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Everything posted by Medowsweet

  1. Medowsweet

    Weight lifting after sleeve

    Hurt myself gives the wrong impression. I was in a car accident. I didn't hurt myself in the gym or anything. (Don't wanna scare anyone away from lifting heavy!)
  2. Medowsweet

    Weight lifting after sleeve

    I had 2 sets of dumbells, a 10lb set and a 20lb adjustable set. I needed 10 lbs per arm for some things (like arms strait out to the sides, or strait out in front) but the 20lbs per arm for things like pushing strait up over my head, or holding and stepping up on a step. I have hurt myself a few years ago and am afraid to use my left arm with heavy weights. Need a refferal to a physical therapist to see what is safe and best given my arm's new anatomy (clavicle is disconnected, as in in two non touching peices)
  3. Medowsweet

    Weight lifting after sleeve

    I know this is old, but here are some workouts I like: https://www.amazon.com/Drop-Two-Sizes-Proven-Clothes/dp/1609614631/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1539128185&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=drop+two+sizes+book
  4. I am still in process of trying to get approved etc but here is my motivation list: 1) mobility and pain. (I like to be active, play soft ball, go on hikes, chase my daughter down the beach... tho I have been heavy all my life, it is finally catching up to me. It is getting to where my knees hurt on stairs, or I can't run as fast in softball, or I look up how long or steep a hike is before I commit in case it is gonna wear me out, or my feet hurt after a long day of work, or I hurt myself more easily doing athletic things, or the bottoms of my feet hurt when I stand too long shopping, or when I DO hurt myself it hurts MORE because I weigh more so more weight/pressure on the joint etc... 2) Being "normal" As in not worrying if this (chair, trampoline, horse, playground equipment, bike, yoga ball etc has a 300 lb weight capacity...) I am always afraid I will break stuff just using it... This also means shopping in the normal section at Walmart, fitting Halloween costumes, finding stuff in a thrift store that I could actually wear, or not worrying about rollercoaster seatbelts not fitting. As for looks (I just wanna be normal. I don't want to be "the fattest person in the room"). I don't want people to snicker when I am looking at swim suits, or oink at me when I eat a sandwich... I don't want that to the only thing they see or remember about me. I just wanna be NORMAL! 3) family (I have a daughter, I want her to be healthy. Most of my "family concerns" are covered under mobility, tho, obviously, I wanna do the fun, athletic things mentioned above with her) 5) health and romance and "being pretty": I have no major health problems (beyond the ones mentioned under mobility about just being dang HEAVY amd that slowing me down somewhat). I take no medication other then Advil for pain, and I have never had a serious boyfriend. I don't want to DEVELOP the one and would sort of like to develop the other. 6) Longevity I could lose 100 lbs and die in a car accident tomorrow. And, compared to the others, I don't wanna live to be 100 WITHOUT mobility, family, health etc. I want a GOOD life however long that happens to be.
  5. Medowsweet

    Health expert panel ranks diets

    I have done a lot of research on diets (as most obese ppl have, I suspect) and what I find is, from Keto to Vegan to Paleo to Weight Watchers they all have something in common: 1) avoid sugar 2) avoid refined grains and other highly processed carbs 3) avoid processed food and fake food even if it has no carbs (hot dogs, diet soda, etc) 4) eat whole food as close to nature as possible 5) eat your veggies! Beyond that there is a ton of variations and different things work for different people
  6. Anyone have any articles on long term effects of sleeve vs gastric bypass?
  7. Medowsweet

    Talked to my doctor...

    One would think the best time to treat a disease is BEFORE dangerous or life threatening complications arise... But apparently insurance companies are only JUST NOW figuring that out...
  8. So, I went in and asked talked to my doctor... I thought she would say I don't qualify (I used to not because I have no health problems except I weigh 311lbs, I needed to be diabetic, but now I qualify just for being very obese) Lots of hoops to jump through... Many of them in a city 60 miles away. Still... The very first steps are started, she reffered me to a place and I have to get very initial blood work this week... For some reason I was convinced she would not want me to get the sugury but she was all for it.
  9. Medowsweet

    Talked to my doctor...

    Until just this year OHP (Medicaid in my area) wouldn't pay for surgery unless you had "comorbidities", no matter HOW big you were!! Sore knees and sore bottoms of feet didn't count. Shortness of breath when you run a lot doesn't count, lower back pain doesn't count.... My blood pressure was in the 120/70-120/80 range, blood sugar was normal, cholesterol normal, pulse was about 80... I can get up and down off the floor, etc So until this year my "comorbidities" didn't "count" medically, now as of Jan they will of your weight is high enough
  10. Medowsweet

    Talked to my doctor...

    She was actually very supportive. I feared she wouldn't be, but she was.
  11. Medowsweet

    "morbidly Obese" since childhood

    Has anyone had any personal expirence or found any research saying how childhood obesity effects outcome?
  12. Medowsweet

    Weight Watchers Freestyle

    Anyone tried the new weight watchers freestyle? It looks pretty compatible with the bariatric diet. Lean protine, fruit, and veggies are free (don't have to track/count) You're given daily points for healthy fats, red meat, and whole grains (to help limit consumption to healthy amounts) And a weekly budget for treats (sugar is very "expensive" on the new program) Anyone tried it? Thoughts?
  13. Medowsweet

    "morbidly Obese" since childhood

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5449731/#!po=40.8333 I found this
  14. I have this fear too. I have an appt in September to talk to my Dr about it. She is VERY conservative generally. Medication as a last resort... Surgery is further down the list still. My BMI is 49... I am afraid she will not recommend WLS or even medication, and be one of those "it is all about will power, if you don't lose weight it is a matter of choice" type of people.
  15. When they say you will expect to lose 60% do they mean for your highest weight, or of what you have left to lose between where you are and your ideal weight be at the time of surgery?
  16. Medowsweet

    "morbidly Obese" since childhood

    Dispite my weight I am fairly active... But it's finally catching up to me (knees, etc).. Also, like you, I can't even imagine what it would be like to not be the fattest person in the room, to have my weight not be the first and only thing people see about me, to shop in the morning normal section of the clothes store, to not check the weight limit before I buy a yoga ball or chair, to not be afraid of breaking the swing set or the trampoline... To not have to treat things gingerly as I am pretty sure I will break them. As an adult my lowest lowest with weight watchers was 269, next time I lost a lot got down to 275... But my body doesn't seem to want me to weigh less then my highschool weight and won't let me get below 270's...
  17. Medowsweet

    "morbidly Obese" since childhood

    Anyone know how being obese since childhood affects the outcome?
  18. I read that with gastric bypass your matabolism remains normal or returns to normal after a year, unlike with the biggest loser people who's matabolisms stayed damaged even after regaining the weight. How about sleeve? Several years in is your matabolism normal?
  19. So... I am considering weight loss surgery. I wanna talk to you guys before I talk to my doctor (who usually prefers conservative treatment and would be a hard sell?) I was on here about a year ago but then I lost my insurance so I gave up on the idea... Tho now I have insurance again... (And close to 5k savings...) Here are my concerns 1) I have been obese since early childhood. I currently weigh 320. I have done weight watchers and Paleo and can't get below 275 (which is what I weighed in early highschool). Usually at some point I fall lff the band wagon (as you all know it is a tremendous amount of work, Zumba every day, and counting points, making everything from scratch...) I fear I would be a failure because my body just flatly refuses to get lower then my highschool weight. Unlike others who can get down to 198 but then balloon back up... I haven't been under 200 since I was about 11. 2) I have heard stories of people who lose a lot of weight and they are tired and cold all the time from low matabolism... I heard weight loss surgery prevents this... Does it? 3) I work around food and hear that is a risk factor for WLS failure. 4) I worry I will be full after 5 bites but hungry again in an hour... That isn't gonna help me lose weight unless I am full between meals. I hate being hungry- its painful to me. I just can't white knuckle through if I am hungry between meals. 6) I worry about mal-nutrition, some studies have shown even with vitimins and good nutrition people become malnourished. 7) I have bad knees and take Ibuprofen and naproxin, I worry about the surgery making pain meds dangerous 8) I worry about getting depressed which I hear is a side effect 9) I feel pretty good on Paleo but I fall off the band wagon partly cuz it is so much work to make everything from scratch. Do you have to make all your food from scratch? No tv dinners and canned soup (as a single mom I sometimes go the easy route which is my downfall often) 10) How active do I have to be? I consider myself moderately active. I enjoy hiking, swimming, soft ball, yoga, and stuff on weekends... But I don't have time for 2 hours a day (which is something people who lose 100lbs naturally have to do for life- and it just doesn't seem possible while working full time and being a single mom). 30 min a day, and a few hours on weekend (especially in summer) I could do. But I do have other time obligations 11) does fruit cause dumping? Can you hage coffee with milk? Can you have nuts? Can you have treats on special occasions? Whatever about cough syrup? What about sandwiches (common hiking fair) 12) I worry about getting enough hydration. Sometimes I realized I haven't drunk all day and I guzzle water (which I don't think would be an option any more) This is all assuming all goes well...
  20. Anyone obese since early childhood? Does this have an effect on outcome? On surgery's ability to reset your set point? 2). Anyone bese since early childhood years after the surgery? How is your hunger?
  21. Medowsweet

    Considering stage Questions

    Then it's like weight watchers where I need to keep healthy appropriate snacks in car or purse, so when I am starving my only option isn't McDonald's or breakdown and get tempted by chips I wouldn't ordinarily get. At least with weight watchers that was a very important part of being successful. When I am very, very hungry and need to be away from home for hours (especially shopping) I tend to make bad choices. A good choice, like having nuts, beef jerky, and cuties in the car keeps me from making a bad choice from desperation later. At least that is how it has worked in the past.
  22. Medowsweet

    Considering stage Questions

    Re: Fruit and nuts I am thinking of how best to do my part when I am on my A game. Like Paleo (lowish carb, lots of the way bariatric surgery ppl seem to eat, zucchini noodles, limited starch, no sugar, etc) I am thinking of the lifestyle tools I have used when I was successful on Paleo or Weight Watchers. It might be different with surgery, but sometimes I get STARVING. Its really hard to shop, pick up my kid, run 3 errands, and get home before starting MAKING a healthy dinner, all while gnawing unignorable hunger. So when I am on my "lifestyle A game" I keep fruit and nuts and beef jerky in my car or purse because they are healthy and not super parishable. Otherwise it is only a matter of time till I stop at McDonald's, or buy that bag of chips in the checkout line, etc. I have successfully quit sugar several times for months... I swear I will never eat ssugar again. Then I entually fall off the band wagon... (I am not entirely sure how it happens... It just does...) Active: I have always been active. Fat and active my whole life. It is finally catching up with me (like knee and joint) which is a large part of wanting surgery. So I can keep being active as I love to be. The bad news is I hate walking. I enjoy hiking, soft ball, swimming, dancing, trampoline, playing, walking around zoos and museums and stuff, yoga, even Zumba sometimes, bike sometimes... But normal walking around the block? Blech. Maybe if I weighed a lot less tho I would like it? I have literally never been a normal weight. I can't even imagine what that would be like. Cold: I am afraid that being cold would make me not wanna swim or exercise/play in cold weather... That is my main concern about being cold... Otherwise jackets exsist.
  23. There is a study saying people tend to gain a lot of weight back by 5 years. And other studies say that most people gain at least -some- weight back at some point. Why is this? You would think that if it was old bad habits returning then the longer you have had the new healthy habits the more sticking power they would have (not less). Is it the body fighting the weight loss like they mentioned in the biggest loser article? Do you adjust to the low levels of ghrelin and so a tiny amount starts making you feel hungry again? This concept is scary to me...
  24. Medowsweet


    *Shyly pokes in head* Uh... Hi, guys. Not sure I belong here but I am in the considering stages... I am 5'8" and weigh 315 lbs, 36 years old. I have been heavy since early childhood. I was 285 in highschool Plus size clothes all my life. I joined weight watchers in 2008 and went from 349 down to 279 I quit due to lack of money and slowly regained to 313 Rejoined and lost down to 265 Then sorta got stuck And slowly regained. For someone like me (very learge and has been since early childhood) I doubt WW will get me lower then 250... At best. I started looking into a surgical option just recently. (I would continue to do weight watchers, in theory, because the program works for me- in my life it is the only program that ever has) Here are by biggest concerns: *regaining weight 5 or more years down the road. In some studies this has been a major problem! (I understand you need to eat healthy, count points or calories, or macro nutrients, whichever you do that works for you to keep you in track. I understand a cup of food can still pack on pounds if that cup is ice cream. That said I also don't intend to never-ever eat treats again. Like weight watchers I was hoping to fit in a reasonable treat here and there.) *satiety. That is what I am really looking for! I can have a relatively small meal (say, a piece of toast with an egg and a few slices of tomato) and feel temporarily full as long as I drink enough Water and coffee with it. But I will be hungry again in an hour or two!!! Starving and climbing the walls by lunch! I am really hoping for smaller amounts of food to have STICKING POWER! If an apple with Peanut Butter could fill my tummy could it actually KEEP ME full for a decent amount of time? And this is years down the road, not just the first year. I understand for a few months you are just not hungry due to lack of a hormone (gremlin? Sounds like gremlin). Does this stay? If you splurge and have a muffin for Breakfast will it hold you till lunch? (Years down the road). *slowing metabolism due to "starvation mode" *also "starvation mode" trying to conserve energy making me feel tired, or less likely to move around. * feeling tired, low energy (I am a very high energy person. Yesterday I was playing in the rain, laughing and jumping and dancing, and I swear I was sober, I just like rain and tend to be a high energy person. I am afraid a slowing matabolism and less nutrients will make me less energetic or playful) *getting enough water They say don't drink with meals... They say don't use a straw. Tummy being too small to hold enough water. * stupid and vain but: loose skin (especially in the double chin area, because that is my FACE. at least the others can be hidden with clothes.)
  25. How much do the protein shakes and vitamins and all that run you a month?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
