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Everything posted by busybeebug

  1. I go to the gym or take a walk or sit in the hot tub. I sing badly in my house very loudly. I clean.
  2. busybeebug

    Women - losing hair?

    I did the chop today. I went from shoulder length to short choppy pixie.
  3. busybeebug

    Gastroscopy following sleeve

    IMHO, it's better to know what your dealing with instead of guessing. I do understand the apprehensiveness. Good luck! Maybe everything will subside and you can cancel?!
  4. busybeebug


    Try an otc acid reducer like prilosec, dual fusion or things like that. Smaller bites and sips. Keep upright after eating.
  5. busybeebug

    Women - losing hair?

    I'm loosing lots of hair at the moment. I have thin hair strands but there is a lot of it. I'm going for a new short cut this week.
  6. busybeebug

    4 days post op and confused

    I'm just about 3 months out. I teared up and felt very saf at dinners last week and this week. I just want to eat a meal. My stomach is being fickle so I'm taking it easy. I know this temporary and as I heal, I will tolerate more. I know in the long run, I will be better for this life change. I'm going for a radical change in hair style in a few days to perk me up. I love changing up my style so I am looking forward to it!
  7. busybeebug

    Pre-Op Diet - Terrible Headaches!?

    All of the above. Hang in there. It sucks. If you can, get a massage or go to the chiropractor or try hot showers or meditate or cold compresses on back of neck and forehead or icy hot on back of neck and shoulders. If it's really bad you can go to er and they can give a headache cocktail to break it. Just my thoughts.
  8. busybeebug

    Hit ONEderland!

    Yay way to go
  9. Genepro is my go to. Mixed in thin cold drinks for me doesn't work. I love it in hot tea with milk and sugar. It mixes well in V8 or tomatoes juice. I put it in eggs, oatmeal and yogurt too.
  10. busybeebug

    Moving Advice post-sleeve please

    If you are healing normally, you should be able to do that. You should ask your surgeon what their advice is. You can be easily tired out so pacing yourself and not over doing it is key. Good luck and Congrats on your new home.
  11. busybeebug

    Lose weight in face?

    Here is my side by side view. Sept 2015 (290,pre surgery decision ) and Today (220, 11 weeks post) I'm not sagging yet. We shall see in a year how this turns out.
  12. I hit 220. Down 50 pounds since 9/19 surgery today. I am going to the gym 3-5 times a week. I have ankles, you can see ankle bones and foot tendons. I dropped 1/2 shoe size. Down to size 13/14 pants.
  13. Cooked carrots, green beans, peas, cauliflower, broccoli , pudding , mashed potatoes ( be careful on amounts) oatmeal hummus refried beans eggs ( cooked) ground turkey/chicken ( breakup into very small pieces and sauced up with gravy, sals ect ) yogurts cottage cheese
  14. busybeebug

    Positive Happenings

    Thank you.
  15. busybeebug

    Food Funeral

    Ha ha ha.. I totally had a full week of indulgence. I was away for a huge festival for work in one of my favorite places. I had anything from an upscale exclusive dinner to my favorite dessert bar. Some folks say don't do it. I just wanted a care free week. Although after the 6 months approval diet, I ate smaller portions but the indulgence was good for me.
  16. Just in case you need to here this today. You are not failure. You are not a waste of space. You are not any of those negative thoughts you hear in your head or from other people. You are loved. You are wanted. I believe in you. YOU CAN DO IT! Read it when you are happy; read it when your sad. Never forget you are the best the world has ever had!
  17. busybeebug

    Hair Issues

    My stylist recommended Noxin once a week. I color my hair so I use the color treated hair.
  18. busybeebug

    No protein

    Genepro sold at gnc and amazon is really good in hot beverages, soups it will turn clear liquids kinda milky but to me there is hardly any taste. Never tried it in straight water though. Keep hot liquids unDer 140degrees Fahrenheit
  19. busybeebug

    Supportive... but not

    Oh and another thing lolI do understand the frustration, my mom was not supportive of the surgery. I just didn't talk about it with her until I was approved. She did support me even though she didn't agree with what I was doing. The women in my family are traditionally big. I watchedy gram struggle with being morbidly obese all my life before she passed from complications post knee replacement (2nd replacement) and complications of being obese. She was only 68. It was heartbreaking. My mom is obese and about the,size I was in February. She believes that she is okay since there are no other issues with her. I respect that. She tries to cook healthier. It's tough. I also understand how much you (we) want to loose without intervention. Or the frustration of trying so hard and not loosing weight. Ive tried so many diets and failed long term. I looked into the surgery in 2012 but the surgeon Office I contacted was an ass so I let it go. Looking back I probably wasn't ready anyways. In 2015, i cut out most sugar, breads, most dairy, all soda and most processed foods. I gained 20 pounds. I went into a deep depression and stopped doing anything. I'd see my kids off to school sleep til 10. Do the bare minimum of work sleep from 12 -3. Straighten up the house. Cooked dinner sit on couch then rest of the night. My SIL saved me and help me see a therapist and find a supportive pcp. In January after my diabetes went worse and a huge talk with my pcp I decided to talk to a bariatric surgeon and other professionals and post surgery people. I went to my informative meeting and began the process. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Ha! Every one has a tipping point when surgery was the best chance at being healthy. Don't rush into. Go at your pace
  20. busybeebug

    Supportive... but not

    I'm glad you are honest with yourself on your reservations and not just blindly going into this surgery. It's not for everyone and it takes time to decideDon't let anyone push you into surgery. If you are not ready then there is a good chance you won't adhere to the life changes. I started last February at 288 . I am 224 @ little over 2 months out from my sleeve. I do feel better and have more energy. My kids are just about grown up. I do regret not doing it sooner but it is what it is. Make the decision right for you.
  21. busybeebug

    Morphine drip?

    I had a pump on surgery day. Next day, literally at midnight, pump off and I did pills. Then when I got home later that day all I needed was Tylenol occasionally.
  22. 3-5 days for me too (unless a food doesn't agree with me lol)
  23. Big Blue is increasing my premiums 75%! Affordable care Act my ass! Since this fiasco started my premiums went from a premium no deductible plan with low co-pays to a high deductible crappie plan. I paid a higher premium for the better coverage but i was fine with that. Over two consecutive years that plan went up a total of 60% so we had to switch to the high deductible plan with a different carrier.. Now my current crappie plan will go from 874 per month premium to 1568 per month. Now we have to look at a different plan with carrier. The new carrier does not participate with my surgeons or any of my current doctors. I finally found providers I like and who understand me now again I have to start all over again. I'm so angry at the moment. I am the health benefits coordinator my company. I don't know how I can make it work both personally and professionally. I know my employees won't be able to afford the increase. I don't know how I will afford this if I can't find something else reasonable. Hate hate hate insurance.
  24. Oh my goodness! I just cant believe companies can do this.
  25. Acid disguises itself as hunger pangs for me. It gets really bad if I don't take acid pill. I am on protonix. It helps me alot. It could be thrist. Hang in there. Maybe boost your fluid intake and settle back to a mainly protien and small portion unprocessed fruits veggies? If you don't already, track your beverages/ food for a week or two and see what you are eating that might trigger the hunger. You always could check in with your surgeon and nutritionist and they can look at what you are eating and help you out.

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