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Everything posted by meridian.jpg

  1. I dance a bit for fun but I thought it'd be really cool to dance for exercise! I listen to a variety of music like jpop, kpop, jrock, hip hop etc so there's so much I can dance to. I'm just worried about my stomach.
  2. So awhile ago I made a post about a few things: 1. People making me feel bad about having the surgery and 2) having some issues with being really tired after eating. For the update about the first topic: I deleted my instagram and immediately I felt 100 times better and I am back on track of with my weight loss! I started walking again, drinking more Water, and I also have been learning how to avoid the hate comments I tend to get from my family. As for the second one: I see my new doctor on the 6th but I went to an urgent care because I felt really bad and I was told that I could have celiac's disease so I am to keep a journal of everything I eat now and record the reactions. I am also going to finally see my new bariatric surgeon in two weeks! Also, today I am buying a digital scale and some whey protein! ???? I want to say thank you to all the wonderful people who've replied to my post, you all are amazing. ????
  3. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I had it, I love the fact I am losing weight and getting healthy but it seems like people who didn't have the surgery are trying to make me feel bad for having it. I have an instagram to show my progress to my friends and family and I guess to anyone else who follows but when I read though some people's bios or captions, they usually state they're losing weight or lost weight naturally and naturally is usually in all caps. I am starting to feel self-conscious about me not losing weight "naturally" and when I get that feeling I usually find myself eating more than I should. I have a strong will to say "nobody is going to make me feel bad for having weight loss surgery" but then I start to realize that I should have lost more weight than I have in this past 7 1/2 months. I am finding myself sort of binge eating and it causes dumping syndrome which is bad and I am also binge drinking fluids because I feel like I'm not getting enough of them. (by binge drinking I mean taking huge glups of Water and juice, tea or coffee). Sometimes I don't walk every day or every other day like I should because I am usually so tired and weak but yet I have eating issues. It's like, no, I'm not hungry-I am hardly ever hungry now-but I feel like I HAVE to eat sometimes because I used to do that before the surgery, I was always eating something no matter if it was chips or grades. I guess I am a bit depressed because I'm not as small as I thought I was going to be after 7 1/2 months but I'm just starting to really feel bad about the surgery. I am looking at my old pictures and I am honestly not even seeing any difference anymore.
  4. I'm so happy for this, I feel so good! I'm going to celebrate the best way I know how...drinking a decaf coffee! How much weight have you lost so far? [emoji5]
  5. Today I walked up to Walmart, which is a good half a mile away from my apartment, and I had subway for dinner. I took about 30 minutes to eat and I waited 15 minutes to drink my tea. No problems, I felt fine that is until my mother came to pick me up around 9:45pm. As soon as I got in the house, I felt like I was going to faint and my whole body felt sore. So I sat down for awhile and stayed awake but around 12:45, I got cravings so I had half a Protein bar and 15 minutes later I had half a Protein shake. Right after finishing my half of the shake, I got that fainting feeling again and I felt extremely tired, more tired than I've ever been. I also feel weak, lightheaded, I have some chest pain and my arms are so sore. Back in Feb to the end of April, I was having a lot of extreme fatigue to the point just walking to the bathroom was making me weak and tired, I slept nearly all day and all night but, now in May, up until now, I was feeling a lot better. I also used to get the extreme fatigue after eating back then but the ER doctor and my doctor never addressed it. I know when I went to the ER back in April for (tmi) constant bloody and loose stools, I was told I have a "small and slow" lower gi bleed that could be causing the weakness and fatigue but they didn't admit me. I have not had any bloody stools since the end of April and I am still waiting to see a gi doctor and waiting to see my new surgeon again (had the surgery in Nebraska in September, left at the end of November to move to Flordia) because he's booked soild. :/ Anyone experience any of this, the fatigue, weakness etc?
  6. meridian.jpg

    Does anyone dance for exercise?

    I'm 7 1/2 months out, I was told to start walking right away by my surgeon, I was even up and walking in the hallway the following day after surgery. I've been walking all this time but I really wanted to try something to add to it.
  7. meridian.jpg

    Does anyone dance for exercise?

    Ah, that's good to know! I hate to sound silly but I just really had to ask.
  8. meridian.jpg

    Does anyone dance for exercise?

    I'm worried that something might come loose or I might damage something.
  9. meridian.jpg

    77 pounds down today!

    Thank you!
  10. meridian.jpg

    Tattoos after WLS

    I know I was told by a tattoo artist that I should lose weight before getting any tattoos. :/ living my life like it's healthy
  11. meridian.jpg

    Drinking With Straws

    lol I find myself sometimes drinking out of a straw but then I take it out, I'm just so used to it. living my life like it's healthy
  12. meridian.jpg

    How do you flavor your water?

    Oh, I just did some research: you can fill up a picher with fresh or frozen fruits of your choice and pour Water over it. Let it sit and then drink it. I read that it's really good! living my life like it's healthy
  13. Are (is?) starting to comment on the way I look and how I look good "now". Yet they called me ugly in middle and high school and now try to tell me they "had the biggest crush on me". Please. Like, do they really think just because I lost some weight I am going to forget about all the mean things they said? I don't believe in that "boys only pick on and hit girls because they like them" crap, I never have and if it's true then why the hell they still doing it in HIGH SCHOOL? There's about three guys, so far, who've told me they always liked me and always wanted to date me and how cute I was but I just role my eyes and try not to gage. A part of me sort of likes the attention but then I remember they just want sex and I go back to rolling my eyes. Has this happened to anyone else, man or woman, etc?
  14. meridian.jpg

    all of a sudden, guys from my school days

    LOL "how you doing". Ahh yeah you're right but these guys just annoy me to no end. I pretty much just blocked all of them. living my life like it's healthy
  15. meridian.jpg

    all of a sudden, guys from my school days

    If you do, please tell me how people reply to your losing weight. I haven't been in high school in four years. living my life like it's healthy
  16. meridian.jpg

    all of a sudden, guys from my school days

    My fb is on private but I just added them because I assumed they just wanted to be friends on fb and not talk to me or w/e but then they send those messages and I just gag. I never dated any of them, so they're not exes. I honestly don't have time for it myself, it just makes me sick and has sort of been happening since 10th grade.
  17. meridian.jpg

    How do you flavor your water?

    I use great value Water Enhancer. They're usually only five calories and they taste amazing. living my life like it's healthy
  18. meridian.jpg

    making me feel bad about the surgery

    Thank you so much! I needed to read this! living my life like it's healthy
  19. meridian.jpg

    Do certain comments bother you?

    Oh my goodness, I thought I was the only one. My thing is, I am only 22 years old and I've been out of high school for four years. Suddenly, my so called friends are finding on fb or in the streets and they say things like "oh you're so pretty" and "you look good now" or my favorite from the guys "you know I always had a crush on you" but you didn't give a care back then. It literally makes my skin crawl. living my life like it's healthy
  20. meridian.jpg

    Grumpy and irritated...

    I am 7 1/2 months post op and I can tell you that I had the same issue, feeling grumpy, irritated and low energy. I was depressed at first because I couldn't eat regular foods and irritated that I couldn't have soda but I got over that. The low energy was from being dehydrated even though I was having a lot of fluids. My doctor ordered an at home IV for a week. Maybe you should ask your doctor if he/she thinks you're dehydrated. living my life like it's healthy
  21. I am a 22 year old now living in Florida and I had my roux en y gastric bypass surgery in Omaha, Nebraska back in September. Before the surgery, I was 330 pounds, unhealthy, unhappy and living with type 2 diabetes, knee pain and gastric reflux. It took me three years to convice myself to have the surgery and finally I did, I am so very happy I did. I no longer have diabetes or acid reflux and my knee pain is gone! I feel blessed to even had the surgery at the age of 21. My surgeon wad Dr. Daniel Crunk of Methodist Hospital and he was my life saver! Now I am down 71 pounds but having a bit of issues with gastrointestinal bleeding. It's really hard to get in to see a surgeon here in Florida but I should be able to see one soon! Me in 2015 and me now. living my life like it's healthy
  22. I had gastric bypass surgery on the 2nd of September back in 2015 and I sort of feel like I'm falling off track. I am eating more than I should at times and I am hardly walking at times. I live in Florida in the Pensacola area but if you live anywhere else it's fine too. I just need a buddy or mentor to help me stay on track. living my life like it's healthy
  23. meridian.jpg

    Post op pain

    I had the same problem after about a week out of surgery, I was told it was gas pain. However, if it gets worse, I would go to the ER. living my life like it's healthy
  24. meridian.jpg

    Where are you From ?

    I am in Myrtle Grove, Florida. living my life like it's healthy

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