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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jobey

  1. Jobey

    Help with protein

    Please post the recipe!!Thanks! Hey I can't post the recipe cause it's in the wrong format. But if you pm me your email I can send it to you
  2. Jobey, I can definitely relate to feeling hit by a bus. Sheesh. They hit me, did a u-turn and ran me down a second time. The first night was pretty rough but the pain meds helped. I'm home now and figuring out a routine. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I promise it gets better Focus on Water and Protein shakes atm. Now at 3 months I reckon I can eat or well consume 3 times more than I could week 1 post op. Don't be a hero, take the pain drugs if it hurts. That's why you have them. Are you out of hospital yet?
  3. Jobey

    Help with protein

    Hey Guys, just emailed everybody who asked for the protein ball recipe, check your junk mail folders if you don't get it [emoji4]
  4. I woke up in recovery feeling like I'd been hit by a bus and I wasn't allowed to drink anything just suck on a wet face cloth and my mouth was so dry! They gave me anti-nausea meds which actually made me throw up, so that was a bit scary right after waking up and it took me 3 goes taking them to realise what was making me sick. In hospital I really only used my pjs and sports bra, chap stick, pillow, a good book and my iPad. I had 2 morphine injections into the actual stomach when in hospital and was then on oral meds for a week, which were easy to swallow as it was only max 2 at a time. It took me 2 weeks to be pain free and the hardest part about the first 2 weeks was adjusting to what I could eat and still sitting down with my family when they ate. You don't realise how much of a social activity eating is, until you're at a table and everyone else is eating and you're not. I also couldn't watch TV, too many food adds lol. The incision they used to remove my stomach remnant hurt the most and and I was really aware of it when I twisted, turned and bent over. During the first 2.5 weeks, I had a 1.5-2 hour nap everyday, it's normal to feel crappy in the first 3 weeks, you're body is recovering from major surgery and then adjusting to your new stomach. However all that aside, I'm now almost 3 months out, down 70lbs and everything was definitely worth it and then some! Would do it again in a heartbeat At 3 months out I can eat anything I want just in much smaller quantities, which is good. This surgery has completely and drastically transformed my relationship with food for the better. I know it's scary but just try to take your recovery 1 day at a time, each day it gets a little easier
  5. I got screwed on a piece of halibut. I literally had nothing but a 6oz piece of fish and it was $22! Talk about getting the shaft! I know, it's ridiculous!! Especially when you know there's no way you're going to eat it all. Now when I got out I either pick of everyone else's plate, depending who I'm with or add a side of something to another meal and eat that!
  6. Jobey

    Help with protein

    You make a mixture with protein powder and other ingredients (you need something sticky like peanut butter or coconut oil the bind everything together) and you separate and roll them out [emoji4]
  7. I can't believe it's only been 3 months, I finally feel and look like a woman again [emoji4] and can now really see a difference
  8. Jobey

    Help with protein

    They're pretty easy, but you have to like peanut paste as you use it as the main binding ingredient. Pm me and I'll email you the recipe if you want [emoji4]
  9. Thanks guys [emoji4] so excited for 12 month results [emoji4]
  10. Jobey

    Help with protein

    Sure [emoji4] PM my your email and I'll send it to you.
  11. I've now lost just over 70lbs, even writing that feels weird lol
  12. I'm almost 3 months out and am down just over 70lbs
  13. Getting used to eating out and being able to find something appropriate and protein high on the menu and not paying out the butt for it!
  14. Simone Anderson, she did a full video diary for her skin surgery! She's awesome and absolutely gorgeous [emoji4]
  15. Jobey


    What the last poster said and wait 30 secs between mouthfuls. It's really hard at first cause it's never been something you have to think about when eating but it really helps [emoji4]
  16. Jobey

    Help with protein

    I'm in Australia and haven't been able to find it anywhere. I make protein balls using a powder and eat them for breakfast and usually hit 70-90 grams a day with them and food alone.
  17. Jobey

    Help with protein

    Yoghurt, eggs, cheese and remember you can add protein powder to foods if you're struggling to get it all in. I don't do shakes cause I'm not a fan, but it was near important to hit my goal with food alone at 3 weeks. It's gets easier, I promise
  18. Jobey

    ZERO Energy!

    With the not being able to eat for a day, were you stressed?? I think that when I'm really stressed I can't eat. A friend of mine that's 3.5 years out told me that when your stressed your stomach contracts. And obviously with a normal sized stomach that's not an issue but with a 1/4 of what we used to have for us it is. I know there's no way to eliminate stress from your life, but it helped me a little knowing why I was struggling to get food down and keep it there. I felt like a baby for the first 3 weeks, liquid and puréed food diet and a 2 hour nap everyday lol. I started to perk up at 4 weeks post op also
  19. I don't know if this will be encouraging or not, but I'm 11 weeks post op and anything with a super high sugar content gives me dumping so makes it really easy to say no. As whilst I know I'll enjoy it, it's not worth the aftermath. With the not drinking and eating, it's not like you can't drink at all you just can't drink a lot. I still drink when I eat but I'll only take a very small sip to wet my mouth rather than huge ones and I wait for about 20mins after eating or I feel sick. Also remember liquids run through you much quicker than food Hope this helps
  20. I use MyFitnessPal and would love some friends on there that use bariatric ways of eating. All my friends on there have no idea about it and what it entails lol. My username is jobey84. Anyone that doesn't mind adding me or visa versa would be awesome I'm only 3 days post op atm, so my food diary is pretty boring but hopefully will get more exciting in a month or so lol Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. I'm just over 10 weeks post op from VSG and am worried about hair loss. It's been really good thus far but after doing some research I discovered that this usually isn't an issue for most patients till 3 months. So no more gloating for me lol I can't stand Protein shakes so I eat all my protein every day. As an average I usually hit anywhere between 60-90 grams a day and have also been using a Joico protein treatment on my hair. HW - 140kg or 308lbs SW - 132.5 or 291lbs CW 110kg or 242lbs So basically I'm wondering what other people have experienced and what their protein goals were that resulted in no hair loss? Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  22. I've been taking a hair, skin and nails one since week 2 and there's biotin in my multi. I'm trying to do all the things that I've seen recommended but I'm guessing it varies person to person. So I'll see [emoji51]
  23. Jobey

    July Sleevers Group

    Awesome thanks [emoji4] just added you as a friend
  24. Thanks guys [emoji4] I suppose now it's just a waiting game.
  25. What did you do to help with the grow back?? Anything in particular?? Or does it just take time?

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