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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kanok

  1. Thanks all for your feedback. It's very helpful to know this is somewhat normal. I'll keep going as-is until I meet with my Nut for modifications. I sure look forward to this passing soon as it's affecting my sunny disposition.

    To answer your question Christinamo7 about frequency of eating, I've put it all in a spreadsheet so I can stay on track with my food and Water. I have the standard 3 meals per day plus Protein for Snacks between meals and Water intake. I feel like I'm constantly putting something in my mouth these days, i.e. food, water, foot etc.

    Thanks again ; )

  2. I am 3wks po (sleeve) and lost 10 lbs the first week after surgery but nothing since then. I've been feeling pretty good and was advanced to soft foods by day 8. I'm consuming 60-90 g Protein and 800-900 calories/day along with 40-60 oz of Water (logging everything on MyFitnessPal). Appointment with Nut is not for a couple more weeks. I'm losing precious time here and wondering if I should revert back to the liquid diet to make some progress before meeting with the Nut. Has anyone else struggled with this? Any advice?

  3. I'm 3-wks po and took 2wks off work. I returned to work last week. Physically, while a little low energy, I could handle the work (kept my hours to minimum 40 hrs rather than my usual 55+ hrs). However, I struggled with getting my food, Protein, Water, sleep, exercise all figured out around work demands. I wish I had taken more time off only for the purpose of getting a better handle on these things.

    Good luck.

  4. I'm also 3-wks post op and like you I'm not loving life (yet). I don't have the same discomfort issues that you have (unless I take too big a swallow of something, which is my own fault). I know a lot of these issues we're facing now will go away in time but right now it's frustrating to go through them. My biggest frustration is that I'm not losing weight. I lost 10 lbs the first 7 days and since then nothing. Here I am 3wks po and I've only lost 10 lbs. I hear other people at 3wks lost 20+ lbs. I try not to compare myself but jeeze I'm really bumbed. I'm logging every bite (range between 800 - 900 calories/day) and every sip of Water (40-60 oz/day) and every bit of exercise (walking about 2 miles every other day). Oh, another crazy thing is the lovely acid reflux I have every time I eat (never had that before - yummy!). And, when I drink Water, Soup, or any liquid, my internal plumbing likes to grunt, groan, and gurgle until air bubbles come up as burps. I can stifle the burps but I can't control the other noises. My co-workers are noticing and giving looks. Yup, so I'm there with ya on the frustration platform.

  5. I'm also 3-wks post op and not loving life. I have very little discomfort unless I take too big a swallow of something (my own fault). My biggest frustration is that I'm not losing weight. I lost 10 lbs the first 7 days and since then nothing. Here I am 3wks post op and I've only lost 10 lbs. I hear other people at 3wks lost 20+ lbs. I try not to compare myself but jeeze I'm bumbed. I'm logging every bite (range between 800 - 900 calories/day) and every sip of Water (40-60 oz/day) and every bit of exercise (walking about 2 miles every other day). Oh, another crazy thing is the lovely acid reflux I have every time I eat (never had that before - yummy!). And, when I drink Water, Soup, or any liquid, my internal plumbing likes to grunt, groan, and gurgle until air bubbles come up as burps. I can stifle the burps but I can't control the other noises and my co-workers are noticing and giving looks. Yup, so I'm there with ya on the frustration platform.

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