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Posts posted by LA_lady

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I'm almost ashamed of putting this post out there because I swore I would not become one of these people!

    I'm 6 months out, down 60 pounds from 230 to 170. The sleeve has been the best thing I could have done for myself but I'm heading down a bad road now... The first 2-3 months I was doing everything right. Getting in my fluids, Proteins, Vitamins, etc. Lately I cannot stop eating bad food! Every time I do it I feel gross and regret it but then I do it again!

    Also I am hungry almost every hour of the day! Can't stop thinking of food. I eat very small amounts but find myself grazing alll day long. I have to walk around with Snacks (almonds, grapes, string cheese) in my purse because I get hungry so often.

    How can I stop this? The addiction is back and even though I'm still losing I know this is only going to get worse. Has anyone been bad like this and if so what did you do to get better? I'm feeling "lucky" that I eat whatever I want and still losing (at a very slow rate) but I know this will catch up with me eventually!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    LA lady - Did this problem resolve for you? I'm almost 5 weeks out now and the itching is getting intense. Only around my breasts mostly. No rash

    Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App

    My doc was not very helpful but after about a month it did pass. I made sure to drinks lots of Water and put Benadryl cream on all the time. I tried eliminating different foods and clothes to see if anything would help but it didn't.

    I think it was my bodies reaction to such a shock but my doctor said he never had a patient with those symptoms.

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    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    LA lady - Did this problem resolve for you? I'm almost 5 weeks out now and the itching is getting intense. Only around my breasts mostly. No rash

    Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App

    My doc was not very helpful but after about a month it did pass. I made sure to drinks lots of Water and put Benadryl cream on all the time. I tried eliminating different foods and clothes to see if anything would help but it didn't.

    I think it was my bodies reaction to such a shock but my doctor said he never had a patient with those symptoms.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. Wow....I was going to pose this same question. I too get what feels like hives-type itching, but no rash or hives, and my eyes itch and feel dry. I was wondering if it's related to the fact that fat holds onto hormones (and probably other not so good things like pesticides, histamines, etc), and when the body is releasing fat, it's causing the itching? Anyone research this before?

    Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App

    I wish I had an answer for you. I'm going on 2 weeks of this itching and nothing has helped. My doc told me to try removing things from my diet, 1 at a time, and seeing if it helps. So far I'm still itching. Benedryl cream helps, and I have allergy eye drops, but those are just covering up my symptoms not getting to the root of the problem. My doc also told me to take Bendryl but I need to go to work and be functional and Bendryl just knocks me out.

    I'm thinking of going to an allergist this week because I really have no other alternative.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. Hi everyone. I'm about 5 weeks post op. Everything has been pretty normal up until about a week ago when I started getting itchy everywhere! My scalp, neck, arms, hands, under my breasts, and especially my incisions. Doc said "make sure to moisturize and stay hydrated". Well I put lotion on twice a day and am fine with my Water. Nothing has changed.

    No rash or redness. Has anyone experienced this?? Can I put Benedryl cream on? Seems like a waste to put it All over my body but at least on my incisions. :(

    I'm not on any meds, no new detergents or soaps, etc.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. Question for you ... Are you guys ever hungry? I don't get hungry I only get nauseous when I don't eat for a while. I need to do better with keeping up with eating.

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    I'm hungry all the time. Even after i eat I'll be hungry 1-2 hrs after. All I eat is Protein so not sure what the problem is...

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Do you take an acid reducer? If you drink Water at that time - does the "hunger" go away? If this continues - talk to your surgeon.
    My doc said I only needed to take it for the first 4 weeks (I'm at about 5 weeks now). It was making me a little Nauseous so I couldn't wait to stop it. If I drink Water it does calm the hunger down for a few minutes but as soon as I stop drinking I feel my tummy asking for something to digest.

    I was starting to think this is the new norm? I only eat about 400-500 cals a day because even though I am eating every 2-3 hours I'm eating like 1 or 2 ounces of something.

    My whole day is spent eating or drinking something. It's quite inconvenient especially if I'm out and about.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. I'm one month post op and something has really been bothering me this past month. For months before surgery I did so much research. I was on these boards every day, talked to people who have had surgery, etc.

    My main reason for choosing the sleeve over any other surgery was because I felt like I wouldn't really have any food restrictions and more of portion restrictions (after the first 6 months of course). After surgery I'm encountering many posts about people who cannot eat 1 cookie or 1 square or chocolate because it will make them sick. That really scares me!

    I'm not saying that I want to eat these things all the time but if it's my birthday yes I want to have a small piece of cake, maybe even a few bites. The few people I know that have had the surgery still eat whatever they want but in very small portions. Protein first, veggies, then carbs with the occasional junky food once in a blue moon.

    Is this not reality? Was I misinformed?

    I want to be able to live life like a normal person without feeling like I have 183 food restrictions.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. Thank you all for replying! Do you guys think the stool softeners will work for a piece that's almost out? I mean literally it was poking out and just wouldn't slide through. Sorry for the graphicness!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Hey Lady, did your Constipation issue clear up and what did you end up doing?

    Yes I ended up taking 2 doses of Milk of Magnesia and had diarrhea all day. But after that I was in the clear. Now I'm taking Fiber Vitamins and very regular.

    Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App

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  8. Hi All,

    I am sorry for this gross post but need some opinions and rather not ask people I know in real life :)

    I am 3.5 weeks sleeved and am suffering from Constipation the last few days. Yesterday I went to the bathroom (just a tiny bit) and the rest is just stuck. I really feel like there is this one really hard piece of poop that is stuck there and won't come out. If I could just get passed that one piece everything else will start moving.

    I've been drinking a lot Water and yesterday ate sweet potatoes and bananas (still on puréed). I haven't gone to any stool softener yet because 1 I think I only need help with that one piece that's almost out. So not sure that it will help?

    2. Scared it will cause stomach cramping or dehydration.

    Any suggestions on what can help? My butt really hurts because it's literally trying to come out but can't. :(

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. Hi all. I want to preface my question with saying Ive already gone to my surgical team and they have no answers for me. Want to see if anyone has had a similar experience.

    I was sleeved on 7/13 and up until This Tuesday 7/26 have had no real complaints. No nausea, regular bowel movements, no heart burn, no problems with anything I ate (all full liquids).

    7/26 I woke up feeling really tired, body aches, and chills- but went to work anyway (desk job). Could only make it through half the day because I was feeling so crappy. I had almost a whole Protein Shake and maybe 20os of Water that day (by 2pm). Came home went to bed and became freezing (it's over 100 here). Had a fever of 101, ran to bathroom, extreme nausea, very dry mouth, and became sweaty to the point I was going to pass out. Eventually it passed and I went back to bed. Still had a fever.

    Went to ER, my doctor ran multiple tests, CT scan, X-ray, blood tests, urine tests. Everything was normal, no leaks. In the ER I was miserable- freezing and shivering out of control, nauseous, diarrhea, heart rate through the roof all night. They decided it must be dehydration (even though I had all of these symptoms after 1.5 bags of IV fluid). I was admitted to the hospital and felt Better the next day. I've been home now for 2 days with diarrhea. I've been trying to get as much Fluid as I can in but probably only getting 40oz liquid, and 10ish Protein.

    Last night last thing I ate was chicken broth at 8pm. Went to sleep at 11:30, woke up at 3am freezing again with no fever, nausea, diarrhea, and dry heaving. Any water I took in immediately came out. I started thinking it has something to do with laying down after drinking? After I dry heaved and burps would come out I would feel much better.

    Anyone have any ideas or similar experiences? Sorry so long but thought it would be good to include all details.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. @LA_lady @@melissa1227

    Dumping with the sleeve is really rare. You only dump really if you eat off plan so it is easily avoidable.

    I dumped once early on, like at 3 months eating out. I ordered something that shouldn't have sugar but it did cause you know, America.

    At one year I can eat whatever and not dump.

    @@Beck90 Yeah you are miserable after dumping and that is how it is supposed to feel. It is supposed to be so aweful you never want to do it again, so if it happens to you, you will avoid making those kind of choices again.

    Everyone that posts here is an adult but you are less that 2 months out from surgery and you are making a lot of questionable food choices, repeatedly. This is the time to learn new habits and build a new relationship with food. You seem to be squandering your honeymoon period very early on. Right now you can only eat limited quantities but at 3 months you are going to be able to eat more and at 6 months you will be able to eat a lot more, these off plan choices are going to do more damage later down the road.

    Can you please tell me what/how much you ate? For example if I have a BITE or two of something I.e a cookie or cake can that cause dumping? It's not that I'm planning to sabotage myself but I am human and do plan on having things in moderation (not in the near future but a few months down the line).

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. Hi everyone. I am 11 days post op and starting to eat things other than liquids (yogurt, cottage cheese) I've seen many people post about their stomachs making crazy noises and rumbling. Does anyone know WHY this happens?

    I am trying to figure out what my stomach is telling me. I know it's not "I'm full" because it happens after 1 tiny bite of something. Could it just mean "hey im processing"?

    Any insight?

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