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New Jersey Rambo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by New Jersey Rambo

  1. So after last weeks slips I have everything back on track. I'm using this as the catalyst for the next step of my journey, I had somethings I should not have eaten but I now i look at this as a positive, I ate thing that i thought taste great but the pain and the feeling that came with this have changed my mind set! I realize now that yes it tasted good but no it was not worth it. I don't want that pain and I don't want that feeling of letting myself down anymore. I like the thinner me I like not feeling so groggy from eating to much food (bad foods) and I like being able to tie my shoes and cut my toenails... ETC! So I feel this will help me in the end!! Thanks for listening and your support! Good luck on your journey!

  2. I have not had a good week... My will has slipped a few time... I pad for it with pain and feeling sick... I knew I had to get my head straight... I'm so glad I did I'm back on track and feeling good about where I'm going.... It can be done even when we hit the low moments and feel like it's to much work, it is all worth it!!! I met several people that have lost 150-200 lbs and have kept it off for over 4-5 years now! And I have started make a vision board about my journey to help with my success! If you are having any moments of doubt or feeling frustrated go to a meeting it will change your mind set back to where it needs to be!! Good luck on your journey!

  3. I'm sorry for your loss I'm sure your struggle with food dependency as a mood enhancer (like myself as well) is going to be tough, but remember why you had the surgery and I'm sure your grandmother would want this as well! Try doing another passion you have as a coping mechanism. When I feel that urge I go and play guitar for a bit to appease those feelings. My heart goes out to you! I

  4. It's important to get the Protein and using quality Vitamins. Most Vitamins only have about a 15% absorption rate in your body, but there are vitamins that have been proven to have a 95% absorption! I found switching to these vitamins as well as making sure I get my Protein in has helped with the hair loss and I also noticed my fingernails got weak as well but this also changed that too! Good luck on your journey!

  5. I was scared silly before the surgery but I am super glad I did it now and recommend it any chance I get! My doctor just simply told me that the only thing that would stop me from be a superstar as apposed to a great patient is just my desire to lose the weight! So I say you should expect what your willing to work for! I won't stop till I get where I want to be! I have always dealt with a slow metabolism too. My advice for that would be find a great supplement, I felt the change in myself after I started take quality vitamins! Good luck on your journey!

  6. My doctor told me that the first month may not be as big as I thought. The body has to get use to it's new needs! My best advice would be after being allowed to swallow solid pills again find a really a good Multivitamin that seemed to work for me! The chew-able kind I was taking before didn't make me feel any better! After finding a better supplement I felt better and the weight lose really kicked in! Good luck on your journey!

  7. I'm in Cherry Hill about 15 min from Philly! Had my sleeve surgery on 2/1/2016. I have lost 54 lbs since surgery. I hope like most the toughest part was the first month, but it is still tough. Changing my thinking about food is hard I still find myself craving sweets but I have been so far so good. I tell myself it's not that I can't have it, rather I choose not to eat it! That little change in my thought process has help me greatly! Good luck on your journey!

  8. My Vitamins are through an online international health and wellness company. Here is the link showing the study that they did on their Vitamins, which is why I chose them. If after looking at the research, you want more info let me know and I can hook you up with the company. The company rewards its customers if they introduce someone new to them. Thanks!


  9. Yes I did and still do I will go through small plateaus and the doctor told me this is normal it is my body try to get used to the changes and like you said drink more Water and eat more protean! he said that the biggest weight lose is between week 10 and 8 months! I know it is tough and scary thinking I did this and already my weight loss has stopped but it will start up again! hope this helps! Good luck on your journey!

  10. I have always been the type of person that I did and ate whatever I wanted UNLESS a doctor told me to do something specific. I guess it's because I have a huge fear of damaging myself when a professional tells me to do it different. So I stuck to my diet, but there were stages of the early diet I didn't like (IE. pureed foods) so for the first month I found thing I liked in the other earlier parts of the diet and stuck with them through the purred stage. The reason I'm telling this is because I totally understand your desire to eat something else but I just refused to hurt my sleeve and just ate what I liked so far! Now it's been 3 1/2 month since my surgery and the desire to cheat has pretty much gone away I just stick to the same philosophy I eat thing I like but are good for me and so far so good! Good luck with your journey!

  11. That is a great set of reasons! Thank you for sharing that! I noticed my energy was low as well in the first month but after I was given the go ahead to use solid pills again, I found my energy and my activity level came back to normal. I credit a lot of that to the Vitamins I started taking they really made me feel better. The chew-able Multivitamins I was using didn't do anything for me. Since we have to be on Multivitamins for the rest of our lives I really did my research and found the Vitamins I take now and I feel great! I started walking and light exercise (do to a previous illness it is tough for me to exercise) I have always wanted to try boxing as an exercise but I didn't do it before I got sick and now I don't have the balance to be able to do it! It sounds like you are on track! Good luck with your journey I hope you continue on the lighter side (pun intended)

  12. I never took any narcotics I was given a prescription strength acetaminophen and to be honest I only took 3-4. The pain was there but it was manageable and after a week or so it eased up greatly! I think you should be alright with out any narcotics! You already told us your not wimpy so I think it won't be to bad for you! It is the best thing I have ever done for myself and I'm very glad I did, I hope you have the same feelings!

  13. I love any suggestions that is the best part of the bariatric community! Today I had a chicken sandwich on cloud bread. It was awesome and it was carb free so for me it was a great quick meal. I made the cloud bread earlier and froze it so I can thaw 2 pieces when I'm ready. The suggestion I have is don't but the protean on to soon before you eat it because the bread did start to break down by the moister. However the I thought it tasted like a regular bread sandwich! Good Luck

  14. Thank you for sharing your story it is inspiring that you found the path to happiness for yourself. Happy Surgiversary! It makes me wonder what I will be and feel like on my sugiversary. I agree the most important thing for us is to love ourselves but it is the hardest thing for me, but I've changed and hope to keep it going. Good people not only take care of others but take the time for themselves as well! Keep it up!! Good luck!

  15. Good luck on 37th! It will be great and you can get back to playing soccer and your with your son soon! I had my surgery on 2/1/2016 I'm down 50 lbs since my hospital weight. The fist month was the tough but it gets easier and better soon after that. I feel the thing that was the most helpful for me was after being able to swallowing pills I started using the best Vitamins I could find after starting them I had more energy and felt better! Keep me updated!

  16. Sorry your having side effects! I had my surgery 2/1/2016 and I had regrets the first month or so too, but I can tell you now 3 1/2 month later down 50 lbs it was the best thing I have ever done for myself! You made this life change to have a healthier and happier life and You/We deserve it! I know it's tough now but drink lots of Fluid and get determined that your life is better and will get even better soon! Good luck keep us updates!!

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