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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Wchild22

  1. You can also gain weight from your dieting, not eating, and consuming unhealthy proportions of healthy foods. When you don't eat your starving your body, so when you do eat (healthy foods or not) your body will store food rather than let you burn the calories. You can be the greatest nurse on earth, but a dietician you need to speak to. Bottom line we got here from over eating. I never thought I ate allot because I would skip meals too, making the deficit up on the meals I do eat normally a home cooked meal.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Delta_35 said:

    I totally know how you feel. I was just attacked for "bullying". Supposedly I was wrong for voicing my opinion about people who post about when they can eat pizza or eat normal again, when the truth is, if you follow your new way of eating, you will never eat "normal" again. Normal for someone who is obese is not normal eating for anyone after surgery. But supposedly me stating this, which is a fact, was critizing people. I left this forum before for this same reason, and now I see why a lot other Vets left and have not returned. It really is ridiculous, and if you speak any type of "truth", be prepared for someone to attack you.

    It's all about food portions now, controlling how much we eat and what. A calorie is a calorie you choice if you want a healthy 100 calorie snack or an unhealthy snack. I just totally forgot where I was going with this. Ah well!

  3. I agree, we shouldn't attack anyone for the choices the make and to support and lift up our fellow sleevers to be and do better than they did the day before. Now you need to keep in mind not everyone is at the same stage in their journey, they also have different doctors, and different plans, that being said we must be mindful and considerate of one's food choice. Most of us got here not only by eating junk food. Some of us had really healthy diets, but had no Portion Control, had low activity, either do to injury, depression, or as you put it Lazy. I could go on for ever some people on here know they are straight up wrong. We shouldn't encourage that behavior for them, but ask what we can do to help.

  4. You would have to have the Gerd for a long while before it caused cancer. And the cancer your talking about is Garrett's disease or cancer. It's usually found in the esophagus. It's caused by erosion from the stomach acid. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Make sure your taking Omeprazole or something similar. Your doctor will prescribe it most likely.

  5. I'm so frustrated with my insurance rep at the Dr. Office! My last appt with nut was July 22nd here it the 17th of August and she hasn't sent my insurance preautherazation in for approval... I want to cry I been calling every day.

    I would speak with a Manager. That's inexcusable.

    I am definitely in agreement with you that will be my first call tomorrow!

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