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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SarahSleeve

  1. I had the surgery orientation and I meet with my surgeon on May 5th. I am excited and terrified. This will be such a huge change in my life and I have never had surgery before. But I am tired of being in pain and having limited mobility. I just want to be able to complete simple activities without breaking into a sweat, plop into a chair with ease instead of trying to predict if it is safe and being scared that it's going to disintegrate under me and wear cute dresses. I thank God for my mom and my friends. They have been very supportive and one of my friends are also going through the process. I can't believe by this time next year (barring any complications or problems) I will be 5 months out. :D

    It is scary, but the general consensus seems to be that it's totally worth it. That's what I hold onto as I get started. My first info seminar is the beginning of May, and while I've been doing lots of research for the past 2 years, I'm still nervous. I've also never had any kind of invasive surgery, but if I keep myself at this weight for much longer I can only imagine the medical issues I'd be facing as I get older. I keep asking myself why I've spent the last 30 years of my 36 year life overweight (with a few thinner teen years when I basically starved myself), why I can't just "eat less and move more" like people say? Well, I can - but it never sticks past a few months before the weight comes right back.

    I've come to terms with the fact that unless I get some real solid help via surgery, I'll be fighting the same yo-yo battle for the rest of my life. I've already spent my childhood, teen years, and young adulthood as an obese person. Now, the medical problems are slowly starting. Time to make a change for the better.

    Just imagine how much healthier we will be by next Summer. :)

  2. Do you have sleep apnea?

    I don't know. I've never had a sleep study. I'm not sure if they'll require one during my pre-op (I'm just starting the process).

    I know that in the past when I got down about 50lbs from where I am now, my husband told me I basically stopped snoring. But then I regained and it's worse than ever.

  3. I sleep alone most nights lately, too. Problem is, I'm married. :/ My snoring forces my husband to the couch a few nights a week so he can get a good night's rest.

    Makes me feel seriously crappy. I am so so so hoping this surgery helps my snoring subside.

  4. Another update/entry for my VSG journey.

    April 18, 2016


    This weekend I had several reminders why I want to do this. Be healthier, of course - getting my BP under control (so I can drop the meds - which I hate) and taking some pressure off my heart are the major motivators that pushed me over the top. But also - it got up to 70 here this weekend. (I live in New Hampshire, so it's been hovering around 40 - 50 on and off for a few weeks, but this weekend was the first really warm one). I was SO uncomfortable. Why? Because I won't wear shorts and tank tops like the other moms I was with. They were wearing cute sundresses or shorts, all looking comfortable and enjoying the beautiful day. Me, I was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a cardigan over it to cover my lumps and flabby arms. This is how I am year round. I only wear weather appropriate clothing at home - I layer up when I go out. I've been like this for as long as I can remember. Only on the really hot days when it tops 90, will I shed the sweater and then I'm self conscious the entire time. And forget the beach. It's an anxiety attack waiting to happen (I have a mild anxiety disorder, which is currently under control). And of course, I have the "mom suit" with the skirt and long top and cover-up that only comes off if there's basically no one else at our little town lake beach.

    I took my kids to 2 parties over the weekend and there were party games and other activities going on. They talked me into joining in and all I could think about what "I sure hope no one is taking pictures of me right now!!" Instead of just having fun (because it was a lot of fun) - I was focused on my fat body yet again. I'm so done with this feeling. I just want to enjoy my life instead of focusing on the size of my stomach! I know that part is psychological, and I plan to work on that while I work on the physical stuff, but I've been this way for 25+ years, and it just seems like it's never going away. It's been my life since I was a kid. Even when I lose the weight, I'm sure I'll have to work on my self-esteem. But staying this weight won't help me get there.

    We're taking the kids on vacation next week. I don't plan to layer up, but then again I'll be 1,000 miles away from home so I don't care who sees my fat rolls (well, I do, but I'll never see them again, so I don't - you know what I mean I'm sure). I do dread the vacation photos, but I'll have to get over that. But I am SO looking forward to not HAVING fat rolls to cover up. To be able to walk down the hall at my kids' school when I'm volunteering and not break a sweat (seriously, it's gross). To not be hiding in the back of all the photos. To be able to wear those cute little sundresses - I love sundresses, but my body shape doesn't really allow me to wear them (I have the double belly problem, the roll above the pants - not because my pants are currently too tight, but I think from years and years of wearing pants that were so that's how my stomach expanded as I gained - not attractive at all in a floaty dress).

    The informational seminar at the second hospital I'm looking at is at the beginning of May. After vacation. Which means my high weight will probably be even higher :/ but I guess that might work in my favor - if I choose this program I have to lose about 22 lbs before surgery. Which might be easier if some of the initial weight they see is Water weight from vacation (flying, eating out for 6 days straight - I plan to make good choices but still). 22 lbs shouldn't be too hard to lose over 3 to 4 months, not when I know that I'll soon be having a procedure that will help me keep it off and take many friends with it. I'm already used to drinking Protein shakes and eating Protein Bars and lots of Water, just have to work on cutting out some of the Snacks and I think I'll be ok.

    On a good note, I didn't eat any junk this weekend - no cake at either party, no candy, no ice cream, no pizza. Stuck to my Protein and veggies both days with the exception of my guilty pleasure (Dunkin' iced coffee - that's my warm weather treat, I know I'll have to give those up for at least a while after surgery, but it's a nice thing to be able to sip on that for an hour or 2 and avoid the goodies around me at this point). Of course the scale doesn't care, still tells me I gained. I can't wait until the scale goes down, down, down in a regular pattern for a few months.

    Think I'm done rambling for today. :)

  5. Hi Sarah!

    Looks like we will be having our procedures at about the same time! The 20 pound weight loss requirement may seem daunting, but I am sure you can do it! From what I understand, we have to go on an all liquids diet for 2 weeks prior to surgery anyway, and if what I have read is correct, most people lose at least 20 pounds during those 2 weeks anyways. So that might make it easier for you lol.

    Thanks! I think 20lbs won't be too hard. I've lost 40lbs repeatedly over the years, it just keeps coming back. The motivation this time is that once it's gone, it's GONE. :) This is such a weird feeling! Knowing that by this time next year, I'll be in a totally different place with regards to weight and health. So exciting!

  6. Thank you for the replies! I guess I was thinking the PCP would be more involved than she actually will be :) Looking over the papers it doesn't look like she needs to provide much more than the referral, recommendation letter, and lab/physical history. That should be easy for any PCP I'd think.

    I just have to hope she's supportive of my choice :)

    Now to find a psychologist for the eval. That has to be completed before I can even submit my intake form!

    I'm surprised your bariatric team is not providing you with names of psychologist that provide the service

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    They did provide the names of a couple but said they are booking several months out so I wasn't sure if I could find someone sooner.

    On a good note, looks like my PCP's office has done this before. I called and told them I was starting the bariatric surgery process and they were like "OK! We'll need to bring you in for a pre-op physical, EKG..." and kept going. So I feel confident that they will work with me fairly well :)

  7. Hi! I'm just starting out too :) I have all the intake forms here and have my first informational seminar at the beginning of May. No waiting period set by my insurance, but the surgeon appears to require an 8% weight loss (around 20lbs for me, eek), 6 weekly meetings, and the normal pre-op labs/tests. So it looks like I could possibly lineup for August as well but with my 2 kids (ages 8,10) home all Summer I'm thinking it might be better to wait until school starts so I have more available down time at home. Haven't decided how to handle it if they offer me an earlier date!

    I'm nervous, too - but so ready. I'm 36 and have been overweight since I was 6. It's beyond obvious that I can't do this alone. Here's to a bright new (much healthier) future!! :)

  8. I'm facing the same thing in a couple weeks - taking my kids on vacation. It's been a while since I flew, about 10 years. I was around this size last time I flew, but never flown this airline and the seats looks small :D. I'm more concerned about embarrassing my kids by having to ask for an extension or something. The stress I faced while planning this trip is actually what prompted me to finally start the surgery process after years of researching it. I don't want to focus on not fitting in the plane seats or running out of breath just walking around next time I plan a vacation. I have better things to think about!!

    So I totally get what you're saying :)

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using the BariatricPal App

  9. Is this an insurance or a surgeon's requirement? If it's an insurance requirement, then look up their specific requirements in their policy bulletin regarding WLS (it should be available online) and format things as close to their requirements as possible and hope for the best as they are in charge of the wallet paying for this. If it's a surgeon's requirement, then likewise, format your records as closely to what they want and let them have it. If they don't like it, you are in charge and can go elsewhere - this isn't a universal (or even common) surgical requirement - it is something that can be negotiated with them. I suspect that what you have will be fine, but it is well to keep in mind that it is your decision to have surgery (and with whom,) and not theirs.

    It is the surgeon's requirement. My insurance is very straightforward, just asks for a doc to sign off on "previous weight loss attempts" and then I have to meet BMI (which I do) and age requirements. No supervised diet or anything. So most of my pre-op stuff will be set by the surgeon.

    I actually signed up for the intro meetings for two different local hospitals that offer programs and are covered by the Center of Excellence requirements and the other one seems to be a bit more simple on requirements. Still ask me to list previous diet attempts but not within a certain time period. They don't require as much from my PCP, either. And they offer more post-op support in the form of free meetings for life. I am already leaning towards switching over to that surgeon. It's nice to have options, but so strange that two hospitals in the same town can offer such different programs!

    Thank you for the reply!

  10. Thought of another one.

    We live in a lake town so we spend a lot of the Summer at the Water. We bought kayaks last year, so each of the 4 of us (my husband, kids, and myself) have our own boats. I was SO not graceful getting in and out of that thing! I almost tipped it several times because I didn't have the strength to get my big body out of it correctly. I'm looking forward to being able to go out with my family and not panic that I'm going to get stuck and make a fool of myself. Also - the size of my life jacket is ridiculous. I'd like a "normal" sized one! Being comfortable in a swimsuit is going to be amazing, as well.

    Next Summer should be a lot more fun for me :)

  11. Oh yeah, absolutely. Then I was put on hypertension meds, which are totally screwing with my body, and started having trouble keeping up with my kids. I have lost and gained the same 40-50lbs over the past 15 years. I was 225 at my wedding 15 years ago. I went back up over the course of the next six years, hitting my high of 300 lbs at the end of my first pregnancy back on '05. Lost back down to about 225 a couple years after my second child. Since then, I've spent 8 years yo-yoing between 245 and 270. Back and forth repeatedly. I have clothes ranging from XL - 3XL and size 14 - 22 in my closet. And they keep getting pulled out and then stored again. Over and over.

    I have come to terms with it. I can't do it alone. I can lose the weight, but it always comes back. I've been fat since I was 6. I'm 36 now. If I can fix this now and live the rest of my years in a healthier body, I owe it to myself and my family.

  12. Hi! I'm in the process of going through my approval steps at cmc. Awesome program for before, during, and after surgery. Great support systems from my experience so far

    Sent from my KFFOWI using the BariatricPal App

    I just did the intro at Elliot, I'm registered for the next one at CMC in May just to check out both programs before officially starting. What kind of stuff does CMC require?


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using the BariatricPal App

  13. 1. Planning my next family vacation without worrying about if I'll fit on the plane/rides.

    2. Not being the fattest mom at all school events.

    3. Shopping in normal stores, not having to hunt for the single rack of ill-made plus sized jeans and shirts.

    4. Being comfortable in my own skin.

    5. Getting off my hypertension meds.

    6. Fingers crossed my snoring improves!! ( I know this doesn't happen for everyone but in the past when I was down to 225 I all but stopped so I'm hopeful!)

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using the BariatricPal App

  14. On my intake form I have to list three diet attempts over the past two years. I've only used MFP in that time frame. I've lost and gained a few times during that time. I have spreadsheets with all my weigh ins and details on how many calories I was eating, etc. Do you think that will be enough for them? I have WW documents going back off and on 10 years back, but the latest attempt was early 2014, so just out of the two year range.

    I hope this doesn't mess my process up :(

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using the BariatricPal App

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