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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by strikeuptheband

  1. Hi Junies! i have not been here FOREVER! Who's still around? How is everyone doing? I have recently decided to start over because I sort of lost motivation for a while and the weight came creeping back. I gained back about 30 of the 45 I originally lost. Been back to see the bariatric nurse and we are working on it again. Like someone said, the good thing is that we can keep on adjusting till we get it right.I had a major upset last Aug where I had to quit my job and move back closer to my kids. (That wasn't stressful, just the job.) Have a lot less stress now and a lot less money! but I am happier. Its hard to find support in this part of Iowa where I am. Not many banders around here and no support groups. I need cheerleaders so if you read this, help me with motivation!

    Allie, you are looking awesome!

  2. I recently had to have a back xray. I really got to educate the techs about lapband. They all kept looking at the screen and seemed so serious, I was getting nervous. The tech came back and asked if I had any jewelry on. I said no and it dawned on me that they were looking at my band and port! Evidently xray's have gotten better at picking up things and my lapband showed very clearly. I was amazed to see it. Wish I had asked for a copy to stick on the fridge as a reminder to stay on track.

  3. Jackie,

    I noticed my comments are showing up on your FB page. They are also showing up on my other FB page. Wonder why that is. I would probably make more comments if they weren't on my other page. That's mostly family and some who wouldn't know lapband from moses. Do you know how to make my comments only appear on "Lap Band - Support Research"?

  4. Jackie085, I just requested to join your FB page. I, too, am having to start over. I was banded in June 2008 and lost about 45 lbs. Then sort of lost sight of the goal and started gaining. I have gained almost all I lost so now I am starting over. I sure need the support of others who are in the same boat. No support locally and I live alone so no one sees how much I can put away!! Looking forward to hearing from the others on FB.

  5. ChloeHouston, One thing that helped me was to find something I liked to do that would keep my hands busy. If I read, I would be munching on something at the same time. But when I got out my craft/sewing projects, I focused on doing that and it took my mind off of what I wanted/needed to eat next. I also got my bike out and went riding on a bike path close to where I lived. The exercise and fresh air helped a lot. If you can't ride or don't have a bike, even walking is beneficial. Good luck to you. You can do this!

  6. Just over 5 years ago, June 2nd actually, I was banded by Dr Pitt in Columbia, MO. Many ups and downs but I was doing well for the first couple of years. Lost about 45 lbs and then plateaued for a long time. I gradually gained some of that back and went back to my old eating habits. I had no support group to turn to. I went for over a year without seeing the nurse for fills. I guess I sort of figured that this was all I was going to get for my money. Then I moved and that made it harder to get to the support group in Columbia or to see the nurse.

    Then something happened! I recently had to get a back xray because I was having some serious back pain. The techs and nurses got all excited about the xray and came and asked me if I was wearing Jewelry...No, I wasn't. The nurse told me where they were seeing something strange. I asked to see the xray and they showed it to me. Guess what! There was my lapband plain as day! They evidently don't see many people around here with a band inside 'em.

    So that got me back to focusing on my eating habits and went to see the nurse to see if I needed a fill. I am back on track now and would like to find anyone around southeast Iowa or anywhere that would be willing to be my buddy. I am in Fairfield, Ia now. I need someone to keep me honest about my weight and eating. (I can lie to myself, but not to others, lol)

    Good luck to all of you on your journey.


  7. In a few more days, 6/2, I will have had my band for 5 years. Am I a happy veteran??? Not right now. I have gained back most of what I lost. Totally my fault, I just let it slide and those old habits came back. BUT....I have decided to start over. I will be in here a lot for support and will start using daily plate to keep track of what I eat. Part of my problem is that I had no real support. I live alone, and tend to be a loner. My kids are supportive and get on me if they see me eating something I shouldn't be. I don't have a support group in my area. In fact, I haven't been able to find any other bandsters anywhere near me (southeast Iowa).

    Today is a new day. I am going to make this work.

  8. 2B, I am in the same boat! I am looking at my 5 year anniversary and I am so disappointed in myself. I have gained back almost all I have lost. I too just lost motivation and all those bad habits came back. What finally lit a fire under me was a recent back x-ray I had taken because I hurt my back. The x-ray techs were all staring at the screen and I was getting a little nervous and wondering what they were seeing. The nurse came back, asked me if I had on any jewelry and I said no. She described what she was seeing and I knew immediately that my band showed up on the x-ray! They let me see it. It was amazing. I had never seen it before but there it is, plain as can be. Evidently not too many medical people in my area see a banded person. They didn't know what it was. Wish I had a copy of that x-ray; that would be real motivation.

    But it got me thinking again and I made an appt to go see my bariatric nurse to check out my band and fill level. I am ready to start again. I have had no support of others, I live alone and no one sees how much I eat. I am going to make frequent visits to this web site to find support here. I also advertised on Craigslist for anyone interested in a support group in my area but so far no takers.

    It's hard to do this alone. Hope you find support here and are able to get back on track. You deserve this!

  9. Hi Junies,

    Its been forever since I posted. Weight loss has slowed down a lot, pretty much plateaued. I gained a few then lost them so I am back to where I was a couple of months ago. Today I joined the YMCA and am going swimming tomorrow. I have been out on the trail riding my bike but obviously not enough. On a happy note, even tho the scales arent moving, I got my butt into size 12 jeans today, comfortably! Now if I could just lose the muffin top! Hunzi hang in there. I know you can do it!

  10. OK long, I will do a 5 day pouch test with you. When do you want to start? Ugh, the thought of 5 days of chicken broth....but I can do it if we talk and encourage each other every day. Lets get to the 170's.

    I had a NSV moment today. BF invited me over to where he was staying...at his brothers who has a pool. I haven't even looked at swimsuits at all this year. Didnt even think of it So I rushed home and pulled out the 3 that I had, size 20, 18 and 16. I knew I wore the 16 last year so I tried it on and it was soooo saggy! Had to wear it anyway but i did get complements from BF who hasnt seen me in a swimsuit for a year lol..and from his brother! So guess what... i am gonna go shopping for a new swimsuit this weekend!

    Glad to hear about everyones successes. Teach you are lookin awesome, girl!

    Oh, and who wants to meet in Missouri? I live in Jeff City, thats right in the middle of the state. I just have a small apartment but if anyone wants to travel anywhere in MO and meet up, I will be there too I would love to meet you all!

  11. You are right where I am, Long. I am stuck at 180 but at my lowest was at 173. Its just inched back and I am just about killing myself at the gym and now riding my bike too. 8's??? are you kidding me? you must be taller than I am. my 180 fits snugly in 12's and I am happy about that. I am 5'4" We gotta come up with a plan to get into the 170's. Maybe a competition? Whatcha think? I seriously need a kick in the rear and some motivation. You are soooo much closer to your goal than I am. YAYYYYY LONG!!!!

  12. Hi Apples,

    yep I love my bike. Its cheaper than a tanning bed! lol My tan is coming from tanning lotion since I cant seem to tan with the sun. I just burn and peel and get miserable and then turn white again...and I am getting all kinds of moles popping out so I will stay out of the sun as much as I can. I think your hubs should get you a bike. and a tanning bed if thats what you want. After all, thats what hubs are for, right? to cater to our skinny butts?? lol Your lake house sounds wonderful. Hope there arent too many steep hills that would make biking hard. I do ok on the katy trail, its pretty flat. Hope this extra form of exercise gets me out of this stuck place I have been in for a long time. I aint done losing yet!

  13. Hi Junies,

    I have been lurking and reading all along but havent had much to report as I have been at a full stop on the weight loss for a long time. Last time I had a fill I had gained a bit back and was really discouraged. Especially when the nurse suggested I start keeping a food diary. Geez, why dont I go join weight watchers while I am at it? Cuz it doesnt work for me! grrrrrrrrrr

    On the other hand, I have lost 45 lbs and only wanted to lose 100 when I started this journey. So I am about half way there. And I have re-evaluated my goal and now think I only need to lose about 30 to be at a healthy weight. So I don't have far to go...hence why its taking longer!

    I had been thinking and researching bikes for the last year, but as I have mentioned earlier, lost my job, lost my house because of that, had to move and take a lower paying job...and now just started another new one that pays well and I actually like it!! so today I finally went out and bought my bike!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!

    Its a Trek, a trail bike and its wonderful! I already did a 45 min ride today (then my skinny tush said enough!) and I haven't been on a bike in probly 25 years! So now I feel pretty good about myself! Maybe now adding some bike time along with my gym workouts will be the kick it takes to help me start losing again. Sure hope so.

    Well now I am off to Walmart to find a car carrier for the bike. I learned how to take off the front tire to make it fit in the car but dont want to do that every time i go out for a ride. gotta get a lock too. Wish me luck junies and hope I don't blister my Buns out on the trail tomorrow!

    And I am so proud of all you losers!!! you are doing great! Someone adopt me and take me with you on your vacation spots, they all sound like so much fun!

  14. Hi Junies,

    Hope you are all having a good weekend. Its been cloudy and rainy here for the last week but not too cold. Typical spring, I guess. I sure would like to see more sunshine, tho! I had another fill last week, a small one. For the first time I actually had gained at the docs office:angry:! She wouldnt say how much, 'just a bit.' So I am working on that. I hadn't been drinking enough Water (and getting leg cramps because of that) but I am doing better now. I also hadn't been working out because of a shoulder problem but I went back a few days ago....and overdid it!:) Lesson learned is..I can't start back up doing 100 crunches and not be in agony for a few days later! But I can move again now and will go back to the gym today.

    I did some major shopping last weekend and for the first time in years, bought a belt! I am sort of between sizes on pants and got tired of always pulling them back up every time I stand up. I got an XL and got it home, tried it on and hey! I could pull it in quite a bit! I could have probably gotten a Large size.

    Any plans for mothers day coming up? I am going to drive up to see my girls friday night and sunday we are all, I hope going to get my mom and take her out to lunch. It gets harder now that the kids are so busy but I worry about them not seeing their grandma very often...she's gettin old!

    Ah well, have a great weekend, Junies. Can you believe we are almost at our year bandiversary!!!!

  15. hello everyone! i was banded by dr pitt on feb 25th 2009. loving the band by the way and couldnt have had a better experience with the hospital and such. so i was reading that someone was from trenton?? i lived there for a year after high school and now im back in my hometown of unionville, but i still have a best friend living down in that neck of the woods lol.

    ksp, I used to live in trenton but moved to Jefferson City a few months ago. I am going up to get a fill this wednesday, my last one was a couple months ago. Last time I went, Tina thought I was doing good so she didnt give me a fill. Lately I think I have gained back a few lbs and am hungry more so I think its time for another one. Do you go to the Thursday support groups? They meet the 2nd thursday each month and they are great meetings. Hope to see you at one soon!

  16. Wow, Teach! Thats quite a fill. Be careful for a day or so, till you get used to it. Hope you have great restriction from that.

    Allie, So sorry to hear hubby is losing his job. I sure know what that feels like. But I am a firm believer that bad news turns to good. I got downsized last august, and now I am starting a new job next month that pays as good or maybe a little better than the one I lost. Something will turn up for him too. Keep the faith!

  17. Hi all,

    Yes Teach and I have about the same amount left to lose but shes lots twice as much as me already.Way to go, Teach! I also never thought I would wear size 12 jeans and now they are getting baggy. I am not sure how far this will go and I am also not real set on what my goal should be anymore. I think I am getting too comfortable being a size 12. See my new pic?? not too bad lol but I think I still look heavy. I am 5'3" and not sure what my goal weight should be anymore but I know I am not done. Any one else close to my height? What do you think is a good weight for 5'3"? When I was married waaaaaaaay long time ago I was about 100 lbs and wore a size 7 wedding dress.

    Allie, I would post a pic album but I havent figured out how to do that yet. I am off friday so I might have time to sit down and concentrate on that.

    Hey great news gang! I was just offered a new job today. The pay is almost twice as much as I am doing now and I am soooo excited! Y'all know I have been thru the wringer in the last year and took a big hit with losing a good job and my house. I cant wait to start this job. Its with the state and I will be taking crisis calls for elderly abuse. Its more an information gathering type job and then I send the info to others who investigate abuse charges. No on-call, no clients freaking out in the middle of the night, no weekends (well maybe an occasional holiday but thats ok). 9:30 - 6 and then I go home. I just cant wait to start.

    I give my notice tomorrow and my boss is gonna have a cow. Theres 6 counselors there, one got fired for being off sick (probably not calling in) for 3 weeks, one is leaving friday, one at the end of the month and now me! Shes gonna go ballistic! Should be an interesting staff meeting tomorrow!

    OK I gotta quit babbling. Take care Junies!

  18. Hi Junies,

    I havent done it 100% but I have really increased the fluids the last few days and managed to drop the 5 lbs that have inched back. So now I am where I was before I gained, and hopefully can start a losing trend again. I had BF take some pics of me tonite. We had a nice Easter dinner and now I have ham leftovers enough for a week or two! This pic is almost 50 lbs better than the last one I posted! and this is the only dress I own!

    Happy Easter, All!

  19. Hi Junies,

    I haven't posted for a while but I have been reading whats going on. You all seem to be doing so well. I have been stuck at the same weight for so long and getting frustrated and sometimes dont care. This is bad because I have been eating way past comfortable and into pain several times. I know it hurts when I am too full but do it anyway! So I smacked myself and said snap out of it. Today I started a 5 day liquid diet because in case I am stretching my pouch, what you guys have commented on makes sense. Maybe I can shrink it back. I think I have a fill scheduled in a week or so but I am going to try to get out of this stall. I did ok today, had Protein shake(remember those!!) for Breakfast and lunch and doing ok with just Water to drink so far. I did have a little cup of applesauce but when I get home (still at work here...) I will sip chicken broth for supper. I need to stock up on some Jello and SF popsicles and hope I can do this for 5 days. I did it for 10 before surgery so I hope I can do 5 without curling up in a ball and sucking my thumb! I am such a wuss! Wish me luck Junies.

  20. Hi Long, I had bought one of VS sexy bras a while back. Now its getting too big (or I am shrinking..). I liked it and want to go get another one but now cant afford that. I spent $160 getting my hair colored and cut thursday. Going to try and get an updated pic posted.

    Teach, congrats on wonderland! What a good feeling!

    I was going to have a yard sale today but the weather didnt cooperate....cold and rainy, maybe sleet tonite, not as bad as farther north of us but i sure wish spring would get here and stay. So what I did instead...my daughter and I painted kitchen cupboards all day. My shoulder is killin me! At times I was laying on the counter painting under the top cabinets. I found myself doing crunches just to reach certain areas! 50 lbs ago no way could I have got so much done! We still have a lot do do, 2nd coat and maybe 3rd if it doesnt even out well. I am beat! Good night Junies!

  21. Hi Junies,

    I haven't posted for a while but I check in and read about y'all. I went to get a fill last week and she wouldn't give me one because she said i lost 7 lbs in 6 weeks so I was doing ok! I wasnt even keeping track because i go by my scales (naked,first thing in the morning, yaknow) and i have watched the same pound go back and forth for so long, i lose track. So Yay!!!!! i lost 7! I need 5 more to my goal of getting my hair done. Seems to take forever but I keep working on it.

    I also have problems gravitating to the plus section. What works for me is to pretend I am looking for stuff for my daughters who are sizes 8 and 10. So if anyone looks at me funny, heck with em! Besides I can now get into size 12 and they are getting loose but I cant get into 10s yet. I told my daughter the other day Do you know how good it is to be CLOSE to your size??? lol But since my weight is mostly in my middle, I still have to get large, xl or 16 tops and not get anything clingy. Cant wait till my belly is proportionate to the rest of me now.

    I am visiting my girls this weekend (on her computer right now). Its nice to get away and see them; it doesnt happen very often. Better get back to visit them. See ya later Junies!

  22. Hi Junies! I haven't been writing much but have been reading and am so glad you are all doing so well. I went to see my fill doc today and for the first time, I didn't get one. She says since my last visit about 6 weeks ago, I lost 7 lbs so I am losing at an acceptable rate and dont need a fill!! I guess I lost track of how many its been because I am always chasing one more, one more....and forget to count.

    I took my measurements and since June I have lost 1" from neck, a whopping 5" from my boobs (sob), 5.75 from waist, 4.5 from hips and 2 from thighs. The realize web site I post these on doesnt ask for calf measurements but for all you calf fanatics, mne is now 16!

    A few weeks ago my 7 sibs and I got together to surprise our mom and they took pics. Gotta admit I look good, till you look closer and see the belly hanging over my sexy little blue jeans. I think that belly is gonna be the last to go. I have been going to Wilson's a few times a week and really working on the crunches but I think I will need to do a million of them to get rid of my gut. Nice NSV tho recently, I was sitting on some wood steps outside for a while and realized hey, I dont have any padding on my booty anymore! Aint life grand???

    Love ya Junies!

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