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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by highfunctioningfatman

  1. highfunctioningfatman

    Anal Sex Concern

    I'm sooooo glad that this stayed a healthy discussion instead of going into a rabbit hole!
  2. highfunctioningfatman

    Last meal

    My last meal before my pre op was bacon wrapped shrimp with a cream sauce from a favorite Mexican joint. My last meal before surgery was a lobster soup broth. My best meal since was every single meal because I know that I'm doing my body right.
  3. highfunctioningfatman

    Anal Sex Concern

    I could be wrong but I bet that your question would have been taken in a different light had a homosexual man asked the question. As much as I hate to point someone into a situation that you may not be comfortable with you might want search men's homosexual forums for the term "rny" and see what comes up.
  4. highfunctioningfatman

    Anal Sex Concern

    I don't know of many of us that are medically qualified to answer that question. You really ought to check with your doctor on that one. As far as people's sexual preferences if you don't have a good answer here then don't reply. I can see the concern in this question. My wife is a four-year degree Psychology major with an emphasis in abnormal sexuality. This is not considered abnormal anymore.
  5. highfunctioningfatman

    BIGGEST NSV yet!

    I never had a butt to begin with so I was quite surprised to lose there. Now I have a boney butt and with the rest of my gravity pushing down on what is left of my butt, it hurts!
  6. highfunctioningfatman

    BIGGEST NSV yet!

    I dug up some old pictures. The first one I was 13 and in scouts. That damn pack weighed just over 100 pounds, I weighed 225. The second one was probably the best shape that I was ever in, I was 19-20 at that point. I'm on the right up against the Toyota. My best friend Casey is sitting on the Dodge.
  7. highfunctioningfatman

    You know you lost weight when

    I just bet you did!
  8. highfunctioningfatman

    You know you lost weight when

    To tell a little known secret about men, we are extremely visual and crossed legs is like a sign saying "hey dumby, check HER out". I've had 4 ear operations when I was younger so there are certain sounds that I don't hear well. The one sound that grabs my head and rips it around is the sound of heels on a hard surface floor. They don't have to be stilettos, just a normal short heel will do it.
  9. highfunctioningfatman

    Does it make me a horrible wife

    Look, he is a guy and like was said earlier, WE LIKE TO FIX THINGS. Give him something to fix and he won't be so attentive to you. Got a project that he can do? Point him at it. It will fill his needs and keep him busy.
  10. highfunctioningfatman

    BIGGEST NSV yet!

    It appears that I spoke too soon! This is my 2xl work shirt and 36" pants. I'm also in the last notch of my belt. The blurs are because my company doesn't want anything on social media of any kind.
  11. highfunctioningfatman

    Post-op Mexico?

    My theory is that if they won't pay for it then they don't need to know about it. I plan to go to my doc after I'm back to what I would consider normal and request that get a referral for blood work to see if I have vitamin deficiencies. Otherwise I have zero desire to have any "real" follow up care.
  12. highfunctioningfatman

    6 months results!

    Dang dude, nicely done!
  13. highfunctioningfatman

    NSV: Keeneland

    Always awesome when you can do something that you couldn't before! Good job ISG!
  14. highfunctioningfatman

    BIGGEST NSV yet!

    Pretty much my experience! The lady that helped me actually laughed when I said that i was buying them and coming back to the dressing room to wear them right then. I was so excited that I gave her a ol' hug! She nervously laughed and hugged me back. I called the store today and asked for her manager and I explained how helpful she was and how appreciative I am for her help. The manager laughed and said "so you're the guy!".
  15. highfunctioningfatman

    BIGGEST NSV yet!

    I'm back at work today and it sucks because after yesterday's experience getting into my work clothes is such a bummer! I'm wearing a 4x shirt and 40x27 pants. If I had real legs I'd be pushing 6' tall!
  16. I had a great week and I lost 7 pounds! I'm at 265:)
  17. highfunctioningfatman

    Negative reactions from friends/family?

    I still haven't told my dad. My mom died 8 months after getting bypass in 2001. Her body was fighting cancer and it wasn't found. During healing her body couldn't heal and fight the cancer. He is completely against wls. I told him that I over produced ghrelin which is true. I told him that the surgery would reduce ghrelin levels and allow me to lose weight which is true. He doesn't need to know more than that.
  18. highfunctioningfatman

    How old were you when you had your surgery?

    38. Stats to the left updated every single pound!
  19. highfunctioningfatman

    Random Questions

    I had the sleeve in Mexico at Trinity Medical and was EXTREMELY happy! The cost was $4400 and the plane tickets from Southern Oregon to San Diego was $474 for my wife and I. They treated us like family. Good luck finding that in the states.
  20. highfunctioningfatman

    Spicy foods!

    All of my choices are based on nutrition labels. I look for no sugar, no carb and low salt. I'm not too worried about calories or fat. So far it seems to be working well for me. Your results may vary.
  21. highfunctioningfatman

    Time off work

    I went back to work on the 7th day post op. My work was primarily desk. There isn't a reason other than weight restrictions that would have stopped me from doing my regular job. I'm a supervisor for the drivers for an oxygen and respiratory company as well as managing our warehouse. I saw no reason why I couldn't be on the road as well other than those pesky weight restrictions. I say pesky because my boss had the surgery a year before me and she called my surgeon and had him specifically stress the restrictions.
  22. highfunctioningfatman

    BIGGEST NSV yet!

    If it wasn't for the fact that I "poof" out at my stomach when I sit I would be quite comfortable with a 2xl shirt. I've lost 18 3/4" between my chest, stomach, waist, biceps, thighs and calfs. In my chest, stomach and waist I've lost 14 1/2"!
  23. highfunctioningfatman

    BIGGEST NSV yet!

    (In my best but still really cruuuuddy Elvis voice) Thank you, thank you very much!
  24. highfunctioningfatman

    NSV today

    Right on!
  25. highfunctioningfatman

    I understand regret now...

    Try drinking something other than water. I CAN'T drink water! I drink Propel water. I've also been fine with Gatorade G2, Powerade Zero, vitamin water zero and something else that I don't recall that was sugar free. I have the exact same symptoms at 6 weeks out when I attempt water.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
