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Posts posted by LJDavenport

  1. Congratulations!! Hang in there it gets easier and better from here. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks about whether or not you got it, you got the surgery to save your life, and to improve your life. YOU did it for YOU, and it's going to help you lead a happier life. That's the most important thing, and nobody can take that away from you.

    Thank you ! And your absolutely right.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App

  2. I was sleeved 7/7 so am 11 days post op and feel like I'm starving to death! Lol. Major cravings ... But it is better sometimes ... Just didn't realize how very difficult this liquids only part was going to be. First post op with Dr tomorrow morning. Hoping to add something to diet. Like others ... I crave steak, salad, and Popeyes! Lol

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    Oh I know! I have a Dr appointment tomorrow as well. I'm hoping he'll tell me ok you can start on the next level of your diet plan. I'm so sick of being on the liquid diet. I need more variety.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App

  3. I know this may not be a big deal to some, may seem stupid to others, but the reason why I posted this is because many of my family members do not know that I had weightloss surgery, due to the fact they are very ignorant when comes to weightloss surgery. They think it's taking the easy way out without doing any research.

    So that said... I'm so excited! After two weeks into my liquid diet I've gone down two bra sizes , not sure how much weight I've lost, but to me that's good sign. But I can tell I've lost weight. Last two weeks have been a struggle, but because I've seeing results of weight lose, it's been very rewarding to me.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App

  4. No real cravings. I feel like I had tons pre op and I satisfied every single last one of them lol. Anyways I am about 2 weeks (16 days) post op and since being on purees I am experimenting with foods I shouldn't be.

    I went to Buffalo wild wings and ordered the naked grilled tenders. I ate one. It settled in pretty well no complications. Later we went to Red lobster and I had crab legs. No issues.

    I don't cook often. So my husband and I enjoy eating out. He bought Snacks for the hotel room (we're out of town) smart pop white cheddar popcorn. Mmmmm so what did I do. Several hours had passed since dinner. I got one of the 8 oz cofee cups and filled it half way. It seemed to do fine but I woke up the next morning feeling as if something was stuck.

    Could've been the popcorn? Was delicious but very uncomfortable afterwards. I shouldn't have eaten it. I see how it is very important to stay on track with the the plan not only for compliance but to establish discipline and achieve success.

    I don't think I will be successful at achieving weightloss if I try to get away with eating smart pop popcorn at every opportunity. Had That gone well, I probably would've. I don't even want to try again.

    Lesson learned for many other foods to come. Time to take full advantage of this golden period help the tool help me.

    I understand your struggle. They say keep journal, and I have and it has really helped me. Plus this app and going to support groups as helped me as well. You can do it! I wish you best. :)

    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App

  5. @LJDavenport: I didn't have much of an appetite for a few months after surgery, but did have cravings - mostly for some salad and highly seasoned food of any variety. I made sure that my food choices fit the parameters of my plan and were high Protein, otherwise, I couldn't meet my daily Protein goal. 1/2 to 3/4 cup is still about all I can eat at a meal so I make sure I enjoy what I'm eating. It's still hard to get in a lot of veggies and a little bit of fruit each day. I still supplement my protein intake with a daily protein shake or two.

    @@PRINCESS2218 - I've attached some information that my surgeon's office gave me when I began preparing for surgery. I hope it will help you with some ideas, and others who may not have received similar information from their surgeon's office.

    Best to all who are learning this new way of life -- feeding our new tummies :)

    Thank you so much MrsSugarbabe.

    By the way love the name. It's been a very difficult first week so far, I think more out frustration if any. But I do know in the end it will be worth it. Thank you for the information once again.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App

  6. Can't do Vitamins right now. Not until after my two week follow up with my surgeon. But once I get the ok, I hope taking multivitamins will subside those cravings. And yes im doing the beef and chicken. But your absolutely right ! I am hungry. Lol !! But thank you for your post, it helps. :)

    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App

    It's so strange how different plans are - I start Vitamins immediately.
    Yeah, I was told not to by the nutrientionist and my Dr. Now I can B13 liquid, but that's it for right now.

    Oh will go figure . :/

    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App

  7. I just had gastric sleeve surgery a week ago, so of course I'm on my three week liquid diet. But I have a question. Has any of y'all experienced strange food cravings? Because I feel like I'm pregnant again. (Which I'm not ) I'm just really craving a big meaty steak and dark chocolate and and a really good salad. I know sounds silly, but I'm just curious if it's just me or has anyone else had this experience after surgery?

    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App

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