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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fredbear

  1. Fredbear

    Annoying Co-Workers

    Always best to not give a flying fig what people think of you!
  2. Fredbear

    Tomorrow is the day

    Good luck!
  3. Fredbear

    Annoying Co-Workers

    If you work with women, you should expect cattiness, lies, and gossip; it's what women do. If you have a Human Resources team, you can bring up the gossip and try to get it quashed (though that usually just makes it worse, and you'll be ostracized). Better to take the gossip up with your boss and see if she/he can stop it.
  4. Fredbear

    Psych eval?

    My initial psych test had about 400 questions. I thought the questions about "hearing voices, being spied on, and people are stealing my thoughts!" were hilarious. It made the test go by quickly. The actual psychologist just spoke with me casually about family, relationships, basic stuff like that. "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  5. Fredbear

    I hate it when people say...

    This is the basically same tactic the "abstinence-only sex education" people use. They rely on fear and ignorance to make a case for their dangerous ideology.
  6. Fredbear

    Aug 1st is the day

    Good luck tomorrow!
  7. You've lost 10% of your body weight in 6 weeks, stop complaining.
  8. A reputable business won't accept a post-dated check. A reputable client wouldn't offer one.
  9. Fredbear

    5 months and 82 lbs down.

    /wolfwhistle "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  10. Fredbear

    Weight loss before surgery

    My surgeon asked me to lose 10#. I lost 11# in the first month. "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  11. Fredbear

    Tomorrows my big day

    Good luck! "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  12. Fredbear

    How to quit sugar ?!?!?!?

    I had a heavy Diet Coke fixation and quit cold turkey 3 months ago. Other than about 5 days of a low-grade headache, there haven't been any issues. I've totally stopped using caffeine. Plus, now I'm actually tired at bedtime, and I don't need Ambien. WIN/WIN. I've tried a few sodas, but now fizzy drinks just make me feel bloated and sick. Which is actually a good thing... no temptation in going back to soda at all. "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  13. Good luck! "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  14. Fredbear

    Got a date

    Good luck!
  15. Good luck! "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  16. How do I say this nicely? Please don't comment as you have "never had bariatric surgery" Having WLS surgery is a difficult decision and not to be made lightly. I myself had the 2nd surgery as my band had eroded into my stomach! People who have not had WLS love to comment, however I suggest respectfully that you are not in a position to comment. Deciding to have a revision is a difficult as having the very first operation so having feedback from people in similar situations or at least have had WLS is appreciated. No back seat drivers please:)Well bless your heart. If you don't want opinions (or really, _truthful_ opinions) you shouldn't ask for them. But by all means, go for additional surgery even though it is apparent from your own statements that it's your behavior that is the problem. "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  17. If you're not compliant with a sleeve, what's the point of moving to a bypass (where you'll probably also be non-compliant). If you're not going to control what you're eating first and foremost, even sewing your mouth shut would be a pointless operation. "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  18. Fredbear

    I hate it when people say...

    I've made it a habit to bring and use noise-cancelling headphones when I travel just to avoid talkers. I also pull out the iPad and begin reading. Even with these clear "LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE" signs, there have still been three occasions where I literally had to turn to a person and say, "I'm sorry that your parents never taught you to entertain yourself, but I have no interest in talking to you because you are bored and need attention. Now STFU and leave me alone." "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  19. Fredbear

    Suggestions of FitBits?

    http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/07/wearable-maker-fitbit-must-face-lawsuit-over-sleep-tracking-claims/ Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  20. Fredbear

    Suggestions of FitBits?

    Actually it doesn't. Read the news "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  21. i.e., they don't agree that you are stable enough. "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  22. Fredbear

    Today is the day!

    Whoop Whoop! "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  23. Fredbear

    Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...

    Violent and ignorant society does violent and ignorant things, News at 11! "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  24. Fredbear

    Various Questions

    Even though your insurance may not require a referral, I would recommend discuss this with your PCP and getting their recommendation, mostly because I assume that your PCP is in your insurance network, and therefore they would be able to direct you to a bariatric specialist who is also in-network. Your other questions are really jumping the gun; don't worry about the details until you have a surgeon and have done an orientation, spoken with the surgeon directly, seen their nutritionist, etc., etc., etc. "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. "
  25. It's been a process... First I was pre-diabetic and given the "you need to test your BS, lose weight," etc. - and I went into denial for several years. Then I was rejected for an operation because "your BS is not controlled." - and I grudgingly started meds... which made me gain even more weight (diabetic medications are evil that way). After years of taking metformin, I get sent to an endocrinologist for additional meds, and eventually have to start self-injections (first Byetta, and eventually insulin). My A1C gets better for a while, and then worse. Then I break my foot, spend 6 months in a boot, have surgery, and spend 3 more months in a boot. I get released from the boot (hurrah!) and realize I have to learn to walk all over again. During 3 months of physical therapy I end up spending a lot of money, both on the PT and having to buy my meds... so much that I end up meeting my healthcare deductible in the first three months of the year. But the final straws: 1. While heading to our last exotic cruise, asking for a seat extender for the first time in my life, in First Class of all places. 2. While on the cruise with my spouse (who is also large), on a bus tour through a hot, sweaty climate, I finally snapped and said out loud, "You know I love you more than anything in the world... but dammit, I'm tired of being physically pressed up against you anytime we travel anywhere." And so I decided to pursue WLS once we returned to the states. On month 3 of my (wasteful, pointless) 6 month insurance requirement. We have one trip planned later this year (right before my probable surgery), and dammit that will be the last time I'll have to deal with being pressed up against someone (anyone) because I'm just too damn fat to fit completely in the seat.

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