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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lily461

  1. My surgeon and nutritionist were firm about getting a minimum of 64 grams of Protein and 64 ounces of fluids every day. That is the minimum. Protein first, then vegetables, then fruits. Skip all processed carbs. bread, Pasta, cereals - all will slow weight loss and cause you to retain fluids. I am coming up on the one year anniversary of my surgery and have lost 130 pounds. I still have a Premier Protein shake every morning for Breakfast to get my day started right and get in 30 grams of low-carb whey protein.

  2. My esophagus swelled the morning after my surgery. I had dry heaves and it was very painful. My surgeon ordered a swallow study, which found the swelling. A very common complication, and easily treated. I ended up spending three nights in the hospital instead of just one. They treated it with steroids and it resolved pretty quickly.

  3. Hello, you look great and good for you. I am only 7 weeks out and lost 38 with my pre-diet and after surgery. My surgeon says to count the 14 pounds in the two weeks before because it affects your total weight loss. Last month I lost 12 pounds and it seems slow but it is about a couple of pounds a week which is frustrating to me. I need to eat more they say to lose more like 900 calories a day. In the past 3 weeks I have done more and go back to work Monday. I will walk around my school as the art on a cart art teacher to 24 rooms so I may lose more then. I have rested a lot because I was exhausted at first. I still get days like that. Once I retire in June I will try to go to a swimming pool for Water aerobics and swimming. I have a treadmill and have been on 15 minutes at a time. I have to do better. Water will be better on my osteoarthritis. I am hoping to lose at least 10 to 12 pounds a month. I was losing a pound or more in the beginning for the first 3 weeks.My surgeon says you lose slower at my age. I will be 62 in May. Well, everyone keep up the good work. [emoji3]

    You can do it! I was a competitive swimmer from age 13 through college. Swimming is great exercise. I am 55, will be 56 next month. I keep my carb intake low, stick to lean Protein, green veggies, small amounts of fruit. No sugar, no "white foods." That has been incredibly helpful in my weight loss. Nothing processed. I track my food and liquid intake on an app on my phone, so I can always keep track. It also tracks my exercise. I thought I would lose slower, but keeping carbs low really ramped up my weight loss.

  4. Deciding to have gastric sleeve surgery has been a total godsend. It has reset my relationship with food. I now view food as fuel for my body, and nothing more. I don't have cravings. The "before" photo was right before my surgery last June. I weighed 330 pounds. I had sleep apnea, hypertension, advancing arthritis in both knees, asthma, and every day was painful and difficult. The after photo is me at 212 pounds, taken just recently. I still have about 50 pounds to go, but losing 123 pounds has been a true blessing. My blood pressure is normal without meds, sleep apnea greatly reduced, knees are feeling good. I am working out regularly - cardio, weights, and Pilates. IMG_7936.JPG IMG_2601.JPG

  5. I would not wait to seek help. You are already aware that your drinking is a problem. It's not uncommon for people to swap one addiction for another. So I would encourage to trust your instincts on this and not listen to anyone telling you this is not serious. It's clear that you already know it is. Wishing you all the best!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. I understand being nervous. I had my surgery on June 6. It was the best decision I could have made. Since beginning my pre-op diet on May 22, I have lost 55 pounds. I am off blood pressure meds, my knees feel SO much better, I'm not out of breath every time I move, and I am happier than I have been in a long time. I still have another hundred pounds to lose, but I am thrilled with how I am progressing. I only wish I had done this sooner!

  7. I am down 39 pounds (including my two-week pre-op diet). I am off my blood pressure meds, much less pain in my knees, and people are starting to notice the weight loss. I feel good! I put on a pair of dress pants today that I haven't worn in a few years, and they were a little baggy!

    I've followed my surgeon's and dietician's instructions to the letter. That really is the key. I have had few problems since leaving the hospital. This is the best decision I could have made for my health. I only wish I had done it sooner!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. I had a Mirena IUD for several years and it was fantastic. The current IUDs are NOT like the old scary kind. The Mirena is a tiny piece of soft plastic which releases a small amount of progestin. Even better, your periods will get lighter and possibly disappear. Nothing but good things to say about the IUD. I was also on birth control pills for many years and had no trouble with them. In fact, I was in the best shape of my life while on the pill.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. I had the sleeve on 6/6. Was supposed to stay one night, but ended up staying three due to a small complication. My esophagus swelled up and I was having trouble getting liquids down and gas out. Very painful, and I was also having dry heaves. They did a swallow study the day after my surgery and found the problem. Treatment was simple with steroids, but my surgeon wanted to be sure I was well past the vomiting and pain before sending me home. I've been doing fine since then.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. It's a big decision! So I think it's natural to be nervous. I had my surgery on June 6. I am SO glad I did. Since I started my pre-op diet on May 22, I've lost 32 pounds. I am already off my blood pressure meds and the crippling pain in my knees is gone. I still have a lot of weight to lose, but having those two issues already resolved for me has been life-changing!

    Just keep looking ahead and stay positive. You'll do great!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. It sounds like it is not a good idea for you to be drinking alcohol right now. I love wine and martinis, but my focus is on my health, which is more important than drinking. No judgement, but we all have to recognize our limitations when it comes to post-surgery life. If I never have a glass of wine again, but get back my health and can do the things I want to do physically, it will be totally worth it.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. My surgery was last Monday, June 6. I had to spend a couple of extra days in the hospital as I had a small complication: my esophagus swelled up. I was having dry heaves, unable to get any liquid down, or any gas out. It was very painful. A swallow study revealed the problem and it was quickly treated with steroids. So I was able to go home on Thursday.

    I am getting adjusted to my "new normal." Staying focused on Protein and staying hydrated. I'm using the Baritastic app on my iPhone to help me track Protein and liquid intake, as well as reminders to take supplements. My surgeon wants me to take Protonix for about 6 months, to keep stomach acid down. I've needed little pain medicine. I got a prescription for liquid hydrocodone, but that stuff gives me insomnia, so I quit taking it. I'm actually feeling okay without taking any paid med right now. I'm sore, but it's not unmanageable.

    Between the two week pre-op diet and my post-surgery losses, I am down almost 30 pounds since May 22. That's very encouraging! My knees are already feeling MUCH better, and my BP has dropped 20 points. I am also seeing a reduction in stress incontinence already, which is wonderful. I have a long way to go, but I am greatly encouraged!

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