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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by emmaluvu

  1. For me... it varies. I've only had one fill so far. The majority of the time if I eat slow like I'm supposed to then the satiety kicks in, and I get busy onto something else until its meal time again.

    Then there are days where I graze, where if I actually sat down and ate my Protein for a meal like I should it would give me more of a fullness.

    Now, as far as over eating, it would depend on what you are over eating with...cookies, candy chips, etc... all are mostly sugar and you could eat a ton of it and never feel full. It won't fill your pouch. If I am out with my family to a restaurant and am eating Protein and picking at fries, Pasta or anything that has some girth to it even breads or rolls, I will feel stuffed and may even end up being in some discomfort from overdoing it.

    The best thing to do is plan, plan, and plan out your meals!!! Eat the proper portion, make sure it takes you 20-30min to do it. No liquids with your meal. Then move on to something else besides eating....like LBT!!!!

    I am not a big "chip" eater and I like sweets but I am not one to eat a whole bag of Cookies, 1/2 gallon of ice cream etc... For example... I LOVE Chik-Fil-A nuggets!! I can eat an 8 piece and be satisfied but I always order the 12 piece and trust me.. If there were a 15 piece I would get that one! :) And this is just the nuggets. I am not a big fry eater either. I usually get technically full or satisfied with any normal size entree at a restaurant and could easily take leftovers home but I will sit and pick at my plate then I am stuffed and feel like crap! So, the food that I overeat usually has some sort of nutritional value in it. Fiber, Protein etc..

  2. i love food and im a emotional eater ...the amount im able to eat is much less than before but sometimes i still want to graze all day...

    so the band will help some but its all about willpower

    i still have to work out alot if i want the scale to move ,...because i still want a cookie every other day...

    so there are 2 groups of people on here the ones that work out an use the band as a tool ...and the ones that dont work out and complain about not losing and needing more restriction...:)

    I definitely plan on working out once I get the surgery. I work out now just not as much as I should. I am thinking that once I start seeing results I will be encouraged to do whatever I can to keep the scale moving in the right direction. I just read so much on here about willpower, exercise, keeping food journals etc... that I wonder why folks just didn't do that before getting the band. Or maybe they did but they couldn't keep the weight off thus the reason they get the band in the first place?? I know that everyone has their own reasons but I am sure we all can agree that the 2 main reasons are to lose weight and get/be more healthy! I have been heavy all my life yet was a 3 sport championship athlete in high school and very active through college. At graduation I weighed in at 230. My great grandma was 6'4 300 lbs so I just chalk it up to genetics! LOL I am soon to be 34 years old, 5'10 and weigh 308lbs. Diabetes and Heart Disease are rampant in my family and even though my sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol etc... are at healthy levels now I know it's just a matter of time before I am diagnosed. Plus, I haven't had children yet and I want to be at a healthy weight before I try and conceive. And lastly... I am just plain ole tired of being FAT!!! :mad2:

    Not only that.. Since I am paying for this sucker out of my own pocket I feel that I am going to do whatever I can to be successful. I don't want to waste my money or be seen as a failure to my friends/family members. I thank God for this forum because through it's memebers I can receive support and encouragement. I've been successful with everything in my life except losing weight. I have always been independent, confident and proud and never let my size stand in my way but this is going to be the biggest battle that I have ever faced in my life and I have to realize that I can't do it by myself. I plan on finding a local support group if there is one and creating relationships with as many bandsters on this forum as I can. The support and encouragement that is shown to everyone on here seems to be instrumental in their success.

  3. Hi All! I have been contemplating Lap Band surgery for quite some time. I am have an exclusion to my Ins. policy for WLS so I will have to self pay when the time comes. I am trying to gather as much information as I can prior to making my decision.

    So.. here goes another question........

    I guess I would be classified as an "emotional" eater. I don't feel that I eat because of depression, stress, etc.. I eat just to eat. There are days where I can eat a meal and be satisfied but if there is still food left on my plate I will just continue to pick at it until either it's gone or I am STUFFED and can't eat another bite. Or, sometimes I will eat until I am satisfied then an hour or so later I will grab something else. I know that if I have that STUFFED feeling I am done and will not eat another bite.

    So.. I guess my question is about the "feeling" that you get after you eat the amount of food recommended. Do you just feel satisfied or are you really full??

    My fear is that I will only get a satisfied feeling with the band and I will continue to overeat and sabotage the whole damn thing not to mention waste money. Do you really have to have a lot of willpower to say no to the extra food or does the band help you to just naturally step away from overeating?

    Also, has anyone gotten upset or depressed because they are unable to eat the amount of food that they did prior to their banding? I can't imagine not being able to load up at my mother's on Thanksgiving! :tt2:

    Thanks in advance for your feedback! I really appreciate it!

  4. Hi Everyone!! I have been browsing through this site for quite some time trying to gain additional knowledge from banded patients... I've been thinking about getting "banded" for years and am getting very close to making this life changing decision.

    I have a question for some of you that are emotional eaters.... I never thought that I was an emotional eater until recently. People say that there are triggers to emotional eating such as depression, stress, anger etc... none of which I have in my life......

    I didn't think that I fell into this category but I've been reading up on emotional eating and now I think that I do! My problem is that I just eat to eat!! I can eat dinner and then a couple hours later I'll want to eat something else even though I am not hungry. I don't binge or gorge myself but I just have this need to eat something whether it's a granola bar, some pudding, a bowl of Cereal etc... My take is that it's out of boredom or it's just something to do! I'll walk over to the fridge and open the door just to see what's in there and 90% of the time I'll shut the door without grabbing anything! It's the weirdest thing... I've seen where people say that when you get the urge to eat just go outside and talk a walk or try and focus your attention on something else... (Not That Easy!!) It doesn't happen all the time but I have started to recognize that it's getting more prevelant in my life.

    Will the band help with this or is what I am dealing with completely psychological? I do know that if I have a full feeling I won't eat. MY issue is eating when I am not hungry nor full.

    I am 33 years old, 5'10 and currently weigh 312lbs. I am a size 24 and would love to get down to a size 12 or 14. I've tried Weight Watchers, Atkins etc... and am usually successful for the first 2 months or so then I fall off the wagon... This has been the same for other diets I have tried as well... I am trying to be more conscious of this behavior and even though it doesn't happen all the time, it's starting to become more routine...

    Would love some feedback on this.......... thanks for listening!! :biggrin2:

  5. Unfortunately I am in the same boat you are. I have UHC and my plan specifically excludes WLS. Being that I have to self pay I've decided to go to Dr. Ortiz in Mexico. Surgery costs $8,000 versus the 15-20 grand here in the states. Research the doctors more and you'll find lower cost options. You will see that there are very competent and expertly trained doctors in Mexico. Review the posts on the boards and see for yourself.

    Good Luck!

  6. Hi Everyone! I have been checking this forum out for the past few days and just registered today. There is so much knowledge and support available here. It should be a requirement for patients to register for this site!

    I am currently saving for my lap band surgery since my insurance doesn't cover it. My main reasons for having surgery are for my future health. Diabetes and heart disease run rampant in my family and it's just a matter of time before I am diagnosed. Also, my joints have been really bothering me lately.

    I went through the posts and have seen numerous questions regarding excess skin, cosmetic surgery etc..... What I ask may seem to repeat other posts however I want to see if there are others my height, size shape etc.. that can tell me their experiences.

    I am 33 years old, have never had children and am engaged to be married. I have been overweight my entire life however I have always remained active. In High School I was a 3 sport champion athlete yet still managed to graduate weighing 235lbs. I am tall (5'10) and my body has always been pretty well proportioned. My great grandmother was 6'6 350lbs (I'm not kidding!!) :smile2: I have always had a lower "pooch" belly but it does not hang down real low like a lot of others that I have seen. I've always been told that I have a shapely figure. (just a bigger one) My weight is currently at 305lbs. I wear a size 42D bra and wear a size 24 at Lane Bryant.

    I have steadily put on weight since High School and have not lost or gained anything significant other than 25lbs on weight watchers. Unfortunately, my lower stomach now has an upstairs neighbor. :blush: I've had stretch marks since I was young however all of the stretch marks that I have are very faint and thin. I can still see them if I really look but they are nothing like the stretch marks that I have seen on some people that have had children.

    I know that everyone is different but I am wondering how many other people like me faired with their skin bouncing back after weight loss.. Are my chances good that my skin won't be saggy since I will lose weight slower than gastric bypass?

    I appreciate all responses........ Thanks for listening....


    ..........waiting for the day where I can wear ultra low rise jeans and LOOK GOOD!!!!!! :thumbup:

  7. Hi Grammy!

    Thanks for your post! I haven't gotten my surgery yet but am planning on using Dr. Ortiz as well. Glad to hear your experience is going well! I have heard wonderful things are Dr. Ortiz and his clinic so I am looking forward to making a "run for the border" soon! I am paying the surgery myself so I'm in "save" mode right now. Hoping for a surgery date in the summer!

    Please keep us posted on how you're doing! :smile2:

    See Ya!


  8. Hi Trudy!

    I just joined the forum today and thought I would reach out to you since I live in PA, right outside Hagerstown. I have been contemplating WLS for years and have decided (based on plenty of research) that the Lap Band is for me! :cursing: Unfortunately my insurance does not cover weight loss surgery so I will have to pay out of pocket. I am currently in "save" mode! I feel that I have found the perfect doctor for me and am looking forward to the day that I can schedule my surgery. I am hoping to have it done by June or July at the latest.

    I plan on typing a intro message on the boards but wanted to reach out to you personally as well!

    Feel free IM me or send me a message.

    Take Care!!!


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