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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by josephine

  1. I was a spoonful person also for a month. Not that anyone else will experience this either. Do not force anything as you are healing at this time. Just try to get nutritious things down you and don't worry too much on the negative calorie liquids. You will get weak but it will be okay. Even try cream Soups. If it is Soups you can only get down then they have powder Protein you can throw in there. You will be fine. It is very soon for you to be worrying. Give yourself some time.


  2. In my first month I lost 32 pounds. This included the 5 days prior to surgery on the liquid diet phase. After the surgery I lost my appetite and was consistently losing 15 lbs. a month and had lost 111 pounds in 8 months. I know that isn't healthy but I couldn't figure it out either and neither could the doctor. I even had to force feed myself to stop losing and have maintained my lose now for almost 3 years. I never needed a fill due to the lose I had. Someone was on my side helping me and I am thankful, also thankful that I didn't become anorexic in which that was the road that I was seeing ahead when I looked at myself. Thank God all is good now.


  3. I don't have children but I was your children at their age because of all of the "Starving Children in Africa" so eat everything on your plate and "No you can't have that because it isn't good for you", so I became OBESE behind everyone's back.

    You shouldn't deny them but educate them about nutrition and begin as simply as walking with them in the evening for cardio exercise and make it a family effort.

    You can't control them as they can get anything anywhere, trust me because I did. Education is the key. Take advantage of the summer time and share activities with them so they don't think they are doing it alone.


  4. Due to side effects including appetite suppression and weight loss, Adderall has also been used as an off-label drug for obesity. You aren't obese any longer.

    I have no clue how much more you need to lose but this drug you're taking seems to be working against you. I am sure you realize only a doctor can help you with this matter. None of us would ever want to steer you wrong. It doesn't seem normal for you to be going through this.

    Do the smart thing and see a nutrtionist maybe with what you are eating and maybe they can suggest your next step.

    That drug even talks about depression and maybe you are going through something mental that you can't put your finger on.


  5. I can only say to you that it doesn't matter what that is called but if this is what you are doing then you are on the road to unhealthy eating. You better nip this situation in the butt right now. Stop this horrible way and stop making the excuses that you cant eat anything else. I don't believe it and you need help. Talk to your nutritionist or your nurse or your doctor. It was easy to get obese so try to start working a little harder to get yourself healthier.

    I am so sorry to talk like this but do you know how important it is to start changing your life? It is time to start feeling good about yourself and being good to yourself and the life you need to live from this day forward.

    What you are eating if that is what you are eating are treats only. That isn't real food.


  6. Unfortunately I can't see anything helping. I think all creams are BS as is Age Defying lotions. Your age is a plus but otherwise if you are having to lose 100+ just exercise and it will help some but otherwise expect the skin. I got very lucky with my arms and my neck but I did get a Tummy Tuck and a breast lift. You can't exercise off excess skin so do exercise while you are losing..............VERY IMPORTANT!!!!

    Just be happy to get healthy.


  7. Mildge,

    I am also so sorry to hear that you have eroded also. I have had my band 3 years and 7 months. I am very thankful that nothing has gone wrong. Don't be worried about getting your band removed (surgery). You need to stay positive. I truly believe in being positive. You doctor probably doesn't know for certain why you eroded. My question is, do you drink soda or anything with carbonation? I remember they used to think that. My doctor believes that part of the reason for erosion is a band that is not properly fit for the person. I do have the smallest band (4cc?) and he said it was a perfect fit for me. Once you lose weight you band loosens around your stomach which would cause the band to slide up and down which could cause a hole in your stomach which is "Erosion".

    You are able to get another band placed on your stomach maybe in 6 months. The hole in your stomach must heal in full and then once the stomach is closed up where the hole was you can have the band replaced.

    You should have learned alot in the 3 years of your weight loss. You should be a pro by now and not worry about it. Now you must take a stand and believe in yourself and realize that it was you who lost the weight, not your band. Keep looking at your beautiful self and believe you can do it.


  8. I personally do not have any experience with this double surgery but a friend of mine at work had it done in which it is quite common. Some insurance companies first of all will not cover WLS but they will cover hernia surgery so alot of the doctors do it at the same time.

    The lady at work was out for a week but you need to remember that everyone tolerates pain differently. I had a hernia in my groin area which is through muscle to fix and I had the surgery on Thursday and was back on Monday to work.

    Unfortunately she was very happy that her hernia was fixed but was never mentally ready for WLS and failed at that. It is great that you have gone through everything that you have to prepare yourself for this life changing event. Our insurance at the time didn't require everything that is required today and some who had this procedure done could have used the pre op requirements.

    You will do fine but just be careful with pain meds as they cause Constipation. Keep asking questions it helps.


  9. I love your openess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I couldn't stop laughing but I completely know where you are coming from. I started taking Fiber Choice and to be honest with you I don't think it helps that much. Every so often I will have to take exlax but I don't go very often myself either. Sometimes I do wonder once I do go how much can collect in there and did you know our colon is up to 6 feet long? We can hold a good 9 lbs. of food in there. Sounds disgusting doesn't it?

    You are going as often because of the amount that you are eating so don't expect too much. I would suggest to take a stool softener on a daily basis. Just don't get addicted to something that would make your bowels believe you can't do anything without help as that will happen. Fiber is the key to a healthy bowel movement.


  10. Katrina,

    Although everyone is different and you now have two fills to be able to help you and alot of people need to have three fills to get that full feeling and there are others like me who have never had a fill I would love to know what you are eating besides a chefs salad. You say you can eat everything but white bread so what are you actually eating throughout the day.

    You drink Water in the morning, and is that the only time? Why do you drink milk for a snack? Are you able to eat Breakfast? I need more to the story if you don't mind if you allow me to help you, if I can.


  11. I went to Dr. Snow in Hurst. I really liked him and his staff.

    Did you happen to go to the meeting last night? They had an executive chef there to have everyone try his food that he made for banded patients as he is also. It is called Bandtasticmeals.com. I am sure you are not at the stage yet to eat regular foods yet. It seems pretty interesting and it is nice to know that someone is helping us out ther for ones who need help with Portion Control.< /p>


  12. Mine is June 1. My only concern is that I won't have anyone around. My daughter is taking me but she's leaving the same night as she has to catch a plane to go to Houston again the next mornign for plastic surgery (we didn't plan it to be this way but her dates and my date have overlapped).

    So my question is: Is there anyone that is also going to be recuperating by themselves? I have someone( dog walker) coming in to just check on dogs the first two days.

    Good luck



    I walked my dog the day I came back from surgery. She wouldn't budge with my husband. It is funny how they know when you aren't at your best. She kept looking behind and making sure that I was there. I don't have a fenced in back yard so she has to be walked 3 times a day. It was a very slow walk in which I didn't care as long as I was taking care of myself. I didn't lift her as I

    usually need to to get her butt moving and stop the sniffing but it actually helps with the gas from the anesthesia.

    My husband tried but just didn't do anything like I do so he did his best. I only requested no lifting and I was fine.


  13. Akheya,

    No question is a silly question. We just tend do worry and then think of things that scare us all over again and think of other things that can scare us.

    Of course you have to bend and do your everyday normal things. It will happen but only with some discomfort.

    1. Do not lift anything over 5lbs. I would think not for up to 10 days.

    2. When you get up from a sitting position it will feel like you are going to rupture something but in my experience, hold your tummy close to your body while getting up and it will help the pain. When you are feeling your port area in which you will be for quite awhile it is secured around a muscle so it is going to be painful for awhile. Remember you have foreign objects in your sysytem now and you need your body to recoup and heal.

    3. You may experience problems when you sleep also. Try to stay away from sleeping on your port side.

    Just remember each and every time when you bend and you can be careful and hold in your stomach. Everyone has a different threshold of pain and it helped just for me to hold in my stomach. I didn't even lift my 10lb dog for 10 days and I did every healing day with no pain meds. You need to remember to take care of yourself and know that you need time to heal.

    If you have an eating disorder, the band is the way to go. Don't think too much negativity because our minds are powerful and you will convince yourself not to do this. You should be okay.

    Keep asking the questions.....


  14. Aliciaj,

    Although not really having too much to say but we are also having to teach ourselves how to even eat properly. You need to chew an awful lot, eat slowly, and very small amounts you need to put in your mouth. The feeling of fullness is different for everyone. You should utlimately never feel like throwing up when full because something then is wrong. Most people with their feeling of fullness is when the chest begins to hurt.

    If you bring negativity without being banded then you need to rethink you getting the band. You shouldn't think that the band is what is going to change your life and you need to change your life and mind with that. As they all say, the band is a tool to help control your intake.


  15. Can you say what you are eating? Could this be causing your heartburn? You should slowly try flavoring your foods. It is a trial and error thing in the beginning. I heard others can't eating eat spicy foods now. I don't think you should worry about slippage at this time. Allow your body to recover from the foreign object in your system and treat it like a baby. Stick with non acidic foods at this time right now.


  16. Angelicforever,

    At least try eating 4 times a day. I am able to do that although some people are told only to eat 3 times a day. For the amount of food that you are used to eating it will be helpful for you to make it into 4 meals. I know it will be a learning experience but for certain, eating Protein is very important as it will keep you fuller longer. Start trying the banded technique and don't drink while you are eating. Chew your food really slowly and you will be full quicker. Take a look at the palm of your hand and that is the amount you should eat 4 times daily. If it will be 6 times daily than it should be smaller.

    Protein Drinks are okay but I don't think that they should be relied upon. I think you should think of it as a quick meal. It is something that you need not rely on as it is an easy thing to have.

    I hope you have an understanding of how important it is for your liver to be very small especially for the surgery. This is the reason why they want you on liquids before the procedure, to shrink it.

    I can't tell you what to eat but certainly Protein, veggies and carbs. If you are able to stay away from white carbs, flour, then you should be on the road to success. Stay with they healthy carbs such as veggies and and remember your sweets such as fruits are also a carb. I would suggest though that you stay away from natural sugar (fruits), even sugar free sweets prior to going to bed. Try to eat your carbs early in tha day time so you can burn them off as in the evening time when you are laying back and relaxing even the healthy carbs turn into fat. If you happen to get hungry in the evening after dinner then pop an egg in your mouth. If you can handle it also then eat just the white part only as it has just as much protein in it as the yolk does but it doesn't have the fat content in it like the yolk does.

    Drink alot of Water if you don't already. This not only helps in the weight loss process but it is so healthy for you to detoxify yourself. People are amazed at how my skin looks even after my weight loss and I can only thank the Water for that besides learning to eat healthy. It won't be easy at first but if you need it besides wanting it bad enough you can do it. It begins with your head first and then your stomach will follow.


  17. I was just thinking about my life and how many times I have lost weight. I then was wondering after losing the weight how often did I put it back on plus more......

    After repetative weight loss and weight gain the final DIET I was on was the Adkins Diet and I lost 55 pounds and then after 6 months of losing I gained 75 pounds in 5 months.

    I couldn't take it anymore..... I truly believed that I was a lost case and just believe that I am supposed to be 251 pounds and DEPRESSED.....

    Whether it was the band or finally my 41 years at the time and the respect for life I began rethinking my health and how badly I wanted to live without medical issues.

    I have kept my weight off for almost 3 years and I think that I am finally cured of the addiction of food but I will still never trust myself.

    How many of you have finally realized the meaning of food and the necessity of it. Has this experience helped you with keeping your weight off? Are you still afraid of the past coming in front of your eyes again? Have you learned from the band or hve you just always relied on the fills to make you eat less?

    I am terrified to go backwards and to some (my family) they believe that I have become addicted now to the healthy life and only know how to promote that.....

    I have no right to judge anyone who is different than myself but if you question me about my experiences and my new found knowledge of healthy living I will promote it.


  18. mrmrslamb,

    Rule of thumb is 3 meals a day. Try to remember it is a new style of living now. If you are diabetic then I would assume you should eat 4 to 5 times a day but you should really cut your 3 meals into the 4 to 5 meals. I would think otherwise a person wouldn't teach themselves the feeling of fullness with less food. I would think that a person would begin to feel hungry throughout the day.

    Take time out and learn on a daily basis the new way of life we must live and believe me it won't be too hard once your stomach begins to shrink.


  19. I am sure you are miserable and would love to get the band out of you but there must be something you are not doing correctly. Unfortunately you have to wait until Tuesday to see your doctor, most likely they will give you an unfill if you have a fill and ask you to probably go on a liquid diet for awhile. You wouldn't have gotten this band unless you needed the help with your weight issues.

    It is excellent that you vented. As you can see no one didn't know what to say to you because you didn't ask for help or support. I believe you just needed to be listened to. You are or have been doing incredible as far as your weight loss so don't let other mishaps get you down. I know you haven't explained other issues you have had but, think about it, are they your errors? Do you need to rethink this and try treating your band in a different way? You need to teach the band, don't let the band run your life as it won't teach you anything except how to throw up if your treat it wrong.


  20. Beth,

    You need to sign onto lapbandrapband.com in Yahoo (groups). My doctors office had stopped support group meetings but will begin again in May. I had Robert Snow and the original nurse that used to have them left him and now there is a new nurse that will begin them again. I don't mind letting you know when they happen as they allow everyone in the meetings.


    I am here if you need me Beth, truly I am.

  21. MoonBeam,

    Although everyone is different as well as the doctors, it should be okay to try to eat like the baby food consistancy. You are probably lacking energy and still only being 5 days out you may still have the gas in your system. Don't be afraid of eating as long as it isn't anything that can possibly go down your esophagus then stomach to scratch it the way down if you haven't been practicing the chewing that is a must. You do need to allow your stomach to heal and this is why you want very very mushy food, something that you don't have to chew.


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