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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JoannMarie

  1. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Emma, I don't think you are eating too much. In fact, it might help to bump your calories up - have between 1000 and 1100. Often our bodies kinda rebel when the food supply is cut too drastically. Your body thinks it's starving (I have a cat that thinks he's starving if he can see the bottom of the food bowl) and it begins to hoard every tiny bit of fat in order to fend off starvation. You metabolism slows down drastically, and you don't lose. It can also affect Water retention. Add in a little more Protein and some low carb, well cooked vegies or fruit and see if that will help. You might also vary the Snacks a little. SF puddings (60 cal), soft fruit like applesauce, yogurt (ymmm, protein), etc. How 'bout a small bowl of oatmeal or Cream of Wheat with your HB egg and cottage cheese for Breakfast? Janet (guru of lapbandland, currently on a cruise) often suggests varying your calorie intake from day to day - 800 one day, up to 1000 next day, etc. A pound of weight is 3500 calories. Unless you consumed 10,500 calories the day before your 3 pound gain, it's water. Believe me, it's water. A cup of food. Sometimes I measure, sometimes not. A cup is 8 oz, so a 4 oz piece of fish would be the equivalent of 1/2 cup. Add to that another 1/2 cup low carb vegie and you would have a cup of food. If it is a food that has the consistency of a casserole, measure it out in a cup. This is a good method to use until you get used to seeing that size serving. At the beginning I did that consistently. Not so much these days, although it is a great idea to go back to measuring every other week or so. Often that cup expands all by itself and all of a sudden you are eating 1 1/2 cups or 2 cups, or more. We have to jerk on our own reins every once in a while, because it is that expansion that lead to our expansion. It will probably be a while before you are feeling good restriction. Do the measuring now, eat what is allowed, then wait 5-10 minutes before you start thinking about eating more. 90% of the time you will realize - aha! That is what feeling full really means! and you won't go back for seconds. SCORE!!! We - and by that I mean ALL of us have gotten fat by eating beyond our limits over and over again until the only time we felt FULL is when we were actually STUFFED. Learn that pleasantly full feeling early in this game and you will be way ahead. You are going to do great. Stay positive, enjoy all the victories. Remember that the band does not prevent hunger it just helps you to satisfy it sooner. Listen to what it says to you and use it as a wonderful tool that will help put YOU back in control.
  2. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I am taking the Kirkland brand - and it is calcium carbonate. My doctor did not recommend citrate over carbonate - I'll ask next time I'm in to see her and make sure. The Kirkland also has Vitamin D-3. The recommended dosage is 3 "chews" a day - 1500 mg. total, as is recommended for women ages 50 and over. I also take Preservision for my macular degeneration. My ophthamologist recommends it for everyone over 50, as there have been clinical trials that show substantial benefits for the eyes (called the ARED (sp?) study). Lots of good Vitamins in that, too. We have reached the point where we have to check everything to make sure we are not getting too much of something! Long, my multi vitamin from GNC is their brand and is called Solotron Chewable. I don't know if it is specifically for LB - may have been recommended for any weight loss surgery. It compares pretty well with Centrum Silver. I've not found those in the chewable form - just liquid. ugh. I'm taking liquid glucosamine, too - and it's not much better. Gosh, I sound like a walking pharmacy. I'm really not - just vitamin conscious. I think we have to be concerned about overall nutrient consumption since we are eating substantially less food.
  3. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Long - our turn comes this weekend. It's raining tonight - more rain tomorrow - then snow for Saturday. No blizzard, thank goodness, but we could have a lot of snow. I'm off to watch the 10pm news and see what the weatherman has to say.
  4. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Charlene - I bought my omega 3 chewables at Costco!! duh. It is their brand of kids' chewables, and they were very reasonable. DD gives these to her 2 year old, calls them "brain candy" (while she keeps them in a place inaccessible to little hands). DGS and I can share when I'm visiting them next month!
  5. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I worked in the pharmaceutical industry/clinical research/medical school environment for many years. It kinda rubs off after a while! Youngest DD was a sales rep and hospital/institutional rep with a major pharma company, so she was guided by clinical studies, etc. DS is a deputy fire chief and trains the trainers of EMTs and paramedics. We keep up on this stuff pretty regularly in this family! Bottom line - do your own research (even WEBMD is a good resource for most of us) - and clear with your doctors. While we do not deal with absorption problems, we do have a very restricted diet after banding. It is critical to our health to make sure we are getting the vitamins and minerals we need for optimal health. When you can only eat 1/2 - 1 cup of food at a meal you better be sure it is high quality food. It is necessary to supplement with those nutrients you can't get through your restricted diet. Isn't it great that we have companies willing to invest in the products we need as WLS patients? People are always ready to see a good market and respond - it's the incentive of capitalism!
  6. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Most doctors recommend a multi-vitamin supplement and additional calcium supplementation. It is recommended for women in our age group to have at least 1200 mg of calcium/day, preferred 1500mg calcium. Your calcium supplement should include vitamin D, as the calcium will not work without enough vitamin D in your system. With the use of sunscreens these days many people do not get enough vitamin D through the usual method - the SUN! There is an alarming deficiency of vitamin D in the population today according to some recent studies. I also take omega 3 - the ones that are for kids and are chewable (these are the good things that come from eating fish!). With regard to the calcium, remember that post menopausal women are at extreme risk of osteoporosis - thinning of the bones. My mother had it - and it was awful. As she aged she had a many fractures and was in constant pain. She lost about 5-6 inches in height. A cough or sneeze could cause a fracture in her spine or ribs. We should have a baseline bone density test - absolutely painless and covered by most insurances - as we approach menopause and every 2-3 years following, esp if any other symptoms occur (I have lost about 2 1/2 inches in height since my late 40's - that is a symptom!) When you see the doctor for your annual exam and they check your weight - have them check your height at the same time. There are medications you can take for osteoporosis - but a lot of prevention is possible if you take calcium with vitamin D. Milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt are also good sources of calcium, and milk is generally fortified with vitamin D. Ask your primary care physician what supplements you should be taking and coordinate those recommendations with your surgeon. LB patients do not have absorption issues, so the recommendations are not the same as they would be for bypass patients. There are precautions about calcium if you have a tendency toward gallstones, kidney stones, etc., and may be other reasons for caution. I have found all my supplements in liquid or chewable form, but it took a little searching. My multi-vitamin (chewable and for LB patients from GNC) has extra vitamin B(s) because that is the only vitamin it is hard to find in chewable or liquid form and they are usually BIG pills. Check out the on-line distributors, GNC, and Costco. I take the Kirkland calcium from Costco - chewable, chocolate flavored, and sugar-free. They are yummy - I take 3 a day and they are my favorite treats!
  7. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    It's great to be hearing from you , Helene. Keep healing!! You must be feeling so much better about your situation now. It will all come together, honey, just keep plugging along. I know that bulge bugs you, but with all the other things that had to be corrected, your surgeon is probably right to just let this situation correct itself - less trauma to you. Good goal... take care.
  8. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Emma, I had the Realize band early in December. What you are describing is probably your port. My larger incision is a little above the area where the surgeon inserts the needle for fills. I don't watch! as I don't like needles - but it always leaves a tiny bruise and that is just under the larger incision. It is not unusual for the port area to hurt for several weeks. The Realize band's port has a different anchoring method - not stitched in, but clamps on tissue in the muscle layer. Because of the way it is clamped it may hurt for several weeks, getting a bit better as time goes on. I am almost 4 months post op now, but I still will have a twinge if I bend just so, lean over a table, etc. I also notice a little soreness if I am wearing a tighter waistband, or at the sewing machine for too long. I think that is because I am in a slightly crunched position for a period of time and the port clamps are crunched a little, too. At this point it is just slight soreness - if it were to begin really hurting I would call the doctor about it. I've been happy with this band. I cut my food very small and chew a lot - rarely have any problems with any foods. Chewy bread is about the only thing that has come close to getting stuck, so I avoid that (no big loss). It sounds like you have been sticking to your surgeon's eating plan just fine. Just make sure you continue to follow that plan while you are healing. You may not lose much (or any) weight during this period, and as you heal you will feel more hunger - and more frustration because of that hunger. Be patient with yourself and with your band. It is a stage we all have to go through prior to the first fill and you WILL get through it just fine. Your discomfort with breakfast may have come from either eating too fast or too much. Keep your amounts way down as you get used to this new phase. At this point I began to have discomfort, too - came to this thread and asked about it. It was gently suggested I may have been eating too much. (these guys are so kind in their "suggestions") They were right - I cut back and the discomfort went away. Here again, you are healing and getting used to your band. Even with no fill, it will restrict your amounts at this point. I know you don't feel all that different, but you are. It takes a new mindset and that takes a bit of time to get used to. Start now to measure your portions and count on yourself for restriction until your fills start to kick in. Remember, it may take a few fills before the band restriction really begins to help. Practicing that kind of portion control will help you drop pounds as you are awaiting that elusive "sweet spot." Good Luck as you begin this wonderful journey!
  9. JoannMarie

    New 60+ Thread

    You may be on to something, Doddie! Neither of my doctors had an explanation, so your's already sounds better than their's. It makes sense to me. Being up and around seems to get the water moving - after coffee and the water it takes to wash down Vitamins, I am often lighter than when I first get up. Right now it is 10:20am and my hands indicate no water retention there. PCP suggested if there is no shortness of breath, chest pain, or other such symptoms, not to worry about it. I won't worry - but sure wish the pounds would go away. It's been 2 weeks w/no loss right now, and I'm just a little frustrated. I just stay with the program and figure I will eventually get back on track. Thanks for your words of wisdom! from BOTH of you!
  10. JoannMarie

    Do you have a December Date?

    Trina, you are doing great! Congratulations on the weight loss, the result of hard work and band help!
  11. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    That does sound good! I almost wish we could cruise to Korea - you make it sound so luxurious, Phyll. I doubt if the flight is going to have the same ambiance... even though much faster!
  12. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    OMW, Phyll. You are so funny!! AND SO RIGHT!!
  13. JoannMarie

    Christian bandsters

    I agree with Dal - call your doctor for an appointment. You might need a bit of a fill to provide you with more restriction. You say you have not lost weight in the last 4 months, have you lost inches? Your band could be loosening because the fat pad around your stomach (under the band) could be shrinking. I wonder if your doc meant your band was full, or if he meant you simply had too much at that fill. Please make an appointment and ask about this. Your band can't help you if it is not maintained. Also, make sure you are getting plenty of Protein - it may help you stay satisfied for a longer time.
  14. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    You are too late Apples - that was last summer when Janet and her Lucky #7 buddies went to Celebrate their one year anniversary at MOA. I THINK she had fun... hahaha I had a really good day with friends. Red Lobster was easy - I had baked tilapia, included salad, broccoli, and potatoes. A few small bites of potatoes, same with broccoli, about half the tilapia, and half the salad. I was comfortably full. The friends were great and we had a nice time together. It's hard not seeing them every day - we have all moved in different directions. 2 are still at the company, 2 retired, the rest (4) have moved on to different jobs. The pharmaceutical industry is crazy - as are all the others - except for the two of us who are retired, the rest are still in clinical research in one capacity or another. Tonight other friends called and we met for pizza. I had 2 small pieces of pizza and a tiny salad. We sure did bring a lot home. My GF - the skinny little b**** - ate half a med pizza! She lost about 30 pounds 20 years ago after her 2nd child and has never put any back on! Of course, she has an aerobics class every day. and the half pizza could have been the only thing she ate today... It's so nice to have nice weekend and hubby around to play with. Lori - part time at BassPro would be great for your DH! He would love your discount and therefore appreciate you even more than he does now. They have lots of cute clothes, too. Several pieces may be going to Korea with me next month.
  15. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Just checking in this Saturday morning. Nice temps in Kansas City today, with some rain and thundershowers over the next several days - sure signs of spring on the way. I have a birthday lunch to go to today - I get together with some of my former work friends to Celebrate our birthdays - 6 or 7 of us scattered through the year. It's always fun to catch up with everybody. Since DH went back to work last year (at BassPro, Long! - those are my favorite jeans, too - esp since I get his employee discount!) I spend a lot of time alone during the week. I enjoy his days off as much as he does - having somebody besides Jack (the dog) to play with is kinda nice. Jack thinks so, too. DH does much more interesting things than I do - and outside, to boot! Our lunch is at Red Lobster today. I'm going to check their menu on-line to see what would be best for me. I don't have a problem with salads, but obviously can't eat very much and they don't hold well when I bring them home. I'll probably go for a grilled fish or shrimp and some vegies. Does anybody have a favorite menu item there? We do small and inexpensive gifts for each other - kinda just a remembrance kind of thing. This year my gift to each is a bar of handmade soap scented with herbs (not made by me) wrapped in a hand-knitted cotton washcloth (made by me). They are quick and easy to knit, and the soap smells really G-O-O-D. Even the gift bag smells good! I've had exercise issues lately. The arthritis is flaring up, but the bike is downstairs waiting for me, and I have not been faithful to it (therefore to me). Only about 3 weeks before the trip - I am hereby commiting to 4 days a week on the bike or at the gym between now and Apr 7. Formal exercise while on our trip may be even more of an issue, but I will do the best I can with it. Surely chasing a 2-year old will help some! I hope everyone has a great weekend. Janet - I wish you a wonderful cruise with the kids. Have a great time!
  16. JoannMarie

    New 60+ Thread

    Phyll, have your losses been better since you are so tight? I am quite a bit tighter, too - and I know I am not eating more than I should (CAN'T!). Yet my losses have not improved. I am struggling with the same 1 1/2 pounds up and down all week, basically have lost 1-2 pounds since this fill 3 weeks ago. This was my pattern with no restriction - I had hoped for better results when I had better restriction (like now!). I am not going to have any more fills till I return from our trip in May. I retain Water at night and feel a little bit waterlogged every morning. I discussed this with both surgeon and my private physician and neither thought it was an issue because I have no other symptoms that would indicate a problem. All my labs came back great last week. I am drinking 60-80 oz of water daily, calories between 800-1100 daily. I have been eating some carbs - thinking I might cut those out. I do get plenty of Protein. Any suggestions? Thanks, Babe! You are such a trouper! :tt2:
  17. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    WG - Long said it very well. It's a lot easier to practice restraint when you are banded because you simply cannot eat as much as you can unbanded. Most of us didn't KNOW when we were full - and consequently didn't stop eating when we should. The band helps you stop eating when you are full. It is definitely a learning process. For me - the best benefit of the band is that it will help me maintain my healthy weight once I have lost the excess and reached my goal. I've lost over and over in my adult life - never able to keep the weight off because I did not change my eating habits permanently. If you read the posts of our friends on this thread who are at goal, you will see that they have been able to maintain their losses. It STILL takes the conscious effort to eat healthy and exercise (and practice restraint), or you will gain the weight back. The BAND helps you to do that, but you have to do your part, too. It is not a magic bullet - simply a tool to help you reach a healthy weight and stay there. Please don't go into this expecting an overnight miracle. It is still hard work - but with the added probability of lifelong success if you follow the rules of healthy eating and exercise.
  18. JoannMarie

    Christian bandsters

    DaMomb, your posts are very inspiring to me. I had not thought of this process in quite the same way, but your words open my eyes to the reality of my weight issue. Thank you.
  19. Don - it sounds like you are doing well. Your swelling should be down by now - it's been about 6 days since your fill. You should be able to eat between 1/2 and 1 cup of food at least - and definitely be able to eat solid Protein (meat) by cutting small pieces and chewing it to liquid. 3-4 oz of protein per meal eaten first, then your lowcarb vegies, and last any starches (if you have room). Your losses with the help of this fill are really good. I have good restriction right now, too - but still losing slowly. I think that is just my pattern. I am supposed to go in tomorrow for another fill, but I think I will pass this one up. My restriction is pretty good, as I said, and DH and I are going out of the country (to Korea to visit with DD and her family who are posted there with the Army) for the month of April. I would rather be a little bit looser than to be too tight during and after the long flights to get there and home again. I don't need a lot of help to keep things under control. Keep up your good work!
  20. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Elayne, I have the Realize band, too. I don't see a real difference as far as weight loss, food problems, etc. Either band is a great weight loss and maintenance tool as long as you follow the guidelines about healthy food, small portions, and exercise. I have not had any problems with foods getting stuck. I have good restriction since my 3rd fill two weeks ago. Overall, I've been happy with it. Talk to your surgeon about fill philosophy - my doctor gave me my first fill (3cc) 5 weeks from surgery, then 2cc (4 weeks later), 1cc (3 weeks later). The object is to give you some restriction, but not so much you will bring everything back up. It takes a while to find that right spot for you and everyone is different. I'm sorry to hear of your family difficulties. It can be hard to stay focused when you have those problems in the background all the time. I am a needlework fanatic, too - primarily quilting, but I do love to knit. Since my quilting is 98% machine work now, the knitting is my evening and quiet time pleasure. I look forward to it every day.
  21. JoannMarie

    Hard time deciding

    I have not seen any stats that show a slower weight loss over a period of time with Realize. I am finding my losses to be right in the middle of the losses of other people banded in December. I have a goal for myself - to be a healthy weight and have a normal BMI. I just had bloodwork done last week, and my cardiac profile is excellent, liver functions normal, blood sugar normal. I guess I am just not concerned about losing fast as long as I am losing consistently and my overall health is improving. I have read that gastric bypass has a faster rate of loss at the beginning, but over a 5 year period the band produces weight losses that are about equal to bypass.
  22. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Hearing all these discussions about negativity - it seems to come from everywhere, doesn't it? It's very discouraging. I was very lucky to have the parents I had - they were both very positive people and supported me in everything, though I am sure they wondered at some of my decisions as I became an adult... probably later on, too! Heck - sometimes I wonder about my decisions, too! Lori, I don't think you should try to defend your decisions to your mother. When she starts with the "you'll never keep it off - you have not changed your eating habits..." or her criticism du jour, just tell her you are following the guidelines your surgeon has given you (you are even the poster girl!!!), you are losing the weight you need to lose, and the band is designed to help you maintain your loss. You appreciate her concern, but you will not discuss the issue with her again because she does not understand the process and will not listen to you when you try to explain it. At that point walk away. Every time she brings it up, tell her your appreciate her concern, but you have said it all, and will not discuss with her again. TELL her that her negativity hurts you. Eventually she will get the point, or maybe not, but that does not matter. You must not give your mother the opportunity to hurt you again and again. You do not deserve that treatment and should not accept it. My MIL was a very negative person, and of course DH was raised in that house. His brother is a mess, thanks to that method of parenting. DH fights it all the time. He is very positive and supportive with me and his children and grandchildren, but not with himself. Lori - that is what you have to fight. You will be positive with your husband and children, but you have to see yourself in the light you deserve. You are an amazing, beautiful, strong woman - and you inspire all of us. Please don't allow your mother's words make you feel GUILTY! PJ - you are doing a great job. Ignore what you can, but don't allow your mom's remarks make you feel bad about yourself. You are doing a great job, following the plan - and you are in ONDERLAND!! How great is that??? I am hearing NOTHING from DS, DIL - and the DD here in town has only noticed when I shopped with her for something new and smaller. On the other hand - DD overseas has seen me only on Skype - and says my face is THIN! (far from true, but it is thinnER.) That's just the way it is. I'm okay with it. However - when I'm at the 100 pound mark!!!! That may be a different story! I love you guys... You are all beautiful!
  23. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Velvet, I find if I am hungry too early and just have to have something, I have something small that is Protein - like a cheese stick or jerkey. Low in calories, but the protein will help keep your blood sugar level and will stay with you until your next scheduled meal. You could also try having some extra protein with your oatmeal in the morning - a piece of Canadian bacon, turkey sausage, hard boiled egg, turkey bacon, even a few walnuts in the oatmeal. Think low fat protein with that oatmeal.
  24. JoannMarie

    Hard time deciding

    Hi Sherry, I know people have been very successful with either band. Your success will depend on how well you follow the rules of eating healthy, small portions, and exercise - these are the same for either Allergan band or Realize. I have the Realize band, banded on Dec 4th, and I have lost approx 31 pounds. I will soon be 67, and I know everyone worries about losing significant weight at my age. My doctor does both bands, and originally she offered either band to me. When it came time to make the decision, however, recommended the Realize for me. She says she has seen better results in people my age - not necessarily faster weight loss, but fewer problems with the ability to eat certain foods, fewer port problems. She also knows I am a computer oriented person and would make use of the website Realize offers. I will say I have had very good luck with this band. I am 3 1/2 months out - have lost 31 pounds. This is not esp fast weight loss, but fast is not what I am looking for. I am confident I will meet my goal, and I don't have to make it in the next 6 months! It has taken 3 fills for me to feel good restriction. 3cc, then 2cc, then 1cc - spaced 3-4 weeks apart. At 6cc for the last 2 weeks I feel nicely restricted, able to eat small portions with satisfaction. I have not had any issues with any particular food. I can eat salad vegetables, any meat, rice - all things some others have trouble with. I have avoided bread - tend to retain Water with carbs - but last week tried 1/2 sandwich on whole wheat bread. The bread tended to get stuck a little, so I probably will not have that bread again. I've had a few breads that have not been a problem. I like the website, have tracked my foods and exercise with it early on. It has good tips and an appointment reminder that are helpful. I confess I'm not using it much in the last several weeks, but I will keep up the weight and measurement charts. It is encouraging to see the inches go away... I think the process of applying the band is similar with either band. The port application is different with the Realize band, but that's one of the things my doctor likes about Realize. I will say the port area is painful for a longer time with Realize because of the way it attaches (as explained by the PA at surgeon's office). I still feel it if I bend over just right, but it is no longer painful. As I said above, I believe either band will work for you as long as you follow the guidelines of banding. I think Obesityhelp.com has a comparison article you might find helpful. You can be successful with either band.
  25. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    PJ - we leave for Seoul early on April 7th. It will be a long day in the air - about 20 hours total (that includes the layover time in Denver and San Francisco). The overseas leg is almost 13 hours. DH is staying 2 weeks and I am staying a month - continuing to play grandma, of course. We will sure be happy to have them back in the States when this tour is over this summer. A 4 or 5 hour flight will be nothing then! I am excited to see their little family! DD saw the doctor yesterday - I'm anxious to hear from her about how baby is doing. He has been very busy in there - probably getting pretty crowded by now. I would call, but it's 4:45am there - they probably would not appreciate a call from me now. I've been working on his baby quilt - have the top done and the backing is pieced. I will probably starting quilting on it tomorrow, should not take many hours as I am not going to quilt it densely, just some outlining and cloud shapes. I will post some pictures when it is finished. Helene, ditto on the advice about taking care of yourself. Your mother and your youngest daughter owe you at least an apology! Is it HER daughter you babysit for? If so, she owes you BIG TIME! and who would be driving your mother and father everywhere if you were not there to do it? Rest - heal - pamper yourself in any way you can. You deserve it. Hugs to all,

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