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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by plain

  1. plain

    Seriously curious

    Jennifer, I don't appreciate being "quoted" by people that don't agree with me. Clearly you are a horrible human being that has a problem with armpit odors. Leave me alone.
  2. plain

    Seriously curious

    I heard if anybody chooses a weightloss surgery other than the band, it makes the saints cry.
  3. plain

    Seriously curious

    I'm also new here. What does all this have to do with the lapband? I thought this was a lapband site. Everybody needs to cut the foolishness and talk. about. lapband. stuff.
  4. plain

    Stop Calling it Socialized Medicine!

    But, I still don't get your point. Are you saying that it's the people that recieve medicare that are at the forefront of the town hall protests? Really? I agree. The yelling is disrespectful. I would much rather the folks ask questions quietly and let the officials scramble to try and answer them with vague platitudes. So, did you yourself witness swastikas and assault weapons at your town hall meeting? Or are you regurgitating what some other person claims to have seen? Well dang. You foiled my plot to hunt down a poster from a gastric banding website to let loose a flood of angry protesters. Ps- If I wanted a clue as to where you were from, I guess I could check your bandster profile to see where you had your surgery. Just saying....... I was just curious as to what town hall you were in, if it was one of the televised more rowdy ones. What with the swastikas and assault rifles and stuff going down there. Also we're the only industrialized nation that doesn't staunchly secure it's borders. Maybe if millions of illegal immigrants were flooding the medical system of those other countries every year, then they'd have a different policy. Because do those illegals get medical care here in America, despite their lack of citizenship? Yep. Wow....so great to debate somebody with an "open mind". Maybe you should re-read your own post where you earlier advised the protesters to debate their points in a "calm, concise, truthful, educated manner, or get the hell out of the way". Or were you seriously thinking that a Texas secession would solve the nation's healthcare problems? Oh....well then...you convinced me. Did you hear that guys? Policy and media iswhat katklaws does for a living!! She has analyzed this!! We can totally trust her even though she wouldn't even reveal what townhall meeting she went to that was being disrupted by rowdy medicaid patients . I guess you win.
  5. plain

    Seriously curious

    I'm not wishing her luck. I only feel better from putting people down!
  6. plain

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    That must make you uber popular with your co-workers!
  7. plain

    << Paging RESTLESS MONKEY >>

    Sorry. Maybe you should take some anti-emetics?
  8. plain

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    WTH?!? WTH x2 ?!? Aha!! I heard that!!
  9. plain

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Why yes...yes you did. Oh, and PM me the link to your blog.
  10. you probably will, prgb. Remember the focus right now is keeping your stomach "still" so the sutures can heal. Once you advance to mushies or soft foods, I think it'll be easier for you to get that protein in.
  11. Hi kiaa. Walking and moving around was the only thing that helped me to feel a little better.
  12. Probably your band is too tight. Have you talked to your surgeon and given him the above information?
  13. plain

    Can't Stick With It

    deanna, I'm not trying to be snarky here, but the only way to lose weight (with any diet, plan, scheme or surgery) is to burn more calories than you take in. I understand your time constraints make it difficult to exercise. Have you tried wearing a pedometer to count your steps each day? Even if you just parked farther away from your building and walked a little farther, you'd be getting in a few extra steps. As for food, again I know the cheapest is seldom the healthiest. When I was in college I practically lived off Ramen noodles (super cheap....but super high fat). I think you can buy healthier food if you're willing to devote a day to prepare / cook food to be eaten throughout the week (example, sometimes I will cook 14 chicken breasts on a Sunday, then bag 'em & put 'em in the 'fridge. Now I've prepared next week's lunches and dinners). You can back on track. Remember, even tiny steps in the right direction beats going the wrong way. Good luck!!
  14. Hey twnkl....it's really hard to say how much you should lose on your pre-op diet, because people are so different. A person that needs to lose 200 lbs will probably lose more pre-op than the person that needs to lose 50. The important thing is not really the scale number (unless your surgeon has given you a "bottom line" weight that you have to reach before he will operate), but the size of your liver. So, even though it's difficult, stick with the doc's plan (yes, even drinking your water....adequate amounts of water can help control appetite) and everything should be ok. Good luck!
  15. plain


    You're welcome.
  16. plain

    << Paging RESTLESS MONKEY >>

    I think you all misunderstood. The monkey didn't say she wanted to BE a nurse...she said she wanted TO nurse (breastfeed). Frankly, I don't think we should support her sick, sick fetish.
  17. plain

    Seriously curious

    Yes, but remember to "boil" the soda pop (to kill the germs) before you inject it into the port. I guess you could use Water.
  18. plain

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hey, just because you live an affluent life of luxury doesn't mean you have to rub it in. I'm now crawling back in my cardboard box.
  19. plain

    Ragland Newbie

    Hi Lolly, congrats on the surgery. Sounds like you are on your way. Good luck!!
  20. Hi Pam, welcome to lapbandtalk. I love my band, and it's working great for me. I'm still "in progress", but I'm getting there.
  21. First of all, congrats on the banding, AAAAND congrats on having already put in a call to your surgeon. It always irks me when people post horrible symptoms (I'm not referring to your post, BTW) and expect internet strangers to advise them: Hey guys, I was banded yesterday and I'm coughing up a huge amount of blood. Now I'm weak and dizzy and feel like I'm about to pass out. I can barely stay awake to type this. Should I call my doc? Ok, all fun aside, it sounds ok so far to me. People heal at different speeds. I don't know your medical history, but there are many conditions that can significantly slow the healing process......so absolutely it is feasable that your stomach is still irritated from the recent trauma. If you've been taking it easy, following post op instructions, chances are that you're fine....just still a little sore. It's a good thing to ask the doc, though. That's what they're there for! :sad:
  22. plain

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Guh! I HATE meds that have to be taken on an empty stomach This (IMO) is the ultimate band "secret". Learning the difference between "sated" and "full" is the holy grail. I worked a retail job while I was in respiratory school. There is nothing, NOTHING (IMO...again) like a job in the medical field that will make you hate people. Don't get me wrong, I still love the work. It's just that medical folk often see people at their absolute worst. That's the Irene I know! Kick ass!! I'm pretty comfortable, but everybody is different. There's no "cookie cutter" appraoch. Yeah, I never saw the logic of using anti-gas meds with the lapband. Gas-X is basically a "detergent" that breaks down the surface area of a gas bubble (think rubbing alcohol on a soap bubble) in the digestive track, so the individual can...well...fart it out. The gas from the lapband surgery is inside the abdominal cavity, but outside the digestive system. But hey, if some folks find relief with the gas-x, more power to them!
  23. plain

    Stop Calling it Socialized Medicine!

    But.....Medicare pays so poorly that many docs and private (not community) hospitals won't take it, because they lose so much money. So actually, that makes the patients with medicare basically uninsured. Medicare is a nightmare. That's one of the reasons that I can't support Obama's plan....part of his "reform savings" is to shift more patients into medicare (basically so they can claim that the federal government is saving money, but at the cost of the states). There doesn't need to be any more people subjected to medicare. I agree that there is a percentage of people that choose not to buy insurance (whether it be because they think they are young and don't need it, or don't want to spend that extra money, or whatever), and I believe that shouldn't be forced into buying if they don't want to. However, there is a need for healthcare reform. I don't know anybody that won't concede that the system badly needs to be "tweaked". Am I ok with increased regulation on the insurance companies? Sure. Howz about tort reform? Let's do it. Here's what I don't want: Government sticking it's huge, inefficient nose in and nudging the nation even closer to a "nanny state" than we already are. Which congressman was that? And how does a large number of people on medicare affect anything?
  24. plain

    Popcorn friend or foe?

    I loves me some popcorn, and will treat myself to a greasy bag of it when I go to the movies (sans the "butter"). I don't go to the movies very often, so I feel ok about it. As a TMI aside, it does seen to upset my stomach a little. I always attributed it to the fact that it's a pretty radical departure from my usual protein-rich diet.
  25. plain

    Seriously curious

    I'd like to say I am personally repulsed by everybody that's posted on this thread, but that wouldn't stop me from having sex with all of you. At the same time. Except for the donkey....I want to take my time there.

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