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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by HopefulInVirginia

  1. HopefulInVirginia

    Augh a non answer

    I got to the point where I could no longer stomach, lol, the protein shakes. I bought Isopure unflavored whey protein from Amazon and I add it to chicken or beef broth. It makes the broth a little thicker but is virtually tasteless. You have to add the protein to the broth (stirring very well) before you heat it up or it will clump. Hope this helps!
  2. HopefulInVirginia

    Pain Question

    Hi everyone. I was sleeved the day before yesterday. I've been trying to drink my water and protein shakes. It hurts when the water or shake goes down. Is this normal? I also had a large hiatal hernia repaired during the sleeve surgery. I know this is something I should discuss with my surgeon but it's Saturday. Thanks in advance for any input.
  3. I was sleeved last Thursday so tomorrow will be one week. I gained 8 pounds from the hospitalization (IV fluids). I finally lost those 8 pounds of fluid but have only lost one additional pound. I read about people losing a lot of weight in the first week and am concerned with my lack of weight loss. Has anyone else experienced this? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any input.
  4. HopefulInVirginia

    Weight loss question

    I did do a pre op diet and lost 14 pounds. So I'm down 15 total since Sept 8th. I just thought that since I've been having less than 400 calories a day for a week now that the scale would have moved. It seems like others have lost weight the first week so it just concerns me. Although now that I think about it more, it's coming up on my TOM so that could very well be the reason. I am not getting all of my fluids but am close. Yesterday I had 50 oz but need to get to 64 oz. I am getting all of my protein in. I am walking but could probably step that up a little. I'm just really tired. Thanks for the input.
  5. Hi all! I was recently approved by insurance for the sleeve and my surgery date is Sept 22. I am so excited! I am interested in any feedback re my surgeon, Dr. Nain, at Inova Fair Oaks Hospital. He seems great so far but I would appreciate hearing from others who have experience with him. Thanks in advance!
  6. HopefulInVirginia

    Pain Question

    Thank you - I'm glad to hear this is not uncommon and that it will get better.
  7. HopefulInVirginia

    Sleeved yesterday

    Hi all! So I did it - I really did it- I am officially sleeved! I'm feeling pretty good. The doc did a hiatal hernia repair and that part of my chest hurts but is manageable with the pain meds. My tummy doesn't hurt at all, which surprised me. I've had 3 bouts of nausea but have not thrown up. I've been walking my laps around the unit. This morning I had broth and jello and have so far been able to tolerate eating. I feel a lot better than I feared I would. I may have to stay one more night in the hospital because my hematocrit is low. They will check it again in an hour. Hopefully it will have increased but even staying at the same level is probably okay. Now I'm ready to get to the weight loss stage - woo hoo! Good luck to each of you on your journey!
  8. HopefulInVirginia

    Sleeved yesterday

    Thanks everyone! I'm home and am struggling a little bit but doing okay. Definitely need my pain meds. It's uncomfortable to eat (jello, Popsicles) and to drink (sip) water. Is this normal? @@tiff291 how is your recovery going?
  9. HopefulInVirginia

    Getting sleeved in 3 days

    I'm getting the sleeve on Thursday (9/22). I am really excited but I am also nervous. I've read that some people say the pain and nausea are minimal and totally manageable and I've read that others say the pain and nausea are off the charts. How will I most likely feel when I wake up in recovery? The first and second day post op? Just want to mentally prepare myself. Thanks in advance for any input.
  10. HopefulInVirginia


    My sleeve surgery is on Thursday. When I first began this journey back in April I felt ashamed that I had gotten to this point and needed surgery to correct it. But through the last few months as I've met other pre and post op patients in forums like this and at the bariatric center I've felt better. I've felt like it's okay to have this struggle and that it's a struggle shared by lots of other people - not just me. Because I was feeling less insecure about having weight loss surgery, I mentioned it to one of my husband's co-workers a few weeks ago. I found out today that this co-worker told my husband that I was complaining about having to eat healthy after having the surgery (which I wasn't) and, in his opinion, if I had just eaten healthy in the past I wouldn't have to have surgery. This really stung and now I feel ashamed all over again. Somewhere along the way I forgot how the general population views obesity and bariatric surgery. I forgot the biases and stereotypes and discrimination. All this talk about how if you just eat right and exercise you can lose weight no problem. People who don't struggle with their weight don't know how this feels. This guy doesn't know that I grew up with a morbidly obese mom and that my biggest fear was ending up here. He doesn't know I ran and ran and ran to try to avoid gaining weight- until I injured my right knee and was told I could never run again. He doesn't know I ran a marathon and a couple of half marathons back in the day. He doesn't know the pride I felt at turning 20 years old and havung not hit the 200 lb mark like I always assumed I would by that age (38 now, 226). He doesn't know how truly gut-wrenchingly hard my struggle with my weight my entire life has been. That it has been my biggest obstacle and enemy. That it has been something I have thought about every single day of my life since I was probably 10 years old. I get so tired of people with their self-righteous opinions. Until you've walked this path, you have no idea how it feels or how far you would go to change it. So here I am crying on my bedroom floor. I've got to find a way to get thicker skin because I know I'm going to get more comments like this as I continue with this journey. Thanks to all for the support and I wish each one of you much joy success and happiness.
  11. HopefulInVirginia


    @@tiff291 surgery went great! I'm not in pain except for the trapped gas that makes my chest hurt. Just did a lap around the hospital floor trying to help expel the gas. Otherwise I'm doing pretty good! How did your surgery go?
  12. HopefulInVirginia

    Getting sleeved in 3 days

    @@onedeterminedchick Best wishes to you too! Let me know how it goes- I'm sure you'll do great!
  13. HopefulInVirginia

    Getting sleeved in 3 days

    Thanks everyone. I'm so nervous about what to expect but your responses help me feel like I have some understanding as to what it might be like and that helps to lessen the anxiety a little. There's no turning back now so I might as well stop fretting - whatever it is is what it will be and I will get through it. See you all on the other side!
  14. HopefulInVirginia


    @@tiff291 Thanks for your note - you are absolutely right, I just need to stay focused on my goal! Good luck to you on Thursday! Let me know how it goes and I'll do the same!
  15. HopefulInVirginia


    Thank you all so much for the kind words and supportive comments. I'm so glad this forum exists - it has helped me in so many ways. I am feeling better. Now to get ready for the big day- just 2 days away now omg!!!
  16. HopefulInVirginia

    Nervous nervous nervous but very excited too

    Sending prayers and positive vibes your way! I have 2 baby girls Roland have the same fears. I'm getting sleeved next Thursday and am starting to feel anxious. But like you mentioned, I know I'll be a MUCH better mom by making this life changing move. Hang in there girly and let us know how it goes! Not "Roland" - geez- autocorrect, sorry!
  17. Hi everyone. I am new to this forum. I am actually new to this journey. I have finally accepted that I cannot control my weight on my own and am in the process of checking off the boxes for insurance approval to have the gastric sleeve. My main concern at this point is that I will be denied by insurance. My BMI is 38/39. But I do not have sleep apnea, COPD, diabetes or hypertension. I do have osteoarthritis in at least one knee, scoliosis, GERD, prehypertension, and fatty liver disease. Can anyone with a bmi in this range and none of the top 4 major comorbidities share your stories with me, whether approved or denied? I would be especially interested in any experiences with Fed BCBS. Thanks in advance.
  18. Hi everyone. I am new to this forum. I am actually new to this journey. I have finally accepted that I cannot control my weight on my own and am in the process of checking off the boxes for insurance approval to have the gastric sleeve. My main concern at this point is that I will be denied by insurance. My BMI is 38/39. But I do not have sleep apnea, COPD, diabetes or hypertension. I do have osteoarthritis in at least one knee, scoliosis, GERD, prehypertension, and fatty liver disease. Can anyone with a bmi in this range and none of the top 4 major comorbidities share your stories with me, whether approved or denied? I would be especially interested in any experiences with Fed BCBS. Thanks in advance.
  19. Thank you! This is very helpful! And congrats on your successful journey. Hope I get to join you some day soon
  20. Thanks for the responses. I was told at my initial meeting with the surgeon that even if my bmi was currently 40 or more, I would need a 2 year history of that bmi. Otherwise, if my bmi was under 40 for the last 2 years, I'd need to show comorbidities. While I would be willing to get my weight up to a bmi of 40 for a week, month, etc to qualify for coverage, I wouldn't do it for 2 years nor do I want to wait 2 years. This is so tough. I know that I cannot do this on my own and I know that I could be successful with this tool. I understand there have to be requirements but I hope the insurance company is willing to consider the entire picture, i.e. my literally thousands of failed attempts and the fact that every single person in my family including parents, sister, brother, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc is obese. Not just 20 or 30 pounds overweight but clinically obese ????

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