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Posts posted by princessprotein

  1. Hi guys & gals,

    My name is Bonnie, I am 26 years old and 380lbs at the moment. Skip the next paragraph if you don't care about my whiney health history.

    Health history:

    I actually only have sleep apnea as a co-morbidity. Decent bp, pulse, blood sugar.

    My choice for bariatric surgery also has nothing to do with self image as I have been for years an extraordinarily confident woman.

    Unfortunately for me (& my family who rely son my care taking) I have been dealing with unexplained neuropathy in my limbs and extremely debilitating back pain for about two years. I now walk like my 94 year old nana lol.

    Doctors take one look at my large body and immediately dismiss my pain and issues, like my neurologist actually prescribed me a weight loss drug and walked out without even discussing a single issue I was having. Those who push thru with chronic pain are my heroes. I am not a strong enough human to deal with this pain on a daily basis and I also do not chose to use Rx pain killers (family history of substance abuse) so I've chosen drastic weight loss as a last ditch effort to have a life free of crippling pain.

    Prepping: total nesting mode!

    I've been researching for months.

    Collecting tools and other stuff. I really wish I had friends to share & taste test with.post-287514-14587919167237_thumb.jpg

    I'm absolutely excited to start living life without pain. I'm hoarding Protein, bought a blender, made lists and notebooks, last on my list is planning a stretchy versatile weight loss wardrobe that will fit my needs for at least the next 80 lbs. I'm thinking leggings, tank tops, and large loose long sleeved blouses.

    I'm so thankful to find this app for my phone.

    It's been like a prayer answered. Even in the middle of the night I sneak on and search stuff easing my obsessive mind frame.

    thank you

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. I think you lost weight and re directed your self criticism to your facial features. Seeing a counselor or coach of some kind may help with this. I think you are very cute and actually have nice features, especially lovely eyes and lips. I don't complement people unless I mean it. I was looking for a totally different thread but clicked yours. Seriously, from a stranger....chillax you're pretty.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. Human sexuality is not a stale dead thing, some people aren't fully aware of their preferences and their attractions change and grow thru life. Personally as a bisexual woman, my attraction to either sex has fluctuated over the years, so idk it may not mean her feelings will never service. I would choose a very loving open relationship over a divorce to my life partner.

    I expressed myself as a hypersexed individual who enthusiastically jumped into sexual activity hoping for some sort of sexual attraction/satisfaction. My "fake it till you make it" was short lived & very very rarely fee attraction to either sex. I am curious if weightloss hormone changes will effect this.

    I wish you nothing but love!

    Everyone has different relationships

    If you were happy before she trusted you with the news you asked for, don't jump ship.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. It wouldn't be 2.80 a meal as I would be mixing it with purchased milk or nut milk lol but I get what you're saying. I'm actually an extremely frugal person and my home cooked meals rarely hit the $2.80 mark lol. Mostly hovering around $1.45 per person per meal. Luckily I found a health store that is willing to cut me a deal for multiple

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I have thermometers and blender bottles

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
