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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SarahSleeve

  1. Mine wasn't specific for this phase - just high Protein, low carb. I'm also phasing out caffeine, alcohol, fast food, and all excess sugar. I haven't had bread since Christmas day, that right there is huge for me :D. Also focusing on getting in all my Water. I'm using this as a time to learn what my body truly needs, so that after surgery when I get back to 'normal' eating I'm ready :)

    I'm hoping for a Feb/March surgery date.

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App

  2. Mine requires a percentage - for me it was about 22lbs. I've been done all the other program requirements since October (started in May) and I'm still working on that stupid 22 pounds. I'm only about 4 pounds away now though so I'm hopeful that my January appointment in 2 weeks will be my last pre-op appointment before I meet the surgeon.

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App

  3. I had to start using a CPAP in September after my sleep study showed very mild apnea. I absolutely hate it.

    The issue you're having where it feels like you can't get the air through when you exhale - I was having that and I read somewhere that it can be due to moisture build-up either in the tube or in the filter (read it on a forum). So what I do now is make sure that every day I hang the tube up so it has a chance to dry out and I take the air filters out and let them sit on the counter and completely dry out as well. Since I started doing that I haven't had the issue where it feels like there's too much pressure coming back at me. I also was not able to use the nose only mask I have to use the full face mask.

    But 4 months out now I still rip that thing off pretty much as soon as the four hours passes several days a week. I cannot wait until I lose enough to do another sleep study and be off this thing. Especially since he said my apnea was so mild it was kind of on the fence as to whether I actually needed the stupid thing anyway. Yet another motivator for losing weight!

    The only good thing is that my husband says when I do wear it I don't snore. So at least he is sleeping better while I'm using it ;)

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App

  4. So many things...

    - not being able to strap the seat belt on a go-kart with my kids

    - having my knees creak everytime I walk up and down the stairs

    - being afraid to do something like skiing or roller skating because if I fell it would be too hard to get back up

    - being put on high blood pressure medication

    - realizing that I've been obese for almost 30 years (I'm only 37!!)

    - trying to take a walk with my friends, and running out of breath before we even make the first lap

    - being afraid to attempt rides at the amusement park because I didn't think I would fit

    - taking my kids to Disney and being unable to keep up with them

    - hating every picture I see of myself

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App

  5. Hi all!

    Getting close to surgery and throughout this process I've only told my kids (8 & 10) that the reason for my many appts is that the doctor is helping me lose weight. I have no clue what I'm going to say to them about my hospital stay/recovery. The 8 year old would accept a simple "the doctor had to fix something in my belly" explanation, but the 10 year old is much more likely to want details. I think I'm going to just stick with the simple explanation and tell them it's nothing to worry about, but I don't want to scare them either way. I've already drastically changed my eating habits so that shouldn't be anything new to them.

    For those with kids - what did you tell them?

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App

  6. Thank you to those who have shared and congratulations! I know I'll likely end up being a slower loser (i have hashimotos); but seeing these numbers is still highly motivating for me. I've been obese since I was 8. Almost 30 YEARS!!! So I'm fully prepared for however long it takes me to lose this 125lbs.

    Nothing wrong with wanting to see what others have experienced, IMO. :)

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App

  7. It's been 16 weeks and I have lost only 50. This seems a little slow to me- but I started at 212 pounds.... So I expected it to be slower. Great luck!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    50lbs in 4 months sounds absolutely amazing!! Congratulations, I hope I'm as lucky as you!

    Old info but here is where I was. I'm 5'7" and my surgery date was 8/29/16.


    Wow, those are awesome numbers! Congratulations and thanks for sharing!

  8. December 10, 2016


    Ok so here I am, 8 months later - still pre-surgery. I've got everything done. Been wearing my CPAP every night since September. Mental health evals done. Been attending monthly support meetings. All done. Except.... the weight loss. I'm stuck. No matter what I eat, I'm stuck at 12 lbs gone. I'm supposed to be down another 5 - 7 lbs before they will even schedule me with the surgeon. Then it's another 4-6 weeks before surgery depending on insurance, etc.

    5lbs should be so easy. why am I having so much trouble? This is the last step. I really thought I'd be post-op by now, the only thing holding me back is ME.

    I think the most frustrating thing is that I have been eating fairly well, just too much of it. I eat lots of Protein, water/tea, veggies, fruits. I eat very few processed carbs, cut out coffee and alcohol a while ago, but I'm stuck. I think I'm going to have to be extremely strict the next 10 days (my next appt). They told me back in September (when I was the same weight I am now), that if I could get to within 5lbs of my doc's presurgery goal (which is about 5lbs less than I am now) they would let me meet with the surgeon after my October appt. So they set me up with the program coordinator for October (the one who decides if you get to see the surgeon). I maintained for October. They tried again for November. I maintained again. I'm back to meeting with the dietitian for December. :( I could have easily been post op but because of my lack of willpower, here i am. Into the new year now.

    On a positive note, at least I don't have to worry about recovery during the holidays. With the kids, family, hosting parties etc - I wasn't looking forward to that. And I'll still have 4months or so before Summer to lose some of this excess weight. Not as long as I'd hoped, but maybe I'll be one of those people that drops like 60lbs in 4 months. That would be nice.

    I'm just so ready for this change. So why am I holding myself back?

  9. October 14, 2016


    Getting down to the end!! Just had my October check in and I'm down a total of 12lbs out of the 23 they want me to lose pre-op. Not the best but at least I'm going in the right direction. They said if I can get to within 5 lbs of the goal by the time I see them on November 21st they'll schedule me to meet with the surgeon. Once I meet with the surgeon, if they like what I've done they'll submit to insurance and once approved they'll schedule my surgery.

    Fingers crossed I get in before the end of the year - otherwise I have to start all over again with respect to insurance out of pocket costs/deductibles! I'm hoping I'll end up getting sleeved somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Left to do:

    Monthly Support Meetings

    Monthly Follow Ups

    CPAP follow up mid November

    Lose at least 8 lbs before November 21st

    Meet with Surgeon

    Insurance Submission/Approval


  10. September 26, 2016


    Been a while since I updated! We're all moved and settled in the new house.

    Got the results from my sleep study and I do have very mild apnea, which I am required to treat for 2 full months before surgery. I picked up the CPAP last week. It'll take some getting used to but I did manage to leave it on my face all night last night (other nights I'd pull it off after the required 4 hour minimum use time).

    Completed the 6 hours of lifestyle classes and have completed 1 of 2 counseling appointments (second is in 2 weeks). Had my 3 month follow up with exercise and they were happy with my progress and gave me guidelines for where they want me to be before surgery (5 days per week, working up to 60 mins/day of moderate activity, along with some strength training). They told me that if I can get to that before surgery it'll make it easier on my body to tolerate the surgery and heal afterwards so I'm working on it!

    I have about 14lbs left to lose to meet my pre-surgery goal. I've been very focused this past month and am losing steadily so I'm planning to continue what I've been doing and hope I can get there in time to have surgery sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas (yeah, foooood season, but this is a life change and I'm ready to make the sacrifice ;) )

    Dietician appt this week. 2nd pre-op support meeting completed earlier this month, but I'll likely continue going until my surgery because I do find them useful. Next month they're taste testing Protein drinks, might be helpful :)

    I think I'm just about done with most of the pre-op stuff!

    Left to do before surgery:

    2 months CPAP (started 9/22)

    1 more counseling appt

    monthly check ins and support meetings

    14 more lbs to go!

    It really does take longer than I thought it would to get all this done, and my insurance was very easy in the way that it doesn't require anything more than a high BMI. The requirements are all from the hospital. The sleep study was the longest process, I had to wait 6 weeks to get in there, another 2 weeks to get the study done, then another 5 weeks to go back in for the results (that was irritating, I was in there for 5 mins, they seriously could have just called me with the results), then another week to go pick up the CPAP. It's OK though. Until a few weeks ago I was still crazy with moving stress so honestly the timing was probably better this way.

    Now that Summer is over and Fall is here and I'm back in my long pants and sweatshirts (where I've always felt most comfortable - covering up as much of me as possible); I keep getting excited that by the time next Summer starts and we open the pool up I'll be 6 - 8 months post op with the possibility of being 75+lbs down. I can't even imagine what that's going to feel like, but I'm ready for it! Will I be able to spend my first Summer in years without carrying a sweater around for those times when I don't want my rolls and flabby parts on display???? I can't wait to see what happens between now and then!

    Off to do my 35 mins of exercise (ramping up to the 60 mins, 5 mins at a time as directed by the exercise counselor!)

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