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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    stacyrg2 reacted to Bufflehead in food/School   
    Get a burger (preferably a grilled chicken burger) and throw away the bun, or ask them to wrap it in lettuce instead of a bun. No high calorie add-ons like cheese, mayo, "special sauce" etc. though!
  2. Like
    stacyrg2 got a reaction from Dmws in If you are a year or more out, how is your restriction?   
    I'm 22 months post surgery. I can eat 4 oz of beef, pork, chicken or turkey and slightly more (almost 6 oz) of fish like salmon. After eating my Protein, I can fit in a few bites of veggies or salad. I don't eat bread, rice or Pasta, so I can't help you there. I do eat quinoa, and usually cook it with diced veggies as my side and can eat about a 1/4 cup. Breakfast-y type foods, I can eat 2 eggs with a sprinkle of cheese and before I go on long runs, I have 1/4 c of oatmeal mixed with 1/2 container of greek yogurt. Hope that helps. If you have any questions about specific foods, ask away and I'd be happy to tell you amounts.
  3. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to JamieLogical in Lunchables?   
    I wouldn't. I'm not even the stickler for processed foods that a lot of people are and I still wouldn't eat them. The crackers would be a big no-no and the amount of preservatives and sodium? Yuck! I eat cheese and nuts for lunch almost every day now (I'm in maintenance, wouldn't recommend in weight loss phase because of the high calories). But the cheese I eat is real cheese.
    I just looked up the nutritional info and they only have 11 grams of Protein. I aim for 16-20 each meal to meat my daily Protein target of 100 grams.
  4. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Lunchables?   
    You can make your own with better ingredients -- try going to the deli and get them to slice up some good meats and cheeses.
    In a pinch, rather than lunchables, look for P3, string cheese, or meat and cheese roll-ups. They make decent pre-portioned Snacks.
  5. Like
    stacyrg2 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    I couldn't agree more with the points you raise in this post. I just wanted to point out, in my opinion, that what the OP was going through was different from a stall. In my mind, a stall is not the result of your own behavior but is the result of nature taking a much needed break. I do believe the post is helpful for the OP in terms of realistic goals and following the program. Thanks for the clarification
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to WLSResources/ClothingExch in Dating   
    Eeek. GERD is common enough, but you really don't want to introduce yourself to a stranger as someone who has a digestive disorder. I wouldn't want the first thing that someone tells me to be either non-attractive or about disease of any degree. If he were a specialist or researcher in the field, okay, but not otherwise.
  7. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to livvsmum in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    You kind of have to get out of the mentality that it's another diet like hcg. It has to be a lifestyle change or it will be almost impossible to maintain.....I"m speaking from almost 3 years post op, so I have a little long-term perspective. Maybe try some new bariatric recipes (there are tons on pinterest). Or you may be like me and if you let a little of the sugar, super carby foods back in, it can set of a days-long carb-fest. I have to avoid sugary things, bread, etc. altogether because it is an addiction for me and can lead to a real struggle to get back on track. I hope you are able to get things under control and continue making the most of your active losing "window". Good luck!
  8. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    I posted it because there is more to the post than just dealing with stalls: especially important is the part about assessing where you are and where you want to be, seeking help, and reevaluating how well you are following your program.
    I thought it might be helpful.
  9. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to Babbs in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said, but I do have to say this.
    DAMN there are some smart people in this forum that know what they are talking about!

  10. Like
    stacyrg2 got a reaction from BigTink2LilTink in Peanut butter!   
    I had to ban Peanut Butter from my house. I was mixing it into yogurt on a daily basis and was cheating the serving size. I went back to PB2 and while I don't like it as much, it serves it's purpose. The only time I use actual Peanut Butter (natural) in when I mix it into my overnight oats before a long weekend run.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to AvaFern in OK... so be honest with me...   
    Dude, you need to chill. I don't know who the woman is who initially replied to you, however even though you are posted in a male room, your post still appears on the side thread and in some browsers the person can't actually see that this is a male only post. I read her reply and it was totally not intended to be taken as being offensive and you flipped out, because apparently and understandably this is a sensitive issue for you. As you can see there are other women who also posted, not because we want to give you advice on your male-anatomy, but because this isn't a forum that is blocked from women and the only reason half the time we see it as being "male only" is because we're using a particular browser that has "male only" indicator on the tab or we see the content of your post and think, oh whoops, not for me.
    You currently have 4 posts on this site, 2 of which were just unacceptably a**h*le responses to someone who was not intending to upset you and likely did not intentionally post in the wrong forum. If your real life personality is at all comparable to the online personality you have demonstrated, your penis size is something that only you will ever have to be concerned about. If you are just starting out this site is hugely helpful and you can find a lot of support here, however the people who provide the most support have little tolerance for drama queens who slew insults at others for posting innocuous well-meaning comments in a forum they may not have realized was only for men, and which there was never any intention to send you so completely flying through the ceiling. No one here is intentionally mean, so get over yourself and try a more appropriate approach if you would like to continue to be considered relevant on this site.
  12. Like
    stacyrg2 got a reaction from BigTink2LilTink in Peanut butter!   
    I had to ban Peanut Butter from my house. I was mixing it into yogurt on a daily basis and was cheating the serving size. I went back to PB2 and while I don't like it as much, it serves it's purpose. The only time I use actual Peanut Butter (natural) in when I mix it into my overnight oats before a long weekend run.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to Kindle in Peanut butter!   
    I've been using PB2 since before surgery. Started eating creamy Peanut Butter in soft food stage. Started eating super chunky at 3 months once I was cleared for nuts. Ate it at least 3 times/week. That went fine for about 18 months. Then, for some reason, I lost PB control. I could no longer stop eating it. After finished a whole jar in less than a week, I permanently banned it from my house. Nuts and nut butters are the only thing I can't eat in moderation . I miss my nuts
  14. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Peanut butter!   
    Peanut Butter is a trigger food for me.
    So I don't eat it.
    You'll find some foods that you *can* eat. But that you *shouldn't* eat.
    And you know what they are -- for you.
  15. Like
    stacyrg2 got a reaction from Kindle in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    Except, I don't think the OP's problem is a "stall" per se. to me, stalls happen when you're eating on plan, but not losing weight. It happens, happened to me, as the body needs time to adjust. She's, by her own admission, eating off plan and is bored. I think she needs to wrap her head around what this surgery is and what it's not. It's not a quick fix, it's not a fad diet. There is a misconception out there that you have surgery, wake up and the weight flies off your body or melts off at lightening speed. It's not that. What this surgery is, to me anyway, is a giant reset button. A chance to redefine your lifestyle, without the need to resort to fad diets. It allows you to eat smaller portions of nutritious food and hopefully curbs your cravings for crap so you can lose weight at a healthy clip. If you're unwilling to accept what the surgery is, and what it does, and continue to eat "bad for you" foods because you're bored and upset because you didn't wake up skinny overnight, you'll never maximize the benefits of the surgery. OP, I hope for your sake that you get to a point where you can accept what this surgery does, as well as its limitations and also accept what you need to do to make the tool work for you. You've had some good suggestions: a support group through your surgeon's office or the local hospital; OA, therapy. All these suggestions are good weapons to have in your ongoing fight against obesity. Good luck!
  16. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to Fatty McFatster in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    Any time I feel like I am veering off course, I go back to the basics. Protein, Protein, PROTEIN. I know it seems quite simplistic...and it is actually.
    So, when you are getting off course then spend a few days with your liquid Protein shakes...just like during the Pre-Op and initial Post-Op diets. That course of action has helped me, so maybe it can help you as well.
    And also get that exercise in!! I can't go a day without my walk to commune with nature.
    Good luck!
  17. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to Christinamo7 in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    you don't need a pouch test - you just need to find a way to reconcile the fact that this is for the rest of your life and find a way to live with your new way of interacting with food.
    you should have a protein/fat/carb "allowance" make sure you are not ALL or NOTHING with carbs, but for example, I stay under 50 a day of carbs. make this something you can live with and get moving! even if it's slow, even if you lie to yourself that you only have to walk 10 minutes, get started. You also have to find other ways (besides food) to treat yourself - for me it is an epsom salts bath or a mani/pedi.
  18. Like
    stacyrg2 got a reaction from Kindle in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    Except, I don't think the OP's problem is a "stall" per se. to me, stalls happen when you're eating on plan, but not losing weight. It happens, happened to me, as the body needs time to adjust. She's, by her own admission, eating off plan and is bored. I think she needs to wrap her head around what this surgery is and what it's not. It's not a quick fix, it's not a fad diet. There is a misconception out there that you have surgery, wake up and the weight flies off your body or melts off at lightening speed. It's not that. What this surgery is, to me anyway, is a giant reset button. A chance to redefine your lifestyle, without the need to resort to fad diets. It allows you to eat smaller portions of nutritious food and hopefully curbs your cravings for crap so you can lose weight at a healthy clip. If you're unwilling to accept what the surgery is, and what it does, and continue to eat "bad for you" foods because you're bored and upset because you didn't wake up skinny overnight, you'll never maximize the benefits of the surgery. OP, I hope for your sake that you get to a point where you can accept what this surgery does, as well as its limitations and also accept what you need to do to make the tool work for you. You've had some good suggestions: a support group through your surgeon's office or the local hospital; OA, therapy. All these suggestions are good weapons to have in your ongoing fight against obesity. Good luck!
  19. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to livvsmum in 2 weeks till b. surgery date , getting cold feet, help   
    Glad to hear you are moving forward. It was the best decision that I ever made for myself. Good luck!
  20. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    The sleeve is slow and steady.

    You already know your issues.

    You don't need a pouch test at 5 months, restriction is not your issue.

    Maybe look for an Overeaters annon meeting and attend one.

    You are close to fully healed, you have to learn to control your food and cravings, because you can basically eat around your sleeve if you are determined, and that is exactly what you are doing.

    This is a lifestyle, not a quick fix fad diet.

  21. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to Kindle in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    While tracking, getting the right nutrients, excercise, etc, are all important elements to losing weight, the more important issue for any kind of long term success is fixing your head. Are you seeking professional help for your food addiction? You say we are your only support, but really, if you are this uncommitted so soon postop, you need a plan B or surgery will have been a waste of time and money.
    For those of us that have had WLS, food really isn't the problem. Our heads are the problem and your bariatric surgeon can't do anything to help with that. There are other programs and mental health professionals that deal with addictions and its your responsibility to seek them out, find out WHY you abuse food, and put in the work to learn new habits.
  22. Like
    stacyrg2 reacted to VSGAnn2014 in VSG Revision?   
    I've read (but have not experienced this!) that some patients have revised from a sleeve to an RnY (gastric bypass) to reduce severe reflux problems.
    Perhaps others who know more about this or who've actually undergone this revision can chime in with more info.

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