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Posts posted by BBweightlossjourney

  1. Its standard..and as already mentioned fast and easy. I got it the morning after my sleeve to check for leaks prior to heading home .. it sucked because it taste nasty but its only about two sips of it that you take.. its just that you haven't had anything to eat or drink in over 25 hours at that piont and then u have this test ....but look at the bright side.. u can drink Water after and its a test they do to check for leaks and then u go home sweet home!

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

  2. please help! today i have been having doubts all day. am i sure i want this?

    what about gallstones? am i ok w/hair loss? will i have gas pain? am i going to be hungry? will i ever eat chicken again? will i be happier? my mind is racing. i cant sleep, i just keep crying.

    Sent from my iPhone

    Its ok!! Just Breathe!! Your not alone.. I too went through what y3oir feeling right now! I prayed and showed up for surgery. What helped me was remembering how far you have come, and keeping in mind the goal. "To be healthy" .. It also helps to write down the pros and cons to having the surgery and weigh the cost so to speak. Its a life changing surgery and your concerns and worries are valid.

    As for me I still enjoy chicken veryyyy much ! Just less of course.


    I had Gas pain for the day of my surgery but the meds at the hospital took care of that. THANKFULLY!! If you have pain just ask for more meds!

    I still have my Gallbladder and no issues with stones !

    Im 7months post op !! Best DECISION EVERRR!! NO REGRETS!!


    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

  3. My surgeon said to start taking Biotin on my 11th post op diet day. I'm not exactly sure how much to take. Anyone else taking Biotin? How much?

    Sent from my SM-N910G using the BariatricPal App

    I take 50,000 mg a day. Im 7 months post op. However I suffered through a terrible hair loss stage at about 4 months post op and it last until about 6months post op.. I noticed a huge difference when i changed the Biotin i took and the amount. The doc recommended a very high potent Biotin and a told me start at 80,000 and work my way down to 50,000 as i regain my hair.. its worked wonders. I buy "sports research" Biotin from Amazon. Hope this helps!!

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

  4. GET ONE!!! IT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE FOR ME POST OP!! My Doctor advised me to get one and as soon as he visited me bedside after the surgery, I asked him "when Can i put my binder on" and he said "NOW".. as mentioned it helps with your posture and hold everything in nice and tight and you feel you can manage.. I wore it for a month!! Loved it!!

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

  5. I was sleeved Monday 8/1/16 and I am in way more pain than I was expecting to be in. I am only getting about half of my protein/liquids, and I feel too weak and lightheaded to get enough walking in.

    Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what did you do to get past it? Any advice is appreciated!

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

    No pressure just rest and drink what u can when u can.. The first week is honestly the hardest and u should really just be resting. After you have rested and can walk to the bathroom do that ..my Doc was patient with me and I recovered wonderfully. Don't overwhelm yourself with app..rest !!

  6. I had my surgery the morning of August 4th. I am very sore all over my body. Every time I breathe deep, talk, or sit down/stand up, I hurt. Will this soreness go away? Is it normal to feel this sore? I'm walking around like an 80-year-old lady because I'm so uncomfortable. I think I just got rid of most of my gas pain in my neck and arms. But my shoulder feels like someone struck it with a hammer. I hope this goes away. My tummy area is VERY sore. I never knew that talking and breathing deeply could hurt the post-op stomach.

    Everything hurts. My arms, neck, tummy, legs, back. I wonder why my legs hurt when they were never operated on?

    My surgeon also fixed a hiatal hernia; I was always told that it was an umbilical hernia.

    I've lost over 10 pounds, so far. I'm happy about that. :)

    The pain in my shoulders was a killer too!! Using the breathing thingy every hour helped a ton .. After about 4 days the pain was gone. Keep walking, using the breathing thing and take your meds.. Day 5 it takes a turn for the better :)

  7. I am 6 weeks post op and can't seem to sleep my body is tired but I can't seem to fall asleep well I wake up all night long and am so tired the next day anyone else having this problem??

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    I actually experienced the exact issue of not being able to get any sleep -at about 4-6 weeks post op. My doctor told me it's very common for women as its hormone related. He said the surgery does a number on your body ,and the Hormones are trying to adjust and so it takes time before your hormones can get with the new stomache size and let you rest comfortably. I do have to say in 12 weeks post op now and I'm sleeping much better. I also take some Melatonin tummies though for the nights I have trouble. There is light at the end of the tunnel .. I hope this helps!!

  8. Hey there community....I'm 3 days post op and I'm struggling emotionally. I have 6 incisions and the one by my belly button hurts the worst! I also have been to two 4th of July cookouts all while drinking my Protein. I'm not hungry that's not the problem. I am feeling left out though...I'm the only one not eating. It's only been a few days and I feel myself falling into a depression. I should be excited right?! I should be happy my hunger is finally gone. Anyone else experiencing any of this?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Hi! I understand how you feel. There is small dark period that most of us who have had WLS can relate to, especially during the first few weeks post op where your harmones are still array and your emotionally still learning and applying new "coping skills" without food.. And that's depressing. For so long food was our BFF our go to partner (if you will)..but now it's not... Hang in there ! It gets better! Your only three days post op, maybe continue to rest and relax more. Keep your interactions with others especially around food, to a minimum until you can handle it both emotionally and physically.

    Your big incision is going to hurt because its healing..my Doc told me it will last about a month and that's about how long I remember feeling the pain from one incision (the one they pull the stomach out of).. Use your pain meds, and keep taking your others meds and Vitamins.. It does get better!!

    I'm almost 2 months post, and I didn't feel completely like myself until the Middle of June and surgery was May 10th so there is lots of light at the end of the tunnel !!

    All the Best!!

  9. Okay.. I can't take it anymore.. Not something I expected to talk about on a forum but... During the 800 calorie a day two week pre-opp diet, I first started noticing changing bowel habits.. my stools were loose and watery, but I didn't worry about it much.. My doctor and program never talked once at any point about Constipation or changed bowel habits post-surgery and how to deal with that - never even mentioned it could happen.

    So what's going on now?

    Basically I've gone from never having problems with constipation to infrequent watery stools with lumps that come only every few days or less and when they do happen it rarely feels like I got "cleaned out" I spend a lot of time feeling bound up over a several hour period and then feel okay again.. for a while.. but it always comes back.

    I'm -terrified- of the idea of taking a laxitive.. I've never had one.. I don't really understand how they work or if they're safe. I'm scared I'll take one and just wind up with bigger issues.. My mom suggested taking Herb Lax from Shaklee since it's more natural than OTC laxitives but I'm still scared..

    I'd love some suggestions for what to take.. if you have experience with herb-lax or a similar medicine I'd love to know about that.. or other medicines...

    Two things though - it can't be liquid.. it needs to be in pill form and it can't have any artificial cherry flavoring (the latter I'm very allergic to). I would prefer a pill over a powder like metamucil because I just find it hard to believe it's as tasteless as the advertisements insist.

    Help... encouragement, information, medicines I could take that won't do something bad to me?

    Please .. don't ask me to talk to my doc lol. I'm not all that comfortable with him / his staff anyway (as many of you know from previous posts) and certainly not about this.. so I'd like to hear from you guys and -your- opinions and experiences that might help me.

    Ask your doctor.. But Miralax worked instantly for me..no taste, I put it into my shake and had success within a few hours.. That was about 5 days post op,I'm 5 weeks post-op and have had no further complications ..

  10. Did anyone have these after getting sleeved? My procedure is out of state and my primary care absolutely won't remove stitches from another doctor's work. (She said it's a malpractice case waiting to happen.)

    Wondering if dissolvable stitches are an option because I don't know how I will get them out with out flying back to Florida, which is ludicrous. Thanks in advance.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I had glue that dissolved in a week or two on their own..

  11. Fourth day post op. I felt pretty good in the hospital. Was able to get up and walk around easily. Nurses said I was doing better than most. But now that I've been home a couple days I'm feeling much worse. Yesterday I was able to get almost all of one shake down and about 30 oz of Water. But that amount made my stomach feel like it's going to explode. Now this morning I can't imagine having to drink a shake.

    Pain has been pretty severe. Not bad if I'm laying down and still but to get up and move around is a real chore. How long does this typically last? Week? Two? Just trying to get mentally prepared.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App


    I'm so sorry your in pain. I was in pain on day 3-5 while at home. Mostly due to the gas and not using my Breathing thingy .. When I forced myself to walk outside I got relief. And I used my pain meds as needed (after day 6) I no longer needed them.

    I was also on Clear liquids the first week, no protien. The doctor didn't give me any goals the first week but to sip Water and walk and rest as much as possible.

    This will past !! Day3-5 were rough for me and then it was pretty smooth sailing, I'm going to be 4 weeks post op Tmw.

    All the best !

  12. Well I've got all my preop appt.'s done all I need to do is continue my therapy and I can have my surgery. The problem is I have completely psyched myself out with the surgery, I have been reading too many stories of people having problems, ex. ( excessive vomiting, not being able to eat anything, being weak, and other physical problems) and I just don't think I can do the surgery, so now I feel hopeless because I just don't think I have the willpower or discipline to do it on my own!!! But I have pretty much decided against the surgery! I hate this.!!!

    Hi @@Heidijenn

    I'm so sorry to hear you have decided against the surgery. I am going to be 4 weeks post op Tmw. My Sleeve surgery was May 10th and I have NO regrets !!And may I mention, I have never vomited once ,or experienced any complications... Except for some Constipation for a few days when I got home ,but that lasted two days, I called the Doc and took a dose of Miralax, I have not had any issues going since. I'm so happy I did this surgery! I believe before and still am confident that it will save my life. Just today I was wearing a Bathing suit at the Beach.

    Like you, I read and researched and read and researched. It took me resolving in my mind and heart that I can't base my decisions on the lives of others, including those who posts i read religiously. I quickly found out that often times people have spoken in length about what has gone wrong without honestly speaking about what led up to it. For example many sleevers don't follow the pre-op diet nor the post-diet plan..they find ways around it, cheat and or just flat out don't follow the rules. My doctor was very Frank with me when he said "the magic lies in you" ... I was so grateful that I followed the Pre-op diet because its was really helped and benefited me post-op. I knew that if I could get through that ,well then I could see myself on the other side (the loser's bench) . I can't tell you what to do, I jus wanted to share with you my gratitude for the surgery ,my life (yes in just these few short weeks ) is soooo much better!

    Attend some support groups, reach out to those in this forum with your questions, I think your going to be pleasantly surprised to see that most of us are super happy and Healthy. Complications can be reduced if not eliminated by the choices and actions of the patient, living proof!!

    I hope and pray you do what will make you happy . Fear is there and it will be ,just don't let it control u. You have admitted to not being able to do this on your own ( I declared defeat too) and you have done all the leg work, so the reward is now the surgery ! Speak with your doctor share your concerns , I'm sure your concerns and fears can not be bigger than what being Healthy will feel and be like.

    All the best !!

    Please let me know if you have any specific questions , I would be happy to answer them.

  13. Hi everyone!

    I have an interesting question... I will be 4 weeks Post on Tuesday (sleeve surgery was May 10th) ..

    For some Odd reason I'm having trouble sleeping at night for more then 2-3 hours. I don't nap during the day at all.. I'm pretty active..and can I mention exhausted at night, but after two - three hours I wake up and can not go back to sleep.. Its so odd... Has anyone experienced this ?

    Its been going on now for almost two weeks .. I no longer take pain meds..

    Could it be protien related or not enough Water ?

    Should I take something to help me catch some zzzz ?

    Please help !!!

    Thank youuu

  14. I know tmi but I'm on this vicious cycle that just won't go away my surgery is Saturday so wondering if I still have it what is the procedure do they let you wear your panties with a pad or what ?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using the BariatricPal App

    Hi !! Congratulations on your upcoming surgery ! I'm 3 weeks post op and I feel great! Unfortunately I had my Bloody friend my day of surgery (May 10th) and I was given a granny panty and a pad to use just right before surgery while I was putting on my gown. I was told the hospital will not allow you to go into the operating room with your own personal underwear or pad as everything needs to be clean and sterile through there standards .. I was even given a new pair in the mng with lots of pads for my overnight stay and I was fine..and two days later when I got home it left :)

  15. My nutritionist recommended Colace. I have been taking it a couple days and I haven't gone yet,but I'm hopeful...lol. I was using smooth moves tea, but there is NOTHING smooth about smooth movesand it made me feel bad.

    Only use Miralax put it in your shake as its unflavored and you will go the same day if not the next day .. My Doc recommended it to me and I was so happy that I followed it .. Relief will come to you too!

  16. Hi,

    Single mom of 15 year old daughter. The case manager for my gastric sleeve knows she is the only other person with me. Now my step mom wants to come stay with me on discharge day. Lovely person but so annoying. The type that goes through your cabinets and closets without asking, stomps and speaks super loudly on the phone. We live in a tiny upstairs apartment. Anyway how essential is it to have someone with you first few days? My daughter can walk to school , heat up meals I will have prepared ahead. Man, I sound mean. My step mom is only a few years older than me I am 49 lol. I know she is trying help but I do not want to he stressed with a house guest. HELP surgery 6/8.

    Sent from my LGLS990 using the BariatricPal App

    Im a single mom too.. (Kids are 18 and 13) my surgery was May 10th.. I had my daughter (my youngest) stay home from school for Thursday and Friday to care for me..and I was so happy that I did because I needed help getting up, remembering to drink , i woukd drop stuff. and showering and walking.... She was a great help !! My Doctor even wrote her a note for school.. So to answer your question , if your step mom may cause more damage, just keep her on call and rely on your daughter for a few days, you should be fine ,just as long as you have someone for a few days, it helps!!

    All the Best !!

  17. Surgery went well....Thanks for your prayers... Walking already

    Sent from my Z987 using the BariatricPal App

    Wonderful for you !! Congratulations!! Get lots of rest and keep walking and using the breathing thingy.. I had a good day followed by a few rough days and then it got good again.. This apparently is common.. So stay strong .. I'm 9 days post op and as of Tuesday (1 week from the sleeve) I have felt human.. I'm at the salon now ????

  18. I'm currently 1 day post up. Gas pains are a b****!! How did you guys handle this ? Hurts to swallow and barely passing anything down. Hope this phase doesn't last that long

    As cliche as it may sound... You need to walk.. And walk and walk some more..buy day 5 my Gas was gone.. Get rest but sip and walk .. That was the only relief ! I'm 1 week post op..That Gas pain was real...

  19. Not a fun topic at all but I wish I had this info prior to what happened to me today. This post is for all the newly sleeved, you will want to read this.

    OK, I was sleeved May 10th and my last BM was on the 9th. I'm feeling really good, the surgery was successful and I never had to use pain meds. I mention this because I was told only IF I take pain meds, should I also take a stool softener. No softener for me, I never needed the pain meds! This morning I had my 1-week post-op Dr appointment where I mentioned I still had no BM. I was told it is very normal and due to a liquid diet, I may not have one until the puréed stage.

    About 2 hours after arriving home, my body signaled I had to finally make a BM! My happiness went from this is great to call 911, NOW! You see, I was on the toilet for about 1/2 hour lightly pushing, then pushing harder then to rocking around the seat doing what I could to release the demon inside me... NOTHING worked.

    I finally gave up took a walk drank some Water and then the urge to go came back a second time...NOTHING came out. I ended up becoming very dizzy, I started to sweat, I saw stars then everything around me went white! I was passing out from the pain of pushing (hurt my tummy) and from the pain my bottom was feeling (felt like I was passing a small watermelon wrapped with barbed wire). Luckily, my sweet husband came to my rescue with a cold Water and ice pack and his shirt around his nose.

    He called the nurse and she recommended an enema, some milk of magnesium, and suppositories...yeah, forget the enema you will not be able to contort your wounded tummy properly. You drink the magnesium and take the suppository!!

    So, about 10 minutes later and more pain and screaming, I gave birth to something so incredible I couldn't believe my eyes (I see why I was in pain if you know what I mean). Now, I'm literally "pissing" out of my ass, which is in so much pain.

    Moral of this disgusting story, take a stool softener no matter what even if you don't take pain meds and , especially if you haven't pooped in 2 days maybe try some milk of magnesium too. I hope this post saves at least 1 persons rump!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Thank you !!!! @@lisamstevens

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