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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by CallMeTee

  1. Congratulations :) I was sleeved in May and just had a positive hpt yesterday (first one in 17 years!) so I'm in a similar boat, very much panicking and worried about things going wrong. I'm also exhausted and my boobs are killing me, oy. Hang in there, and if you ever want to chat hit me up!

  2. Thanks! My biggest issue is, I'm a stay-at-home furmom :) and if I don't prep my particular food I'll just end up grazing out of the fridge all day. It's kind of a mental thing, by making up my stuff beforehand and putting it into my little containers, I get it in my head that this is "my" food, the stuff that's best for me, I don't need to be eating anything else. Kinda weird I know, but it works for me. :)

  3. My surgeon said to avoid pregnancy for a year. After 16 years of trying, not sure we can wait that long...

    It's important to wait to improve chances of a healthier pregnancy and healthy baby.

    Oh I know! Like I was saying to my hubs the other day, "I'm still learning how to feed myself, I'm nowhere near ready to eat for 2!" LOL It's just that we've been trying for what feels like forever, and to have to wait even longer...it's exhausting. :(

  4. Mmm, one of my faves for sure...

    I am the thorn in your crown
    But You love me anyway
    I am the sweat from Your brow
    But You love me anyway
    I am the nail in Your wrist
    But You love me anyway
    I am Judas' kiss
    But You love me anyway
    See now I am the man who yelled out from the crowd
    For Your blood to be spilled on this earth shaking ground
    Yes then I turned away with a smile on my face
    With this sin in my heart, tried to bury Your grace
    And then alone in the night I still call out for You
    So ashamed of my life, my life, my life

    But You love me anyway
    Oh God, how You love me
    Yes You love me anyway
    It's like nothing in life
    That I've ever known
    Yes You love me anyway
    Oh Lord, how You love me

    -Sidewalk Prophets "You Love Me Anyway"

  5. I'm 6 weeks post-op and cleared for "normal" foods, so I'm looking into doing up a week's worth of meals or so at a time. I just tend to overthink stuff like this, so I wanted to get some input, see how other folks do it. Do you make up full meals in those bento box things? I can only eat a few ounces at a time, depending on the food, so I got some 4-oz containers and was just planning on divvying stuff up into those, to have things ready to eat (so I don't have a chance to make bad choices) and for Portion Control. What do you guys think?

  6. @ Be careful with baby food - my NUT doesn't recommend it because it's not as Protein rich and often has hidden sugars.

    Sent from my KFFOWI using the BariatricPal App

    My program actually recommends baby food over pureeing your own. Just the plain stuff, stage 1 and 2, nothing with rice, noodle, or potato. I'm also still drinking quite a few Protein shakes/smoothies.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. Had my 2 week followup today and can now officially move on to purees! Doc says I'm healing well but still gotta take it easy, no lifting more than 10 lbs for 6 weeks. Also gotta work harder at getting all my fluids in. So I have a bunch of baby food stocked up and I am SO looking forward to eggs and cottage cheese and anything other than stupid Protein shakes!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. 1 week post op and I guess I feel ok, the only significant pain I have is the incision just to the right of center that my stomach remnant was pulled out of, it's pretty sore. I've been eating and drinking pretty casually, not measuring, and I think I've been consuming too much honestly. Not to the point of extreme pain/nausea, it just seems like I'm eating/drinking a lot. I mean, over the course of a day I can put down like 2 cups of Soup, 22 oz of Protein shake, and 16-24 oz of other fluids including Water. Does that seem like too much for only a week out? My first followup is Wednesday and I'm looking forward to being moved onto purees. I'm still trying to interpret everything my chatty lil sleeve has to say, every gurgle and growl, what means "hungry" and what means "full," I do get a pain smack in the center of my chest that kinda radiates up under my ribs, feels like gas but it goes away fast. I don't know that I've actually lost weight since surgery, guess I'll find out Weds.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. So what are all my 16th surgery buddies up to this morning?.....Are we all ready? I started throwing a few things in a bag this morning. I can't believe how close we are!!! What's everyone feeling? Right now I'm mostly excited....a little nervous, but mostly excited!!!

    Oh I am SO ready! I've been packed for a week, lol! Sick and tired of this liquid diet (cheated and ate a meatball out of my hub's Pasta :P). Had my pre-op yesterday and I'm more convinced than ever he's the best doc on the planet, really went out of his way to answer all my questions and allay my fears. Peed in a cup, had some blood drawn, all results normal, good to go! I'll find out tomorrow what time I have to be there Monday. Today I went and got my hair did, it's WICKED short, easy to care for and if any falls out it won't be such a big deal :) I'm just anxious and ready to start this new chapter of my life!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. I have gone through all my insurance and surgeon requirements. Spent many, many hours researching the surgery and have been dead set on getting it. Now that I finally have my date (May 20), it feels like it just sunk in. Started having a panic attack, which hasn't happened in a long time. I know the odds are completely in my favor as it relates to complications due to surgery. I've had surgery once before on an emergency basis, so having a scheduled surgery where I now sit and know what awaits in less than two weeks leaves me very anxious. I know I'll get through it, but I can see why people back out after jumping through all the hoops to get approval.

    I've had scheduled surgery before and I'm STILL flipping out, lol! Mine's the 16th, so really close, and believe you me I'm a nervous wreck. This is a HUGE undertaking we're doing! I've looked into WLS on and off for years, finally sucked it up and went to a seminar last year, started the program in December, jumped through all those hoops like you, and here I am. I find these forums amazingly comforting and a wonderful source of support. We have GOT this! *hugs*

  11. Reading this makes me wonder why so many keep it a secret. I just had my sleeve done April 20. I am blasting all of it on fb. I made this decision with a heavy heart but I knew I had to do it. We should all stand proud of what we've done because there is no shame in saving your own life. Love to all of you!

    Sent from my SM-N900V using the BariatricPal App

    I'm pretty much with you, I'm still pre-op (8 more days!) but I started a blog and I share it on Facebook. To me it's kinda the same as my PCOS, there are a lot of people out there who are completely ignorant about it and have no idea what we're going through, so I'm trying to educate folks. I'm not a particularly shy person, I can actually be quite blunt (when people have asked me why we don't have kids, my standard response is "my ladyparts are broke"), so sharing what's going on doesn't bother me. I think if I was having the surgery out of some sense of vanity, just to be skinny/look better, I might be more reserved about it. But I'm having this surgery to be able to have kids and to save my life, and like you said there is no shame in that!

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