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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Cheri

  1. Just an FYI -

    My doc said to take NO anti-inflammatories - ever. Ibuprophen (advil, motrin) and Naproxen (Aleve) are both anti-inflammatories. He told me that they can thin the lining of your stomach, causing it to bleed, which can lead to erosion.

    I'm not trying to be a bummer or anything... just wanted you to be aware of one doc's advice. As always, you should call your doc to see what he/she says about it.

    HOw are you feeling now? Hopefully better. I'm starting over (again) and I just want to let you know that I lost weight and really did well when I logged on here daily - it just keeps you motivated! So, I'm back to get the support I need - remember we are here always!

    Good luck, dear - it will get better!:confused:

  2. Hey, I've been banded since 05, with my lowest weight being spring of 06...

    I have gained consistently since (almost 50 lbs of the 60 something lost). I've had 2 complete unfills due to hpylori and a blockage, but we can't get more than 1 cc back into my band!

    Anyway... here's my question... I have been having really bad gas pain and localized sharp left ab pain for about a week (I was thinking ovarian cyst), but now the pain is gone and I have INTENSE itching in the same area!!!

    Any ideas as to what may be going on???:thumbs_up:

    I would talk to my doc, but I wasn't covered on insurance and my hubby's hours have been drastically cut since the recession has taken down the auto industry... I just don't have the bucks to fork out right now.

  3. This too shall pass...:thumbs_up:

    I know those words suck right now, but it really does get better! I thought I was literally dying from the shoulder (gas) pain for about a week. My pain slowly subsided, not over night, but the next thing you know it's gone.

    Be sure to keep up with your pain meds (it's okay to be a junkie for now), get some good liquid anti gas meds (maybe call the doc's office for suggestions), and try to walk as much as possible. Walking helps dislodge the gases and gets rid of it quicker so you can start concentraing more on the wonderful choice you made for your health!!!

    Congratulations, and the best of luck!!:thumbup:

  4. I would really, really, really like to see a sticky of stickies. Stickies are important threads on this forum, and it would be nice to be able to access them all at one place!!!

    I have been searching for a specific sticky all morning, so coming to one spot to find them all would help with my efficiency (a new year's resolution:redface:)!!!

    What do you think?



  5. Hey QT~

    I had a pretty intense case I guess. I was on something called the Prevpac, it has bunches of meds + they put me on nexium and carafate for the heartburn/tummy aches. So glad it's gone!!

    I just got back from Disney on the 11th!! I miss Mickey already! It is the greatest place on Earth as far as I'm concerned. Disney is for everyone, even my father had a great time! WE went with 11 of us - I don't recommend it! Do you live near or is it a big trip? Do you pin trade? If you need any info, I've got tons of Disney suggestions for you!!! Just let me know!


  6. Hello again! It has been a VERY long time since I have posted (I've come and read a post or two in the past year, but have hidden away for the most part!)

    My history - I have been banded for 18 months now. Started out at 266.5, got down to 208 earlier this year, now I am back up to 228. I suppose in a perfect world I should be roughly the size of Paris Hilton by now...

    I ended up with H.Pylori somehow, which the doc says is caused by injesting contaminated fecal matter?!?!?! I do have 3 kids and teach 4 yr old kindergarten, but I am still amazed at the fact that I could injest something like that without knowing it! Gives a whole new meaning to the term "eat sh!*&%", ya know?!

    Anyway, I had to get completely unfilled and go on a big course of antibiotics, prevacid, nexxium, carafate, anti-viral drugs, etc, etc. That was back in late March/early April. I am headed to the doc today to hope for some fill again. I am afraid it isn't going to happen for me though as my symptoms are back with a vengeance! I had to wait eight weks for the infection to clear up completely, but I am so worried that it isn't gone!

    So, why have I come back? Besides the fact that I miss the daily dose of laughs, cries, and support... I am asking for everyone who reads this to pray that my doc has mercy on my quickly reinflating body and allows me some fill in this tool to hopeully slow down the damage I am re-doing to myself!!

    I am glad to be back, and I hope y'all will feel the same!!hehehe


  7. Hey Kat, sorry about not responding to a PM, but I don't have any. I couldn't even find this thread to thank the Lovely Three Loves for yet another AWESOME gift!!! I am apologizing as well to my ss, jorjet, for not being in touch with her.

    I looked for this thread (on the new posts list) last week sometime, but it was not to be found!!! Hmmmm, missing threads, disappearing PMs.......I wonder if it is the computer ghost messing with me?????

    Speaking of ghosts, when is the Halloween gift exchange?????


  8. Thank you thank you thank you, Three Loves!

    I can SOO use the care package you sent me! I'm glad your family enjoyed picking it all out!!! Mine thought it was for them. I let each of them have a pair of scissors and some crayons, but the rest is going straight to my classroom!!

    Sorry I didn't get a picture - packages in the mail rarely make it to the recipient, let alone make it there in one piece!

    Thanks for the goodies!!!

    Love ya


  9. Jack! I have one of those too!!! hehehe You are such a nut!!!

    Off topic: How do you overcome ice cream???? I am truly believing that ice cream comes straight from the devil!!!!!!!!!

    OH, about the topic - I would have this surgery again if something went wrong with my current band. I was self-pay, so that says a bunch!!!!! I can attest that the work you do is all yours, the band just helps with Portion Control, and mine doesn't like certain foods (she throws them back at me in the form of a PB). I hope I don't have to go through it again, but I definitely would!!!


  10. How sad - boy I hate guys (at least the typical guy, anyway)

    Here's mine, similar to one of yours, but funny!

    I was at a fair with my extended family and we were riding the "extreme" rides. The one were getting ready to ride was like a mixer. It flipped you upside down, sideways, backwards, frontwards, every way you can be flipped! Well, I got on, and the carnie came over to lock me in (this ride had the two shoulder harnesses that come together in the middle), and he couldn't get it to latch over my boobs! I was breastfeeding at the time, so I was a bit engorged from spending the day out (I was a closet breastfeeder). Soooo, I had my niece come push my boobs so he could lock me in!!!! Well, after a thrilling (albeit embarassing) ride, I came off the ride exhilarated and soaked in breast milk!!!!!! I have not been on another thrill ride since...although I hope to ride them this fall when we make a trip to Six Flags!!!! No breast issues though, since I have gone from a 44DD to a 38D!!!!

  11. Hey! I try to exercise (with 3 little ones, I am always up and about, but it's not good sustained exercise), but I need to get into a routine as I'm starting to see saggy skin.

    Are getting in your daily Protein requirements? Please please please make sure you get enough Protein daily. If meat is a problem for you, get some powder protein (I use powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury unflavored). I mix mine in with a strawberry carb control yogurt smoothie and some skim milk each morning - yummy (did I mention that is has about 30 grams of protein??)

    take care!


  12. I was banded 12/5/05. I've lost around 50 lbs, give or take depending on the day, hour, etc!!! I've had 4 fills so far, small increments to keep from overfilling. I don't think it's painful, I get the numbing shot so it seems just a bit uncomfortable, but not painful...

    Lately, I have been at a brick wall...the same seven pounds off and on, off and on. You will hit plateaus like you did if you dieted before the band. The good thing is that you have this wonderful tool to help you conquer those plateaus!!! I eat a fraction of what I did before, but some days are still a battle from sun up til late into the night!! Right now, my biggest nemesis is liquid calories - milkshakes and sugary drinks (I can't turn away from homemade lemonade!!) I am trying very hard to overcome them...so it's one moment at a time for me!!

    Let me know how it goes!


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