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Everything posted by Andrea72

  1. Oh girl!!!! You remind me so much of myself just a week and a half ago. I was two weeks out, hating life, hating myself, hating all the professionals involved for not telling me what I was getting into.....i was an emotional wreck. Everyone is different, but I will tell you what I did that helped me. I stopped Googling, and I stopped watching all the you tube videos. There was one thing I read and this woman had only lost 20 pounds after the VSG and wish she had gotten the RNY. I was a terrified mess. What if I was going through all this, and I only loose 20 pounds?!?!? That's when I decided I had to stop. Once I realized this was my own unique journey, everything seemed to fall into place. I'll be 4 weeks out on Wednesday. I still have the stomach restriction, but it's not as much as it was at two weeks. I still have down days, but its no where near like it was when I was questioning my existence just days ago. It's tough. It's one of the hardest things I've ever done, but when I learned to stop comparing myself to everything I read, watched or heard....I was able to calm myself down and in turn accept the decision I made and why I made it in the first place. I do agree with everyone in saying you need to speak to your surgeon, or therapist, but my two biggest pieces of advice would be to stop reading all the crap, and to rely on this community. These people are FANTASTIC!!! BTW.....I did go back and read the ladies post that had only lost the 20 pounds. Turns out all she had been eating was cake, cookies, ice cream and candy. I was so terrified at the thought of her only loosing 20 pounds that I didn't comprehend why. Well um, I don't care if you have VSG, RNY or whatever the heck else is out there. If you are going to eat crap, you aren't going to loose crap. I know it's hard for you to see it now, but you got this. Just give it another week or two. I promise it will get easier.
  2. Andrea72

    How did you sleep?

    I slept flat with no issues, however I was told if I had any issues with reflux, slight elevation would help. Thank goodness I didn't. My biggest struggle was not being able to sleep on my stomach, and just trying to turn over somewhat comfortably. Three weeks out I still have a little soreness if I twist the wrong way, but other than that it's back to normal. Congratulations on your surgery. It's definitely an adjustment, but a good one at that.
  3. I'm on week 3 myself, and I too choose not to step on the scale except at follow up appointments. The reason being is I know I would compare myself to others, and if I wasn't loosing as quickly I'd be depressed, and I also heard about the stalls and I just didn't want to put that added stress on myself early on in my journey.
  4. Andrea72


  5. Andrea72


    I was given a script for b12 nose spray prior to leaving the hospital. Well, my insurance will not cover b12 period unless I'm anemic. I've read that your body doesn't absorb enough b12 from sublingual tabs alone, so I was curious as to what you all do/take. My surgery was on 3/23 so I'm a little behind, and I wanted to get started ASAP. Hope it will help with my energy and blahness. Thanks so much.
  6. Andrea72


    That's great!!! The place they are trying to push, you get the spray and all the bariatric vitamins too for $25. However my insurance won't cover it and said the package deal couldn't be split up. It was all or nothing. So....I just went last night and bought the sublingual.
  7. Andrea72


    No kidding!!! After my initial gasp, the rep on the other end offered me a first time buyers coupon for $100 off, but in order to get it I would have to sign up for a 6 month auto ship. I know she was just trying to be nice, but sheesh!!
  8. Andrea72


    Thank you for all your replies. One day last week I pretty much had an emotional breakdown, and quite a few on here mentioned that b12 helped them a lot. That reminded me of the script given to me at the hospital. I just now got around to doing anything about it and in hoping to stop a future, I just wanted to be sure I'm taking all needed but I knew I couldn't afford $425 a month for the nose spray. Thank you again. I did take your advice and just went to the local health food store and purchased sublingual b12. Thank you for all your replies. One day last week I pretty much had an emotional breakdown, and quite a few on here mentioned that b12 helped them a lot. That reminded me of the script given to me at the hospital. I just now got around to doing anything about it and in hoping to stop a future, I just wanted to be sure I'm taking all needed but I knew I couldn't afford $425 a month for the nose spray. Thank you again. I did take your advice and just went to the local health food store and purchased sublingual b12.
  9. Andrea72


    Ok great. Thank you and @proud2BMe.....I totally agree. That's why I figured I'd ask here before having a nervous breakdown. Lol.
  10. Sorry about the cold @suzyquzy. I still get pretty tired halfway through the day, but for the most part I'm feeling pretty good. I agree about the soft foods. It actually gets pretty frustrating because when I do finally get an appetite for something, by the time I cook it, or go buy it, the smell alone makes me nauseous. Oh, and there are a lot of things I've discovered I no longer like that I loved prior to surgery, but my surgeon said that was normal.
  11. Well, I had my surgery in 3/23. On my good days, it's pretty much what @ mentioned. I do have bad days where everything seems to go to hell and I question everything. Too late for that now. Lol. I had my first follow up today and the surgeon said it was all normal from the chest pains, hiccups, one minute loving a particular food, then having the smell make me nauseas the next. Out of everything he said to me, the thing that really helped to ease my mind/fears is that as long as I'm trying to get in my water and protein, I'm still moving in the right direction and everything else will fall into place.
  12. Andrea72

    The waiting game

    My first appointment was in Sept and I just had my surgery the end of March. The practice/hospital I went to was brand new to bariatrics, so the staff was trying to learn the ends and outs of the insurance requirements. With this, it took a little longer than hoped, but not as long as some I've heard about.
  13. Andrea72

    Could use a little encouragement.

    @jane13. I'm sorry if you didn't understand. I was using outsider as meaning if you did not go through his program for surgery.
  14. Andrea72

    Could use a little encouragement.

    @@jane13, there are 6 hospitals in my area and only one surgeon that is in bariatrics. The one that doesn't allow outsiders. I'm good though. Thank you again for the help.
  15. Andrea72

    Could use a little encouragement.

    @@jane13 the closest hospital that does bariatric surgery is in Pensacola and according to their staff, they do not allow patients from other facilities.
  16. Andrea72

    Could use a little encouragement.

    Wow, I'm amazed at the responses from everyone. I was on another forum and I'd maybe only get 1 or 2 responses and that was on a good day. I'm so glad I decided to give this a try. You all have been very helpful and kind. Unfortunately I live in Podunkville. Yep, the beach has them too. Lol. But I seriously feel I just might make it with all of your kindness. I will mention everything to my dr tomorrow. I will make a list tonight cause I to will forget it all by the time I get there. Again, thank you all for your kindness and taking the time to help.
  17. Andrea72

    Could use a little encouragement.

    @@jane13 there is only one dr in this area and their support group is only open to his patients. The next area is either Mobile, Al and that is still 2 hours away. I've definitely looked into all of that prior to surgery but thanks for the advice.
  18. Andrea72

    Could use a little encouragement.

    Thank you to all!! The weather on the Gulf Coast has been back and forth with thunderstorms lately, but I do get out whenever I can. Unfortunately, I do not live close enough for a support group. I had my surgery in Tallahassee and its roughly 3 hours away. And even more sad...I have family close by, but I can not depend on them for anything. At 44, you'd think I'd get used to it, but it still hurts. I was so looking forward to soft foods, and now that I'm here, I don't want a thing. Funny how I've gone from starving my entire life, to not even wanting to think of food. And to top it off, I'm too scared to get on the scale. My follow up is tomorrow so I'll have no choice but to see if I'm loosing or not. Fingers crossed. Thank you all for responding. I just really needed to know better days lie ahead. After hearing others feeling so fantastic after a short time out, I couldn't help but think what was wrong with me?
  19. It is crazy how each Dr is different. Soft foods for me is the longest of the stages lasting 4 weeks, but the other stages were anywhere from 2 to 5 days. Even in the full liquids, I was allowed pudding, yogurt and creamed soups. I'm definitely one of the lucky ones cause I don't see how some handled such limitations.
  20. Hi all. I too had mine on 3/23.. Other than being sluggish, I feel pretty good. Are you getting in enough calories? The reason I ask is because there were a few times I got very lightheaded and after speaking to the nutritionist, I discovered I wasn't getting in enough. At the time I was still on full liquids and less than a week out. So not really being able to hold much, plus everything being sugar free, it's easy to see why one wouldn't get in enough. I started soft foods yesterday, so my fingers are crossed. I'm just ready to see the burst of energy I've heard so much about. Lol. As for the weight loss, I'm not loosing as fast as I've read others have. It gets so disappointing but I'm trying to stop comparing myself to others and remember everyone's journey is different. Good luck to everyone.

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