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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Andrea72

  1. Andrea72


    I don't have any questions, just need to be honest and be held accountable. What better way to do that than to share with you guys and gals. Let a rough day get to me that ended up in me buying a slice of chocolate cake. Being six weeks post op, thankfully my sleeve stopped me after just a few bites, but I am so disappointed in myself. I just can't believe I let myself get to that point and I really hope it doesn't continue.
  2. Andrea72


    @@Inner Surfer Girl it wasn't. After the 3rd bite, I fell hard back into reality. I hate to waste food, but I didn't think twice about tossing it in the trash. And thanks @@Christinamo7 and @@KindaFamiliar I'm very upset with myself but I'm glad to know I have the support on here, instead of the judgement that I would receive in the outside world.
  3. Andrea72

    Hiccups..... sort of...?

    Those are the worst aren't they? I am 6 weeks post op. I can't remember exactly when I finally stopped getting them but I'm pretty sure it was around week 2. Good luck and congratulations!!
  4. I am into my 6th week sleeve journey now and am just now getting to where I enjoy something. I actually had post a few weeks back that any time I even smelled food, it would make me nauseous. I still haven't gotten very adventurous with my choices, but there are things I loved pre op, like boiled eggs, plain milk, and any fish, that I just can't stomach the taste of right now. I'm saddened by that, but I'm very happy that I am now enjoying a wide variety of foods. Hang in there....you will too.
  5. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    Thanks @@Alex Brecher Im still trying to wrap my head around running 13 miles. I start training on Monday so I figure if I make it through that day without dying, I'm off to a great start.
  6. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    I'm only speculating @@KindaFamiliar I've been told by more than one that I'm not like most women and I wouldn't dare give away that information.
  7. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    @@KindaFamiliar Yep. Kind hearted with a little bit of smart ass mixed in.
  8. I can totally relate @@2goldengirl 37 pounds down and I'm positive it's all from my top half.
  9. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    There was no doubt in my mind that there was a kind hearted man behind all those quick witted, smart ass, comments. @@KindaFamiliar
  10. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    I was wondering how long it would take you to chime in @@KindaFamiliar No worries on me backing out. I've put too much money out, and told too many people just to make sure I stick with it. I promise the evening of November 13th, you will either see a picture of me on a gurney, or one with a medal around my neck.
  11. The struggle is real!!
  12. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    Lol. Good for you @@OKCPirate good for you!! When I first discussed it with my personal trainer, he said "Im not saying you will take first place, but you can definitely run it". I told him I wasn't looking to win, just to cross the finish line without dying. Today the excitement has vanished and I'm left with the "what the heck did I get myself into" thoughts, but I'll push through. Panic stricken and all.
  13. I did so well my dr had me on soft foods by day 9, and incorporating regular foods at my 2 week follow up appt.
  14. Very true @@Kooky1 By day 3 I was on full liquids, by 9 puréed/soft, and at my two week follow up I was allowed to start incorporating regular foods. I guess it's all in how they were trained, and how well things are progressing.
  15. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    Sounds like we could be best friends @@pr_pitbullgrl You described my mentality to a T. Thanks for the response and keep up the good work!!
  16. @@VSGAnn2014 I so wish I could like your response a million times over. Very well said and I'm sure I am not the only one that will take something away from your wise words. Thank you for that!!
  17. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    Cyprus?!? Oh I'm a little jealous. I'm a huge history buff and I hear it is rich in history. And yes, my next day off is Monday and as much as I hate to shop, I do plan on searching for that perfect sports bra. Good luck with your training and have a great time in Cyprus!!!!
  18. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    e Thanks for the advice. I have already contacted the one and only running store and unfortunately their programs meet at 6:30 in the morning, and being a single mom of a 10 year old does not allow that to be possible for me. So, I will stick with my personal trainer and my niece who is a marathon runner. I have every bit of faith in them both, and thankful I have them. I also have an appointment with someone at the running store on Monday for fitted shoes. She explained to me that I could get a decent pair for $160, but they can range up to $200 so I am totally prepared. Congratulations on your decision. All though I'm excited to run, I have no desire to put in 26 miles. The half is just a way to prove to myself I can do it. Good luck in your training and on race day.
  19. Being 6 weeks post op, I am no where near goal, but I can honestly say the fear that weighs the most on my mind is how will I handle the gained attention. For years I have hidden behind my weight, so the attention thing really kinda freaks me out and I'm not even getting it yet. I have a huge personality, so the friends I have expressed this to can't understand why I would be so scared of the new attention, but I am. I haven't sought out therapy yet, in hopes that once I get to that point, I will embrace it, but if in fact I find it too much to handle, you better believe I will be getting some form of help.
  20. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    @@WorkinOnMe I didn't even think of shoes. I'll go to our running store the beginning of next week. And yes I have thought of training. In fact at one point and time I had a personal trainer. Just so happens we remained very good friends. I contacted him after I registered, and he is going to be setting me up a program. Then on top of that my niece is a marathon runner. I too contacted her. She is going to start working with me as well. Best part is both have agreed to run the marathon with me. Good luck to you in all of your upcoming endeavors.
  21. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    Hot men, @@LipstickLady ? I'm in!!
  22. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    @@becomingmandikaye Tough Mudder was just here on April 9 & 10th. This was the second year they had it in my town. If I make it through this half marathon without dying, Tough Mudder will be next on my list.
  23. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    I'm right there with you @@jaxmom but unfortunately they don't give you the medal until you cross the finish line. Trust me, I checked. Lol Nothing but love @@KindaFamiliar Nothing but love.
  24. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    Great!! Thanks for the advice @@LipstickLady
  25. Andrea72

    Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?

    @@KindaFamiliar high jack away. After all, we are all one big dysfunctional family and there is always that one uncle. Our uncle is you!!! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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