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Everything posted by barbie1978

  1. barbie1978

    Your lap-band story...

    good luck! I've already started my journey and i just found out that i[m going to be able to send in paperwork WAY sooner that I thought to get my approval (that I WILL get the first time)! I'm beyond excited. My psych eval is this week....sleep test in a few weeks. Blood work whenever I get myself over to the lab (which is next to my place of business) and my second appointment is at the end of august..and paperwork will be sent! WOOHOO! Again, GOODLUCK to everyone on their journey! :ohmy:
  2. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    Congrats on doing so well...even with the PB'ing! We all will learn and make our mistakes....i'm hoping to NEVER do that...no thanks. So at the meeting again this past wednesday some of the girls were talking at the end, and they said the same thing....Dr D doesn't make you go to all 6 months...he can get approval way before that, basically as long as you have lost what is required and have shown that you have made the effort to attend group sessions and really change eating habits. I'm down 7....13 to go and I dont' see Dr D until August 27th...i can TOTALLY do it by then. And all of my testing/appointments will be done as well...WOOHOO!! :rolleyes2: I can't wait to talk about my banding experience and I can't believe it's going to be so much sooner!!! :rolleyes2: :tongue2: :thumbup: :sneaky: :smile2:
  3. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    do you have to do the liquid diet for 5 days before surgery?
  4. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    49 days...that's awesome! Are you checking off each day? I totally would be!
  5. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    I'm not banded...i'm in the middle of all of my testing now...Psych in 2 weeks, bloodwork as soon as I can get over to the office, and my sleep study just got moved up so by my next appointment with Dr. D I'll have EVERYTHING except the Upper GI done!! :biggrin: I was also told last night by one of the girls in my Beyond Diets meeting that his office told her that we only had to go to BD 20 times before they could get approval...that would make me able to send my info to Preferred Care at the end of AUGUST!!!!! I'm beyond excited right now!
  6. barbie1978

    Passed Psych Evaluation Today!

    congrats! WHat was it like?
  7. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    Glita, who are you seeing now??
  8. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    ok so i LOVED the PA (Karen?)!!!! She was amazing...thinks i'm a perfect candidate, highly motivated and that I'll do really well....she made me feel so comfortable! Dr. D was amusing It's nice to be able to joke and be sarcastic with your surgeon...at least I think so! AND I have all of my appointments set up....Psych eval in June...sleep study and second Dr. D appointment followup in August....bloodwork done some time before that (my discretion)....and they didnt' think I needed to go to the Nutrition appointment b/c of Beyond Diets but she said to call anyways closer to being finished.... I'm FINALLY on my way!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!! :biggrin: Heather how are you feeling with your first fill??
  9. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    ok so my first appointment with Dr D is tomorrow!!!! I'm BEYOND excited! I'm jsut waiting to hear from my old pediatrician and high school records department....i have to get my immunization records from them! At least I can fax it over asap......just wish I had them now....wish me luck!!! :sad:
  10. Abby, I have to tell you that my surgeon made so much sense of it all during the seminar I attended back in February. Our problems are caused by one thing only....obesity is a DISEASE. We have all lost weight successfully on our own. We all know exactly what we "need" to do and how to do it. We do not have a lack of "will power"....but if we could "just do it" then we would, but we CAN'T...we have a disease. Just the same as an alcoholic or drug addict...when they "fall of the wagon" it's not because they just have no will power...they have a disease that they can't control on their own. Just like them, we need support groups. We need mentors and peers who know what we're going through and with who we can share our feelings and successes/road bumps.... Is the band a magic surgery? NO. We all know that. It's a TOOL to help us change our habits and to become healthier...but we still need the support to get through the day to day things. That's why these boards (for me anyway) are so great. There is NOTHING that you can put in here that at least one other person hasn't already gone through or is currently going through. Between this board, a local support group, and a psychiatrist (if you really need one), you'll be fine! We all will! :sad: Barbie
  11. barbie1978

    First Consult Report

    that's all the normal procedures....but how's this for waiting...my insurance requires a 6 month, medically supervised diet program...so I will be done with that on November 15th. ALl of my other appointments will be done by that time. We also have to have an upper GI and a sleep apnea test... Goodluck to you on your lap band journey!!
  12. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    i'm stressing about my paperwork. My PCP doesn't have my immunization records (don't know how that happened) so how am I supposed to fill out all this paperwork?? I'm so confused....
  13. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    wow...good to know....at least we don't need fills constantly.... Was the needle that bad? I'm terrified of needles!
  14. barbie1978

    Hello from Rochester

    Glad to hear that your sister is alright, even though she's on bedrest...you're right, family is family and you just gotta be there! That was definately important though... He has seminars all the time...see when the next seminar is, sign up for it, and then call to make an appointment. Believe me, the appointment will be long after the seminar anwyays....you'll be able to get to the seminar and get the info packet to fill out with plenty of time. Goodluck!
  15. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    I understand...when my mom had gastric bypass she wanted me to do it too...but that just seemed too severe for me. Plus now there is so much more information coming out about how after roughly 3 years a lot of people (but not all) start putting weight back on. No thank you. I wouldn't go thru that type of surgery just to gain it all back in a few years... That is why I started researching Lap Band and I know it's for me. It's permanent portion control for LIFE. I'm so excited about the surgery and I wish Preferred Care wasn't so strict because I would LOVE to have the surgery now....it is going to change my life for the better and make me healthier (along with exercise) and that is just so exciting for me! Goodluck to you and keep us posted!
  16. barbie1978

    Hello from Rochester

    so how was the seminar?? Did you love it? I'm getting really excited...my first appointment with him is on the 28th!!! :thumbup: :w00t:
  17. barbie1978

    gaining weight back

    It definately sounds like your doctor is "one of those"...meaning people who think that no one needs WLS....my doctor luckily is 1000% behind this. My mom had Gastric Bypass 3 years ago and she looks AMAZING...plus her health is better than it has ever been. This is the "rough spot" for GB patients because they can start gaining it back around the 3 year mark. People don't realize (not meaning your brother plakeway) that you CAN gain weight after your stomach completely heals.That's why I know Lap Band is right for me because you're not slicing up your innards but you have PERMANENT PORTION CONTROL...that's what I've been calling it since I went to the seminar and THAT is my problem. Lap Band is just a tool in losing weight but it's a tool that I, like many other people, NEED to have. The will is there, the exercising is there...now I Just need the portion control and i'll be good! Goodluck to you and honestly if your doctor is not behind you I'd definately find another doctor. Even if you get the surgery your doctor is not going to really be behind this and do you really want to get a condecending look every time you go to your PCP? Find someone who's supportive!
  18. barbie1978

    any single gals out there???

    thanks! I thought it was fitting....that cruise is my dream!
  19. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    the biggest question would be if it is the right decision for you...and does your doctor approve? Some doctors actually lean more towards Gastric Bypass depending on your weight and health....have you read up on the Lap Band?
  20. barbie1978

    Where is your port?

    wow this is really interesting to hear where people have their ports...i didn't realize that there were so many different places that the doctors put them...AND I thought that you couldn't feel it? Or weren't supposed to feel it? Just wondering...that what my surgeon said (i'm not banded YET)
  21. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    LOL i understand...sometimes i just look at some of the people I work with and just think "are you fricken kidding me?" I just got my BIG monster packet from Di Benedetto's office since my appointment with him is in 2 1/2weeks! They said it was a lot of info but holy crap! It's going to take me just about that long to fill this thing out.... What if you don't have exact dates for some of the info?? Did you have to get your immunization info from Shedd?
  22. barbie1978

    Hello from Rochester

    goodluck wiht your surgery sunshinelady! My first appointment with Dr D is the day after your surgery...i'm sure it will all go well for you! I've heard nothing but good things about Dr D....
  23. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    was it difficult to go back? And have you had any PB's yet??
  24. barbie1978

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    wow it's been quiet here...where is everyone
  25. barbie1978


    Congratulations!!! What great news

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