, nutrition and exercise lecture. I need to go do my lab work as well but no appt needed for that.

    During all this I am raising a 2 year old and back to being a "single" parent. My husband took a new job in Afghanistan and he's on a 90/30 rotation. I have no friends or family nearby and each appt I have to drive my kid to my Moms 2.5 hours away. It's not easy but I'm hoping for the best and trying to be optimistic in all this.

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