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Everything posted by highfunctioningfatman

  1. highfunctioningfatman

    Mmmmm good stuff

    Yeppers! She went traditional on the cheese, it was swiss with black forest ham.
  2. highfunctioningfatman

    Sexy Halloween costume?

    Personally I like the one on the right.
  3. You could always run like you're being chased by a Tyrannosaurus Rex!
  4. highfunctioningfatman

    Sexy Halloween costume?

    Pfft... You say that to ALL the girls. Yeppers!
  5. highfunctioningfatman

    Sexy Halloween costume?

    If you are thinking about me in your sleep I'll count that as a win!
  6. highfunctioningfatman

    Sexy Halloween costume?

    I went by my dad's house and took a picture of this picture that is hanging on his refrigerator. Oh and the sign that I'm leaning on is in my garage. This could have been any random night not just Halloween.
  7. highfunctioningfatman

    Sleep study

    Pretty common. Ask if they will accept an overnight oximetry instead. It is $40 out of pocket without insurance for most independent testing companies (instant diagnostic systems, virtuox) and although it won't establish an apnea hypopnea index it will show the correlation between your heart rate and your desaturations.
  8. highfunctioningfatman

    Sexy Halloween costume?

    And yeah, I'm here for the pictures of the girls!
  9. highfunctioningfatman

    Sexy Halloween costume?

    Never been a big Halloween guy. Usually I cheap out and do one of a couple of things. First I did a couple of big gulp cups on my head heald on with panty hose and I'd just terrorize local stores by running through them waving toilet paper (usually from their own bathroom). Then I upgraded to an Israeli gas mask, fingerless gloves and a red straw hat. I would drive through town looking for a family of four, preferably in a mini van or a station wagon. I'd pull up along side of them at a traffic light and see if they would turn off. If not at the next traffic light I would stare at them even as the light changed I'd stare at them and drive forward about the first 10.feet. If that didn't work this ALWAYS did, at the next light I would turn, stare and point at them. The light would go green and I'd shut off my headlights and pull in behind them. IMMEDIATE turn every single time! Also, I know that some of my stories seem like just that but when you live in a small town things are a bit different. I will leave you with this picture from last Halloween and yes, I'm driving around like this...
  10. highfunctioningfatman

    I need some good come backs

    I use a variation of this. When I went back to work i just called all of us together because there were various rumors. I first I confirmed my penis reduction surgery and that explains why my pants are already loose. Then I told them that I had an alien baby in my stomach and there will be constant growling. I did slip in wls before mentioning that I was doing the Mexico Water diet to constantly flush EVERYTHING out of my body and that I would be loosing weight one toilet flush at a time. I have fun with it. Just tell them not to believe everything that they hear and give everyone a different bogus story.
  11. highfunctioningfatman

    Water everywhere, not a drop to drink

    Mandarin orange and black cherry Propel for me.
  12. highfunctioningfatman

    Eating is difficult

    A lot of people have trouble with eggs. Try another protein. I found crab and shrimp to be what I needed.
  13. highfunctioningfatman

    The mighty scale

    Is anyone else tired of their weight defining who you are? I exceeded the capacity of my 300 pound scale about 3 years ago. According to my doctors scale I was 315 last April. If all goes well then tomorrow I will have utter glee adding lead to my scale as large chunks exit the back of my scale. It should be quite therapeutic! I've also decided that nobody else needs to know my weight either including my doctor. I have a commercial driver's license that I will have to step on a scale for ever two years as a requirement for my medical card but everyone else can pound sand. All I care about is being happy with myself and that damn scale sure never did.
  14. highfunctioningfatman

    Need some flavor

    Propel is all I drink. I still have a hard time with plain water. I like the mandarin orange and black cherry flavors the best. I normally used to love kiwi strawberry but it doesn't seem to be so great in the propel. The nice thing is zero calories, carbs and sugars.
  15. highfunctioningfatman

    Wanted to share

    Hubba hubba! I mean you look very nice!
  16. highfunctioningfatman

    16 Days Post-OP and loving it!

    @@TheRev Can I really make your day? Add a little bit of green enchilada sauce to it.
  17. highfunctioningfatman

    Taste buds change?

    So true! I used to love iced tea and crystal light. Now I can't stand it. I thought that I might be insane with the sense of smell. The smells are heightened to me. This happened within a week.
  18. highfunctioningfatman

    Vent session

    It could be worse...BCBS of FL. They didn't cover wls surgery either. Between my wife's brain tumor surgery in April, all of her normal meds for her lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and Raynaud's disease, all of the copays for all of the doctors visits 4-8 month through June, her regular 2 doctor's visits per month and my Mexican surgery @ $4400 we have spent over 20k this year. Now her neurosurgeon is concerned and wants another MRI and we fully expect to hear that my son needs a set of tubes in his ears. Dang it, I meant to quote the OP and like yours.
  19. highfunctioningfatman

    Vent session

    It could be worse...BCBS of FL. They didn't cover wls surgery either. Between my wife's brain tumor surgery in April, all of her normal meds for her lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and Raynaud's disease, all of the copays for all of the doctors visits 4-8 month through June, her regular 2 doctor's visits per month and my Mexican surgery @ $4400 we have spent over 20k this year. Now her neurosurgeon is concerned and wants another MRI and we fully expect to hear that my son needs a set of tubes in his ears.
  20. highfunctioningfatman

    What can I do to help with my tiredness?

    Thanks! No offense to anyone here but I'm not the kind of person who can just relax and heal. I'm the kind of guy who will seriously over do things if left to myself. For me I just need to push myself. Obviously my motivation was to enjoy my beautiful wife. She is a strong motivator! This is a good opportunity to practice pushing yourself to rest and take it easy.I've never been "that guy". I've had one sick day in my entire working career. I don't go to work sick. I just find that if I'm not feeling well relaxing doesn't do me any good. Doing anything is soooooo much better for me. Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that I had family here after my surgery I probably would have grabbed my air tools and used my engine hoist for lifting the front fenders and hood off of one of my trucks off to tear down the top of the engine. I just don't have an off switch...
  21. highfunctioningfatman

    How much did you lose during pre op?

    19 pounds in 10 days.
  22. highfunctioningfatman

    Twinkie Twit

    Shortly after we bought our house we had a run in with the neighbors across the street. They would play music insanely loud starting around 10pm and it would wake up my 5 month old son. I asked nicely 3 different times for them to stop. When the didn't comply my wife unloaded about 150 rounds of ammo into an embankment alongside our house. My wife stood there with a still smoking barrel and said if they ever woke my son again that they would never see the light of day again. The moral of the story is don't piss off momma!
  23. highfunctioningfatman

    Where do I put my scale ?

    I absolutely hated my old scale. It was one of those super fancy piles O' poo that said way more than a fat man should ever know. It also required multiple button pushes on a small button just to get it to read my weight in pounds. I filled it full of lead and used it's pieces to fill my trash can. Liberating! I bought a plain jane scale that I keep in my bathroom and I'm soooo much happier.
  24. highfunctioningfatman

    What can I do to help with my tiredness?

    Thanks! No offense to anyone here but I'm not the kind of person who can just relax and heal. I'm the kind of guy who will seriously over do things if left to myself. For me I just need to push myself. Obviously my motivation was to enjoy my beautiful wife. She is a strong motivator!

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