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Posts posted by addouk

  1. Thank you James and Inner Surfer Girl. It is indeed me, but yes I lost the lower lip piercing lol and moved it to my nose . I'm really struggling with food still at the min and vomiting again today. Am looking forward to reducing the Protein shakes though once I get better with food. I've just spoken to my hospital and been given some advice about foods to try. I will print off the recipes you have sent thank you so much! That's amazing news about your diabetes!! They are miracle workers aren't they . I will read the link you sent too Inner Surfer. I haven't had any guidance from the hospital about why levels of Protein I should be having. They said they want me to have 1000-1500 calories a day but I just can't achieve it at the min.. but I keep trying. Thank you so so much again

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. Hey all,

    I think I hit a stall and would really like some advice please.

    I am 14 weeks out from my roux en y.

    I am now weighing in at 177lbs, and my BMI is 24, I'm 185cm tall and a 41 year old male.

    For over a week now my weight has not really moved, a few days back I actually went up a couple of lbs I was horrified, but then today I'm back to 177.

    I would like to get another 7-14 lbs off if possible.

    I'm getting around 80g of Protein in each day, around 45-55g of carbs, and about 700-850 calories. I'm getting about 60oz of Water in a day.

    My post surgery food experience has not been smooth. At 14 weeks I'm still not managing a lot of the foods my team have suggested.

    I can manage 1 ryvita, a couple of slices of chicken, a small yoghurt, and roughly about 3-4 table spoons of cottage pie, lasagne, or beef and vegetable stew, mashed potato, scrambled egg, a small boiled egg, 3 spoons of cottage cheese.< /p>

    I'm really struggling to get much more than that in, I am mostly using Protein powder (1g carbs,23g protein), or Protein Bars (low sugar).

    I'm managing to get my Vitamins most of the time, but they fill me up to the point of almost being sick.

    I have vomited a lot but checked this out with the hospital, and they just said take a step back with food.

    Sorry for the long post but wanted to give as much info as possible.

    I really would like to get this last bit of weight off. I know my BMI is in the healthy range but I feel that getting this last bit off will really help to keep my diabetes under control.

    Many thanks


    (Me before and a couple of weeks back)


    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. Thanks so so much!! Have found out in the past hour by experimenting that by drinking through a straw I can get fluids in much easier . On the other hand today I haven't managed to really eat.. I hope ur right and that this gets better. I've managed a Protein shake so will have another to try and get my Protein level up.. But am not sure I will manage food today..got extreme nausea. I tell you what, if anyone ever comments to me that weight loss surgery is an easy option or a cheat I will give them a detailed account of my journey!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. Thanks Renkos, I have started to swim a little and have done some walking but have been going dizzy a lot so have only walked with mum or around supermarket rather than out and about on my own. I hope this stall passes. The hospital said I am only 1 point off being perfect BMI I am 26 now and was told 25 was perfect..but I want to get some more off! After all we went through so much to get here we might as well do it right. I will def up my Fluid intake..I didn't know that milk and tea counted so have been getting more in than I thought but am def going to make more of an effort

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. Thank you both so so much! I didn't realise I could add the cups of tea I have had or the Water in my Protein shake. In the uk they don't advise Protein shakes but I bought some Anyways as I was struggling to get the food in. I have managed half a tea plate yesterday of food but that was for my evening meal..so am going to switch that around to lunchtime foods.. And try to have a bit less. I will update on my progress

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. Hi all I am 52 days out from surgery and have lost 41lbs since I have my roux en y.

    I am so happy about that, let me give a bit of history..

    I was a bit of an experiment for my hospital as in my target dieting for eligibility for surgery I lost 56lbs which took my BMI to 30 which was below my hospitals threshold..but after my team argued they granted surgery.

    My 6 week post op check was this week, they said I wasn't eating enough Protein, and I had been struggling with getting Water in, they also said that losing 41lbs was a bit quicker than they would usually anticipate and they thought I was a month or so ahead. I had the surgery to help me completely out of control diabetes, and I'm no longer on any medication (goodbye 7 injections and 20 pills a day ).

    I have made a better effort with Protein and Water since my appointment, having 60-80grams of protein a day..and 56oz of water and more if I can a day. My calorie intake has been up to 900 calories a day but on some of those days I have swam and burnt off some of those.

    My question is, what should I be aiming for protein and water wise, and also what is the max calorie intake I should be going for?

    I ask because in the past 6 days I have only dropped a couple of pounds, now I know it slows down but I didn't expect it to slow so quickly. I appreciate any advice, thanks in advance x

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. Hiya All,

    Am 6 weeks post surgery tomorrow. I have lost 38 lbs in the 6 weeks, which I am really happy about.

    At point of referral 30 months ago I was 289lbs...On day of surgery I was 235lbs, I had my surgery to help my severe insulin resistant diabetes...which is has!

    I hadn't realised that following surgery I would have so much loose skin on my stomach that I have. The weight loss before surgery didn't make my skin loose, I recognise that losing 38lbs in 6 weeks is quicker than my previous loss.

    I am eager to try to firm up this area and wondered when people started to exercise following surgery, I'm hoping to start some light cardio at home on a cross trainer or an exercise bike.

    I have my first follow up appointment in a weeks time.

    I really appreciate any advice.

    I have just started finished my puréed diet and am trying some soft foods and some thinly sliced meats, am managing mostly to get my Water in. (Have included a couple of pics of my start of my journey and then this week)

    Many thanks




    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. It's so hard isn't it Catalina, and it's hard for people around you to understand that you are trying but just have no interest in food. I did quite well today I think. I managed half a weetabix in lots of milk, 3 tea spoons of seafood cocktail (mushed up even more), 4 spoons of Tomato Soup, and half a petitfilou yoghurt (sorry for the spelling). We will get through this x

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. Thank you all so much! It's so nice to know I'm not alone and not losing it emotionally. I jut had to endure food shopping with my partner and wanted to push everyone over who was buying food... What the heck is going on with me lol. Anyways I didn't push anyone over, I survived and came home. I'm supposed to be able to start the next phase of the diet on the 8th June so am kind of trying to focus on that. Am told it all starts to get a bit easier then. Thank you again for the support xx

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. Hiya lovely people,

    Am just looking for some advice/support/info.

    I have my rny bypass done on 11th May. All went great, it has almost reversed my diabetes which was completely unstable and was attacking my body.

    I have lost 27 lbs since surgery which again I think is awesome.

    My only issue is that I am really struggling with the puréed food. I am a really fussy eater and so can't stomach most Soups and some blended foods that basically becomes like mush or dog food.

    I have found that I can stomach weetabix, blended beef in gray with a spoon of mash, small yoghurts, and blended tuna mayo..but other than that I am really stuck.

    I am managing to get most of my fluids in each day and only have 2 weeks until I can start the next stage..but it feels like forever.

    I have also been so emotional since my surgery, crying a lot and becoming withdrawn.

    Did anyone else feel like this?

    Thank you in advance for any help!

    Am in the Uk if that helps any advice as we have lots of different produce here.

    Thanks again x

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. Hi all,

    Just had my roux en y surgery on Wednesday of this week..was discharged from hospital on Friday.

    All went great and my diabetes had completely responded so far!

    Have stopped the 2gram metformin, pioglitazone 45mg, and have stopped have the 180 units of novorapid I was taking daily!

    Am now just on 15 units of Levemir on a morning and so far so good..my BM's are around 4-7.

    Have felt really weepy and exhausted and wondered if others had this experience.

    Am not feeling hungry at all but am trying to get my food in, so far am managing the 2 litres of Fluid no problem.

    I wondered if people had any good suggestions of food to be having on the puréed part of the diet. Am really missing crunching food already but know that's to be expected, I also know that this part is one of the toughest of the journey.

    I want to say that I am completely grateful for the surgery and the changes it has made already!

    I am 41 years old, have already lost the feelings in my feet, got a haemorrhage in my right eye, and had autonomic neuropathy due to uncontrolled diabetes due to severe insulin resistance..if these early results are anything to go by I am amazed at how the surgery has worked , I may not be able to reverse the damage but this surgery ha given me hope of it not getting worse and me starting to love a healthy life.

    I wish anyone going through the same or about to go through it all the luck in the world.

    Any advice and support will be gratefully received xx

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. Gina, please stick with it, you have come this far! I don't know about you but my journey to this point has been 2.5 years. I have been in the same head space of you, and today was a particularly bad day..lots of tears and similar feelings and thoughts.. But then tonight something clicked! I know I am kind of blessed to have uncontrollable diabetes right now as my surgeon has allowed me to have some foods (am certainly not as brave or strong as those who are doing the milk diet), but it's kicked my booty doing this. I am 5 days out from surgery now and like I said, something clicked. Am sure everyone else will join me in extending nothing but support and understanding to you x

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. Can i please ask for some advice, I am an insulin dependant diabetic and the pre op diet they have me on includes some carbs...a weetabix for Breakfast, 2 crisp breads at lunch and 3 tablespoons of rice at dinner...along side that I am having a small amount of lean meat, salad, and some vegetables. My surgery is next Tuesday.. Will this still shrink my liver enough? I am following what the hospital gave me. Many thanks X

    (I am still experiencing the had aches, irritability, feeling lethargic, and have had a hypo)

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

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