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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JoannMarie

  1. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Laura, I don't know what is going on with me, but I have not had a problem with that awful feeling of deprivation lately. I had my 4th fill in early June, only .5cc, but from that day on I have had a completely different feeling about the food around me. I have no idea if that fill has something to do with it, or if it was just the right time for a paradigm shift. Is that the change that comes with the "sweet spot?" I don't know. I do know I have been able to be a little more adventurous, attending some of the food activities of summer, occasionally trying some things I had stayed away from, and able to keep everything under control much more easily than I've ever done before - and w/o feeling deprived. I think that's the reason I tried the ice cream. Also the reason it was easy to throw it away when it was obvious even the small serving/day was sabotaging me. I wonder if you will find it easier to branch out a little after you have been banded a bit longer. I do think we need to have a treat occasionally - and learn to make it just OCCASIONALLY. I remember Long talking about the chicken strips once a week. She found out she was satisfied with just 2 rather than 5 - but the key was once a week. I think part of it has to do with looking back over the last several months and seeing how far we have come. It becomes much more important to keep doing the right stuff and moving the process along. I have had several donations out the door to charities, and in going through my closet last night I am preparing to dump almost everything currently in my closet. I am reaching the last 3 pairs of jeans in smaller sizes - tried the 16s on last night and they fit - snug, but they zipped (and I didn't have to lay down on the bed to make them zip!!). Joey's Closet Boutique will be closing soon and I will be at the mercy of the retailers and their sale prices. I'll be visiting the same charities I am now donating to, and spending my money there! I am lucky that hubby works at Bass Pro and I get a discount there on the Bass Pro labels. I like their jeans and tops - and that is what I mostly wear. TIP: A friend of mine has been shopping at a "charity" shop for years. It is the one to which the members of the Kansas City Junior League donate. Now, much of the clothing there is small sizes (yes, my friend probably weighs 90 pounds dripping wet and with rocks in her pockets), but not everything is, and for those of you who are at or below goal and wearing those small sizes, you might look into that type of thrift store. I am planning to do that when I am closer to the magic number. She has found beautiful Peruvian hand knit sweaters (sell for the $500-$800 range) for $25, gorgeous wool pants and skirts for $5-$8. The pieces are beautifully made and have been worn once or twice. I hope everyone has a great weekend and a fun Fourth of July. Thank a soldier, police officer, firefighter. My special thanks to to Chief Todd and LTC Jim. I have a special soft spot for them...
  2. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Okay Moochie - Janet and Apples are both on vacation this weekend, so it's just us. I'm not quite midpoint in this journey, so I don't have the expertise of Janet or Apples, but I have enough experience to tell you what you may not want to hear. You need to get your head in this, girlfriend. This is not an appetite issue for you, is it? It sounds more like old habits hanging on and getting in your way. Meredith had a good idea and it would be the first thing I would tell you. GET THE JUNK OUT OF YOUR HOUSE. If it's not there you can't eat it. Clean out the cabinets and the refrigerator and throw the stuff out. Go to the grocery and buy the food you are supposed to eat. This does not mean you can't have Snacks - 60 calorie pudding cups, sugar free popsicles and fudgecicles, low fat popcorn, etc. Don't even go down the ice cream aisle. You don't need that, girl, and it is sabotaging you. Protein first - chicken, fish, shrimp, scallops, turkey, lean beef, lean pork - lots of choices there. Vegies - grean, yellow, and leafy as in spinach, swiss chard, etc. Fruit - all those beautiful fresh berries and summer fruits. eggs - cheese (look for low fat) - cottage cheese (low-fat). All of your meals should be protein first (3-4 oz) then vegies and/or fruit, last of all the high carb foods in very small amounts. 3/4 to 1 cup per meal. If you must snack, make it protein (South Beach bars, the ones that are 140 calories and 10g protein), jerkey, string cheese, etc. Save the pudding cup for the evening if you must have something sweet. WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN. It keeps you honest. Try to stay between 800-1100 calories a day, with 60-80 grams of protein. There are websites that help you track everything, but I find it easier to just keep a notebook and a book that counts calories and gms of protein, carbs, fat, etc. I just track the food, calories, and protein. Whatever works for you! I think your doctor is leveling with you. I was banded on Dec 4th, just a couple of days after you. I have 6.5cc in my band, and I am down 45 pounds, so really close to you. I consider myself a slow loser - since March I have averaged about a pound a week. My pattern is to lose and regain and relose the same 1 or 2 pounds for a week and a half or two - then drop 2 pounds. It is very frustrating, but I know it is Water retention in hot humid weather, swelling from arthritis, blah, blah, blah. I don't really care - I am headed in the right direction. As long as I follow the rules I will be okay. I bought low fat ice cream last week. It had decent numbers was really good. After 3 days of eating 1 serving a day I had gained 4 pounds (much more than the pattern!), and realized I was retaining water like crazy. hmmm. I guess I can't do that. I woke up the 4th morning, laying in bed looking at my swollen feet - got up and ran the rest of the ice cream down the garbage disposal. I can't tell you how GOOD that felt! It was absolutely liberating. Since then the water is gone and I have lost those 4 (but not the 2 pounds I am due this week!). I am done with ice cream. I have a hard time with exercise many days, but I do it anyway some days more strenuous than others. Walk. Swim. Walk in the water. Go shopping in a cool mall. Just get started and it will get easier. You can do this. As it was said earlier, remember why you did this. Remember how excited you were when you started this journey. You are 38 pounds lighter, and in my book that is pretty good. So it takes us a little longer. We are going to have this tool for a long time. There is no big rush. You will lose it and you will keep it off.
  3. JoannMarie

    Confused Lap Band vs. Realize Band

    Butterfly - you probably need a fill. My first fill was in January, 3cc - then 2nd was 2cc, third was 1cc, and .5cc last month. That leaves me with 6.5cc in my band, and I have very good restriction with that. I have heard from others who have needed 8cc or more before reaching a good level of restriction. Everyone is different and has different needs for the band to work properly. Give your doctor's office a call and schedule an appointment - try making it with the doctor to discuss your situation and set up a fill schedule if that is what he determines you need. Meanwhile - try going with a high protein, low carb diet. Protein helps to keep you full longer, add in low carb vegies and fruits, and stay away from "white" carbs such as potatoes, rice, pasta, and white breads. Watch your portions and try to keep your intake to 1 to 1 1/2 cup per meal. With good restriction you should be able to stay around 3/4 to 1 cup, but you are not there right now. Try to eat like you are there or as close as possible. The band is providing some restriction, even if the saline level is not right yet, so eat very slowly and be aware of your full feeling so you can stop eating at that point. The South Beach Diet is a good one to work with because it is high protein and low carb. It's most important to talk to your doctor and request a fill schedule so you can make the best use of your band. It is a tool, and it won't work well unless it is maintained. GOOD LUCK!
  4. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Orea, I know where you are coming from with the "no-call" situation. Business HR departments leave a lot to be desired these days. It has been like that for years. When DH was looking in the late-90's it was the same thing. Now with internet applications that are insisted upon but never acknowledged, and interviews that seem like they never happened - WTH??? It is shameful. Hopes and prayers continue from all of your friends...
  5. JoannMarie

    New 60+ Thread

    LOVE the picture, Karen! You look gorgeous!! It must have been fun to get the new drivers license. I'm going to have to lose quite a few more pounds to match the weight listed on mine! Whenever I've renewed it, the lady at the counter has smiled and suggested my weight was still the same. I just didn't argue - I knew I would make it true some day - and maybe before the next license was due... This time it will happen! YAY! Happy 4th of July to everyone. Fly your flags and celebrate America!
  6. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Long - that might be a good question for Alex... I rec'd a post from the beta site, too - and posted there. ????
  7. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    So glad to hear you are back and banded, Meredith! You sound like you are doing well - and will be back to regular activities sooner than you can imagine. As with everyone else -remember this is your time for healing. You might not lose much - some do, some don't - but don't worry either way. Follow the doctor's rules to the letter, lots of fluids, walk for some mild exercise, and relax. and come back here so we can give you a hard time. Somebody's gotta do it, right? You are beautiful, girlfriend...
  8. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Pangea - what type of food are you eating? Are you on full liquids? Are you allowed to eat "mushie" type food (cottage cheese, casserole consistency)? Or have you graduated to "real" food? You will find if you eat a higher protein diet, you will stay satisfied longer and have less hunger between meals. If you are still on mushie foods it will be a little harder to prevent the hunger, but you can do it. Tuna and/or salmon salad, cottage cheese, other soft cheeses, scrambled eggs, yogurt, oatmeal (the weight control instant oatmeal is WONDERFUL), egg salad, soft fish like baked tilapia, lowfat refried beans, casseroles that use ground chicken or turkey (cook the chicken or turkey first - then put it through the food processor or blender w/a little broth - then add to your other casserole ingredients like cooked potatoes or sweet potatoes, soft vegetables, a little lowfat canned gravy for texture and flavor, then bake for 30 min or so). When you can eat real food, stay with 3-4 oz protein (beef, chicken, turkey, fish, other low fat meats) eaten first, followed by a small amount of vegetables and/or fruit, and if you still have room you can have a tiny amount of potato or rice if your band will tolerate those (some bands are not potato or rice friendly). Many people cannot eat bread - I can, but have to be very careful, and generally don't have it because I believe it's more important to have the protein and I am full with meat and vegie. NO white bread - if you eat bread, make it whole wheat. You HAVE to think about the nutritional value of your food more than ever before. You will not be eating much, you must be sure you are getting the most healthy bang for every bite. This all assumes you can have mushies or real food. If you are on full liquids, it's a different game. The protein drinks won't do much for keeping your "pouch" full because it goes right through the pouch - if that is what you have to eat now, eat more often. Don't worry about 3-4 hours or anything else like that at this point. Until you are allowed more substantial food, you should not worry about eating only at "mealtimes." When you are hungry it is mealtime. Watch for the "full" signal and stop. DRINK the tea and other liquids all day. After your healing process is done and you can go to soft foods or mushies, it will be safe to go with the foods listed above. The band will not keep you from being hungry! You will get hungry when your stomach is empty - usually 3-4 hours. The band is a tool that helps you to keep from eating more volume of food at a meal than you should. It's all about portion control. You still will get hungry - just have to eat the right foods in smaller amounts - and the band will help with that. If your doctor gave you any printed information about your eating plan, be sure you read it and follow the instructions they give you. You are only a couple of weeks out and you are in the middle of the healing process. It's not time to think about losing weight - just healing. Ask any questions you can think of - lots of people on this thread and we're happy to help if we can.
  9. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Congratulations Lori! You look great - conquered the mountain! We are so proud of you... About a gun vs bear? #1 - a bill was just passed to allow concealed carry in national parks. But people should check with the park they are planning to visit to find out the particular timing for the law and local park rules. Up until the passage of that bill firearms were illegal in national parks no matter how many bears or other meat-eating animals there were roaming around. #2 - if you are afraid you will have to use a firearm on a bear??? Make sure you have a very big gun and are a crack shot - they have hard heads, thick coats, and a shot that does not kill will just make them mad (not good). DH had a black bear stick his head in the entry door of his tent once in northern MN. Grunted and growled a bit, but did not smell any food in there so he turned around and left. DH was just glad he was not the food. He had a large caliber pistol pointed at the bear's nose during the incident, and a knife in the other hand - to be used to cut his way out of the other end of the tent! Fortunately, neither action was required. He waited till he was sure the bear was gone, then locked himself in the truck for the rest of the night. I'm surprised the bear got into your car, too. Obviously it smelled all that good food in there, but you were storing that food as the park rangers advise - NOT in your tent, but in a vehicle.
  10. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Long - soon we will be addressing you as "Great." Bet you will like the sound of that... Good luck on those steps, girlfriend. You will do a GREAT job! Peas - send me a friend request on FB - I'll be watching for Laura (or peas??). Joann Haley Farley. Meredith - I have probably missed you till after you are safely home and recovering. Know that my thoughts are with you today. You are starting on an incredible journey and it's an honor to travel the road with you. and all my other LB friends. Thank you all for your caring support.
  11. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Message from DH - "We have a big tent, but I'll be happy to buy you one if you want it." Thanks, honey - I'll just share yours. We have more thunderstorms tonight - last night was rough and here we go again. I am hoping it will cool things off a little, but not holding my breath.
  12. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    I don't think I will even pass that along to DH. He works there, you know - and would probably finagle his employee discount off the sale price, which would make it irresistable. Ah well, it might as well be a big tent as anything else... Might as well stock up on outdoor equipment while he's working there - at least that's what he tells me...
  13. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Oh Lori - our husbands should meet each other! It wouldn't do to exchange the cots for smaller ones - ya gotta get a bigger tent! That is exactly what my hubby would do. I am now forewarned - if he comes home from work with new cots AND a new tent I won't be at all surprised.
  14. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    OMW, Lori! I can't wait to see the picture of you in that T-shirt. My hubby has been talking about a tent camping trip - it's been a long time, and (like you) I don't think I can sleep on the ground! But I'm getting ready to give this a try - prerequisite is the cot! We are headed to Bennett Spring and our camping trailer this weekend. It is HOT here - and very humid - so hiking may not be on the agenda at this time. With the hot humid summers in MO, we are totally different campers now - we (meaning me) like that air conditioning and that indoor potty! I am excited for you and anxious to hear about the adventure. I know how the knee is - but you have probably strengthened the surrounding muscle structure with your workouts to the point where it may not be an issue for you. It may not feel great the next day, though, as the joint may react more after a few hours. Take along the pain medication of choice so you can get some good rest after your climb. Congrats on the great NSVs you had at the support group meeting. It tells me that maybe you should just not worry about that last 10 - with your LB tool in place, your healthy food habits, and your exercise, that 10 pounds is going to go it's going to go away all by itself without you worrying about it. After all, you are normal!! And the name? I was just kidding... Nobody else can be Long2BThin!
  15. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Long - I like Great2BThin. Longnomore - sounds like you are no longer tall! You deserve a new screen name! Can I have your old one??? Apples - and others - on FB I am Joann Haley Farley. Send me a friend request (let me know your name, too - I get some I don't know and I am hesitant...) I don't do games much 'cause I would be on the computer 24/7 and I would never get ANYTHING else done. But I like friends...
  16. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    56??? How do they come up with that barrier??? I know some of the docs in our area have 65 as a limit, in fact the facility I went to limits at 65. But they have a waiver option if the doctor feels you are a good candidate though over 65. That's how I qualified for my surgery at age 66. Keep looking in your area if you can, and appeal with your insurance company or employer if that is possible. Medicare pays for banding, and since they began to cover this surgery, many other ins companies have joined the "band"wagon. Often it depends on whether or not your employer chooses weight loss treatments of any kind and many don't. Some have changed that if presented with the positive aspects of WLS - such as lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis (knee and hip surgeries), and other diseases caused by obesity - expensive to treat and bringing about more disability claims at younger ages. The studies showing this and other benefits convinced Medicare to cover about 3 years ago. There is a group in Detroit (I think it's Detroit) that treats Medicare patients - most likely they will treat those over 56, too, whether MC or not. I can't remember the name, but try googling LB surgery in Detroit and see if you come up with it. I've heard from several people who have gone to them and been happy with their surgery and aftermath. Not an endorsement, but just a suggestion for more research. Also, on the December 2008 thread there are some who traveled to Mexico and were happy with their experience. Last I heard Florida Pete was one of them. I have not heard from him for a while, so I don't know how he is doing now. (thread - Do you have a December date?) Possibly you could PM him for more information. I hope this helps. Over 56 is ridiculous - Look at the success on this thread. It can certainly be done and safely.
  17. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    OLD BROAD??? No longer BROAD - and a h*** of a lot younger!!! Sorry, Janet - that does not compute! :thumbup::rolleyes2::thumbup:
  18. JoannMarie

    Do you have a December Date?

    Vickie - here's how I look at it: We are all going to end up at the same place! Follow the rules, i.e. eat right, hydrate, exercise, be active in your daily life, have fun. Folks who start out heavier usually lose faster in the first months and slow down a bit as they go along, and we all end up with a healthy BMI, a stronger heart, improved pain symptoms, less diabetes (sometimes GONE), feel much better - and the bonus is WE LOOK GOOD! The best part is we have a tool that will continue to help us maintain our new weight as long as we continue to follow those rules. I don't know about you, but I think it is going to be much easier to continue with the rules when I feel so much better and exercise is not the issue it was when I weighed 250 pounds and could hardly walk because of pain in my knees, ankles, and feet. I think about maintenance a lot - and I think we need to be aware of that. We can still eat around this band and we can still fall back into the old exercise habit of walking to the couch and sitting down. Having had to wait so long for the band taught me one thing - prepare for the next step. It all has to become just simply your new way of life. You are doing great!
  19. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Janet, Green must have been posting here before I started with this group, so I did not know her. I am so sorry for your loss - it is so hard to lose a friend. Cancer is such a terrible disease and seems to strike the brightest and the best. Continue to pray for a cure...
  20. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Most doctors recommend 4-6 weeks before weights are used, but that's something you should check with your doctor about. Mine said 6 weeks. Walking is recommended right away - as tolerated - after surgery. You will feel better and heal faster if you get some mild exercise in the days following your surgery - here again, go with doctor's recommendations. Those evening strolls with hubby will be great for the first few weeks, and then you will probably want to increase the pace gradually. Before long you will have a good exercise routine established. As you lose pounds the exercise will become easier and a lot more enjoyable. I bought a WiiFit over the weekend and I've been enjoying those games. It's the kind of thing you can do at home during the most convenient times for you - and several times a day if you want to. It's a good addition to more strenuous workouts, keeps you up and active, and that's always good.
  21. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Welcome, Nawlinzlady! It's a good group around here. Congratulations on you insurance approval. Please remind yourself age is just a number, it's your attitude and your confidence that determines your mental and emotional age. There are several on this thread who are over 60 (myself included), and the younger chicks have not kicked us off yet. The healthy food and increased exercise is making me younger, I swear! I feel so much better, my severe arthritis is under better control, and I can enjoy camping and hiking activities my hubby and I have always loved. The years ahead of you will be more worthwhile and more fun if you work toward a healthier body now. Good luck to you.
  22. JoannMarie

    How Many cc's in your band and how is

    I had the same experiences with the 1st and 2nd fills (total of 5cc). Restriction for a few days, then none to very little. I asked the surgeon - her response was - it's due to the swelling that occurs with a fill. The swelling is helping provide restriction for a few days, then as it goes down the restriction goes with it. You just have not reached your "sweet spot." With my 3rd fill (another 1cc) I finally got to a good point and did not lose the restriction when the swelling was gone. That was Mar 2nd. I had another .5cc June 3rd, and it is perfect. After the second fill my doctor will schedule them 2 weeks apart if you need to. They just have to go slowly - everyone is different when it comes to restriction, and if they go too fast you can end up with problems of vomiting, reflux, and worse stuff. I have an appointment for mid August and I will go in - but don't know if I will need another fill. If so - I'm sure it will be very small. Good luck! I know it's hard but try to be patient. Watch your portions and do as much as you can on your own. You will still lose weight, and the best is yet to come.
  23. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    There's a whole bunch of us here, Cassieme1. Tell us about yourself... Lots of supportive people post here.
  24. JoannMarie

    Do you have a December Date?

    Same for me... I always have to shorten pants, and afraid by the time I get them shortened they are already too big... Glad to have capri's this time of year as I don't have to shorten them. I'm really happy with my loss - I have always been a slow loser, but it's headed in the right direction and I feel so much better than last year at this time. I found WiiFit at Costco on Friday and have been having lots of fun with it. My knees have not complained so far.
  25. JoannMarie

    Do you have a December Date?

    Sarah - my congratulations!!! You must be so excited about the change in your life! Good for you, girlfriend!

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