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Posts posted by CarlaG

  1. I went to Fitday.com to try to journal my food today because the nutritionist said she didn't think I was getting enough calories. Fit day is not easy to use.

    Can anyone recommend an easy online food journal.

    By what I put into Fitday I only ate about 600 calories today and the nutritionist wants 800 - 1000.:thumbup:



  2. Rose,

    I am three weeks out from surgery today and am on mushies. I have found that since the surgery carbs make me absolutely sick and give me a lot of pain. You may also be the same way. You will have to experiment with what you can eat. I've also found an aversion to the sweet stuff which is making it hard to do the Protein drinks. I've finally figured out if I put Sugar Free chocolate Syrup in my vanilla drink it cuts the sweetness alot.

    I've also found that I need to eat about every 3 hours or I get very hungry. I'm averaging about 1/4 to a 1/3 cup for meal times and then I usually have a cheese stick (very chewed), a SF popsicle or Jello in between.

    I know my ticker says 13.5 lbs gone but it is actually 21 lbs now (I can't get my ticker to change).

    Also, don't weigh yourself every day. I was doing that and freaked when I gained 2. I waited a week and the 2 were gone plus 1.

    Keep your chin up....it will get better. Try to keep in mind it is only a matter of time before you can eat "real" food. There is an end in sight.

  3. I had both done and I didn't know any different. I had some shoulder pain for about 5 days and was told that part of that was the gas they put in you but also from the hernia repair and it affecting nerves.

    I only took prescription pain meds for 3 days (and only a couple times a day) and was off all meds at 5 days. The heating pad was my best friend for about a week though.

  4. I was just banded on 3/13. I took vicodin for 3 days, tylenol during the day and tylenol PM for a couple more nights and that was it. I was still sore but the pain meds were starting to make me feel bad so I just quite.

    I'm not 10 days out and very little, if any pain.

    Good luck on your journey!


  5. Socalbandit,

    I'm not really concerned about going out to eat. I know what my limits are right now since I am still on liquids. I can have a cup of Soup and be happy. So far I have not felt hunger so I'm not worried about having a pity party. The point of going out was being able to socialize and have my family realize that I can still be part of a "normal" social situation.

    I really don't feel that going out to eat is any different than staying home and cooking for my family. How much closer and intimate can you get to food than hands on? There is much more opportunity and temptation right there than ordering a controlled portion off a menu. Not cooking for my family is not an option so I have been cooking for them and making my own dinner. I could be having a pity party everyday but I choose not to. This was my choice and I have to adjust.

    My point in my post was to point out to Deenagal that her situation (as mine was today) is most likely an "emotional" hunger versus "true" hunger.

    Believe me, I am self-pay so there is no way I am going to screw this up whether it be cooking at home or going to a restaurant but I am not going to stop my social life either because of this band. I have to learn how to live in the "real" world.

  6. I am on day 8 and today I am having head hunger. I understand what you are saying about support (or lack of it).

    I'm going to vent for a minute since your post kind of goes along with what I am feeling right now.

    My mother had asked me if I could eat out if they went out for Easter dinner. I told I could as long as the restaurant serves Soup as I am still on liquids and that I would enjoy going out since I have been nowhere in the last 8 days. Well today she calls me and says, oh we've decided we are cooking at home so bring what you can eat. WTF. If I wanted to eat the same stuff I've been eating for 8 days, I would just stay home! This is all because my sister (it always has to be about her) doesn't want to eat out. I'm so angry that I just want to eat!

    The whole point of my vent is you are probably experiencing the same thing. You can't let them get the best of you. You did what was right for you, not them. My husband seems to think that my mother doesn't like the fact that I got banded because she has an emotion investment in my being heavy (of course my sister and brother are both thin) and she is threatened by the fact that I am trying to get healthy and thinner.

    Do you think your family is possibly the same? How do they treat you otherwise? Were they nice to you before or derrogatory (sp?)?

    Anyhow, don't let the head hunger make you think you are really hungry. I have yet to get really hungry and I am struggling today knowing that it is head (or heart) hunger. We have to stop using food as a comfort.

    Comfort yourself with the brave decision you made to make a better you!!! Please keep thinking that and you will feel much better. Also know now that your post has helped someone else because as I'm speaking to you, it is also easing the pain and betrayal I'm feeling from my own mother.

    Thank you....and keep your chin up...it does get better and easier :shades_smile:

  7. Zannie,

    I was also banded by Dr. T. He's such a cutey.

    When I told my husband about my weight loss, he said he would have to give me a new name. I asked him what would it be since he now calls me "Sweety".

    My new name is now "Sweety Petitee"! I thought that was so cute and the fact that he thought it up instantly is just amazing LOL :thumbup:

  8. I was banded on 3/13 and I go to the dr. today. I'm excited to see what is gone.

    I know this sounds weird, but I can already feel a difference. I've decided that alot of my aches and pains aren't just from the weight but from all the crap I was eating.

    My feet, ankles and knees have not hurt at all since the surgery and it feels wonderful. I know that is not from the few pounds I've lost so I think it must be from chemicals or something in all the junk I was putting in my body.

    I really don't care why it feels better, I'm just happy it does!

  9. RealtorCarol,

    I am eating something I probably shouldn't be at this point. I have eaten egg drop Soup, bullion and my mainstay has been some chicken boiled in bullion with no yolk egg noodles and then I puree it so it looks like creamy Soup.< /p>

    The noodles do have carbs but they also have Protein so I figured that would add a little Protein in that I am not getting from the Protein drinks. For some reason I cannot stomach them right now.

    I'm only eating 1/4 to 1/3 cup of that 3 times a day and chewing/sucking on ice I bought from Sonic. Their ice is just like little balls, soft enough to chew without breaking your teeth. I like my Water really cold so the sipping isn't working because the Water gets too warm.

    I know I'm being so picky but when I try to eat/drink something that doesn't agree with me I really suffer and it really makes me question my decision.

    I have to give myself the most positive thoughts I can and if what I eat makes my day go pain free, then I am happy. The dr/nutritionist might not be too happy when I see them but maybe they can give me some other suggestions or will move me to mushies where I can have some cottage cheese or ricotta cheese....anything non sweet with protein :shades_smile:

    By the way, I think we were banded the same day. I'm a March 13th bander (last Thursday) too!

  10. Before I was banded on the 13th, I was drinking the Protein shakes, eating yogurt, etc. I had no issues with "sweet" tasting stuff, but was not a big sweet eater.

    Since the band, I cannot stomach anything sweet and the majority of the stuff on the liquid phase is sweet. Ever since the banding the Protein Shakes cause me major pain. After my morning shake yesterday I stayed away from the Protein Shakes and/or Protein waters.

    Today I tried a protein Water and again major pain. I think it possibly has something to do with artificial sweetners. Right now I can't even stand the smell of anything sweet :thumbup:

    Has anyone else had this problem? I go to the doctor on Wednesday and I'm hoping he will say I can start mushies cuz I am not finding anything to agree with me on liquids (except egg drop soup).

  11. Bozzj,

    If your dr. is supportive of the surgery he/she should be willing to help out. I know my dr was willing to do whatever I needed to help assist with the cost. I was also self pay but my fee included all the pre-op testing.

    Have you already talked to your dr. about it? No offense to anyone on here who may be a nurse, but sometimes they just don't know what the dr will do and won't do or what you have actually discussed.

    And besides, your dr works for you. If he knows you are self pay and you insurance doesn't cover the cost of the surgery he should be willing to order the tests your insurance will cover. He should want to keep his "employer" happy.

  12. During surgery they do insert a cathedar and as I already have UTI problems I think between the cath and not getting enough fluids that is what is causing the blood. I did go today to Sonic and bought some of their ice (thanks HarleyNana). It is very easy to chew and a lot easier to take in then trying to sip. I like my Water very cold and the sipping thing doesn't really work because it gets warm to fast.

    I feel much better this evening and I'm getting in a lot more Fluid but I may still call in the morning to ask. The surgeon gave antibiotics at the hospital so I don't know that I would need anything else at this point.

    Thanks for everyone's concern. I can't believe the difference a day makes! Yipee!

  13. Thanks Shortgal.

    This is what I've done today. I went to the store and got some boneless, skinless thighs. I boiled them with bullion and some yolk free egg noodles. I cut the chicken up and then put the broth, some chicken and noodles in my Bullit pureed it. I then strained it to make sure there weren't any big pieces of chicken.

    You would not believe how much better I feel. I was so sick of all the sweet stuff since I'm not a big sweet eater anyway.

    I also went to Sonic at the suggestion of HarleyNana and purchased some of their ice. Its very easy to chew and I have gotten in a whole 20 ounce cup today so far.

    I know we are not supposed to have carbs, but I figured with the small amount of noodles I put in there and they offer 8 grams of Protein, I'm not being too bad.

    The pain has also eased up some. We went and walked around Walmart and I could just feel air moving all over the place. I thought I was getting enough walking in around the house but apparantly not.

    Thanks for listening!

  14. I was banded on 3/13 (also hernia repair). I tried to drink my Protein on 3/14 and it made me feel really bad and I had a lot of shoulder pain. I didn't drink any Protein drinks yesterday thinking maybe the milk was bothering me. I also didn't take the prescription pain meds to eliminate that also.

    This morning I got up and had absolutely no shoulder pain. Felt pretty good actually except for soreness.

    I made a cup of Protein Drink with Water instead of milk and now again I am in agony. :( I took about 30 minutes to drink it (it was very thin).

    What am I doing wrong? I'm so afraid I'm going to run myself down since I have absolutely no desire to eat or drink and I'm forcing what I am taking in.

    Please help!:confused2:

  15. I am now 24 hrs post op. Not feeling too bad. Just had 8 oz of Protein drink. I got most of it in and started feeling some pain so I don't know yet if that is the sign that I am full or not.

    I'm not having a whole lot of pain. The dr. also had to repair a hiatal hernia which was a little bit of a surprise. I had a bit of trouble with my oxygen levels and nausea but otherwise everything went ok.

    I've already taken a shower today and am up moving around so I have to say the surgery was not too bad overall.

    I was scared before hand that I was making the wrong decision but I'm glad I did it. I KNOW I WILL SUCCEED:w00t:

    Good luck to everyone!

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