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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by kmorri

  1. 216.8 this morning. I'll take it.

    1. kmorri


      haha that's funny. I'm averaging almost 10 miles each day.....(on purpose) hhehehe

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. woo hoo This morning I easily slipped into pants two sizes smaller than what i wore this time last year!

  3. Yay! milestone hit.....as of this morning I'm down 70.4 pounds!!!

    1. kmorri


      haha.....actually that's my favorite all time movie.....maybe I should watch it tonight. haha

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. Yay! milestone hit.....as of this morning I'm down 70.4 pounds!!!

    1. kmorri


      @Valentina....it's a hurricane now!! ekkkk supposed to get really bad around midnight and my hubby is at work, so it's just me and my little dog. :-(

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  5. Yay! milestone hit.....as of this morning I'm down 70.4 pounds!!!

  6. 2 week checkup today... cleared for pureed AND soft foods... Doc thinks everything looks good. Down 17 lbs since surgery day; 30 lbs from highest weight. Clothes are starting to get a little looser, wedding band still fits. Will feel SO much better in a couple of days with real food.

  7. I have a full-thickness tear in my rotator cuff, so surgery on 9/13. Ugh, and yay all at the same time. Glad it can be repaired surgically, not looking forward to an immobilized right arm for 6 weeks :(

    1. kmorri


      Yes @ShelterDog64....that's the attitude to have. You know it's going to be rough but the alternative is also not acceptable.....and you go right ahead a whine away!! :-).....and @suzzzzz I didn't mean to make you feel that way it was just when going back and reading all the comments one after the other that it just "looked" bad....nothing any one person meant to do....and the important thing is ShelterDog64 didn't take it that way.....but I just wanted to let you know I didn't intend to make you feel that way.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  8. I have a full-thickness tear in my rotator cuff, so surgery on 9/13. Ugh, and yay all at the same time. Glad it can be repaired surgically, not looking forward to an immobilized right arm for 6 weeks :(

    1. kmorri


      @Valentina....haha I was thinking the same thing and I'm guilty of writing one of the horror stories. @ShelterDog64 I wish you the best with your surgery and pray you'll have a quick recovery.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. I have a full-thickness tear in my rotator cuff, so surgery on 9/13. Ugh, and yay all at the same time. Glad it can be repaired surgically, not looking forward to an immobilized right arm for 6 weeks :(

    1. kmorri


      Oh my I'm so sorry to hear you have to go through that! Hopefully you'll heal quickly. Two of my sisters have had rotator cuff surgery and I'm don't want to scare you but both said it's the worst surgery they ever had.....just be prepared. They've both done well since surgery but they both had a painful recovery....

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. It's a great day!!....I'm down 5.6 pounds since Sunday and I'm on cloud 9!!

  11. It's a great day!!....I'm down 5.6 pounds since Sunday and I'm on cloud 9!!

  12. You guys, I really am going to run this marathon! Longest training run (20 miles) is now behind me and less than three weeks until the race!

  13. people who so self focused that they can't keep their eyes out of the mirror or too busy stalking their own page are really not worth my time. gotta learn to walk right past that mess. and look for those who are making a difference out there

  14. Depression, anxiety really bad... and weight gain. Blood work and WTF appointment this week. Hope they have some idea of what to do, because I sure don't. :(

  15. Prayers are wonderful things! Or perhaps it's karma, but wound is closed, culture is clear. I see my surgeon tomorrow again for a recheck. Thank YOUs for the prayers, and thank you Karma. Karma is a funny thing... :)

  16. Spent yesterday in the ER. Incision is open, weeping and infected. Sometimes I just shake my head about what some people think is all mighty important...

    1. kmorri


      I hope your wound is much better today and the culture comes back clear!!! As for these Pop-Rocks, have I told you my husband works nights?....damn! So @WLSResources/ClothingExch looks like for now ALL I have is time to waste...haha :-)

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  17. Spent yesterday in the ER. Incision is open, weeping and infected. Sometimes I just shake my head about what some people think is all mighty important...

    1. kmorri


      look out BP! She is over medicated and unsupervised again! haha........You have my permission to make all the mischief you heart desires....doing so will keep your mind off your struggles.............Hey have I told you hubby and I are going to go zip lining while we're in the mountains in October!!! I can't wait! I have to figure out how to get it video taped...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  18. Spent yesterday in the ER. Incision is open, weeping and infected. Sometimes I just shake my head about what some people think is all mighty important...

    1. kmorri


      Here I've been focused on what the hell to do with these Pop-Rocks. :-) ...and there you are coming undone....poor thing! Yes you have orders from me too......feel better!!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  19. Spent yesterday in the ER. Incision is open, weeping and infected. Sometimes I just shake my head about what some people think is all mighty important...

    1. kmorri


      Oh my goodness! Is everything better now?

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  20. Well I can't eat Watermelon!! Holy Shits!!

  21. Last two drains are out. 1/2 of the sutures are out. For the first time in over forty years I can see my "lady bits"! Question: When did my "lady bits" turn grey?? I'll blame my surgeon. :)

    1. kmorri


      Yay!!!! for getting the drains out! I'm sure that feels much much better.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. You know that noise a dog's stomach makes if you forget to feed him? Mine has started making that sound when I DO feed it. I think it's just saying 'thank you'?

  23. Finally broke out of the 190's...189.8 today! Down 62.2! Yay me! Everyone have a great weekend!

    1. kmorri


      @krakow57 does that mean I'll soon be "Down Under"?? haha I wish I'd love to visit!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. Finally broke out of the 190's...189.8 today! Down 62.2! Yay me! Everyone have a great weekend!

    1. kmorri


      and this morning even better news....down to 189 even!!!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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