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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tmbowe

  1. Thanks for the encouragement.. I think what I need is a routine..That will definelty keep me from snacking. I think the worst part was giving up my Gym Membership I already feel lost without it. I quit smoking 4 years ago So I feel ur pain on that one.. But I was not banded and pregnant so it made it easier..But I know u can do it without gaining weight..There are some really good sugar free candies out there you can suck on instead of the full sugar ones. Then u wont be getting all the empty calories..
  2. Friday was my last day of work. I quit my job of almost 9 years to stay home with my 3 yr old Daughter. I am worried that with so muc free time on my hands during the day I may start snacking. Has anyone else had a similar situation and how did they deal with it? I think I am beyond that but really scared that I will relapse into old habits.. Any ideas on how to prevent this would be great. I also had to give up my Gym Membership in order to cut cost for me to be able to quit my job so any excercises I can do with my Daughter would be great as well
  3. tmbowe

    bowel regiment

    I was having problems as well and Started Eating the Activa Yogurt. This has really helped not only am I getting my Fiber but I am also getting my Calcium as well. Plus it is easy to get down.
  4. I went through the same thing. I was told that the first 4 weeks are devoted to healing and that you are not trying to lose weight in that time frame. So you want to keep drinking your liquids. As soon as I got my first feel at 6 weeks post op The feeling subsided somewhat but not completely it actually took me 4 fills I am now at 6.3 before I actually got that full feeling. I would just try to be patient as we are all different and the band works differently for all of us. I think once you get a fill you will feel much better
  5. I too was told to stay out of the swimming pool and hot tubs for 6 weeks after my surgery. They wanted the incisions to be completely healed so as to not risk infections.
  6. I want to know how many of you actually wait 3 minutes in between bites of food. I had my banding November 18, 2008 and am down 56 lbs. I think the reason I have not lost more is I am eating too fast. Would love to hear from those that do and those that dont wait the 3 minutes to see if there is a big difference in weight loss.:smile2:
  7. I have always heard 3 bites of Protein to 1 bite of Carbs or Veggies but never just 3 bites of food per meal.
  8. Thanks for your input sometimes I think we just need to hear it from someone else. I know I am doing better than I would withouth the surgery and like you I only only taking 1/2 of the dosage I took before. Thanks for the support I really appreciate it
  9. Have you tried Walk away the Pounds. It is a great DVD you can do at home. I think it cost about $10 at Wal-mart. There are different levels of walking you do and you can walk anywhere from 1 to 3 miles. If you walk 1 miles I think the full workout is 20 Minutes. I know it came highly recommended in my support group and I ran out and bought it. Then my DVD Player broke, but the few times I did get to use it I absoulutely loved it
  10. Wow 68lbs that is awesome I was banded 10 months ago and have only lost 56lbs. So I think you are doing awesome. I am original from Nebraska. I just recently moved to Colorado. But would love to talk to. Like you I am always looking for new people to chat with.
  11. Hey I just seen you were banded the day before me and our weight loss is the same. Do you get frustrated that you have not lost more. Some days I am happy cuz I know I wouldnt of lost it without the surgery and other days am frustrated thinking I should be losing faster. I was wondering if you had type 2 diabates prior to surgery as I had and still have it and wonder it that is why my weight loss is so low
  12. That is something else my Dr says not to do. He says you need to set down and eat and not get up and do stuff cuz when you do that you are grazing. I tried to time 3 minutes in between bites and it is way to long. If I wait about 1 minute I am good. It also depends on what I am eating. If I am eating meat I have to wait a little over a minute but If I am eating something soft like potatoes I dont have to wait at all.. I guess we are all really different
  13. My Dr didnt require a post op diet. The only thing he required was the day before the Surgery was allowed liquids only and had to drink the Magnisum stuff to clean you out. So you will probably be ok if you slip once or twice.
  14. tmbowe

    Time between meals

    I think that everyone is different on this. My Dr says to only eat when you are hungry. When I was first banded I felt like I was always hungry and could easily eat every 4 hrs. However after my last fill. I am up to 6.2cc's I stopped eating breakfast. I no longer wake up hugry. I eat lunch at about 11 and supper at about 7. So I am able to go 8 hrs in between meals now. There are days I do have a light snack but my Dr says this is fine as well, as long as you only eat when hungry.
  15. My surgery took 1/2 hr and I had to stay in hospital overnight. Not because I had any problems just cuz that is my Dr's Requirement. I was up and moving around the day of surgery though.
  16. I thought the 3 minutes was standard kind of glad to know that it is not. I do chew,chew, chew as they say and put my fork down between bites, but I thought since I was not waiting the 3 minutes that maybe I was eating more that I should be. So I guess I am probably right on track. I get full fairly quickly and eat off a childs plate so I think I am probably doing everything just fine
  17. tmbowe

    52 lbs gone

    From the album: In Progress

  18. tmbowe

    In Progress

  19. tmbowe

    52 lbs gone

    From the album: In Progress

  20. tmbowe

    Down 35 lbs

    From the album: In Progress

  21. tmbowe

    Down 35 lbs

    From the album: In Progress

  22. tmbowe

    Day of surgery 292 lbs

    From the album: In Progress

  23. Hi, I am a 32 yr old Mother of 2 kids a 13 yr old and a 2 yr old. I was a single Mother for the First 8 years of My sons life. So I am familiar with that. I was banded on November 18, 2008 I have lost 52 lbs since then. I would be happy to answer any questions that any of you have regarding this surgery. I have had great support around me and would love to be able to offer that same support to others. You can add me as a Friend on here and we can chat privately if you would like you can alo e-mail me at mbowet@yahoo.com. I wish you luck on your Journey. It is definetly a Journey I would do over again if I had to.

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