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Everything posted by mmy

  1. Hello, I'm 1 year and 1 month out of Mini Gastric Bypass. Last week I've experienced the worst heartburn ever that I was almost certain I will vomit blood (I only vomited green bile). Rushed to the emergency and I was referred to endoscopy. The doctor found that my pouch was full of bile with a very small ulcer, everything else looked normal but a biopsy was taken and sent to pathology and currently waiting for the pathology report. Next step is to do PH manometry to check the PH value of the esophagus. I have also been complaining of excess weight loss and I'm still losing weight. The doctor did talk to me about the possible need of another surgery saying that bile reflux can cause cancer if left untreated. The options that I have is either to convert the surgery to RNY, the pros is that I will maintain my weight loss and can gain some weight back after few years, or, I can have a complete reversal and the cons is that I will most certainly gain my weight back and maybe more.. I came here hoping I can find some advise from people who have experienced something similar or know out of experience
  2. Hello, I'm 1 year and 1 month out of Mini Gastric Bypass. Last week I've experienced the worst heartburn ever that I was almost certain I will vomit blood (I only vomited green bile). Rushed to the emergency and I was referred to endoscopy. The doctor found that my pouch was full of bile with a very small ulcer, everything else looked normal but a biopsy was taken and sent to pathology and currently waiting for the pathology report. Next step is to do PH manometry to check the PH value of the esophagus. I have also been complaining of excess weight loss and I'm still losing weight. The doctor did talk to me about the possible need of another surgery saying that bile reflux can cause cancer if left untreated. The options that I have is either to convert the surgery to RNY, the pros is that I will maintain my weight loss and can gain some weight back after few years, or, I can have a complete reversal and the cons is that I will most certainly gain my weight back and maybe more.. I came here hoping I can find some advise from people who have experienced something similar or know out of experience
  3. This problem is seriously affecting my day to day quality of life... I knew that gastric bypass can cause flatulence problem but mine is way over the top.. I think I have tried everything I can try and couldn't solve this problem. I've increased my probiotic intake, used charcoal pills, simeticone, changing diet, herbal teas.... I've tried it all and with no success.. and it's not only the problem of trapped gas that I have but that my farts smell so awful that I sometimes cry from embarrassment that it causes me in public or between family and friends.. I'm in desperate need of help..
  4. I actually went to google the symptoms of C.Diff and I don't personably think it could be that. Yes I was given Amoxicillin. If this was simply a side effect of the bypass why has it improved dramatically after the use of amoxicillin (augmentine)! I'm thinking there is more to it that just simply the side effect to gastric bypass. I'm 1 year out. I keep hearing things will get better down the line but no one mentions around when should I start noticing an improvement!
  5. I'm 5 weeks shy of my 1 year anniversary. I have dropped a lot of weight at the beginning and started to really worry. However, I haven't lost a single pound for the last 3 months. Does this mean that my weight is stabilizing now? I keep hearing that people keep losing for almost 18 months. I'm happy where I've reached though it really scared me at some point and will be even happier to gain few kg's.. when did your weight started to stabilize and when did you gain back some weight if you ever did? P.s I've had MGB and not RNY.
  6. mmy

    Vitamin Question

    I just take bariatric advantage multivitamin capsules with iron (3caps per day taken all together right before bedtime) And all my tests come back normal.. I can take any liquid or chewable vitamins as the taste makes me gag on them..
  7. I'm 9 months post-op and ever since I got the surgery I've been getting dizzy spells (fainting like feeling) whenever I get up from either sitting or sleeping.. my Water intake is good and would on average get 1 sachet of ORS per day (or every other day) just to keep things balanced. Vitamins, minerals and Iron are all in check. What could be the problem and how to solve it? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. I'm so glad I found a forum dedicated to MGB. I kept posting my questions at the RNY forum and no one seemed to be able to really answer all of my question.. Well here we go:- 1- I was wondering if after getting the MGB are will still able to digest and absorb Vitamin pills (and not capsules) like prenatal Vitamins for example? Sorry for TMI but before my surgery and when I used to take my prenatal my urine would change to bright yellow. It just didn't happen this time!! I'm only taking the prenatal a to help prepare my body for pregnancy.. I take it along with Bariatric vitamins. 2- I came across a Bariatric once a day capsule under the brand name ProCare Health . Was wondering if any of you have used it before? Is it advisable to use a once a day pill? I have read somewhere that chewables are the best for bypass patients and it has to be taken 2-4 times for best absorption.. Is this true? I just can't stand chewables and defiantly would prefer taking 1 pill/ capsule per day instead of 4-6. 3- Is MGB associated with more malabsorption than regular RNY? My surgeon said they usually bypass around 2 meters of the intestines but because my pre-op BMI was only 33 and I didn't need to lose much that he will only bypass 1.8 meters which will cause slightly better absorption.. Is this true? 4- since with MGB we have a larger pouch compared to RNY does that mean that some absorption can happen in the stomach?? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Hi . I just had a look at FODMAP diet and oh dear there is nothing left to eat now .. I'll try to follow it for few days though to see if symptoms ease but for sure I can not follow this diet forever.. there must be another solution for IBS assuming the symptoms I have are truly IBS!! I wish I could see my doctor sooner but I don't think there is a way unless I go through Emergency and my condition is not considered to be an emergency to them!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Oh yes of course I tried upping my carbs and calories in general.. but nothing seems to work so far... I was happy at least maintaining my weight until all of this diarrhea thing started.. and as I mentioned above I also feel as if my stomach (or new pouch) has shrunk.. I'm unable to eat the same quantity I used to eat.. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Thank you so much for your support.. I hope it's nothing serious but I really hate having to deal with excess weight loss now and worry so much about how much more will my weight drop.. it's so funny that up until last year I was trying so hard to lose weight and could never imagine someone trying so hard to stop weight or even gain a bit Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Yes kimchi is not something new plus I have tried to stop eating it for 4 or 5 days but no difference was noted. I'm thinking either this is irritable bowel syndrome, which develops a lot of times after bariatric surgery but I'm not sure how it's treated.. Or , and I know this is rare, but maybe it's bowel endometriosis!!.. I have been diagnosed with bowel endometriosis back in 2010 through laparoscopic surgery but back then I had very little symptoms, mainly cramping and diarrhea around menstrual cycles. This now is 10 times worse and seems to be all through out the cycle though it was at its worst during menstruation... this is defiantly something I will have to speak to my doctor about but until my appointment I though of trying to find answers here maybe someone is going through something similar or knows what's causing it.. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. @@Band07 no that's not normal for me. My bowel movement was normal up until 6 weeks ago. My weight was starting to stabilize then all of the sudden just dropped and it will keep dropping if I don't find out what's causing it. @@Elinor M. Reynolds I eat healthy but thought of adding extra pharmacy bought fiber just in case my body is lacking on fiber. Yes I'm lactose intolerant (well I became one after the surgery) and I avoid anything dairy. @@TXJess I eat lots of kimchi..! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. I tried to add in fiber to my diet (pharmacy bought fiber) with no success.. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. So I'm almost 6 months post-op, MGB (the reason I'm posting this question here is because I rarely get an answer in the MGB section) I've noticed in the past 3 weeks that I'm feeling extremely sleepy almost all the time. Iron levels, hemoglobin, B12, D3 and thyroids are all within normal. Could this be something related to my surgery, Vitamin deficiency or something completely different??!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Hi did anyone notice that their dumping syndrome gets better over time? When did you start noticing that?? I'm 6 months out and I have noticed a major improvement in my dumping syndrome compared to when to the first few months after my surgery. In fact I almost don't dump at all and can eat most Desserts I like (I just hope I don't gain a lot of weight back. Just 1-2 kg's is fine ).. however I still feel nauseated every time I have liquid milk, but icecream or porridge or frozen milk is fine !! There are still so many things with this surgery that don't make sense to me at all! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. My question??? Why are you eating anything that would cause you to dump? Perhaps I'm a bit naive here ( okay, I'm not, but trying to not be judgmental)but if you ONLY had surgery 6 months ago, I don't get eating desserts and such. You're still in weight loss phase- the "honeymoon" stage, if you will. This seems more like self-sabotage to me... but that's just MY OPINION and well, you know. To each, their own... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App If you read what I wrote you will know that I'm in the maintenance phase already. I have lost 100% of my excess weight and there is a risk I might lose more. So I am now put on a high calorie diet and it was actually my doctors advise to try and consume more sugar because a) sugar is the best way to stop weight loss and b ) I have been suffering from low blood sugar so I need to keep eating all the time and need to consume a bit of sugar. So far I am managing to stabilize my weight for the past 5 weeks. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App No. Nowhere in that post does is say you are in maintenance...or that you've lost 100% of your weight, it says you're 6 months post op and you've experienced a change in your dumping syndrome... Which leads me to think -if you notice a change at 6 months out---you were eating dumping-causing foods even during WL PHASE... And, quite frankly I don't know of any docs who will tell you to eat shakes or iced cream to keep your blood sugar up. There are plenty of things, like oh, Glucerna, that will do that, as well as other slow- releasing foods that don't cause dumping... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Read the second post.. well it was my doctors advise! I'm sure he knows better. There are two reasons to eat sugar and not one .. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. As I said before. So many things with this surgery that don't seem to make sense to me.. btw I had a MGB and not RNY. I was told my body will never absorb Iron and the only way through is to get iron infusion. To my surprise and to my doctors too my iron levels are higher post-op than pre-op even though I never took any iron supplements. We had to repeat the tests to make sure.. I'm not sure what is happening with you and it really doesn't make sense to experience dumping after more than 2 years!!! Strange! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. My question??? Why are you eating anything that would cause you to dump? Perhaps I'm a bit naive here ( okay, I'm not, but trying to not be judgmental)but if you ONLY had surgery 6 months ago, I don't get eating desserts and such. You're still in weight loss phase- the "honeymoon" stage, if you will. This seems more like self-sabotage to me... but that's just MY OPINION and well, you know. To each, their own... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App If you read what I wrote you will know that I'm in the maintenance phase already. I have lost 100% of my excess weight and there is a risk I might lose more. So I am now put on a high calorie diet and it was actually my doctors advise to try and consume more sugar because a) sugar is the best way to stop weight loss and b ) I have been suffering from low blood sugar so I need to keep eating all the time and need to consume a bit of sugar. So far I am managing to stabilize my weight for the past 5 weeks. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. That's a very good answer and explanation. Thanks.. but does it usually take around 6 months for this transformation to take place? I keep hearing people who keep losing for 18-24 months. I have reached my goal weight (and a bit more) by 6 months post-op. I also heard the part that absorbs Iron is also bypassed and the only way to get enough iron into the body is through supplementation and iron infusion. I have never taken any iron supplements after my surgery yet my iron levels at 3 and 6 months post-op were higher than pre-op.. (same with Vitamin B12 but I have been taking B12 supplements) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Ok so how long after surgery did you stop losing without trying to lose? I.e. Without watching what you're eating and trying hard to lose?! I'm currently 6 months post-op. I've reached where I'm supposed to reach and a bit beyond. And currently I'm just trying to stop my weight loss and even gain 1-2 kg.. any advise?? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. I had a Mini gastric bypass.. I can eat all including steak and chicken.. it's only milk that makes me really nauseated and would get diarrhea straight after having milk.. other than that I'm fine Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Ok prior to surgery I used to carry most of my fat around the belly area (which I know is bad) now that I lost all of my excess weight and reached my target weight and my current BMI is 23 I still carry most of my weight round the belly area (smaller belly but still most fat around the belly area) even though I exercise regularly, eat healthy and maintain an active life style.. anyone with the same problem or knows what to do about it??! (Btw it's not excess skin that I have, it's fat, I started with a not so high BMI so I am lucky not to have the excess skin problem) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Since I'm having trouble taking my Protein someone mentioned BCAA supplements to me and said they help protect the muscles from breaking down and provides the body with enough amino acids during dieting or weight loss that otherwise can not be obtained enough from food.. Does anyone know anything about this? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Oh I did check my thyroids and they're normal.. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
