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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by michelle43mi

  1. The perfect fill takes some time! And then we lose some weight and then that fill may not be the one any more,this isnt a race it took a while to put it on it takes a while to get it off,ups and downs, losses and stalls,but if we follow the rules we can do great! Patients and positivity are the bands best friend.

  2. I can not belive it will be 7 years since my journey began! My lapband is my best friend ,all my life like a lot of you have struggled with weight issues,my issues stopped the day i was given my lapband,thoughout the 7 years i have had 6 fills,oh i have the old band that holds 4 cc,i have had 3 unfills for a few surgerys. It took about 2 years to go from280,260 @ surgery to 127 ,i have had 1 set back of weight gain of 30 pounds because i was on prednisone for 8 months this last year but i have made it back i am @ 145 today,the band is always there for me. In the beginning i had a few slimes and a few upchucking but i learned,i never deprived my self of my love of Cookies or icecream i had them at least twice a week sometimes more,i followed my rules of no drinking,chew chew chew,i do not eat bread, crackers yes breads no,i do not eat rice,or Pasta, except once in a blue moon and i cheat 4 times year@ red lobster i have my long islands while i eat alot lol! I have not had any issues through my 7 years, but last month bad chest pains ,it looks like i have a hernia that is pushing on my band andd that is now pushing on a nerve and on my diaphame,doc says because i have lost the weight i have that he has to remove my band and also says because he sees so much scar tissue that he cant replace my band. I am the saddest person in the world right now! The dr says i can do the sleeve so the even smallest thought of regaining all my weight is just out of the question so i said yes to the sleeve,surgery is nov 21st, doc also said once he is in and if scar tissue doesnt look as bad as it did on film he will fix everything and leave my band! I am praying fr that very hard. Sorry so long of post and for not being on the boards like i used to be, i should have stayed and helped othhers for that i am a bad bandster.

  3. Ok here goes i have been doing so good im at 1.2 for a fill in a 4 cc i have excellent restriction i get in about 1000 - 1200 calories a day mostly i do salads and chicken and staek turkey nothing fried i also do my vegies but not a lot of starches or carbs i dont do well with bread Pasta or rice i don't snack except on sat when i have my popcorn treat i get about 100 ounces of Water a day ~ im really never hungry . heres my thing in the last month i have not lost 1 pound????? or inches! i have gone from a size 16 to a size 12 in pants my question is how can you not lose inches or weight but still lose pants sizes? i do exercise every day for about an hour i do whats called DDR dance dance revolution its a playstation game and it kicks my butt. if any one has a clue please let me know! its great to lose the pant sizes but ...i would love to see the scale go down too! hubby says im too worried about #'s :faint:

  4. You said you had your fill on monday did your dr tell you to take it easy and do one day liquids then soft then slowly back to food? ? after i have a fill im always a bit swollen and my dr has me do liquids for a day then the soft then start slowly back to food this way the swelling will go down if you eat solids right after it can irratate and more swelling . im not a dr but thats how it has gone for me :confused: maybe for a day just let it rest with maybe some Soup or protien drink!


  5. last monday i went for my check up and dr said lets try one more small fill

    i was doing ok but not really losing and not staying full so he did .5 that put me to 1.5 in my 4 cc band did the liquids the rest of the day and the next day did full liquids then to soft but i notice tightness by then.. i wasnt feeling well on thurs or friday so i really didnt eat sat comes and i had a bit of hot Tomato Soup i really coudnt get soilds down so i thought ok maybe im a bit to tight or from not feeling welll.. so sunday morning came and i got up and was thirsty i really didnt realize i hadnt drank very much over the last couple days cause i was just sleeping a lot so any way i take a drink and YUP girgled it right back up so i tried again nothing would go down so i called dr and he said go to ER the chief or surgery came down and they did a swollow test TIGHT AS A DRUM! so they took out the .5 that my dr put in on monday and weeeeeeeeee Water went down no prob!~ i begged them not to take it all they wanted to i said i was fine before the last fill no probs so they let me keep it. Im feeling much better now they said i was very dyhydrated and that prob why i wasnt feeling well I guess you really need to learn to listen to your body with this new tool .. Time to really start paying attention!


  6. im doing ddr (dance dance revolution ) basicly its a playstation game you stand on a pad and follow the screen on th tv and it whips my ass lol mostly cardio! hm calories i dont really count but here is my basic food 1 small chicken leg half cup vegies or steak or fish or turkey nevr bigger than a deck of cards carbs maybe a half of baked potato once or twice a week .and im allowed 10 nuts for a snack a few times a week i hate fruit so i dont do that. now as far as inches hmm i have to say yeah i notice a big diference when i started i was a size 18- 20 and as of monday im a 14 pant even got into my 13 mudd jeans (they have some stretch to them) but i still can wear them and they arent tight! shirts i went from a 2x to a L and bra froma 44 d to a 38 d LOL damn i guess i cant complain about that stuff at all ! but why doesnt the scales move at all??? hmm maybe i should just hush up and be gratefull huh!:guess

  7. OK quick question ! last week you all helped me by telling me smaller bites chew chew so i didnt get tht stuck feeling and IT WORKED! my thing is now.. and i dont mean to be a whiner! but it has been a few weeks since last fill and i feel restriction cant eat much at a time only eat 3 times a day protien first then vegies no junk i have been very strict ! Never really hungry but i eat my 3 meals morning is just a protien shake . that holds me for a long time then i have to remind my self to eat . any way i havnt lost 1 pound since the second fill????? what am i doing wrong? i also exercise once a day on my ddr and i clean houses for my job i do 3 a day and they are about 4000 sq ft that in itself is exhausting! any suggestions?????:help: OHH AND YES I DRINK MY Water !

  8. TY TY for all your advice ....yesterday i tried the itybity bites and the putting down the fork and that has worked sooo well. im still very restricted but now i dont get that pain :clap2: I guess we get used to those big giant bites and shovling it in from preband days that when i tried small i guess it was still big LOL! im learing and with your help i will make it! Thank you all again


  9. Ok i was banded on jan 18th im doing pretty good im down about 40 pounds i got my second fill a week and a half ago and i think its a good one i get full very quick and feel satisfied my question is How small of a bite should we be taking ??? small like you would give a baby ? i have been using a small shrimp fork but every time i take a bite i get this heavy chest feeling stuck but not really.... i have never pb'd or slimed or thrown up but that chest thing hurts for about 3 or 4 seconds i have slowed down inbetween bites but maybe not enough ?????? any suggestions would be awsome! i was thinking maybe i needed an unfill im at 1cc in the smaller size band. i would :eek:hate to do that seeing that i finally do not feel hungry all the time and i have to remind my self to eat!

  10. Ok i know i was soo distraught last time i posted after my first fill and that was 3 weeks ago . SO i went today for second fill havnt weighed since last one i lost a whole 2 pounds. which i will take but i was a bit discouraged because i have been watching everything that i put in my mouth following the dieticians bible and exercising like a mad woman mostly cardial. so we get into the room and they measure you LOW AND BEHOLD! i have lost a total of 12 inches of junk in my trunk ! and 8 off my belly i couldnt belive it i know things have been fitting a bit different and i really havnt tried on other cloths just my sweats im a home body. i was just very excited. so dr gives me another .05 which gives me 1cc now and said if i dont loss at least 2 pounds a week the next 2 weeks to call and make another appt!I hope this fill helps a bit more cause im so hungry, i know it takes a few and i know i have to be patient and yes i lost inches whoo hoooooo but i would love to see the #'s go down too. call me greedy LOL


  11. My kids are now older ages 31 29 21 19 16 16 14 and when they were about 2 i started telling them not to pick their noses because if they did their eyeballs would pop out and my grandfather had a glass eye he would put his finger in his nose and POP IT LOL i never had a problem with boogies after that .

  12. im 5 2 and a quarter (lol) i was 215 at the start my journey i bounce back and forth 198 - 215 for the last 4 years being so short it was effecting my heart ended up on insulin and my joints hurt all the time ! either way short or tall any extra weight can csause troubles ..my goal is basicly to get off meds be healthy and well yeah wouldnt mind being the skinny one for a change

  13. im not much of an exercise kinda gal so walking is boring tred mill boring weights boring so what i have found and i have been doing it for a while is DDR Dance Dance Revolution ~ its a game on the playstation that has a matt and you dance you butt off ! i sweat and my heart rate flys~ it even has a weight managment thing on it tell you what you burn you put in your weight and it tells you what you need to do . i tll you i get so into it i do it for 1.5 hours and have to make myself stop becuase its so much fun my kids play with me too .

  14. i called the office back and asked them to please help me understand.. this is what i was told. basicly she wants me to see her on the 15th to go over my new logs from now till then . and see if adjustments need to be made in my suggested diet. also said she will talk to dr on friday and see what he suggest on the fill dept . like i said i dont mind waiting on a fill i just dont get this DIET they have me on she said it is because my sugars were so high at beginning i was at 450 and on 2 oral meds and insuline. and they dont want me to crash out. right now im running any where from 60 -115 when i was there last week i was at 58 she changed a few things but i guess she wants to see how that is going. NOW I GET IT! i guess you have to talk to the right person:rolleyes

  15. i dont mind seeing the dieition but i just saw her last week gave her my logs ! she said i was doing great. i only eat what was givien to me in my booklet done for me by her! havnt induldged in anything im not suppose to . yeah going crazy but im the one who wanted to do this ! i guess my only complaint is that if giving me .05 fill and saying that it should kick in but doesnt and i need a small amount everytime thats great no prob! but to have to go back to dietition to get a revised DIET? go on it for a while then maybe a another fill?? I guess i dont understand that concept. :rolleyes

  16. Ok i had my first fill on friday today is tuesday and no change no nothing and that is ok i know it might take a few of them . so i called dr office and they want me to come and talk to dietition to go over what im eating ( been there done that 2 times now ) they said maybe they can change some of the things on my diet ! I DONT WANT A DIET ~! yes i know even though this is a tool i need to become a better eater but I say ok yes you need to change the way you eat because eating less when restricted you have to get in the things you need and thats great . so no more fill for me until i see dietition try the NEW DIET for a while and then see if they want to give me a another fill! Wasnt the purpose of this surgery to get a tool to reach a good restriction so i feel full on what my new way of eating will be??? im just soo seeing red right now! been sitting here crying for an hour just had to let it out


  17. Ok im 7 weeks out had my first fill last week ( really didnt do anything) so ill go back in a week for another one ! any way i was doing really good but yesterday i started having pain in my muscle that has the port on it ( i think its that muscle) i started exercising i bought DDR (dance dance revolution) and i sweat and my heart gets going pretty good with it . i hate walking or doing tread so i am trying this for now. but ever since i started doing it im getting pain more like sorness of the port area . DID any one else exsperiance this after starting exercise??? Also been having some weird muscle pain inbetween my breast bone if i press it it feels a bit better any thoughts would be great ! :eek:

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