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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mamamac5

  1. I recently underwent the gastric sleeve and continue to regret my decision. I am soon to be 8 weeks out (lost forty pounds) and have felt trapped in a nightmare since returning to consciousness day of surgery. My story is a little different I wasn't hospitalized, this of course was because I was paying out of pocket so I needed to keep cost down. I felt physically and mentally prepared only because I had researched for myself. The physician doesn't utilize psychiatric evaluation, nutritionist, etc. which in my mind was fine because this was going to be easy for me and that would just waste time and money. Morning of surgery wake up early in a great mood despite the rough prep from the evening before. I get there get checked in and before I know it I am moments away from being wheeled back to surgery. Then they push Reglan in my IV and I get very irritated and edgy but it's okay my life is about to change and I am excited. The next thing I know I am returning to consciousness and in serious pain and there is something unexplainable to me knowing that I had made a mistake. Drifting in and out of consciousness for the next 3 hours was they try to get pain under control I have huge waves of nausea. Then time to go to hotel your surgeon will check on you this evening as they put me in the car. Still nauseous and hurting I am ready to get to the room. I settle in and then fever begins 102.9-103.8 I figure well I will take some of the liquid Lortab which will help the pain and reduce temp till he comes by. Wrong that was the moment vomiting began, of course vomiting made the pain worse as well as the fever. Then a knock at the door I was thinking thank God he will know what to do. He checks my incisions and vitals as we tell me about everything else, he says yeah sometimes it happens see you tomorrow you can have Clear liquids now. I thought okay well I am starving popsicle sounds great, nope pain was unbearable even though I had tried Lortab liquid again and again I threw it up. My relief only came by running a little hot Water in tub laying back in it, sometimes it even made me feel like it would break my fever, which nagged on for a week post op. After several failed attempts to keep down lortab I gave it up, my surgeon couldn't seem to careless so I began to think this is a tiny bump in the road once I get home I will get better. On the 3rd day I go home burning up with a high fever and nauseous beyond belief. I follow my instructions and do what I am suppose to and follow up with surgeon continues to fall on deaf ears when I tell him I literally can not swallow food without vomiting, drinking is becoming the same and I feel so weak I barely am able to get out of bed. Again he says sometimes it happens we will give you a B12 injection. Nothing happens from injection I feel that once he was paid I was nothing to him just a number not someone whom he actually wanted to succeed. I decided I would just go to urgent care to get fluids when my dehydration was too far gone to remain at home so I go in get fluids then go home but the vomiting doesn't end and at this time I am weeks without eating I only drink mostly Water sometimes I get down the disgusting Protein shakes. I am spilling large amounts of ketones and glucose levels are low. I can't stand the smell of food it makes me sick and I am constantly nauseous. I am becoming so depressed because I feel alone in this and isolated because I am too weak to do much of anything at all. Please someone tell me this will get better, I have had cancer and chemo in the past but never felt like this.

    Who on earth was your dr.?

    Sent from my SGH-M919 using the BariatricPal App

  2. My sister is having her surgery in September and I want to collect a few things now til then to make her hospital stay a bit better especially since we won't be able to stay with her all day (school starting). Do you have any suggestion on what I should put in there for her? She already has her Protein that she loves. I was thinking about maybe a Water bottle, some socks and pjs.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    Let me know what they say. I'm on Eliquis too but I haven't met with my surgeon yet. The research I've done showed that you could still have surgery but they may require you to stop a couple of days before.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    They give you socks in the hospital.

    The only thing you really need is lip balm. Maybe make a care package of different lip balms.

    Yeah, she'll only be there a day or 2....she'll be busy walking!

  3. Looking good for an August Sleeve date - pro-op meeting next week. It's crazy, but two things have been running through my head this week. (1) what if this is just like every other diet and I'm the "one" that still can't lose weight and (2) What if I lose too much weight and can't slow it down!

    Totally opposite fears! Lol, I'm sure it will all be fine, just wondering if anyone else had the same and what you discovered in the months and years after surgery?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I have a little different fear...I am not afraid of surgery and I am going to give this all I've got but I have Atrial Fibrillation Cardiologist has cleared me but still a little worried about the heart aspect.

    You'll do great...Just work hard!

  4. Finally got approved and set the surgery date for 8/8/16. My only issue is I was just electrically cardioverted and have to be sure I stay on my Eliquis for 30 days. That puts me 2 days past my surgery date. Does anyone thing it will kill me if I stop taking the Eliquis in time to have my surgery on the originally scheduled date or should I put it off a week?

  5. So, I met every bit of criteria for the gastric sleeve. Did 4 months worth of required tasks and submitted for approval. Unfortunately, I had smoked but stopped a year ago. Apparently, by mistake, I checked I was smoking when I thought it said "have you smoked". There are no medical records of my smoking or stopping so now BC has denied me with the opinion that I have smoked in 6 months. I have written my own letter of appeal since I have no doctor proof and explained the timing and situation. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there a chance at all that BCBS will take into account my letter? OR AM I JUST OUT OF LUCK? One more question....if they can take my word that I was honest and said I did smoke, why can't they take my word that I have stopped.

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