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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chubbychecker

  1. chubbychecker

    March Bandsters How Many Fills ?

    I have had over 10 fills and wasn't anywhere near my correct fill. I am currently unfilled due to the stomach flu. Having fun with it and can eat pretty much whatever. Going back in to start my refills this week. My relationship with food has not changed, and I need to start therapy soon. I feel like a dry drunk when I don't eat. I am also very discouraged with the amount of weight I have lost. 35lbs and banded March 25th. I thought I would be down more by now and feel I have been doing all the correct things to keep my weight down. I am very discouraged. On the positive side, I have not gained any weight, which I know was a problem before the band. I probably need to start really really exercising, but was hoping to see the band do more of the work. As of now, the scale won't budge. So hopefully these refills will get me going in the right direction. Good luck to everyone. Chubbychecker (yes still chubby) - Banded March 25th 2008 - 121lbs altogether - 35 lost-85 to go.
  2. chubbychecker

    Did He Puncture The Tubing With The Fill?

    There is a post in the remove band section on punctured ports. However, not being a doctor but giving you my thoughts, my doc always pulls everything out of the band then refills it every time, if it was hitting something else the tube (plastic iv tube from the syringe to the butterfly needle) would run a different color...I assume. The band is an awfully expensive investment for a mistake like that to happen, money and health are both at risk. Maybe you should consider switching doctors if you don't trust them.
  3. chubbychecker

    dizzy and light headed

    You probably need protein. And drink water. I got dizzy pre-op due to lack of protein.
  4. It happened when I was pregnant.
  5. chubbychecker

    Things to have on hand Post Sx

    Hope my band date is the same day! How exciting. How is your liquid fast going?
  6. chubbychecker

    Unfinished Lap Band Surgery?

    I hope you are not self pay.
  7. chubbychecker

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi. Getting banded on the 26th. 114lbs. to lose.
  8. chubbychecker

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Testing. I posted last night and the post is no longer there. Can anyone see this?
  9. chubbychecker

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi all. I am March 26th too. I started fasting today and almost had second thoughts. I wasn't hungry at all just light headed and have a headache...I can't stand it. I just made sure I ate something every 2 hours. Chicken broth, liquids, tea, protein shake. It helped but all and all it was a rough day. However, it's good to be able to talk about it and explain my feelings. Otherwise I might give up. I am dreaming of the prawn I bought a few days ago. Oh well maybe in a few months in moderation. I did take a nice walk today too. So, I am on the right track, just have to keep pushing. Oh, I also took a hot bath it helped. Good luck to all you March Banders! I am excited for you.
  10. chubbychecker


    Does anyone know if pepper is permitted on the pre-op liquid phase? I am permitted to eat chicken broth, pepper would be so nice. ChubbyChecker
  11. chubbychecker

    Unfinished Lap Band Surgery?

    I just started the liquid phase today! I already have a headache. I will make it through. =) Chubby
  12. chubbychecker

    Switching Addictions

    I have no official information on the subject. I am looking for info myself. I am worried, I was an ex smoker, then I turned to food as my primary addiction after getting pregnant. I used to wake in the middle of the night thinking about cigarettes, now I do the same about food. It's so weird. I can only hope I can stay in therapy so that I can deal with these issues. My family is extremely supportive and will help me get the mental health support I need even if it's out of the home by a doc. Although I have only told my mom and my husband, I do at times feel very lonely in this process. Being fat is lonely too. Another topic. Anyway, I wished there was a book about this addiction changing problem. There are also other mental health issues relating to surgery that the psychologist went over with me. You are more likely to get depressed after surgery if you have had 1 or more depressive episodes in your life. This I believe was information that is known fact in the psychology world, not sure where the fact was drawn from (any surgery or lap band surgery only). I am so happy that the discussion of these topics are here. I am convinced that mental state has a lot to do with being overweight. I am sure like many diseases it will take researchers many years to figure out. Good luck.
  13. chubbychecker

    Just Beginning...

    Good luck! Welcome to the forum. I am getting banded this month. I am so excited and scared at the same time. I knoe it's the right thing to do.
  14. That's my surgery date too! When do you start your fast?
  15. I am having second thoughts about getting the band. Has anyone had reservations about getting the band? Some days I think should I do this on my own and take alli. But I have taken oralstat before with results and gained back more after baby # 2 (2 babies in 2 years) I am at an all time dangerous high. I have my last pre-op (barium swallow) tomorrow, then I can schedule surgery hopefully for March. In addition I didn't like the personal trainer that my doctor had us meet. He was like you have to do everything I say or this won't work. It freaked me out. I will lift free weights but in no way will I become some kind of gym nut. I am a swimmer and a walker (anything low impact). Does anyone know if I have to spend this much time in the gym? I am a bit freaked out by the whole experience.:rolleyes2:
  16. chubbychecker

    pain ,surgery and men

    I would be so worried and disgusted that your husband had no regard for your health like AIDS or VD. I believe in commitment, but there is a line that is drawn. Part your ways you will be so happy! There are plenty of men out there that respect human beings. Chubby Checker
  17. You should be given a gold star for your efforts to help your son become a healthier person. I haven't been banded yet. I am sure the liquid diet is very difficult. Your son will get through this. It's so wonderful to see how you all are so courteous to his feelings. Maybe you can distract him with a magazine or a walk out of the house. If he is ready.
  18. Anyone getting banded this month? I am going to schedule surgery hopefully for mid month. I have had some reservations, but now am convinced I need this to help me to do what it takes to get this weight off. I know the band itself doesn't help alone, but with the reduced eating and exercise it will work. I am so excited about my new lifestyle. Also anyone reading New Earth?
  19. chubbychecker

    Second Thoughts/Reservations

    I would love to hear your progress. I am sure you will be just fine. And I am sure you are in your surgery right now. I am sending positive thoughts your way. Thanks for listening to me too. When you are up to it. I would love to hear how you are doing. Chubbychecker
  20. chubbychecker

    Can't lose any weight!

    I would find a new doctor that works for you. That whole losing weight deal sounds weird. Almost military style like. It wouldn't meet my personality needs of a doctor. I am not sure I would be comfortable with people who are so strict. Good luck.
  21. chubbychecker

    Hummus spread????

    I eat it with cucumber slices. Yumm! Not sure if veggies go down well after getting banded. You will have to ask that question to fellow banders. =)
  22. chubbychecker

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    I told my Best friend and she was the last person I told. Only my husband and mom know and of course my friend. Her reaction was, oh my god that is so drastic. So, is being obese and dying of heart disease and diabetes. I have neither but my aunt and uncle do and I see myself going down that road. So, I am doing something about it...even if it is drastic. = )
  23. chubbychecker

    psych evaluation 3 hours???

    Hi, I hope to be banded within the next month by Dr. Eric Pinnar out of Reston, VA. Him and his staff are incredible and focus on after care. The psychologist part of the program is important and not so much to see if you are ready for surgery but to discuss possible concerns after the surgery. For instance if you suffer from depression it is important to know that if you have ever been depressed, surgery itself can trigger depression. There were 3 or 4 tests and they included: Questions to see how you see the world or if you are depressed or bi-polar and so on. They are true or false you don't have to think about it. ex: Are you in a happy relationship? Are you tired all the time? Do you feel good? Then they will throw in a weird one like You were on the front cover of Cosmopolitan last month? One test was the alcoholic test to make sure you are not an alcoholic. Then the psychologists evaluation, which were questions at length. Its nothing to be scared of unless you have major psychological problems. She also said I was psychologically strong enough to do a 14 day fast rather then a 7 day one. So, its used for different reasons. It will point out possible concerns and for you to get it on the table. I was approved right away and we are all a bunch of weirdos in my family. :smile2:
  24. chubbychecker


    I will be banded in a few weeks. I still need my barium swallow which I had to reschedule due to bad weather. Then I can schedule surgery. Yay! I have 2 small children and outside of surgery I am always frightened at the thought of them not having me. I just bought the biggest life insurance policy I could buy and find comfort in knowing that my kids would be in good hands and financially taken care of if something happened to me. I am so sorry your ex has abandoned your relationship. That must be so hard. I can barely raise my kids with my wonderful husband. Hopefully you have a good lawyer. =) You should be happy that you have taken charge of your life and your health. Good luck.
  25. chubbychecker

    freaking out!

    What is the left arm pain? I have had surgery many times (sinus, a cyst removed from my ovary, a tonsilectomy, a lymphectomy) and I am still nervous. I never had a bad experience with surgery, however I think the whole expereince can be emotional cause not only are we going to get major surgery we are also going to change our lives drastically and the unknown is very scary. Plus if any of you are like me I am an emotional eater and before surgery would be the most opportune time to eat. = ) Just cause of nerves. I really want to know more about this arm pain. I am a massage therapist and can't afford to have my arms out for to long. When I had one of my surgeries, I got the gas pain in my left shoulder...is this the same thing? It was so painful but only for a few hours.

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