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Posts posted by CarlaG

  1. No suggestions but wanted to say congratulations on your loss. I had my surgery on March 13 and keep fluctuating between 37 and 40 lbs down. I am so aggravated that I can't get past it! I try exercise as many days as I can but it just won't budge.

    My husband says I am probably building muscle because I do feel a difference in my clothes but it still disappointing. If you figure something out let me know!

    Good luck!

  2. How do I know if I am at my sweet spot or too tight?

    Some days I can eat normally (approx. 1/2 cup of whatever) and some days I cannot choke down a thing. More often than not I try to eat and I just can't do it. I try to eat the small Dannon yogurts and can only get down about 1/2 of the container. I'm finding myself using the Protein Drinks more and more.

    I am definitely getting full faster when I do eat and am not feeling hungry at all. I am basically having to force food in which I think is making it harder to swallow past the restriction.

    I just don't know if I should stick with what I have or go for a little unfill.:)

  3. Hi Carla! I was very worried I would begin to lose my hair with the surgery and because I have it highlighted etc. I went to GNC and picked up their hair, skin & nails formula and I love it. My hair is more soft and healthy than it was when I was a child (pre coloring, perming etc) and I haven't seen a wad of hair in the shower yet. :( My nails have started to grow even faster and stronger than before. It has about 3000mg of Biotin and many other good Vitamins. I take it with my daily Vitamin each morning. Check out GNC online and you can read the label. Hope this helps!!!

    How long did it take for your hair to stop falling out after you started taking that? I've upped my Biotin and I think I am already seeing a difference after a few days but it could be my imagination.:thumbup:

  4. Has anyone used Biotin Shampoo? If so, did you see any noticeable changes. I'm losing some hair and I'm already taking Biotin and keeping my Protein up so I thought maybe shampoo would help. :confused2:

    How much biotin do you take? I was taking 300 mg a day but have upped it to 1000 mg. My first bottle said 300 mg was the RDA so is my body just filtering out what is over the RDA?

    I am also having problems with the fish oil capsule getting stuck once in a while. Has anyone found smaller (round vs oval) EFA pills?

    Thanks! :tt1::biggrin:

  5. I don't understand. Why are they calling it a failure? Because you lose weight slower? Studies show that in the end, we all end up losing about the same (band vs bypass).

    I believe like you...I would much rather lose slower and healthier than take the chance of decreased health status due to malabsorption. The quicker weight loss is not worth it to me.

    You're right about it being an implant. I think that is a good way to think about it.

    Your weight loss is going great! I was banded in March and have lost 35 lbs. I was stuck for a month but an now moving again so I'm very pleased with my band.

    Keep up the good work!

  6. How do I get my updated ticker on my signature? I've done it before but I am drawing a blank and can't remember how to change it. I've already updated it on Ticker Factory and I've copied the link but can't remember what to do with it after that. Nothing I've tried is working :lol:

  7. Carla, I think it's both, I eat too fast and don't chew well enough. I don't get stomach cramps at all, never have.

    BTW, have you tried those new salads at Wawa. I call ahead and order the Greek salad, with extra roasted peppers and grated cheese added. It's enough for two meals and has chicken on it.

    I have not tried the salads. Do they make them fresh so the salad isn't slimy and gross?

    I did a little experiment tonight. I was home most of the day cleaning so I only stopped to eat lunch at 1230 and then we went to dinner about 6:30. Since it had been so long I knew I was going to have a problem so I ate a couple of chips (we ate mexican) and as usual when I haven't eaten in quite some time my stomach started cramping as soon at the food hit it.

    I waited a few minutes for it to stop and I was able to eat the rest of my meal with no problems.

    I think I have decided I'm going to carry something soft with me that I can eat a couple of bites of before my meal if it has been a long time since I've eaten. It seemed to stop the cramping and I didn't get stuck.

  8. Carla, I'd be surprised if you're at your sweet spot this soon, but you very well could be. Three and a half years later, I still do the same thing, forget to eat, then realize I'm starving, then inevitably, that first bite will get stuck, then it's slime city and numerous visits to the restroom.


    Do you think you get stuck because you eat too fast, don't chew well enough or I think its like my stomach cramps with the first one or two bites? After I cough that up, I'm fine so I'm not really sure what causes it. I seem to eat the same way after I've gotten stuck so that's why I lean towards the cramping causing a problem.

    How do you know if you have hit your sweet spot really? I never feel hungry but know when I haven't eaten for a while because my stomach growls REALLY loud and start to have a cramping feeling but it isn't what I always thought was hunger pangs.

  9. Carla that is too funny, she told me she had told Dr. T about her car. How's the WL going? Do you like your band?

    DJ_Bryan, Dr. Clarke did Signgirl's band :party:


    Overall I am liking my band. I've had two fills now and I think I have restriction...don't know if it is my sweet spot, but there is restriction. I don't have any hunger, but if I wait too long to eat, I end up PBing. Sometimes, I realize I am hungry and take took big of a bite, but other times I think since it has been a while since I ate that my stomach spasms and I can't get whatever it is down.

    I'm still in the learning curve. I just have to tell myself slow down and chew correctly.

    I've lost 30 lbs over the last 3 months, one month of which was spent eating out 24/7 due to storm damage to my house so I am pretty pleased with my progress.

    Would I do it again? Absolutely! :P

  10. Aliciarose,

    Don't go by my ticker about the weight loss. I can't figure out how to change it.

    I have lost 27 lbs. since the surgery and that was after a month of eating out 24/7 due to the damage to our house and living in a hotel so I am pretty satisfied with that.

    For some reason I am really not focusing on the pounds gone. I am concentrating on the exercise, trying to eat right and going by how my clothes feel.

    People at work keep asking how much have lost and I can honestly say I don't even weigh myself. I'm trying very hard to not be obsessed by it. I know the whole point was to lose weight, but if I can feel it and I have people calling me the incredible shrinking woman than I guess it is working.

    Also, don't rationalize having the surgery. I know it will help your diabetes, but even if you didn't have that issue, the weight loss will help you be a happier you. That is very important also. You shouldn't feel that you have to have an excuse. You have to do what is best for you.

    I know I initially said I felt like a failure, but this really is not the easy way out and it takes a lot of commitment so if you are successful, how can you be a failure? I don't think that is possible.

    All I am saying is please be confident in your decision, be happy and be proud that you are on your way to getting your life under control.

  11. AliciaRose,

    Everyone at my work knows. I wasn't going to tell anyone and then I thought...what the heck...its nothing to be embarrassed about. I do worry about failure but it really is not their business so if you choose not to tell that is perfectly ok.

    I mostly talked about it because several other people are considering it and my boss actually had gastric bypass.

    I work as a 911 dispatcher and we are very sedentary so the majority of us are overweight. We are also a pretty tight knit community so everybody knows everybodies business anyhow :thumbup:

    I do not have any regrets at all. Over the last month we have been living in a hotel and eating out every meal because of storm damage. It is a little more complicated making choices, but I was very happy to see that I could eat out and look like a normal person.

    I have only had trouble a couple of times and that was because I waited too long to eat and didn't chew well enough.

    I saw my surgeon yesterday for my second fill and I have only lost two lbs. over the last month but we was very pleased with that since we were eating out 24/7. Now with my new fill and we are back home I should be making progress again.

    Just remember...this is a very personal and long journey. Do you think you will be able to keep it a secret forever or are you waiting to see if you will be successful? Either way you have to do what is right for you and what will make your journey easier and less stressful.

    Good luck!

  12. I had my first fill 5 weeks post op and it was not bad. All I felt was pressure really...no pain at all. Unfortunately, I have not had any restriction and we have been out of our for the last month due to storm damage and we have been having to eat out every meal. Not a good thing for a very new banded person.

    I did go see the nutritionist last week and even though I had only lost 4 lbs since my fill, she weighed me on a special scale that showed I had actually lost 40 lbs. of fat and gained 9 lbs. of muscle from the previous weighing which was a month prior.

    I go this Thursday for my second fill so hopefully I will get some restriction and be back in my house with my exercise equipment and no more having to eat out.

    One good thing out of all this drama with the house repairs is I know I can go out to eat and "look" like a normal person. I can make choices and eat so that no one has to know I have had surgery. I was very worried about that since I really wasn't telling everyone I know.

    Good luck with your surgery. I did have some pain after but not a whole lot. I couldn't do the Protein drinks for about 2 weeks but my surgeon said not worry about it. Anyhow, alot of people say it took them a while to be able to sleep on their sides but I was doing it before the week was out.

    One piece of advice...actually two...definitely have a heating pad handy (mine was my best friend) and if you have Sonic near you make sure you get some of their ice. The sell it by the bag and it is very easy to chew. It really helped to get fluids in and satisfy the urge to chew at the same time.

    Good luck and keep me posted!

  13. Thanks its good to know that I am not crazy! I have the mask for the nostrils, its much better than the mask, my problem is the machine continues to ramp up during the night and it burns my nose and makes my ears hurt.... any suggestions? I really need to call the nurse I guess. I am supposed to wear it for 30 days and I have only accomplished 8 since last month. I don't want to hold up my surgery but this is sooo aggrevating! Thanks for the support! Are you in VA also?

    Can you add Water to your CPAP? If not, ask for the machine that you can put Water in. It adds moisture so the burning shouldn't be bad.

    I fight with the tubing of my machine and if things get a little lopsided it wakes me up because of the difference in the noise. I'm a very light sleeper and the pitch change is enough to wake me up. I also have to run a fan to drown out the noise of the cpap. Its not very loud, its just different. I also have to cover up the machine with a towel because the light on it bothers me.

    People at work say I'm just weird but I sure would like to see them sleep with that contraption on. I think they would feel a little different if they did.

    But, honestly, you really should try your best to wear it...especially if it is a prerequisite to the surgery. :thumbup:

  14. I too have claustrophobia and have sleep apnea. Have you tried to head gear that just goes into your nostrils and is not a mask? That is the only thing I could handle. It doesn't cover much of your face and you don't feel so closed in.

    I haven't used the cpap since my surgery (March 13) but my husband has noticed me snoring again so I really should use it. I do get better sleep so you really should give it a try. I know it is hard and very frustrating, but you will probably feel better.

    Good luck!

  15. <P>I called my surgeon's office today and asked about getting and earlier fill. They said due to insurance they can't do the 2nd fill before 90 days after surgery. When I told them I was self pay, it was a totally different story. So now I can get my fill June 12 which is a whole month sooner.</P>

    <P> </P>

    <P>Tomorrow I'm going to our local wellness center to see if I can get a short term membership until we can get back in our house.</P>

    <P> </P>

    <P>I have not done too great on eating today but I am going to take this weekend to get my head back in the game. We are going out to dinner tonight and I've already gone on line and scoped out calories/fat/protein to find out what is my best choice.</P>

    <P> </P>

    <P>I have to have a plan before I ruin all my progress. I didn't pay all this money to fail.</P>


  16. I am so upset with myself. I was doing so well and things are going downhill.

    I was banded on March 13 and had lost almost 30 lbs. A week and a half ago a tree fell on my house and we are now living in a hotel having to eat out every meal.

    I do pretty well if I am at work where I have my "good" foods but at dinner time I lose it. Tonight I had Chinese food. By the time I got to eat dinner (8:15) I was so hungry that I ended up getting stuck and had to throw up a little.

    I am so tired of eating out and they have not even started work on my house yet! I'm going to be back up to what I was before surgery the way things are going!

    I called the doctor and I cannot get a fill until July 10th! because he won't do a second fill before 90 days out and due to his vacation and mine I can't get it until a month after the 90 days.

    I am so aggravated, upset and depressed about everything right now.

    I'm hoping someone can give me some words of encouragement or a smack that will get me back on the right track.:thumbup::sad_smile::biggrin:

  17. I was banded on March 13 and have been doing good since. So far I've lost 28.5 lbs and 9.5 inches from my body. I have been exercising 5 times a week until now.

    Now comes the bummer part....storms hit my area on Monday and a tree went through my house. We have no power so my treadmill doesn't work. Its unknown when we will be able to live in our house again so we are stuck in a hotel that unfortunately doesn't have a fitness room so no exercise equipment. We also have to eat out 3 times a day.

    I am very grateful that no one was hurt, but how much worse can it get from a bandster standpoint.

    I'm trying very hard to eat correctly, but it is difficult when you have to eat each meal in a restaurant. So far I'm making ok choices but we are only 2 days into a possible 2 month process. :smile2:

  18. It was not known before the surgery "officially" but I was having some problems swallowing that I had already told my primary care doctor about so I wasn't surprised.

    I did call my PCP and they said the surgeon should file a claim and go from there but because I have an HMO I'm a little worried about it.

    I guess all they can do is try.

  19. I am self pay and I just received a bill for $3500.00 for hernia repair during my lapband surgery.

    First I'm a little upset that the "whole" band fee for the surgeon was $5500 and now I have a bill for an additional $3,500 for "a couple of stitches" as the surgeon put it!:rolleyes2:

    My question is this...my insurance would have covered a hernia repair if I had the proper referrals. Has anyone ever gone back after the fact and gotten a hernia repair covered?

    I just don't know what I will do if I have to pay another $3,500. I already got a loan to pay for the lapband. :cry_smile:

    I'm feeling extremely quilty right now about this whole thing :confused:

  20. You don't say how long ago you were banded, but it took me two weeks before I could stomach the Protein drinks. I was drinking them before surgery so I knew I liked them ok, but they just really upset my stomach. I spoke to my surgeon at the 1 week mark and he said to give it another week and since I have been fine. I was banded on March 13th.

    I really thought it was going to be hard to get in all the Protein but so far so good. I had my first fill on Thursday but don't really notice any difference yet.

    Anyhow, give it some time and I bet you will be able to get in the drinks. They do help with hunger so I think they would be better than cottage cheese in the long run.

    Good luck!

    (I'm a dork. Just noticed your banding date. You are probably going to be like me and have to wait awhile on the protein drinks)

  21. I am definitely going to get the fill because it is a struggle.

    Amoud I can understand what you're saying about being afraid to eat. I am being so anal about what goes in my mouth. The nutritionist already told me I'm not eating enough calories so I have upped them somewhat but in the last week have only gotten in the range of what she wants on two days.

    I am self pay so I really want this to work. I don't want to feel like I made a mistake and I don't want my husband to feel that way either since we really did have a lot of discussion about the cost.

    I almost worry about becoming anorexic because I am starting to feel guilty putting food in my mouth. It's so silly. I'm going to go from one extreme to the other.

    I go for my fill tomorrow afternoon so hopefully he won't ask about any additional weight loss. I do know I will have to wait 6 weeks for the second fill because he will only do the first two 6 weeks about regardless of lack of restriction. After that he will do them as needed.

    Have a great day everybody!


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