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Daisy Day

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Daisy Day

  1. Daisy Day

    Winter or summer surgery?

    I just had mine done last week and I wanted a winter surgery because for me summer fun would have been to hard to miss. Winter in the Pacific Northwest means Soups, and hanging out indoors on cold wet days so it is easier for me to sip some Soup and shuffle around my house. Summer is all about swimming, bbqs, camping, and just all around fun, it would have been mentally hard on me to be watching life go by while I healed up. Plus I can't wait to show off my new body this summer!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. I just had my RNY 9 days ago and for the first time in years I don't have heartburn!!! There were times when it felt like a sip of Water would get stuck going down and now everything is Awesome!!!! It is night and day!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Daisy Day


    I love Amazon! I have a bunch of $4 leggings and $2-3 shirts, I always read the reviews to gage the sizing but I have a ton of super cute clothes waiting in my closet for me as I lose weight. I also don't worry about the quality since I'm not wearing them for years to come, why buy used when you can buy new cheaper. I search Cheap Woman's _________ and there is a ton of choices, always plan ahead because some stuff comes from China and that can take a month to arrive. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. My surgery will be happening on the 23rd as in the day before Thanksgiving so no turkey for me...lol. I was a bit nervous but then I took some time and read threw my bariatric journal, I realized just how far I have came and how last May I had thought it was going to be impossible to get where I a standing now. Last May I thought that it was going to take forever, now it seems that the time went by fast from there to here has been a whirlwind. I'm excited and I'm ready, I feel like I have been training for this surgery and that I'm in the best shape I have been in in at least five years. I'm confident that I will be successful and that I am in fantastic hands with my medical team. I'm Ready! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Daisy Day

    Oh Thunder ME ME ME

    I'm excited for everyone here, I am always amazed at everyone's determination, and this is a huge step for so many!!!! With that said I have noticed something that is really pretty rude attention seeking and here are a couple examples would be when some makes an announcement about something like being a week away from surgery and they get an attention seeker respond with a ton of me me me junk making the entire thing about themselves. Or when someone vents and they get a dramatic me me me clearly trying for a one up response. And my favorite is when something is posted up and some responds with something completely off the wall and totally about them self like a "Today is the Day" post and they get the "My surgery is in 2 weeks and I just started blah blah blah". We are here to support each other, we need to be mindful and thoughtful of others and how they might perceive your comments, and everyone's program is different, every journey is different. Everyone deserves their Thunder!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. My surgeon said that he rarely has to open someone up but he must always let patients know that it could happen. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Daisy Day

    November RNY Surgery Buddies 2016

    ​I am all set and ready for a November 23rd in beautiful Seattle Washington!!!
  8. Daisy Day


    I did half caffeine coffee for 3 weeks then I slowly switched to decaf. I drink 2 cups so I would have one regular then one half caffeine then I did one half end the second decaf then both decaf. It literally took me a month but I slowly overcame my caffeine addiction, now I drink herbal tea or decaf Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Water for less calories Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Daisy Day


    I am loving the sound track I downloaded it to my Apple Watch for when I go on my rain walks (Pacific Northwest). Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Daisy Day

    Seattle buddy needed Nov 2016 Bypass

    That is Awesome !!! I'm struggling with the low calories and no caffeine thing, I am dragging, I'm hoping that after surgery every thing will start to go back up hill while the weight comes off. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Hey, I'm looking for a few buddies or mentors in the Seattle and West of Seattle areas. I'm not due to have my bypass until this upcoming November. Let's motivate each other!!! Let's swap tips!!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Daisy Day

    Seattle buddy needed Nov 2016 Bypass

    Every surgeon and every patient is different, every journey is unique. I had to lose 16 pounds and as of this morning I had hit the 48 pound mark on the scale. I can't wait to hit the 100 or 150 pound marks. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Daisy Day

    Seattle buddy needed Nov 2016 Bypass

    Are having surgery in Seattle or Spokane? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App There is no liquid diet for me my surgeon just does the 1000 calorie low carb diet Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Daisy Day

    Unsupportive fiance

    Only you live in your body, only you the right to make the choices about your body, unless he has ownership rights (last time I checked that had been abolished many years ago) he does not have the right to a vote. It really is just that simple Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Daisy Day

    Seattle buddy needed Nov 2016 Bypass

    Day before thanksgiving Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Daisy Day

    Seattle buddy needed Nov 2016 Bypass

    I'm on a restricted diet to shrink my liver, my surgeon does a 4-6 week super low carb, low calorie, no sugar diet instead of a 2 week liquid Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. I just don't, I will watch Netflix to avoid commercials, when I go run errands I make sure that I have a Protein shake before I leave my house, I also don't give my self time or budget money for fast food, I only shop the outer part of my grocery store, I never go down the isles. The only things that I buy frozen is veggies, I buy a ton of frozen broccoli, asparagus, Brussels, and cauliflower because it is more cost effective that way. I know that if I cheat and eat a handful of chips that it will take me several days to get back on track so I stay on the straight and narrow. I have found things to substitute like flavored teas, Celestial seasonings make an awesome Sugar Cookie flavored tea and Bigelow make a wonderful Peppermint Bark tea and I can have all I want. I write a menu and I stick to it, I do not ever do cheat days. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. I have Molina and I jumped threw all of the hoops, I did the over achiever thing and I was approved for surgery last week and I'm scheduled for November 23. Patients who are not ready have a higher chance of failure, Molina wants you to be as ready as you can possibly be, they truly do want you to succeed, they want you to be educated and for you to understand the responsibility of the procedure. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. I am 35 days until surgery and I am not afraid of the surgery, I'm not afraid of the physical pain, I am not afraid the impact on my marriage. My fears are becoming seen, I have gotten used to being invisible, being ignored has been a way of life. The majority of my adult life I have been the girl with a pretty face, I have been passed over for jobs, I have been excluded. I have been that funny girl who nobody wants wants to be seen with and yet everyone wants to talk about. I fear the change. I have done many diets over the years and since I am here we all know how they have turned out. I fear failure but it is also the fear of failure that keeps me pushing ahead. I fear living in a body that I won't recognize, I'm excited about at the same time, I see so many before and after photos and I'm incredibly inspired by them. I'm ready for it to be my turn, I'm ready to be my surgeons next successful patient, I'm ready to give hope to the ones who follow in my footsteps....all the while is scares the heck out of me. This opportunity seems to good to be true, it is my chance and fresh start for a healthy future, I'm ready for the hard work and I have the determination, all the change is just scary. I fear that in a year or two I will look back at my fat life and I will pity my former self, I will realize how much I have missed out on. I know I can't be the only with similar thoughts or fears. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. I have autism and it is in my chart, I have been doing weekly therapy for a couple years, I am super open about it and it is my super power and a reason why I was fast tracked. I do everything ordered by the surgeons office, I comply and that is why I am getting surgery months before nuerotypicals who started at the same time as me, autism is not a disability use it to prove your ability. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Daisy Day

    Being a trainer doesn't make you an expert on...

    My insurance covers an extra 24 physical therapy appointment for after surgery, up to twice a week for 12 weeks, physical therapy would be safer for the first couple months and they have to go to college and get an actual degree. My surgeon and primary have both said no gym trainer but instead use the physical therapist. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Daisy Day

    Twinkie Twit

    Get creative! Stock up on Halloween masks and have friends come over to do the occasional random silent skit in the front yard, it will make your neighbors scratch their heads. There is a band you can find on Apple tunes called South Kitsap Infidels and the have a metal tune called "Hit my neighbor with a Stick" and I have found the entire album wonderful for pissing off my neighbors while I clean my house with my music cranked, when the cops come (they will be called) I just let them know that I have a hearing disability and that I was not aware it was so loud. I enjoy talking to my grandma about all of her various ailments loudly from my front porch. The point is to behave that you are oblivious to their rudeness, and that you are oblivious to your ability to annoy them. I even went as far as to put up a Canadian flag ( my family is Canadian, I live in the US) this made my neighbor spit fire, she wanted to literally start a fight because I am an immigrate in her eyes so I offered her some delicious maple Cookies along with the other neighbors who had gathered to watch the confrontation. When she asks about my weight loss I told her that I started a new multi marketing pyramid scheme that I would love to tell her about. I always smile and give her sideways answers. She is now looking to put her house up for sale. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Daisy Day


    I don't have a date yet because my surgeons office is extremely backed up so I'm on hold, but I am excited. I'm excited because I have the chance to do something I never thought possible, I have the opportunity to take my life back! I don't have to live with my CPAP machine forever, and I will get to run again!!! I will be Kickboxing by spring, buying clothes off the rack, fitting in amusement park ride seats, kayaking, and living life again!!! I know that many of us are obsessed with getting to the surgeons table and it can be frustrating when all we see is every one else getting their dates and surgeries but we all need to remember why we are here, what are you excited about? What is your driving force? Sometimes we just need to stop and remember, sometimes we need to stop and support each other. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Daisy Day


    Congrats but I'm not worried about being denied. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
