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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by josephine

  1. Boo Boo Kitty,I am going through the exact same thing that you are right now. I don't know who I am either even though I know I am not obese anymore. I do see myself as thin now, healthier than I have ever been, and I am ready to paint the town red, so to speak.I have hidden for so many years with my weight going up and down, up and down and now that I am beginning to accept who I am , I believe I have poisoned my husband with being and introvert as I was. I have fallen into a depression and I don't know EXACTLY what is wrong. I even hate my work. I never used to. I enjoy my dog, and my GYM time. I am still alone and more lonely than ever.It is still very hard for people not to make comment on how I eat, what I eat, what I choose to eat that it makes everyone very uncomfortable to eat with me. I am filling my belly, I am not filling their belly nor are they filling my belly. They still say I am dieting and this is not dieting, it is a life change for me in which I have made that change and they have not. I have chosen this life for myself but they are still living from Nov. 2005. I don't want anyone to adjust themselves for me.I hopefully will be seeking help but I have a few things to take care of first. I have to go for an EGD to look at my band to be sure there is no erosion. My doctor didn't want to take any chances since one of his patients started getting erosion but it healed itself, she didn't have any problems either. She was two years out and I am that as well, actually longer with no problems. Now, I have a hernia in my groin area in which I have to take care of too. The sooner the better because if I can't do my normal routine of exercise (weight lifting) at the gym I will fall into further depression.I had a Tummy Tuck and a breast lift May 9, 2007 and I believe all is well. You will feel better once that is done too. I wish you well and good luck to you.Josephine

  2. Hello fellow Texans...............

    Well, I am trying to stay healthy and am going to the gym 3 times a week and lifting weights. I got pretty good at it too, so good I got a inguinal hernia (in my groin area). Researching a hernia it happens to people who are carrying too much weight and also losing alot of weight so of course that would be me.

    My questions are these.....................

    1. Has anyone experienced this?

    2. Did you have surgery to fix it?

    3. What method did the doctor use?

    4. I am in the DFW area and if anyone has a doctor they trust in, please let me know.

    Any knowledge would be of great help.



  3. Boricua61,

    My first month I lost 33 lbs and that included my 5 day pre op liquids. I wasn't hungry for anything. My husband would yell at me because he would see me eat 2 spoonfuls of a cream Soup and i was finished. Certainly get in the habit of drinking your fluids. This is very important. You hunger will come but maybe you have already trained your mind that you will be eating a lot less and you are on the road to success.

    Good Luck


  4. Josephine, how do you know how much muscle you have gained? I have been weight training now for 4 years and with a trainer since last July. I can feel

    a lot of muscle in my legs, but it would be nice to know in lbs how much

    muscle I have gained.

    If your fat percentage has gone down but your weight has gone up, you can only be gaining muscle. I started at the gym at 136 and I am now 142 and not boney. I am able to see the muscles. Also, if your clothing size is going down as well.

    I didn't begin exercising in the beginning, weight training that is. I only began cardio once I lost 60 lbs. I hated to exercise but now I am addicted. When I see myself toning up and certain muscles bulge out when I am working out it is such a thrill to me.


  5. I feel that most of my social life is based around meals, going out to dinner with friends, Bars etc. did anyone find that the band killed their relationships with friends and such? What about family holidays? I am being banded on 4/7 and wonder how I will feel for Passover which starts on the 18th and involves lots of food.... though matzaball Soup probably works.

    It is funny but it is the American way. We only know how to socialize with people as llong as it has to do with food or drink.

    For me, I would love to be able to go out more for dinner. I am just tired of hearing the crap................ IT IS A WASTE OF MONEY FOR YOU TO GO OUT AND EAT. You see, he forgets I can bring home the doggie bag. I will not eat the appetizers as I do not eat fried foods anymore. I do't even drink alcohol anymore and he will not order because I don't have one.

    To tell you the truth it bothers other people and it doesn't bother me at all. This is the life I chose for myself and no one else. I don't expect anyone else to change because of me. If they are uncomfortable then it is their problem.


  6. Drinking while eating is a learned habit. As long as you are drinking the recommended fluids a day you do not need to drink and eat at the same time. You want to teach yourself to have the food fill you up and not the fluids while eating to help the food pass through your stomach quicker to get hungrier quicker.

    Old habits are always hard to break.


    Is there anyone out there who drinks a little Water with their meals? I'm not banded yet, but the thought of no Water with my meals just kills me.

  7. Mandi,

    I have had my band since Nov. 2005 and I still have gas in my stomach. Sometimes it is the things that I eat and I know the ones that really make my stomach hurt so I can't eat those things anymore. I have gone to the pharmacy and I have tried EVERYTHING to help with the gas, I call it collic as it is trapped gas for me. Most everything has heartburn/anti gas and I don't have heartburn, I just have gas. Sometimes I just want someone to just pounce on my stomach so it can explode but impossible. I will walk outside in hopes that it will subside and it finally does.

    Take a mental note of what you are eating and write it down. Let me see if it is anything that you are eating.


  8. Slimmy120,

    I am the same way as the girls below your thread. I really don't think you need to ask how much do you eat down the road. We have taught ourselves, finally how to eat. We don't eat anymore because it tastes good only or because it is in front of us. We know we have to eat to be able to survive. If you eat healthy food or unhealthy food you only eat until you feel that full feeling. Don't allow your food to take control of yourself.

    I have never counted calories nor measured my food. I am now having to eat 4 meals a day to keep my weight on. I eat healthy and exercise 5 days a week and I am loving it. I gained 6 lbs. of muscle and I am in a size 6. I want to cry when I miss out on a exercise day.

    Do not listen to your brain telling you how much to eat. If you are eating slowly you will be giving yourself a chance for your stomach to catch up with your brain and your stomach will tell you that you are full.

    Have faith in yourself.....


  9. LovemyBand,

    You really need to refocus. You are very young and you will still take other peoples thoughts to heart and you shouldn't. Those other people are the ones who has helped us grow the size that we are/were without there knowledge besides ourselves, or course.

    You DO NOT want to wait until you start having major problems with your health down the road. You need to nip it NOW and become the healthy person that you can be.

    I have completely did a 360 on my food choices and have become addicted to weight lifting and cardio. I am 43 yrs. of age and I only wished that I could have done this along time ago with my life instead of being called fatty four eyes while growing up and hating myself all my life because of how ugly I felt. Very ugly on the outside and very depressed on the inside .

    I found out my down falls on food and I have completely stayed away from them. I do have addictions with some foods and even though I haven't eaten them since the end of 2005, the smell of those foods still knock me for a loop.

    You really want to take charge of your own life and only have support from others. If they are not willing to support you then you do not need to be around them.

    If you are in need of anything on a positive note and have questions please email me. I am an old timer as far as the band 11/10/2005. My starting weight was 251 lbs. and I am now 142 and have been holding that since July 25, 2006.

    We have had enough negativity in our life and we don't need anymore.


  10. I had a lower profile port put in and it still shows even with having my TT. Not only that, I now feel the connector to my port. I work out alot and sometimes I feel it all the time there becuase of working out my abs.

    If you are willing to wear a bikini, you better wear it with confidence and be proud of what you have accomplished. Can you remember the last time you wore a bikini?

    I would rather be at a healthy weight with a friend of mine sticking out of my stomach than a large pooch that is my stomach sticking out.

    Be happy with yourself, I am sure you look great.


  11. I am about to die with this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: My gas is sooooo bad it just feels damn good to let it explode! I only hope that when it does, no one is around because I can blow them across the room. :Dancing_biggrin: I though on the other hand had my surgery in Nov. of 2005. I have been maintaing my loss for a year and a half now but I still get gas. I have learned what not to eat anymore for a painful stomach ache but the gas still remains. I have never had a fill.........My band is empty so I believe every individual is different.

    I wish you well with the bypass and thanks again for the laugh that I needed.


    Stay Healthy and Safe with the bypass

  12. This is strange everyone and I wish my doctor can be at his office when I need him. I am one who NEVER has problems with the band, the port, or anything else. I did have my port removed to have a low profile one put in awhile back but no problems there. The low profile port even sticks out also on me but that is okay because I am healthy.

    I had a Tummy Tuck in May of 07 and that doctor didn't know too much about the lapband but he did say he needed to move my port because it was in the way where he had to create my new belly button or something to that affect. I am a trooper to all surgeries and recovered with flying colors on that as well.

    Above my port I feel a line going straight up and down and sometimes it hurts. Lately it has been hurting on a daily basis and I can swear it is the TUBING. I can't even imagine it is muscle growth. I love to exercise now and I love to lift weights.

    I tried to get my regular doctor to have an xray done but he says, I wouldn't know what to look for. So basically he won't help me.

    I want to just go into my doctors office on Monday if anyone would let me know if that Floura (xray machine) would help to see what is protruding from my abdomen. I have never had a fill so I don't know if that machine that they have will help them determine what is the problem. Do you think this is something that will help me? The nurse can't even help me. She doesn't know what to tell me as I am the one who always has weird problems but only two problems since Nov. 05 I would say I am not a problem child.

    Has anyone ever experienced this? Maybe, even though you are not doctors can possibly say hey, I know of someone who has had similar issues.

    Thanks Again,


  13. People may lose interest if you are a story teller. Maybe you are just a lonely person. I don't believe in obesity as being hereditary. You are the only one who puts food in your mouth and it is you who makes the choices in what you put in your mouth.

    Most people don't live in the stars and it doesn't matter to me that Jupiter rules me. Just look at yourself and ask yourself what you are doing wrong because there is something different if you have only started gaining weight.

  14. Shel,

    1. The past is the past. You need to move on and forget that past experience. You have now started a new healthy life and you need the positive reinforcement to become successful.

    2. You are normally supposed to listen to your doctor when it comes to the eating part. Yes, it does seem to be going quite fast with what he is telling you to eat. The eggs even freaked me out at the hospital because I could only get down 3 spoonfuls of Soup. I didn't stay over night though, I was in and out of the hospital in 4 hours.

    3. Only take your pain meds if absolutely necessary. They will cause Constipation. Your stomach is probably upset and while eating the scrambled eggs, do you think it is the grease from the butter or oil that you are using to scramble them? I would stay away from greasy foods right now. You can take a little pepto to help you with that. If you are experiencing gas pains it is normal from the anesthesia.

    4. sleeping will be a bit difficult because I used to sleep that way also. I grabbed a pillow to put somewhat under my right side. This may help a bit. Your port may be painful up to 4-6 wks. Scar tissue will be forming and this is normal.

    Just remember this is all for the better and think positive. I didn't have many co-morbitities but I remember my first month I lost 34 lbs. and the pain and burning in my knees went away and the discoloration on my feet went away also in which I heard that was the beginning of diabetes.

    Only sweet thoughts,


  15. David,

    This is very normal for alot of people. It is the anesthesia and for some it takes a week to get out of the system. I do not recommend your pain meds as that will cause you another problem down the road and that is Constipation. I remember along time ago, I didn't have the gas problems but the eating was difficult to me. I didn't get too much into Water right away because I knew I had to get in my nutrition. Stay away from greasy Soups but try to drink some creamed Soups. You will get better and for sure the walking will help,


  16. Amelia,

    I never did stray because I was too afraid to. The Protein should help you stay full. I don't know if you have tried eating lower calorie cream Soups or SF Jello or SF pudding for something different. You really shouldn't stray from your liquids as you really want your stomach to heal. Once you start your losing process you should be feeling better a seeing a different light on things. Give yourself a chance with your new friend.


  17. Well,

    I have watched this blog since it was put in and I cannot believe the amount of people I know who has had their surgery in 2005 and no one is ever in here. We need to be in here for our future. I constantly read how the bad habits have returned and this is the reason why this was installed. We don't have support group meetings on a daily basis to help us through our tough times. Has everyone succeeded and met their goal? Have we failed and are trying to get back on board with our lives? Is everyone so confident that they don't need to talk anymore about our new lifestyle and we have concoured everything in our past with our weight issues? That would be great.....................

    We still need to be here for the people that are just starting out or the ones that are close to goal and are still having issues or any type of questions possible that we are so experienced with.

    What do you think? Let's be helpful................

    You will notice no fills down below and that is because I finally made up my mind that I wanted to live a longer life than what was expected of me down the road. Maybe I could have done it without the band but I didn't want to take that chance anymore with weight gain and weight loss since that in itself is just as dangerous on your heart as is being obese. I know that my band, my friend, is there to give me support and if I begin to have bad habits I can run to my doctor for help.

    Surgery Date : November 10, 2005

    Starting Weight : 251

    Ending Weight : 142

    Maintaining my loss since July 25th, 2006 with no fills


    Clothing Size/4 - 6 but mostly 6 due to my womenly hips.

    Moral support is here for anyone who needs it.


  18. I have been banded since Nov. 10, 2005, I have lost 111 lbs. and have maintained it since July 25, 2006 and have been going to my weight doctor religiously. Of course until I lost all the weight that I had needed he was seeing me monthly. August of 2006 I was seeing him every 3 months to be sure that I was maintaining and also for not losing anymore, according to him.

    I just saw him last week for my 3 month check up and he told me, I guess I don't need to bother you much anymore and I looked at him and I said, what do you mean? He told me that I have lost 111 lbs. and I have maintained a loss of 105% of my BMI so maybe I should just check in with him every 6 months or so. I feel as though I lost my best friend. I looked at him and told him, you are my incentive to keeping my weight off and I will still be seeing you every 3 months.

    I don't know if I can learn to be without him. This has been such a hell of a journey for me and knowing that I have FINALLY kept my weight off for 1 1/2 years is an incredible accomplishment. It wsn't losing the weight, it was keeping it off. Can I trust myself without him to keep it off? I am so scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only that................

    I have 10 more sessions with my personal trainer and that will be the end of story too. I have been with him a year and I am terrified also not having him either. Will I know what to do without him? Will I cheat on my sessions without him? All these final habits are making me feel like I will have started all over again, square one, and lonely, and distrustful of myself.

    Does the fear of failing ever go away? Can anyone relate to me?


    OOPS ! I spelled the word "lies " wrong and sent it without checking my spelling.


    How many of us have made New Years Resolutions and have failed? If you look at your past history also, I am sure this isn't the first time you have tried to lose weight, tried to quit smoking or tried to quit drinking, if not just slow down your alcohol consumption but because it was a New Years Resolution it failed. All our life we most probably made false promises to ourselves much less other people in our lives. So what should be the purpose of making a New Years Resolution? Don't be of the common anymore, as we are not........ We are individuals and we shouldn't do what everyone else does. Our only New Years Resolution is just be ourselves.

    My accomplishments are......

    1. Lapband Surgery Nov. 10, 2005 and I lost 109 lbs. and have maintained it since July 25, 2006. I went from a size 22 to a size 4 -6.

    2. Because of the surgery I quit drinking because of the empty calories that I didn't want to take in. I don't miss it so it must not have been a loss to me.

    3. I quit smoking Dec. 25, 2006 and I have been smoke free for over a year now and I feel as healthy as a horse.

    4. I have become a lover of exercise. It makes me feel so good.

    Honesty is the best policy so I just want to tell you two things.

    1. I still have mental issues with how I look. I still see myself as being obese. I am still obsessed with what I put in my mouth. I will freak if I gain more than two pounds. It is a scary life long struggle.

    2. I am still addicted to the smell of my addiction and that is fast food. If I open up a bottle of ketchup, I don't think of ketchup, I think of french fries. If I smell burgers God help me. I haven't eaten those things since 2005 either and I plan on never doing that. Not one drop of deep fried food has entered my mouth and I will never allow it to as long as I have the feelings that I do when I smell it. I don't even crave that food but I become crazed when I smell it.

    I want to wish everyone all the best in 2008. I hope your new found lives bring you everything you desire.


  20. Beer is a no no because of the gas. When you pour the beer, you see the gas on top, the foam. That is the part that is not good for you.

    As far as alcohol is concerned, you are able to drink it or course. In moderation also and that is only because you want to be able to chew your calories and not drink them. Try to remember, alcohol turns into sugar 3 days later and then sugar turns into fat. I haven't had a drink since Nov. 2005 and I don't miss it at all, like I was never really that fond of soda so I didn't have any problems. My doctor says that having a glass of wine is a good thing.


  21. Irma,

    For some people it takes 3 adjustments to finally feel that sweet spot that people talk about. Don't get discouraged. Even though we also get this band to help us lose the weight we still need to adjust our way of eating and that is what we ate to help use get the way we are today. I truly believe that the success of my weight loss has everything to do with what I chose to eat once I got banded. I also believe that we, the obese, don't understand the meaning of Portion Control. That besides what you chose to eat are the tricks of the band and the weight loss that comes with it. You need to believe that you are able to concur your before habits to be successful with the band; not to mention the maintenance of your loss for the rest of your life in which I know for myself has always been the problem. I have now maintained my 109 lb loss since July 25, 2006. I was banded on Nov. 10, 2005 and I have never had a fill. I believe in my 40 years of life, I have finally figured out that I will not allow food to run my life and I want to live a longer, happier and healthier life.

    You can do it. Trust me. Believe in yourself and change your life today.


  22. Probably everything that you are experiencing right now are gas pains from the anesthesia still. Sometimes for some it takes over a week to get that all out of your system. Be patient and you should be fine. Drink everything very slowly. Take your time in eating also. This will also help with the air getting in your system.


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