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Posts posted by vucarre

  1. I got a Swedish 8 cc band in South Africa, where I am living, May 2011, and the band is not working at all. There is very little difference between before and now. I feel something in the morning, sometimes, but usually, there is no difference between now and before surgery. My surgeon here is not interested in trying to figure out why the band is not working. Personally, I think the band is too large. My BMI was 35 when I got the band and I think it is just too large.

    I would like to find a surgeon in the States, who would be willing to help me find out why it is not working and perhaps replace the band with one that will work with my anatomy. So, I am looking for someone who has had problems with their band and a surgeon who has been willing to help them figure out what was wrong and correct it. Are there surgeons out there like that?

    Thank you,


  2. Hello,

    I see you have a 4cc band. What manufacture is it? I think you are in Australia right? I got an 8 cc band in May and it is obviously too big. I have virtually no band effect at all. No different than before the band. I am in SA and I am going to go tot he states and get a smaller band. I just need to find out who makes and who can replace this one.

    Thanks for you help!!!

    I have a 9.75cm 4cc band, I got banded in 2005 when this was a current model.

    My surgeon told me after the surgery that that's what he had chosen. I was/am quite pear shaped and carried the weight on hips and thighs and lower belly. I didnt have a lot of fat actually inside my abdomen (yet) and I apparently dont have very large organs either, not surprising as I've turned out to much less "big boned" than I thought. So he chose this smaller band for me becuase he anticipated problems with restriction with too big a band. I must say, I've had restriction from day dot, and never struggled to find it.

  3. I was banded May 19th with an 8cc or 8ml whatever it is and I have just had my last and final fill giving me a total of 8cc/8mls and I have only lost 15 pounds. Other than 2 weeks of little appetite after my previous 7cc total fill, I am having no restriction or any other signs that the band is working. I think this band is too big. The surgeon basically said well, it doesn't work for some people. Not the response I was looking for after spending $10,000. I think the band is too big. Of course he says that couldn't be the reason though he has offered no other reasons why it is not working.

    I was just filled 2 days ago. I am still on purees. So, I am really not sure if it is working now, we'll see. The last fill I got to 7cc/7ml for about 2 weeks after, I had no appetite so I lost about 8 pounds in month. With the fill of 2 days ago, I do seem to have an appetite. But, I am not sure if intense exercise is candling out the lesser appetite. I had an extremely exhausting hour of tennis instruction yesterday morning and I was hungry the rest of the day but I only drank a few Protein puddings.

    I am very discouraged and I really don't have anyone to talk to about this. There really is not Lap Band Community in South Africa. My husband went along with the surgery but he really didn't want me to get it. We don't talk about the band at all. He just acts as if I never got it. I guess he is thinking, "I told you so," since I have only lost 1/4 of the weight.

    I am seriously considering going on a liquid diet like medifast. I just need to figure out how to get it here.

    My back up plan is to come to the States and get a smaller band but that poses challenges living in SA with followup and fills. Not sure what to do.

    Not a happy camper.

  4. I hate to be a downer. But, this is a progressive disease. It gets worse not better. Two years ago, I would have said no, I would not gain weight to get the surgery. Knowing what I know now, I would have. Because, I gained the weight to qualify for the surgery on my own without even trying. I am 47 and if I had done this two years ago, I would have had the weight off by now. And, just like the previous poster said, you have to decide for yourself. Best wishes to you either way!!!

  5. Hi Dani,

    I wish I had had the lap band as an option 20+ years ago. You are smart to find ways to arrest and turn around your obesity at a young age. Do your research, go to more seminars and get really educated on the band. Read the blogs and know the risks. And, understand that it can be slow early on so manage your expectations. I found that reading blogs start to finish and following the bloggers entire weight loss experience was really helpful.

    I have had the band 3 months. And have only lost 18 pounds. The band really didn't start working until I got my last fill. So, from the time I got my band until now. I have just been eating what I wanted but not going crazy. I can really feel the difference now because my appetite is greatly diminished. I am not so sure I am feeling restriction yet. But, I am really afraid of over eating at this point. So, I feel like it is going well and I look forward to losing the rest.

    Sometimes family & friends really don't understand your struggle so they are not always the best support. This sight is great for support. Also, get yourself an alias on Facebook and follow lapbanders there as well. There is a lot of support on FB!!!(I am Vu Carre Lap Band Journey on FB)

    Best wishes to you and your mom!!

  6. Good for you. That is great you are still feeling the affect 2 weeks out. I, like others, feel tight in the am. I wonder if Water retention has anything to do with wether it is tighter some days than others. I have not had that experience yet. I had my surgery 5/19 and had absolutely no appetite for a week. Then I was back to normal pre band appetite. I had my 3rd fill Monday and I am finally feeling/seeing results. I am not sure If I am at my sweet spot, but I have not been getting hungry or thinking about food. Yesterday I decided I would have lunch at 1. I looked up at 4 and realized I had not eaten. I LOVE not being constantly fixated on food.

    Sounds like you may be one of the few who get the effect right away. Some people have had to get 5 fills. I was starting to worry. But, be careful that you are getting enough to eat and be sure you are getting enough Protein. Consult your nutritionist or doctor to make sure you are getting enough of what you need. And, best wishes to you on your journey.

  7. Restriction is a misconception because the band does NOT restrict the amount of food you eat. It only keeps you from being hungry longer 4 to 5 hours and thats it. It is up to you to stop eating. The band will not do that for you.

    That is your experience and thanks for sharing. Others have clearly stated they feel full or have a sense of satiety after eating a quantity of food. So, it is from those, who I am most curious to hear from.

  8. Hello All,

    What is the burning sandpapery feeling in the chest??? Does that mean something is kind of stuck and then goes past the band when the feeling eases? I just got my 3rd fill 8/15/11. Before that, I had no restriction. I am not sure if what I am feeling now is restriction. Often when I eat something, I get this burning sandpapery feeling in my chest, kind of like I swallowed a tennis ball whole. It usually passes after a few minutes. I don't get it every time I eat. I guess it occurs when I eat too fast or something that is too dry. I know I need to work on these things.

    Other than that, I am really not feeling a sensation of fullness when I eat things that don't cause this sensation. Does this mean I am not at the sweet spot yet? My dr. is concerned because he says most of his patients have restriction after the 2nd fill. I guess he uses small bands up to 8 ml. I currently have 7 ml in the 8ml bad. He has suggested I go to have my next fill x-rayed.

    Can those of you who are having success explain what restriction actually feels like? Thanks!! Vu

  9. Hello All,

    What is the burning sandpapery feeling in the chest??? Does that mean something is kind of stuck and then goes past the band when the feeling eases? I just got my 3rd fill 8/15/11. Before that, I had no restriction. I am not sure if what I am feeling now is restriction. Often when I eat something, I get this burning sandpapery feeling in my chest, kind of like I swallowed a tennis ball whole. It usually passes after a few minutes. I don't get it every time I eat. I guess it occurs when I eat too fast or something that is too dry. I know I need to work on these things.

    Other than that, I am really not feeling a sensation of fullness when I eat things that don't cause this sensation. Does this mean I am not at the sweet spot yet? My dr. is concerned because he says most of his patients have restriction after the 2nd fill. I guess he uses small bands up to 8 ml. I currently have 7 ml in the 8ml bad. He has suggested I go to have my next fill x-rayed.

    Can those of you who are having success explain what restriction actually feels like? Thanks!! Vu

  10. I know you posted this months ago. However I am where you were then, today. I would love to hear how you are doing now. It is had to think that I spend the majority of our savings on a surgery that may not be the answer. I know i need to excerise more but hate the idea of it. I have a lapband and it only holds 4cc. The but 1.7 in on my first fill and I still feel hungry and am able to eat more than I want to. I was banded on 5-26 and lost 25 pounds the first month. I have only lost about 5 pounds this month. ON the bright side I am down a clothes size and can see the weight difference even though the scale isn't reflecting it.

    Look forward to hearing from you.


  11. I know you posted this months ago. However I am where you were then, today. I would love to hear how you are doing now. It is had to think that I spend the majority of our savings on a surgery that may not be the answer. I know i need to excerise more but hate the idea of it. I have a lapband and it only holds 4cc. The but 1.7 in on my first fill and I still feel hungry and am able to eat more than I want to. I was banded on 5-26 and lost 25 pounds the first month. I have only lost about 5 pounds this month. ON the bright side I am down a clothes size and can see the weight difference even though the scale isn't reflecting it.

    Look forward to hearing from you.


  12. I was banded May 19, 2011 and I also have about 65 pounds to lose. I have had two fills and I too have no restriction. I dont think the band is a scam. I think it is just that it may take 3-5 fills before proper restriction is reached. It is frustrating. But, try not to beat yourself up and get discouraged. This has happened to a lot of people who have lost all their weight with the band. It just takes time. Try not to let the self righteous get to you either. Some people who have the band act as if they have lost all the weight on their own and the band does not help. If that was the case, they would not have needed the band in the first place. Just try to do what you can on your own and when you reach the "sweet spot" you will be fine. I am hoping for the same thing. I know I am a food addict and compulsive eater and the band has not started working yet. So, I am happy that have not gained. So, I have adjusted my goals accordingly and I am hoping with my 3rd fill I will have some restriction. Best of luck to you!!!


    I was banded on 3/23/11. I have lost 25 lbs total as of today 5/14/11. That includes the 2 week pre op diet. Here's my problem..................I'm still hungry, and while I did really good post op, as I stayed on liquids, Protein shakes etc....now that I am on solid foods, I can pretty much eat anything with no trouble, and that scares me. I'm still not sure what the band is for. I've had one fill, and I basically have to use willpower, discipline. If I could use willpower alone, I wouldnt have had the surgery. I know that it is just a tool, and I have made significant strides in a new healthy lifestyle and excercise. But so far one fill isnt doing anything for me. I'm starving, bored with the food and frustrated. I feel like I got scammed. The lapband isnt really doing anything for me that I couldnt do for myself.

    Anyone else feel like it wasnt worth the money?

    I still have 40 lbs or so to lose.

    Thanks for your input!

  13. <br />I just went on line and saw the first bill my Dr. sent my insurance for a fill. The bill was $3750.00! My fill only last about 7 minutes. CRAZY. Has anyone else seen a fill cost this much?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I paid about $10,000 USDs for my band in South Africa, and my fills for a year are free.

  14. If you're eating more just because you can then it's your fault that it's not working - sounds harsh but it's true.

    If this were a true statement, then none of us would need a band. We would simply not overeat, 'just because you can.' I am a compulsive eater and food addict. That is how I got to be 64 pounds overweight. I got the band to offer restriction and to suppress appetite as the band manufacturers state as the role of the band in an overall program. For me, six weeks after surgery, I have no restriction or appetite suppression. So, my compulsion to overeat has not been abated, at this point, by the tool, my band. Up to about a week after surgery, I had no appetite and did not think about food. I did not overeat during that time. So, I think once the tool starts working, I will be able to follow the program. I just wanted restriction to start immediately. Though, I do realize that restriction may come until several fills. That was not a surprise to me. I was just hoping I would be one of those who got restriction immediately following surgery and it continued. But, it hasn't so I need to just deal with it as it comes.


  15. It is not about restriction it is about not being hungry there is no restriction. Vu why are you getting fills every single month. What happens when you cant get another fill. Use your fills sparingly. Fills will not stop you from eating, or make you lose weight. You have to have some contraint on your food intake. The band will not do that for you. It has a hole in it and as soon as you start eating the food starts moving through. Its about not being hungry but some people never have their hunger relieved.

    At this point, I have had 1 fill. I have no restriction and I am hungry. There is no change from before surgery. A large part of my understanding of the band before surgery was restriction. So, yeah I am kinda of expecting restriction.

    Hope it works soon!!!!

  16. Hello,

    I am taking a mini poll. So, please answer!!! How many fills, and please include ccs if you can, before you starting feeling restriction?

    I was banded on 5/19/11 and had my first fill 6/20/11. I have not felt any restriction. For the first this morning I had a piece of toast. Was still hungry about an hour later and had another. I am feeling pretty full. I guess a lot of people feel more restriction in the a.m., which is fine, but my problem eating times are typically later in the day. I am hoping to guage how long it will be before I start losing. I have told a few people about the surgery so of course they keep asking me how it is going and I have pretty much stalled as far as weight loss because I can eat anything and I am not sticking to a plan. I am still very optimistic that I will lose weight, I am just really anxious for restriction. Thanks for listening!


  17. I was banded on 8/18, have had 2 fills so far (I'm up to just over 6cc's) and still don't have alot of restriction. I'm definitely eating less but still more than I should be able to. Now I do realize there's a certain amount of personal resonsibilty I need to display as well as use my new tool, but the tool's not doing much for me yet. Anyone else experience this? Frustrating!


    Just a little curious as to why you have only had 2 fills? Seems like you were banded almost a year ago and you only have had two. I was banded 5/19/11 and I am on schedule to have a fill each month. My first one was 6/20. I have not had any restriction yet. I did notice this a.m. that I felt a little restriction. Yet, the a.m. is not typically when I have problems controlling my eating. So, the tool is not working for me yet. I have another fill in two weeks. I hope it starts working!!! And, best wishes to you. I hope you get to where you want to be soon!!!


  18. I have told close friends and close family members mainly those who I have talked extensively about my weight issues through the years. And, those who have expressed interest in the band as well. There are several reasons I have not broadcast it: I dont want my surgery to become the topic of daily conversation. If I was still living in the states, I would probably be more open about it. But, having moved overseas and having new close friends and new friend's who are more of acquaintances, I just dont want to have to explain why I "needed" the surgery. Most people who see me or have known me for a few years do not know the lifelong struggle and I just dont want to hear, "you didn't need that, you weren't that big." What people who are not food addicts and compulsive eaters do not know is that this is a progressive disease and it only gets worse. Sure, I could have waiting until I gained another 50 pounds to do this to prove that yeah, I am fat enough for this surgery. I am 5'4" and was 209 on surgery day and I was physically miserable carrying that much weight. I needed this surgery. But, I am ready to move on, I dont want to have to constantly answer questions about my weight. If someone asks me specifically about what I did. I will not lie, I will tell them if they are really interested in what I did to lose the weight, we can meet and I can explain over coffee. I just dont want my weight to be the topic of conversation at every function. I have a few friends here who are struggling with their weight and want to lose weight. Then there are others who are overweight but have said they could never give up this or that. Me, I was willing to do almost anything to conquer my weight. People who are not food addicts just do not get the misery and desire to be normal. So, why debate it with them?

  19. Yep I weigh daily. 6 months ago I only stepped on a scale at the Doctor's office.

    I weigh morning a night. It is not a problem for and don't agree with the logic that should not weigh everyday. When I am weighing everyday, I am losing. When I am on the upswing, I am not weighing. As long as you can manage your expectations that you are not going to lose everyday and some days you will gain even when following your program to a t. If you can do that, you should be fine!!!

    BTW I had my surgery Thurs, 19 May and I have lost 10 pounds. Certainly did not expect to lose that much that fast. I know it is Water and I will certainly not be losing at that rate going forward. Best wishes!!!

  20. Yep I weigh daily. 6 months ago I only stepped on a scale at the Doctor's office.

    I weigh morning and at night. It is not a problem for me and I don't agree with the logic that should not weigh everyday. When I am weighing everyday, I am losing. When I am on the upswing, I am not weighing. As long as you can manage your expectations that you are not going to lose everyday and some days you will gain even when following your program to a t. If you can do that, you should be fine!!!

    BTW I had my surgery Thurs, 19 May and I have lost 10 pounds. Certainly, I did not expect to lose that much that fast. I know it is Water and I will certainly not be losing at that rate going forward. Best wishes!!!

  21. <br />I think I would really do a lot of thinking 1.)if you are not going to get embarrassed 2.) Are prepared for what people may say (can handle all the compliments, some people don't like that) 3.) Go over fine details with your friend, so that person does not put information out there you are not aware of and/or not okay with. I think this is a life changing experience and I can't wait to get my approval! Although when I did speak to the psychologist about the most common problem he sees with post banders is that people are not use to receiving compliments on their body and their beauty, which made them very uncomfortable and had to seek additional help. I think the question is "can you mentally handle this challenge" Whatever you decide let me know and I will support you! <img src="http://cdn.lapbandtalk.com/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif" /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Wow, these are great things to think about!!! Thank you!

    Did your psych give you suggestion on how to mentally and emotionally handle the flood of compliments? Would love to hear advise on that!!! Again, thank you!! Will keep you posted. I am also on Facebook under Vu Carre Lapband Journey!!!

  22. This may seem odd to you as I don't want to tell people about my surgery before hand. However, a very good friend of mine, who is a photojournalist, would like to film my surgery and follow my journey for a year. She will pitch the idea to a national/international magazine. At first I was like, 'no way'. I dont want my fat flesh on display. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would be a good idea to help me get past the shame I have of people overweight. Also, it would give a lot more incentive to succeed with the nation possibly watching. What do you think? WOULD YOU DO IT?

  23. Thank you all for your responses. I am not going to lie about it. I just dont want to talk about it at this point. I do plan on dealing with the shame of it all. I have always been embarrased by my weight. And, having done a partial 12 step program, I know the shame often keeps me in the vicious cycle of overeating and self loathing. So, I do plan on addressing this issue in a big way after the surgery. A friend of mine is a photojournalist and she wants to document my surgery and subsequent weight loss and possibly sell the feature to a national or international South African magazine, which means it may end up in a US mag as well. We are just waiting to find out what, if any, of the surgery, the doctor is willing to let her film. So, we shall see!!!! Again, thanks and best wishes to all of you and I will keep you posted.

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