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Posts posted by ariscus99

  1. Obama's Broken Promises

    In a Reason Magazine interview last year, Ted Balaker asked me about my hopes for the incoming Obama administration. "Maybe Obama will be financially responsible," I said.

    I’m so inclined to wishful thinking.

    It's now been one year since Obama took office. He promised fiscal responsibility. Then he broke lots of those promises. Here is a list of some:

    Promise #6: No Tax Increase on Families Making Under 250k

    “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase - not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes,” Obama said in a September 2008 town hall meeting in Dover.

    Reality: In his first year in office, he proposed Cap and Trade, which would be a fat tax on everyone. He increased the cigarette tax by 159 percent, and now we have that proposed tax on fancy health care benefits.

    During the campaign, he criticized John McCain for just suggesting that.

    “My opponent can't make that pledge [not to raise taxes] and here’s why: for the first time in American history, John McCain wants to tax your health care benefits," he said in the same speech.

    But now it's Obama who wants to tax health plans:

    “This reform will charge insurance companies a fee for their most expensive policies,” he said in his health care address to Congress.

    Promise #5: Ban Earmarks

    "We are going to ban all earmarks,” Obama said at a press conference on January 6, 2009.

    Reality: The first spending bill he signed had over 9,000 earmarks.

    Promise #4: I Won't Force Americans To Buy Insurance

    During the campaign, Obama attacked Hillary Clinton:

    “She believes we have to force people who don’t have insurance,” he said in a primary debate in January 2008.

    In a Feb. 2008 CNN interview, he added: “If a mandate was the solution, we could try that to solve homelessness by mandating that everybody buy a house.”

    Reality: This September, he told Congress: “Under my plan, individuals will be required to carry basic health insurance.”

    Promise #3: Health care negotiations will be on C-SPAN

    Obama promised at least eight times that "we’re going to do all the negotiations on C-SPAN, So the American people will be able to watch.”

    Reality: They haven’t been there.

    Well, briefly. C-SPAN CEO Brian Lamb said, “The only time we’ve been allowed to cover the White House part of it was one hour inside the East Room, which was kind of just a show horse type of thing.”

    Promise #2: Putting bills online

    Obama promised “When there’s a bill that ends up on my desk as President, you the public will have five days to look online, and find out what’s in it before I sign it.”

    Reality: He broke that promise when he singed his first bill, the Fair Pay Act. He's broken it since, for instance on the Credit Card Bill of Rights and an expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

    Promise #1: Cutting spending

    On the campaign trail, Obama promised to cut spending several times. In the second presidential debate, he said that “actually, I am cutting more than I’m spending. So it will be a net spending cut.”

    In the third debate, he reiterated: “what I've done throughout this campaign is to propose a net spending cut.”

    Of course, Republicans made claims like that, too. Bush Sr. is famous for his “Read my lips. No new taxes” line. Bush Jr. made statements like “Prosperity requires restraining the spending appetite of the federal government.”

  2. There was no facetiousness about it. Keep 'em all behind the fence, then we will have no need for this outrage in the future when canadians decide that USA might be more prosperous.

    Whats the plan for the ones who are here already?

  3. I think the first thing is a BIG BAD A-- border fence. High enough where they can be seen crossing and hard enough so they think twice about climbing. Lets do that first on ALL borders, top and bottom. There are many Canadians here illegally too. They just look more like the native pop.

    I'm all for fencing up the south, but the number of illegals from Canada just doesn't justify the money needed to add a fence there at this time. Where as there are close to 12 million illegals nationwide, with about 78% percent coming from Mexico and latin America. All of Europe and Canada make up only about 6%. Asian countries make up about 13%. So while I know you were being facetious, I think it's a good idea.

  4. I agree something needs to be done about anchor babies. I worked at a fire station in campo ca that is literally right on the border and we had people come across in labor at least twice a week. That is a really touchy issue with the lobs tho.

  5. ]Yes!!! Lets gather them all up and drop them off at the boarder. Simple. [/color]

    Now tell us how you get 10 million illegal immigrants to leave without trampling on legal immigrant and natural american rights? How are you and me gonna do this?

    Oh!!!I know. Lets gather all the white people first and work our way down. Lets see how that works.

    Well, on second thought, lets not start with them. They look too much like us. Brown people are different, foreign, alien, nazi's. They definitely should go first.

    Thats the point. We can't do it that way, it wont work. So until they are gone or dealt with, this Az law is going to be enforced. Like I said earlier, the best way to make them leave, is to make the unemployable. Hard sanctions on any business that uses them, including individuals who use day laborers from the home depot and lowes as well. Finish the wall and patrol it, make it so the only way in is where we want people to come in.

  6. [

    WOW, enough of a blanket statement or do you need to round it out with the black folk too?

    Show me some evidence to the contrary. Are you saying that the people who have made Pheonix Az the #2 city for kidnappings world wide are middle to low class white people? Middle to low class black people? Middle class to low class any person who is here legally? Or is just possible that the ones doing this are the illegals, who are part of the drug cartels? What about the drug traffickers? Whens the last time you saw a huge drug raid on your local African American neighbors? Or does that usually seem to be only illegals from south of the border? I'm not saying these things are exclusive to them, I'm saying that in the troubled parts of Az the parts that want this law, they are the overwhelming majority doing these crimes, unless of course you can show some evidence to the contrary?

  7. "This is america, I'm an american, I don't need to buy no damn healthcare if I don't want to", I heard someone say that a couple weeks back at a rally. I say, I'm an american and I don't need to carry around some damn papers in my own neighborhood just because I have dark skin."

    Can I get a tea bagger rally outta this?

    Get the illegals to leave and stop coming in illegally and you wont have too. Simple fix.

  8. Sorry, let me rephrase. The initial bill would have allowed legal immigrants to be harrassed along with illegal immigrants because of the "probable cause clause" with legal contact. This would have been unconstitutional to keep it that way. Now since they have revised the law, because they got people calling foul on civil liberties, it fell in line with more peoples sensibilities. This law does nothing to solve their problem. Drug traffic, murders and kidnappings is their problem, not immigration to that large an extent.[/color] [/color]

    most of the drug traffickers, murderers, and kidnappers in AZ are illegal immigrants, so it will in fact help a lot by either locking them up or shipping them out.

  9. What is the meaning of scenario again? We digress. So, the cop is supposed to believe me when I spit out a random DL or SS? What if I don't know them by heart? I know plenty of people who don't know theirs. Then I state, "there is no law that says I need my ID, when I don't need it for business."

    I ask the question again, what does the cop do? Arrest me because I don't have identification?

    What if, what if, what if. There are pretty basic computer systems that most pd's have, that once a number or license is ran pictures come up verifying who you are. Also many can do this with just a name. Why are you so opposed to assisting in the enforcement of laws? Many of which are already in place but aren't being enforced. And now that the law is on the books you know that you need to carry an ID with you, so now you can do so, so it's not really a hindrance to you to carry a small credit card sized piece of plastic, that can easily slip into your sock or pocket. You and the rest of the liberals are blowing this out of proportion, had the federal government done the duty by keeping our borders secure in the first place we wouldn't be in this situation.

    What part of this law is unconstitutional?

  10. Why should I have to carry my ID if I am jogging around my town? I am not driving, but I am legal. What if the cop is fresh off an illegal raid somewhere and there is a call in on the radio that says an illegal is running in the community and the cop stops me? I am dark skinned, but with no ID? What should the cop do, ask me my name and forget about the ID, when I don't have it? Or am I going to jail or detention?

    This is the dilemma with that law.

    Tell him your DL # or SS # they can probably very easily verify online who you are and send you on your way. You don't need to make up unreal scenarios and think the worst of every cop in the world.

    And again what part of this law is unconstitutional?

  11. As the wife of someone who immigrated to this country from Mexico, I do not like the new law. My husband is now an American Citizen and why should he or I have to carry around proof we are citizens. Because that is what they want proof of citizenship like a passport not driver's license, I do not want to carry my passport around. Plus how many US Citizens have even purchase a passport. My husband is very white and you would only know he is Mexican because of his accent. He worked very hard to learn to read and write English and learn all bout the US government in order to get his citizenship. Many people who work in this county and are not legal have been paying Federal Income Taxes for years and not claiming any refund at the end of the year so some do pay taxes. If you are arrested for a crime I think then you should have to prove your status. But for a traffic ticket it is just wrong. If you are a criminal then you have put yourself in a situation where you should be looked at more closely.

    Everyone who lives in the United states should count their blessing because life in these other countries is so terrible, if I lived in some of them I would sneak in too.


    Don't you carry a government issued drivers license pretty much everywhere? Thats all they want. And they aren't talking about random stops on dark skinned people although that is what the liberals would like you to believe. Why would it be wrong for someone who is here legally to quickly show a valid ID and be on their way, if your being pulled over for speeding or some other traffic violation your already going to have to show your ID. And a lot of the bill has to do with people illegally transporting illegals, and hiring them as day labors and what not.

  12. I think the biggest things we can do that will actually make a difference with immigration, is finish the fence and patrol it, and impose outrageous fines to businesses employing illegals. Also we need to start enforcing the laws that are on the books, and deport much more swiftly. But I think the fines on businesses will do the most good. If you fine a company say $25,000 per illegal employee, I think you'll see them stop employing those people. And if the jobs dry up, the illegals will leave. IMO

  13. I think you may be right BJ. What are the chances that two people think and post the same Faux News talking points. Then again, I did say Fake has cast a net of voodoo........

    Are we to think you all are the same person for spewing the same bleeding heart liberal propaganda bs? Or is just possible more than one person has a particular political view that is similar to another person's? Or is that to off base for cleojeanslfmason?

  14. They have been getting a free ride for too long. And this increase on payroll taxes will help the middle class, not just the poor. So to say the rich will pay more taxes to pay for the poor is not correct.

    For you to say bo has not raised taxes is incorrect, these taxes will help the poor, so to say the rich will pay more taxes to pay for the poor is not incorrect. And they hardly have had a free ride, the top 10 percent of earners pay over 68% of taxes.

  15. President Obama has not raised taxes. He has provided a tax cut for 95% of the wage earners. Additionally, when the bush tax cut for the rich runs out at the end of this year, then the rich will be back to paying their fare share that was reduced and for which we middle class had to make up with the two tax cuts for the rich under bush.

    This doesn't count?

    Beginning in 2013, the new health care reform law will impose an additional 0.9 percent Medicare tax on wage income for individuals earning more than $200,000 a year and couples earning more than $250,000. This will be added to the existing 2.9 percent Medicare tax split between employees and employers. In addition, the new law imposes a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on unearned income, such as rent, royalties, dividends and capital gains for the same high-income earners

  16. []I got your point. I pal around with terrorist, I am a terrorist is your point. You said you never called him any of those things but you darn sure implied it. And no, I don't automatically think when I see one guy passing drugs in a group that they all pass drugs. I think, they condone it, that the guy passing drugs is their freind, or its something to do, that despite their friend selling frugs they still want to talk to them and associate with them, not necessarily that they do it.[/color]

    And since you don't get the spread the wealth comment, no other comment needs to be made. You're on that side and I am on this one, and never the twain shall meet.

    Disheartning. and baseless

    For the daft; I did not say, nor imply that you ARE the same thing as the people that hang around you, or that you hang around. What I said, and what I mean, is that people judge you, like it or not, they do, right or wrong, thats life, I know I know, you and bj and cm don't but the rest of the world does. Does it make it true? No, does it make it understandable why someone would think a certain way about bo because of the people he chose to surround himself with, yes it does. Now the vast majority of people can make deductions about a person based on things we know and or learn about them, and decide, "okay maybe bo isn't a terrorist, but man he doesn't help his cause hanging out with that person." Now maybe bo doesn't care what anyone thinks about him or the people he hung out with, and thats great, but politics isn't the realm to be in if thats your outlook, because you get judged a lot.

  17. Ari--I hang out with a group of old republican men, nobody is going to confuse me with one of them (and they have not influenced my thinking about politics either)









    READ THE POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, your saying that if someone who didn't know you, walked into wherever it is that you hang out with the republican men, and saw you there, they wouldn't also think your a republican?

  18. Ari said

    Van Jones is a self confessed communist.

    At what time did this person influence Obama about his life philosophy, opinions and life compass? Some green leaf guy in his administration did this? A guy who said he was a commuist, nationalist, then renounced it as his views changed, years ago? On top of that, when did Obama meet this guy,that this guy would cast communistic thought on Obama and what he thought?

    What you said was;

    Obama is a communist because he gave a job to a green guy who used to be a self proclaimed communist years ago, thus Obama is a communist.

    Do you know how loony that sounds to rational people?Apparently you don't since you keep saying it. Baseless rhetoric and this fact is disheartning that there are people who make these gigantic leaps in thought to the other side of reality. Disheartning. There is no middle ground, just air, dude.

    You better put the real quote in there real fast, because I'm gonna go ahead and call you flat out LIAR for that statement, I NEVER SAID THAT.

  19. I got all your points and as stated earlier, the leap is just too far for rational thought. Just because I spend time with people and they talk crazy does not mean I am crazy or prone to thoughts of craziness. That is your argument. Since he spent time with Aires, he must think like Aires, BS. I have family members that talk crazy all the time and I see them at least once a week and they have never influenced my thought about subjects. I have a childhood friend who is a drug dealer and I run across him at least once a week, probably one of the biggest in my city but he has never influenced my thought about doing drugs, selling drugs or anything else. Your argument holds no Water.< /p>

    He wanted to spread the wealth around. Don't play dumb. You know what he meant by that. The rich got richer under Bush. Time for the middle class to get the same breaks. That is what he was talking about and you know it. Baseless.

    We'll start with the first paragraph, because you still obviously are not getting what I'm saying. I did not say he is a terrorist, or a socialist, or a communist, BECAUSE of who he socializes with. I said that it is understandable that someone might think those things of him because of who he socializes with. That is the same point I made about you hanging around with certain types of people. I'm not saying that they influence you, I'm saying that they influence how people perceive you. If you either don't see that, or are denying it, you need to wake up. So let me ask you this point blank, yes or no; you see a group of guys standing on a corner, one is visibly selling drugs, do you, or do you not assume that they all are either drug dealers or drug users because of who you see them socializing with?

    Or are you so Enlightened that you think "well, the one in the middle is a drug dealer but the other four are probably upstanding citizens, businessmen probably just hanging out with a friend who is a drug dealer."

    As for the other part. No I don't know what he meant by that statement, and given that he's talking about has raised taxes for the rich to support the poor, I'm gonna stick with the socialist style politics. That's not saying he's a full on socialist,(also not saying he's not)because he hasn't done anything policy wise to that affect yet. But he is taxing the rich to pay for the poor.

  20. [color[/color]

    I didn't say Bush's name calling was irrelevant. As I stated, I saw the leap people made for calling him a terrorist by taking us to war for little or no reason. I can see how the leap was made, not that I subscribed to it. I never called him a terrorist. I was actually proud of Bush for a minute even though I never voted for him. I soon found out that pride was misplaced with the deception that followed to get us there, but never called him names except a liar.

    1.What socialist policies? Like social security and medicaid, medicare, etc? We already have policies that are somewhat socialist.

    We all grew up on those. These are a part of my history and yours and Obamas. The leaders before us thought they were right for the country and we adopted them. Then, they turned out to be staples of the American landscape. Who would have thought that socialist policies would work? Bad socialist policy, bad. I could see if we had NO policies like that and then Obama wanted to introduce some, then we have an argument. This is not an argument for reasons stated above. Stop riding that dead horse.

    2. Give me a name of a communist who influenced Obama?

    More importantly, how does this manifest itself in his philosophy and how he runs the country?

    3. What terrorist has influenced Obama?

    -Keep in mind, don't run the BS about he sat on a board with one because I can sit on a board with people and not have them influence me too. The people who raised me help form my views and outlook on life, same as Obama.

    -Also don't run the BS that Aires introduced Obama to politics because that myth has been debunked as well. A bona fide terrorist who influenced him, bring it.

    I can ride a bus everyday with a pedophile, a communist and a socialist and still come out on the other side uninfluenced by them because my views have already been formed, same as Obama. I just fall over when I hear he sat in a church for 20 years and the minister help form him into a racist. I have been to church all my life and the church telling me abortion is sinfull still does not influence whether I have one or not. People can listen to garbage all day long at work but you still go home and do what they want to. His church attendance means nothing. That is not a legitimate argument

    As stated earlier, baseless nonsense

    The first is the easiest, he very clearly said he'd like to spread the wealth around. That is socialism. Taking from the rich giving to the poor, redistribution of wealth is socialism.

    Van Jones is a self confessed communist.

    And what's wrong with Aires? he is a bona fide terrorist, and it's been proven that he spent more time with bo then he lead us to believe. While he may not have got bo into politics they did know each other better than bo said, and he may, or may not have been influenced by him, we'll never know.

    I didn't say people you see in passing, if you would take the time to read the post, you would see that I said people you associate with regularly, so unless you hop of the bus and go to coffee with the pedophile you missed the point.

  21. I'm not worried about Bush and the people who bashed him. I was not aware of all those names. I did hear him being called a terrorist, because of the war. I hear Obama being called a terrorist because of his name, his background and his associates. Bush being called a terrorist, I can understand to a certain extent why someone would place that name on him even though it is not true. I get where they come from, but I don't think he is.

    Obama's name calling is way off base. It all started with his name. His name, baseless. His dad was a muslim, he is not. Baseless. The people he knows who might have radical ideas, baseless.

    Like I said, I have no problem with people who have problems with his policy. But I do have a problem with people who call him socialist, terrorist and an illegitimate president because this make arguing about policy, null and void. Where does one go when arguing to one of those birther people? Nowhere and I label them wacko accordingly.

    Very convenient. You don't care what they said then, but now, oh boy. He does have socialist style policies he'd like to bring forward. And he's surrounded himself with admitted socialist and communist, and people who are terrorist. So if someone calls him those things, it's not entirely surprising. If you hang out with a certain group of people it's quite likely you'll be associated and called whatever it is that they are ie liberals, conservative, gangster, rocker etc. etc.

  22. I would be interested in where those articles are that claimed bush had autism or Downs syndrome. I have been following political news for over 10 years and while bush has been portrayed as not the brightest bulb in the pack and his inability to speak extemperaneously and his screw ups have been well documented and rove was called bush's brain - I don't recall any media coverage of these things being said about bush. Oh, there might be some extremist website but I don't recall them being discussed on mainstream media like all the birthers and deathers and other whackos on the right are.

    "The Dyslexicon of George W. Bush" by Mark Miller is one. Dr. Jack Dresser, wrote several papers on the matter, as well as diagnosing President Bush with adult ADHD, without ever so much as meeting the man. Dr. Joseph Price also diagnosed him with pre senile dementia, again without ever meeting him. "The Superpower Syndrome" by Robert Lifton of Harvard also speaks about it. Justin Frank MD from George Washington Univ also wrote a book about it. Pretty extremist fringe people here, they have no influence on anyone to spread that nonsense it's not like they're college professors or anything, oh wait.

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